Dental Materials

(The H4-Index of Dental Materials is 34. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
3D printing restorative materials using a stereolithographic technique: a systematic review146
Nanotechnology in dentistry: Present and future perspectives on dental nanomaterials131
Race to invade: Understanding soft tissue integration at the transmucosal region of titanium dental implants101
Grasping the Lithium hype: Insights into modern dental Lithium Silicate glass-ceramics73
Effect of post-curing light exposure time on the physico–mechanical properties and cytotoxicity of 3D-printed denture base material70
Five-year clinical evaluation of a universal adhesive: A randomized double-blind trial69
Development of 3D printed resin reinforced with modified ZrO2 nanoparticles for long-term provisional dental restorations68
Clinical efficacy of resin-based direct posterior restorations and glass-ionomer restorations – An updated meta-analysis of clinical outcome parameters65
Optical behavior of one-shaded resin-based composites65
The use of bioactive glass (BAG) in dental composites: A critical review62
Longevity of composite restorations is definitely not only about materials55
Evaluation of translucency, Marten’s hardness, biaxial flexural strength and fracture toughness of 3Y-TZP, 4Y-TZP and 5Y-TZP materials55
Clinical performance of posterior resin composite restorations after up to 33 years50
A review on Vat Photopolymerization 3D-printing processes for dental application49
Effect of post-rinsing time on the mechanical strength and cytotoxicity of a 3D printed orthodontic splint material47
Flexural strength and translucency characterization of aesthetic monolithic zirconia and relevance to clinical indications: A systematic review45
Is the presence of 10-MDP associated to higher bonding performance for self-etching adhesive systems? A meta-analysis of in vitro studies45
Sol-gel bioactive glass containing biomaterials for restorative dentistry: A review44
Novel core–shell CHX/ACP nanoparticles effectively improve the mechanical, antibacterial and remineralized properties of the dental resin composite43
The effects of three cold plasma treatments on the osteogenic activity and antibacterial property of PEEK42
Elution behavior of a 3D-printed, milled and conventional resin-based occlusal splint material41
Mechanical properties–translucency–microstructure relationships in commercial monolayer and multilayer monolithic zirconia ceramics41
Innovative surfaces and alloys for dental implants: What about biointerface-safety concerns?40
Hybrid chitosan/gelatin/nanohydroxyapatite scaffolds promote odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells and in vitro biomineralization38
Antibacterial response of oral microcosm biofilm to nano-zinc oxide in adhesive resin37
Viscosity and stickiness of dental resin composites at elevated temperatures37
Polymerization shrinkage and shrinkage stress development in ultra-rapid photo-polymerized bulk fill resin composites37
Assessing the physical and mechanical properties of 3D printed acrylic material for denture base application36
Is clinical behavior of composite restorations placed in non-carious cervical lesions influenced by the application mode of universal adhesives? A systematic review and meta-analysis35
The role of cortical zone level and prosthetic platform angle in dental implant mechanical response: A 3D finite element analysis35
The impact of different low-pressure plasma types on the physical, chemical and biological surface properties of PEEK35
Morphology and mechanical performance of dental crown designed by 3D-DCGAN35
Initial biocompatibility of novel resins for 3D printed fixed dental prostheses35
Robot technology in dentistry, part two of a systematic review: an overview of initiatives34
Minimal tooth preparation for posterior monolithic ceramic crowns: Effect on the mechanical behavior, reliability and translucency34
Photopolymerization shrinkage-stress reduction in polymer-based dental restoratives by surface modification of fillers34