Mathematica Slovaca

(The median citation count of Mathematica Slovaca is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Conditions forcing the existence of relative complements in lattices and posets26
Some characterizations of property of trans-Sasakian 3-manifolds23
Existence of traveling wave solutions in nonlocal delayed higher-dimensional lattice systems with quasi-monotone nonlinearities20
Residuation in finite posets18
Composition on FL ew -algebras14
Relative versions of first and second countability in hyperspaces13
Some results on certain types of Putcha semigroups12
The form of locally defined operators in waterman spaces11
Optimal inequalities for contact CR-submanifolds in almost contact metric manifolds9
Boundedness and almost periodicity of solutions of linear differential systems8
Existence of radial solutions for a weighted p-biharmonic problem with navier boundary condition on the Heisenberg group8
Approximation theorems via Pp -statistical convergence on weighted spaces8
Non-commutative effect algebras, L-algebras, and local duality8
A general matrix series inversion pair and associated polynomials6
On two correlated linear models with common and different parameters6
Logical and algebraic properties of generalized orthomodular posets6
The Alpha Power Rayleigh-G family of distributions6
A Study on statistical versions of convergence of sequences of functions6
On log-bimodal alpha-power distributions with application to nickel contents and erosion data6
On the testing hypothesis in uniform family of distributions with nuisance parameter5
Global exponential periodicity and stability of neural network models with generalized piecewise constant delay5
Algebraic structures for pairwise comparison matrices: Consistency, social choices and Arrow’s theorem5
Nevanlinna theory for holomophic curves from annuli into semi-Abelian varieties5
Topologies generated by symmetric porosity on normed spaces5
On asymptotics for lacunary partition functions4
Digital Jordan surfaces arising from tetrahedral tiling4
The global harnack estimates for a nonlinear heat equation with potential under finsler-geometric flow4
A nonparametric estimation of the conditional ageing intensity function in censored data: A local linear approach4
Approximating families for lattice outer measures on unsharp quantum logics4
Impact of different types of non linearity on the oscillatory behavior of higher order neutral difference equations4
On a generalized Lamé-Navier system in ℝ33
Hermite interpolation of type total degree associated with certain spaces of polynomials3
On the von Bahr–Esseen inequality for pairwise independent random vectors in Hilbert spaces with applications to mean convergence3
A note on Lévy subordinators in cones of fuzzy sets in Banach spaces3
Common fixed point results under w-distance with applications to nonlinear integral equations and nonlinear fractional Differential Equations3
Existence of positive solutions to a class of boundary value problems with derivative dependence on the half-line3
Integral prefilters and integral Eq-algebras3
Generalized hyperharmonic number sums with reciprocal binomial coefficients3
Stability criteria for systems of two first-order linear ordinary differential equations3
The pointfree version of ???? c (X) via the ranges of functions3
In memory of Paolo3
Kneser-type oscillation theorems for second-order functional differential equations with unbounded neutral coefficients3
Oscillation theorems for certain second-order nonlinear retarded difference equations3
On quasi-small loop groups3
Polynomials whose coefficients are generalized Leonardo numbers2
On the Unit-Chen distribution with associated quantile regression and applications2
Complex Generalized Stancu-Schurer Operators2
On thex-coordinates of Pell equations that are products of two Pell numbers2
The discrete fractional Karamata theorem and its applications2
Chen’s first inequality for hemi-slant warped products in nearly trans-Sasakian manifolds2
Variants of Booleanness: Congruences of a partial frame versus those of its free frame2
L-fuzzy cosets in universal algebras2
An existence level for the residual sum of squares of the power-law regression with an unknown location parameter2
Induced mappings on the hyperspace of totally disconnected sets2
Completely hereditarily atomic OMLS2
Approximation theorems for the new construction of Balázs operators and its applications2
Global Mild Solutions For Hilfer Fractional Neutral Evolution Equation2
On extensions of the Open Door Lemma2
On extensions of bilinear maps2
Fuzzy ideal topological vector spaces2
On the 2-rank and 4-rank of the class group of some real pure quartic number fields2
