Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society

(The TQCC of Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Multiple Solutions for a Nonhomogeneous Schrödinger–Born–Infeld System39
Einstein-Type Metrics on Almost Kenmotsu Manifolds33
An Existence Result to Some Local and Nonlocal $$ p(u)-$$Laplacian Problem Defined on $$ {\mathbb {R}}^N $$26
Tensor Product K-Dual Frames22
A Note on On-Line Ramsey Numbers of Stars and Paths14
On Modification of Certain Exponential Type Operators Preserving Constant and $$e^{-x}$$14
Graphs over Graded Rings and Relation with Hamming Graph13
On Certain Determinants and Related Legendre Symbols12
Hankel Edge Ideals of Trees and (Semi-)Hamiltonian Graphs11
Some Inferences on a 2- and 3-Step Random Walk11
Finite Fractal Dimensional Pullback Attractors for a Class of 2D Magneto-Viscoelastic Flows10
Riccati Transformation and Non-Oscillation Criterion for Half-Linear Difference Equations10
Symmetry and Monotonicity of a Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation Involving the Fractional Laplacian10
Bounds on Zero Forcing Using (Upper) Total Domination and Minimum Degree10
Orthogonal Polynomials with a Singularly Perturbed Airy Weight9
Angles and Quasimöbius Mappings9
Quasiorders for a Characterization of Iso-dense Spaces9
The Harmonious Song of a Moufang Quartet9
Extensions and New Characterizations of Some Greedy-Type Bases9
Existence and Location of Nodal Solutions for Quasilinear Convection–Absorption Neumann Problems8
A Note on Arakawa–Kaneko Zeta Values and Kaneko–Tsumura $$\eta $$-Values8
Mean Value and Taylor-Type Results for Tempered Fractional Derivatives8
Quasiconformal Extensions of Biharmonic Mappings and Strongly Starlike Biharmonic Mappings7
Logarithmic integrals with applications to BBP and Euler-type sums7
On Bounded Finite Potent Operators on Arbitrary Hilbert Spaces7
Maximum Induced Forests of Product Graphs7
Results on a Conjecture of Chen and Yi7
Subordination of Ces$$\grave{a}$$ro Means of Convex Functions7
The Index of Signed Graphs with Forbidden Subgraphs6
Grundy Domination and Zero Forcing in Regular Graphs6
The Stochastic Periodic Behavior of a Chemostat Model with Periodic Nutrient Input6
Dispersive Estimates and Asymptotic Behavior for a Generalized Boussinesq-Type Equation6
Relation Between Solutions and Initial Values for Double-Nonlinear Diffusion Equation6
Extremal Mild Solutions of Fractional Evolution Equation with Mixed Monotone Impulsive Conditions6
Abstract Art Generated by Thue–Morse Autocorrelation Functions6
On the Existence of G-Permutable Subgroups in Alternating Groups6
Obstacle Problems for Integro-Differential Operators with Partially Vanishing Kernels6
Multiple Solutions for Discrete Schrödinger Equations with Concave–Convex Nonlinearities5
Total and Paired Domination Numbers of Cylinders5
Radius of Convexity for Analytic Part of Sense-Preserving Harmonic Mappings5
The Limiting Weak-type Behaviors of Intrinsic Square Functions5
Bivariate Distributions on Z25
Some Identities and Inequalities for $$F_a$$-Frame Sequences in $$L^2(\mathbb {R}_+)$$5
Norm Principle for Even K-groups of Number Fields5
On Weaving Generalized Frames and Generalized Riesz Bases5
Computing Strong Roman Domination of Trees and Unicyclic Graphs in Linear Time5
Binomial Coefficients, Roots of Unity and Powers of Prime Numbers5
Ranks of Certain Semigroups of Transformations Whose Restrictions are Elements of a Given Semigroup5
Chain Mixing and Multi-transitivities of Iterated Function Systems5
Stability Analysis for Explicit ERKN Methods Solving General Second-Order Oscillatory Systems5
Non-Hamiltonian Graphs with Large Minimum Degree5
Spectral Properties of a Fourth-Order Differential Operator with Eigenvalue Parameter-Dependent Boundary Conditions5
