West European Politics

(The H4-Index of West European Politics is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
‘Rally round the flag’: the COVID-19 crisis and trust in the national government145
Democracy in times of the pandemic: explaining the variation of COVID-19 policies across European democracies112
Pandemic politics: policy evaluations of government responses to COVID-1987
Federalism and the management of the COVID-19 crisis: centralisation, decentralisation and (non-)coordination73
Trust in government in Sweden and Denmark during the COVID-19 epidemic65
Opposition in times of crisis: COVID-19 in parliamentary debates61
Walking the road together? EU polity maintenance during the COVID-19 crisis60
Public support for government responses against COVID-19: assessing levels and predictors in eight Western democracies during 202059
Radical right parties and their welfare state stances – not so blurry after all?57
Parliaments in times of crisis: COVID-19, populism and executive dominance48
Authoritarian values and the welfare state: the social policy preferences of radical right voters39
Partisan dealignment and the personalisation of politics in West European parliamentary democracies, 1961–201837
Platform affordances and political participation: how social media reshape political engagement27
How to study the populist radical right and the welfare state?27
COVID-19: a dual challenge to European liberal democracy27
Buying time for democracies? European Union emergency politics in the time of COVID-1927
German politics at the traffic light: new beginnings in the election of 202126
The COVID-19 crisis and the rise of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)25
Expert authority and support for COVID-19 measures in Germany and the UK: a survey experiment22
Don’t think it’s a good idea! Four building sites of the ‘ideas school’21
The rightward shift and electoral decline of social democratic parties under increasing inequality21
Does affective polarisation increase turnout? Evidence from Germany, The Netherlands and Spain21