Existence results for a fourth order problem with functional perturbed clamped beam boundary conditions2
Coalgebraic methods for Ramsey degrees of unary algebras2
Investigation of an implicit Hadamard fractional differential equation with Riemann-Stieltjes integral boundary condition2
On a nonlinear relation for computing the overpartition function2
On absolute double summability methods with high indices2
Sufficient conditions for p-valent functions2
Existence of positive solutions for boundary value problems with p-Laplacian operator2
Solvability of a nonlinear three-dimensional system of difference equations with constant coefficients2
Characterization of generalized Gamma-Lindley distribution using truncated moments of order statistics2
On the functions ωf and Ω f 1
H s -Boundedness of a class of Fourier Integral Operators1
On the continuity of lattice isomorphisms on C(X, I)1
The Teissier-G family of distributions: Properties and applications1
Univariate and bivariate extensions of the generalized exponential distributions1
On some applications of Duhamel operators1
Solution of logarithmic coefficients conjectures for some classes of convex functions1
On some classical properties of normed spaces via generalized vector valued almost convergence1
Degree of independence of numbers1
One-parameter generalization of dual-hyperbolic Pell numbers1
Uniformly asymptotic normality of the weighted estimator in nonparametric regression model with φ-mixing errors1
Bernstein polynomials based iterative method for solving fractional integral equations1
Schurm-power convexity for general geometric Bonferroni mean of multiple parameters and comparison inequalities between several means1
The sine extended odd Fréchet-G family of distribution with applications to complete and censored data1
A finite graph is homeomorphic to the Reeb graph of a Morse–Bott function1
Algebraic structures formalizing the logic of effect algebras incorporating time dimension1
A new notion of orthogonality involving area and length1
Notes on affine Killing and two-Killing vector fields1
A nonlinear Filbert-like matrix with three free parameters: From linearity to nonlinearity1
A fixed point technique to the stability of Hadamard ????-hom-der in Banach algebras1
Parallel surfaces of the non-lightlike solution of vortex filament equations1
An algebraic study of the logic S5’(BL)1
Properties of critical and subcritical second order self-adjoint linear equations1
A topological duality for tense modal pseudocomplemented De Morgan algebras1
Topological representation of some lattices1
Pellian equations of special type1
Dynamical behavior of a P-dimensional system of nonlinear difference equations1
A relationship between the category of chain MV-algebras and a subcategory of abelian groups1
On first countable quasitopological homotopy groups1
On rapidly oscillating solutions of a nonlinear elliptic equation1
Simulations of nonlinear parabolic PDEs with forcing function without linearization1
Radius problem associated with certain ratios and linear combinations of analytic functions1
Radically principal MV-algebras1
Cauchy problem for a loaded hyperbolic equation with the Bessel operator1
Bounds of some divergence measures on time scales via Abel–Gontscharoff interpolation1
Several sharp inequalities involving (hyperbolic) tangent, tanc, cosine, and their reciprocals1
Irreducibility of strong size levels1
Complete monotonicity for a ratio of finitely many gamma functions1
Multiplicity of solutions for a class of fourth-order elliptic equations of p(x)-Kirchhoff type1
Influence of ideals in compactifications1
A study on error bounds for Newton-type inequalities in conformable fractional integrals1
Disjoint topological transitivity for weighted translations generated by group actions1
Operator Bohr-type inequalities1
Quasi-decompositions and quasidirect products of Hilbert algebras1
On the Oscillation of second order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations1
On the homological and algebraical properties of some Feichtinger algebras1
Fuzzy fixed point theorems and Ulam-Hyers stability of fuzzy set-valued maps1
Asymptotic stability of nonlinear neutral delay integro-differential equations1
Rees short exact sequences and preenvelopes1
A characterization of the uniform convergence points set of some convergent sequence of functions1
Intervals of posets of a zero-divisor graph1
Matrix variate pareto distributions1
A new family of copulas based on probability generating functions1
Fan-Hemicontinuity for the gradient of the norm in Hilbert space1
Self referred equations with an integral boundary condition1