Towards a Better Understanding of Fractional Brownian Motion and Its Application to Finance4
Positive Solutions for a Kirchhoff-Type Equation with Critical and Supercritical Nonlinear Terms4
Further Refinements and Generalizations of the Young’s and Its Reverse Inequalities4
Hypersurfaces in Pseudo-Euclidean Space with Condition $$\triangle \mathbf{H }=\lambda \mathbf{H }$$4
Relaxed DP-3-Coloring of Planar Graphs Without Some Cycles4
Invasion Speed of the Prey in a Predator–Prey System4
Generalized Quasi-Cyclic Codes with Arbitrary Block Lengths4
Further Results on the Generalized Turán Number of Spanning Linear Forests4
Inequalities for the Coefficients of Schwarz Functions4
Some Approximation Results for Bayesian Posteriors that Involve the Hurwitz–Lerch Zeta Distribution4
Lower Bounds on the Homology of Vietoris–Rips Complexes of Hypercube Graphs4
Centralizer-Like Additive Maps on the Lie Structure of Banach Algebras4
Admissible Property of Graphs in Terms of Independence Number4
Resolving subcategories and dimensions in recollements of extriangulated categories4
An Iterative Explicit Algorithm for Solving Equilibrium Problems in Banach Spaces4
New Explicit Extragradient Methods for Solving a Class of Bilevel Equilibrium Problems4
Metric Dimension of Maximal Outerplanar Graphs4
Some Results on Spectrum and Energy of Graphs with Loops4
On the Eccentricity Matrices of Certain Bi-Block Graphs4
Analysis on a Diffusive SI Epidemic Model with Logistic Source and Saturation Infection Mechanism4
Existence of Nodal Solutions with Arbitrary Number of Nodes for Kirchhoff Type Equations4
Injectivity of Lipschitz Operators4
On Holomorphic Mappings with Compact Type Range4
Bohr–Rogosinski Inequalities for Certain Fully Starlike Harmonic Mappings4
Vanishing Derivations on Some Subsets in Prime Rings Involving Generalized Derivations4
On the Filtration of Micropolar Fluid Through a Thin Pipe4
Quasimöbius invariance of Loewner spaces4
List Strong Edge-Colorings of Sparse Graphs4
Non-permutability Graph of Subgroups4
Traveling Waves for a Sign-Changing Nonlocal Evolution Equation with Delayed Nonlocal Response4
Polynomial Decay for the Timoshenko System with Dynamical Boundary Conditions4
From (Secure) w-Domination in Graphs to Protection of Lexicographic Product Graphs4
Entire Solutions of Some Nonlinear Homogeneous Differential Equations4
Invariant Measures and Statistical Solutions for the Nonautonomous Discrete Modified Swift–Hohenberg Equation4
A New Flexible Three-Parameter Compound Chen Distribution: Properties, Copula and Modeling Relief Times and Minimum Flow Data3
Hermitian Toeplitz Determinant for Certain Meromorphic Univalent Functions3
Burning Numbers of t-unicyclic Graphs3
Sign-Changing Solutions to a N-Kirchhoff Equation with Critical Exponential Growth in $$\mathbb {R}^N$$3
A Characterization of Spectra for a Class of Planar Spectral Measures3
On Sufficient Conditions for Chaotic Behavior of Multidimensional Discrete Time Dynamical System3
Copositivity for 3rd-Order Symmetric Tensors and Applications3
Existence and Concentration of Semiclassical Bound States for a Quasilinear Schrödinger-Poisson System3
Correction to: A Constructive Approach About the Existence of Positive Solutions for Minkowski Curvature Problems3
Hardy Spaces Associated with Generalized Degenerate Schrödinger Operators with Applications to Carleson Measure3
The Garden of Eden Theorem over Generalized Cellular Automata3
On the Symmetric Version of Saeki’s Theorem and Flat Densities3
Edge Coloring of the Signed Generalized Petersen Graph3
Generalized Rainbow Connection of Graphs3
Correction to: Burning Numbers of t-unicyclic Graphs3
Cubic Vertex-Transitive Graphs Admitting Automorphisms of Large Order3
On the Distances Between Pisot Numbers Generating the Same Number Field3
Nonlocal and Nonvariational Elliptic Problems: Existence and Multiplicity Results3
