CT&F-Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro

(The TQCC of CT&F-Ciencia Tecnologia y Futuro is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Downhole heating and hybrid cyclic steam methods: evaluating technologies from the laboratory to the field13
Use of nanoparticles to improve thermochemical resistance of synthetic polymer to enhanced oil recovery applications: a review8
Suitability assessment for electricity generation through renewable sources: towards sustainable energy production7
Heavy Oil and High-Temperature Polymer EOR Applications6
The role of polar organic components in dynamic crude oil adsorption on sandstones and carbonates5
Bulk rheology characterization of biopolymer solutions and discussions of their potential for enhanced oil recovery applications4
Practical methodology for interwell tracer applications4
Polymeric surfactants as alternative to improve waterflooding oil recovery efficiency4
CFD simulation of HPAM EOR solutions mechanical degradation by restrictions in turbulent flow4
Biodegradation and toxicity of scleroglucan for enhanced oil recovery4
Experimental evaluation of the mechanical degradation of HPAM polymeric solutions used in Enhanced Oil Recovery4
Comparison of fuel consumption and recoverable energy according to NEDC and WLTP cycles of a vehicle3
CO2 EOR with in-situ CO2 capture, a Neuquina basin oxycombustion case study3
Techno-economic assessment of small wind turbines under la Guajira-Colombia resource conditions3
Detachment levels of Colombian caribbean mud volcanoes3
Effect of ionic strength in low salinity water injection processes3