A new Approach of Generalized Fractional Integrals in Multiplicative Calculus and Related Hermite–Hadamard-Type Inequalities with Applications1
Unbounded oscillation criteria for fourth order neutral differential equations of non-canonical type0
Hermite–Hadamard inequalities for Riemann–Liouville fractional integrals0
Reeb flow invariant ∗-Ricci operators on trans-Sasakian three-manifolds0
A New fuzzy McShane integrability0
Comments on efficient batch verification test for digital signatures based on elliptic curves0
Ideals of functions with compact support in the integer-valued case0
Oscillation of nonlinear third-order differential equations with several sublinear neutral terms0
Quantum ostrowski type inequalities for pre-invex functions0
Enveloping action: Convergence spaces0
Spectra and fine spectra of the generalized upper difference operator with triple repetition Δ3ab$\begin{array}{}\displaystyle\Delta_{3}^{ab}\end{array}$ on the Hahn sequence space0
Mapping properties of the Bergman projections on elementary Reinhardt domains0
Polynomial functions on rings of dual numbers over residue class rings of the integers0
A note on set-star-K-Menger spaces0
The poset of morphism-extension classes of countable graphs0
Maps on self-adjoint operators preserving some relations related to commutativity0
New notes on the equation d(n) = d(φ(n)) and the inequality d(n) > d(φ(n))0
Exact-m-majority terms0
Fourth-order nonlinear strongly non-canonical delay differential equations: new oscillation criteria via canonical transform0
The influence of separating cycles in drawings of K 5e in the join product with paths and cycles0
Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of solutions of third-order quasi-linear neutral difference equations0
On indices of quintic number fields defined by x 5 + ax + b0
Prof. RNDr. Július korbaš, CSC. passed away0
New fixed point theorems for countably condensing maps with an application to functional integral inclusions0
An alternative for Laplace Birnbaum-Saunders distribution0
Some hardy type inequalities with finsler norms0
Gröbner bases in the mod 2 cohomology of oriented Grassmann manifolds 2 t,3 0
A Topological sphere theorem for contact CR-warped product submanifolds of an odd-dimensional unit sphere0
Chains in the Rudin-Frolík order0
On necessary and sufficient conditions for the monogeneity of a certain class of polynomials0
New q-analogues of Van Hamme’s (F.2) supercongruence and of some related supercongruences0
Some new uniqueness and Ulam–Hyers type stability results for nonlinear fractional neutral hybrid differential equations with time-varying lags0
Partial actions on convergence spaces0
On a solvable four-dimensional system of difference equations0
Quantifiers on L-algebras0
Metric, stratifiable and uniform spaces of G-permutation degree0
Inverse tangent series involving pell and pell-lucas polynomials0
Theoretical analysis of higher-order system of difference equations with generalized balancing numbers0
Induced mappings on symmetric products of Hausdorff spaces0
On the nonexistence conditions of solution of two-point in time problem for nonhomogeneous PDE0
Coercive and noncoercive elliptic problems with variable exponent Laplacian under Robin boundary conditions0
New oscillatory criteria for third-order differential equations with mixed argument0
Positive bases, cones, Helly-type theorems0
Upper bounds for analytic summand functions and related inequalities0
Other fundamental systems of solutions of the differential equation (D 2 – 2αD + α 2 + β 2<0
Intuitionistic fuzzy Tribonacci I-convergent sequence spaces0
Semidistributivity and Whitman Property in implication zroupoids0
Upper bound for variance of finite mixtures of power exponential distributions0
Generalizations of the steffensen integral inequality for pseudo-integrals0
Approximity of asymmetric metric spaces0
A new family of two-variable polynomials based on hermite polynomials0
Functional inequalities for Gaussian hypergeometric function and generalized elliptic integral of the first kind0
Composition of binary quadratic forms over number fields0
Jordan amenability of banach algebras0
Walks on tiled boards0
Some fixed point theorems in generalized parametric metric spaces and applications to ordinary differential equations0
On the factorable spaces of absolutelyp-summable, null, convergent, and bounded sequences0
Residual Inaccuracy Extropy and its properties0
Donsker’s fuzzy invariance principle under the Lindeberg condition0
On lower density operators0
Oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of even-order nonlinear differential equations with mixed neutral terms0
On the monogenity and Galois group of certain classes of polynomials0