Picone Type Comparison Theorems for Two-Iterval Sturm-Liouville Equations with Transmission Conditions3
On the Commuting Graph of Semidihedral Group3
Correction to: Hardy Spaces Associated with Generalized Degenerate Schrödinger Operators with Applications to Carleson Measure3
Dumbbell Graphs with Extremal (Reverse) Cover Cost3
Inclusion and Geometric Properties of Mixed Morrey Double-Sequence Spaces3
The Ramsey Numbers for Trees of Large Maximum Degree Versus the Wheel Graph $$W_8$$3
Effects of Spatial Heterogeneity and Homogeneity on an S-K-T Competition Model3
Norm Inequalities Associated with Two Projections3
Properties of Solutions of Generalized Sturm–Liouville Discrete Equations3
A Rational Approximation for the Complete Elliptic Integral of the Second Kind Based on Padé approximant3
The Vanishing Power-Like Coupling Term Limits of Riemann Solutions for the Mean-Field Games3
Probabilistic Limiting Behavior of Stochastic Inertial Manifolds for a Class of SPDEs3
Edge General Position Sets in Fibonacci and Lucas Cubes3
Univalence of Logharmonic Integrals of Cesàro Type Operator3
On Some Properties of Lie-Centroids of Leibniz Algebras3
Geometric Studies and the Bohr Radius for Certain Normalized Harmonic Mappings3
Weak Silting Modules Over Morita Context Rings3
Variational Principles of Receptive Entropies for Semigroup Actions2
Note on the Vertex-Rainbow Index of a Graph2
Sampling and Reconstruction of Concentrated Reproducing Kernel Signals in Mixed Lebesgue Spaces2
Wave Equation for Sturm–Liouville Operator with Singular Intermediate Coefficient and Potential2
On the Pre-Schwarzian Norm of Certain Logharmonic Mappings2
Some Properties of Normal Subgroups Determined from Character Tables2
Mapping Theorems for Inverse Limits with Set-Valued Bonding Functions2
On the Moments of the Asymmetric n-Player Gambler’s Ruin Problem2
Dynamics of Multi-sensitive Non-autonomous Systems with Respect to a Vector2
Further Inequalities for Convex Functions2
Variability Regions for the Third Derivative of Bounded Analytic Functions2
On Lie-Type Derivations of Rings and Standard Operator Algebras by Local Actions2
Exact Convergence Rates for Particle Distributions in a Non-Lattice Branching Random Walk2
Mathematical Modelling and Properties of Stochastic Polluted Population Dynamics with Allee Effect2
Extension of Variable Triebel–Lizorkin-Type Space on Domains2
Extremal Results for Directed Tree Connectivity2
The Zeta Functions of Dihypergraphs and Dihypergraph Coverings2
Regularization Methods for the Split Equality Problems in Hilbert Spaces2
Remarks on Hypersurfaces in a Unit Sphere2
Remark on the Adiabatic Limit of Quantum Zakharov System2
The Edge General Position Problem2
The Beurling Theorem in Space–Time Algebras2
On (3, r)-Choosability of Some Planar Graphs2
Some Applications of $$L^1$$-Estimates of Fractional Integral Operators in Lorentz Spaces2
Ground State Solution of Critical p-Biharmonic Equation Involving Hardy Potential2
A Note on the Expansive Measures of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems2
Shadowable Points of Free Semigroup Actions2
Kowalski–Słodkowski Theorem for Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces2
A Note on the Spectrality of Moran-Type Bernoulli Convolutions by Deng and Li2
Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Generalized Choquard Systems2
Finsler Locally $$C^{*}$$-Modules2
Optimal Time-Decay Estimates in the Critical Framework for a Chemotaxis Model2
Generic Submanifolds of Almost Contact Metric Manifolds2
Group Inverses of Weighted Trees2
General Decay and Blow-up Results for a Thermo-viscoelastic System with Logarithmic Nonlinearity2
Bounds for the Generalization of Baer’s Type Theorems2
Boundedness of Certain Calderón–Zygmund Type Singular Integrals on Morrey Spaces2