Lemniscate-like constants and infinite series0
On nonexistence ofD(n)-quadruples0
Clarkson inequalities related to convex and concave functions0
On η-biharmonic hypersurfaces in pseudo-Riemannian space forms0
Certain subclasses of meromorphic multivalent q-starlike and q-convex functions0
Decreasing property and complete monotonicity of two functions constituted via three derivatives of a function involving trigamma function0
Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for interval-valued fractional integrals with respect to another function0
Certain radii problems for ????(ψ) and special functions0
Proportion estimation in multistage pair ranked set sampling0
Equable parallelograms on the Eisenstein lattice0
On a solvable difference equations system of second order its solutions are related to a generalized Mersenne sequence0
Prof. RNDr. Gejza Wimmer, DrSc. – 3/4 C?0
On high power sums of a hybrid arithmetic function0
New results for the Marshall-Olkin family of distributions0
Modules with fusion and implication based over distributive lattices: Representation and duality0
Euclidean operator radius inequalities of d-tuple operators and operator matrices0
On Z-Symmetric Rings0
On hyper (r,q)-Fibonacci polynomials0
Characterization of continuous additive set-valued maps “modulo K” on finite dimensional linear spaces0
A certain η-parallelism on real hypersurfaces in a nonflat complex space form0
Lower separation axioms in bitopogenous spaces0
Archimedean -groups with strong unit: cozero-sets and coincidence of types of ideals0
On universality in short intervals for zeta-functions of certain cusp forms0
Block Hessenberg matrices and spectral transformations for matrix orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle0
Existence on solutions of a class of casual differential equations on a time scale0
Prediction of the exponential fractional upper record-values0
A new family of compound exponentiated logarithmic distributions with applications to lifetime data0
An exponential Diophantine equation involving the sum or difference of powers of two Pell numbers0
On variational approaches for fractional differential equations0
Solvability of mixed problems for heat equations with two nonlocal conditions0
A generalization of a result on the sum of element orders of a finite group0
P-Adic metric preserving functions and their analogues0
RNDr. Stanislav Jakubec, DrSc. passed away0
Prof. RNDr. Michal Fečkan, DrSc. – Sexagenarian?0
On a periodic problem for super-linear second-order ODEs0
Stability and feedback stabilizability of delay periodic differential equations with pairwise permutable matrix functions0
Inner functions in QK spaces and multipliers0
On the relation of Kannan contraction and Banach contraction0
On the rate of convergence for the q-Durrmeyer polynomials in complex domains0
Representation of bifinite domains by BF-closure spaces0
Algebraic dependences of meromorphic mappings into a projective space sharing few hyperplanes0
On monoids of endomorphisms of a cycle graph0
Weighted composition operators from the Besov space into nth weighted type spaces0
De la Vallée Poussin inequality for impulsive differential equations0
A new extension of the beta generator of distributions0
Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions for Fractional Dynamic Equations with Impulse Effects0
The symmetric 4-Player gambler’s problem with unequal initial stakes0
Kalmbach measurability In d0-algebras0
On a general system of difference equations defined by homogeneous functions0
Weighted 1MP and MP1 inverses for operators0
Periodic Solutions for Conformable Non-autonomous Non-instantaneous Impulsive Differential Equations0
Close-to-convex functions associated with a rational function0
Refinement of seminorm and numerical radius inequalities of semi-Hilbertian space operators0
On the Paley graph of a quadratic character0
Solving Fredholm integro-differential equations involving integral condition: A new numerical method0
Fibonacci numbers as mixed concatenations of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers0
Generalized discrete Grüss and related results with applications0
On concomitants of generalized order statistics from generalized FGM family under a general setting0
On the solvability of a fourth-order differential evolution equation on singular cylindrical domain in R40
Density of sets with missing differences and applications0
Extropy and statistical features of dual generalized order statistics’ concomitants arising from the Sarmanov family0
Strengthenings of Young-type inequalities and the arithmetic geometric mean inequality0
Fourier transforms of convolution operators on orlicz spaces0