Optimizing Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment Regimes via Sequential Structural Mean Models2
The Equidistant Dimension of Graphs2
On the Minimum Kirchhoff Index of Unicyclic Graphs with Given Girth and Diameter2
Variety of General Position Problems in Graphs2
Existence and Differentiability of Solutions for Nondensely Defined Neutral Integro-Differential Evolution Equations2
Pursuit and Evasion Games for an Infinite System of Differential Equations2
Existence of Least-Energy Sign-Changing Solutions for the Schrödinger–Bopp–Podolsky System with Critical Growth2
On the Connectivity and Equality of Some Graphs on Finite Semigroups2
Partial Orders in Non-commutative $$L^p$$ Spaces Associated with Semi-finite von Neumann Algebras2
The Booth Lemniscate Starlikeness Radius for Janowski Starlike Functions2
On k-Vertex-Edge Domination of Graph2
Approximate Topological Conjugacy2
BV Capacity for the Schrödinger Operator with an Inverse-Square Potential2
Remarks on the Largest Eigenvalue of a Signed Graph2
Blow-Up Behavior of $$L^{2}$$-Norm Solutions for Kirchhoff Equation in a Bounded Domain2
Relations of the Class $$\mathcal {U}(\lambda )$$ to Other Families of Functions2
Two Relaxed CQ Methods for the Split Feasibility Problem with Multiple Output Sets2
Some Appell–Dunkl Sequences2
The Metric Dimension of the Zero-Divisor Graph of a Matrix Semiring2
Fractional Matchings in Graphs from the Spectral Radius2
On Kantorovich Variant Based on Inverse Pólya–Eggenberger Distribution2
Localization of Fréchet Frames and Expansion of Generalized Functions2
On the Image of the Lupaş q-Analogue of the Bernstein Operators2
Frames with Several Generators Associated with Weyl–Heisenberg Group and Extended Affine Group2
A State-Space Model for Bivariate Time-Series Counts with Excessive Zeros: An Application to Workplace Injury Data2
On the 4-Flow Nullity of Graphs2
Badly Approximable Sets for Expanding Markov Maps2
Decomposition of Toroidal Graphs Without Some Subgraphs2
Certain Observations on Selection Principles Related to Bornological Covers Using Ideals2
Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Dengue Fever Patterns in Peninsular Malaysia from 2015–20172
The Riemann Problem for a Macroscopic Production Model with Logarithmic Equation of State2
Effective Dimensionality Reduction Using Kernel Locality Preserving Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis2
$$\ell $$-Connectivity, Integrity, Tenacity, Toughness and Eigenvalues of Graphs2
An n-Cell as a Generalize Inverse Limit Indexed by the Integers2
Meromorphic Solutions of Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations Involving Periodic Functions2
Gallagherian PGT on Some Compact Riemannian Manifolds of Negative Curvature2
Regression Models for Double Discrete Distributions2
Energy Decay Estimates of Solutions for Viscoelastic Damped Wave Equations in $$\mathbf {R}^{n}$$2
Complete Convergence of Weighted Sums of Martingale Differences and Statistical Applications2
Concentrating Positive Solutions for Quasilinear Schrödinger Equations Involving Steep Potential Well2
Group of Isometries of Hilbert Ball Equipped with the Carathéodory Metric2
l-Clique Metric Dimension of Graphs2
Local Neighbor-Distinguishing Index of Graphs2
Positive Solutions for Fractional Kirchhoff Type Problem with Steep Potential Well2
Roman Domination and Double Roman Domination Numbers of Sierpiński Graphs $$S(K_n,t)$$2
On (almost) 2-Y-homogeneous distance-biregular graphs2
On Vector Quasi-Equilibrium Problems Via a Browder-Type Fixed-Point Theorem2
Multiplicity of Normalized Solutions for Schrödinger Equations2
Solution of Linear Damped Wave Equation on Triebel–Lizorkin Spaces2
On k-Wise L-Intersecting Families for Simplicial Complexes2
Positive Solutions for Some Classes of Stationary Kirchhoff Equations2