Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira

(The TQCC of Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
CRISPR-transient expression in soybean for simplified gRNA screening in planta9
Repeatability coefficient for the determination of the optimal number of harvests for the selection of zucchini hybrids5
Degradability of the dry matter and crude protein of fruits of Chloroleucon mangense and Acacia cochliacantha in sheep4
Interrelationship between potassium rates and the efficiency of Bt genes in the control of Spodoptera frugiperda4
Azospirillum brasilense in corn grown single and intercropped with Urochloa in two contrasting soils4
Data mining applied to feature selection methods for aboveground carbon stock modelling4
Osmotic potential intensity in the control of direct somatic embryogenesis in coffee tree4
Genetic diversity, yield, and fruit quality of persimmon in the tropics3
Effects of glyphosate on the morphology and cell cycle of soybean seedlings tolerant and sensitive to the herbicide3
Agronomic performance of 'Sauvignon Blanc' grapevine with different bud loads, in an altitude region of Brazil3
Stunning of Nile tilapia by thermonarcosis and its effect on frozen fillets3
Reaction of corn lines to bacterial leaf streak3
Alternative substrates for the production of clonal Coffea canephora seedlings3
Performance of elite upland rice lines at low temperatures3
Pollination of flowers of the San Andreas strawberry cultivar3
Morphological traits of 'Granada' peach nursery trees from rootstocks of two production systems3
Correlations between agronomic characters in garlic2
Drought/rewatering cycles on the vegetative growth of citrus seedlings2
Mathematical modeling for drying flint corn in a thin layer2
Chemical and cultural management strategies for glyphosate-resistant sourgrass in central Brazil2
Brown eye spot incidence during the vegetative stage of coffee grown in soil under sustainable management2
Response surface for quantifying the effects of NaCl and pH on lettuce2
Yield and resistance of tomato rootstocks to Meloidogyne arenaria in a greenhouse2
Genetic diversity and structure of Anacardium humile (Anacardiaceae) populations2
Summer pruning and branch bending of peach trees in a subtropical region2
Hygroscopic behavior of bacuri powders2
Phytophthora gummosis in citrus scion/rootstock combinations with seedlings from buds challenged by this pathogen2
Evaluation of purple passion fruit grafted onto a fusarium wilt-tolerant rootstock2
Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of leaves from olive trees grown in Paraná, Brazil2
Successive cycles of soil drying and wetting improve tolerance to drought in mangabeira2
Growth promotion of pecan rootstock seedlings with Trichoderma spp.2
Performance of four genomic selection methods using different heritability and QTL numbers2
Photosynthetic material remobilization and its contribution to barley yield2
Inheritance of beta-carotene content in melon2
Challenges in the conservation and management of legal reserve areas in Brazilian grassland and savanna ecosystems in the face of global climate change1
Pre-and postpartum supplementation strategies on the performance and metabolic status of grazing beef cows1
Efficiency of soluble and insoluble sources of manganese for soybean nutrition in the Brazilian Cerrado1
Silicon accumulation in cauliflower grown in a protected environment with different water availability conditions1
Meta-analysis of meat quality of cattle slaughtered with different subcutaneous fat thicknesses1
Chemical thinning programs for 'Fuji Mishima' apple trees under black anti-hail net1
Plot size and number of replicates for ryegrass experiments sowed in rows1
Impact of milk fat source and level on the productive performance of suckling goat kids1
Evolution of canker severity and stem quality on African mahogany growth1
Sampling methods for insect pests in wheat grains stored in bulk1
Application technology of SfMNPV-6nd in the control of fall armyworm1
Genetic parameters and selection of black bean lines for resistance to fusarium wilt and yield1
Management systems for nematode control in soybean fields in south-central Paraná, Brazil1
Intake, ingestive behavior, and digestibility in goats fed diets containing different lipid sources1
Correlation between carbon isotopic composition and morphological, micromorphological, anatomical, and physiological traits in rice1
Water monitoring of soybean crops using the TVDI obtained from surface radiometric sensors1
Leaf anatomy and physiology of garlic cultivars related to tolerance to environmental factors1
Phenolic compounds, carotenoids, and antioxidant activity in a super-sweet corn hybrid1
Pathogenicity of novel Monosporascus species in accessions of melon varietal groups1
Herbal choline as an alternative to choline chloride in the diet of nursery piglets1
Morphological, physiological, and agronomic traits of crossings of 'Icatu' x 'Catimor' coffee tree subjected to water deficit1
Nitrogen fertilization and collection periods of pecan tree for cloning by minicutting1
Broadcast application of ground silicate rocks as potassium sources for grain crops1
Inclusion of covariables in genome-wide selection models for prediction accuracy1
Plot size and number of replicates for experiments with forage sorghum1
2NVS translocation presence and inheritance of resistance to head blast in wheat1
Incorporating prior knowledge into Bayesian models for genetic evaluation in soybean breeding1
Na+ exclusion and proline accumulation in Urochloa spp. cultivars1
Genotypic and phenotypic parameters associated with early maturity in soybean1
Sampling sufficiency for estimating the mean of wheat traits1
Quantum computing: current and potential applications in digital agriculture1
Heritability estimated by different methods in four generations of progenies from a pigeon pea cross1
Row spacing for pigeon pea sowing and its influence on the recovery of degraded pasture1
Forage potential of sugarcane cultivars in the Caparaó “Capixaba” region1
Nutritional demand and nutrient export by modern cultivars of common bean1
Maturation and detachment force for mechanized harvesting of irrigated Conilon coffee in the Brazilian Cerrado1
Simultaneous gains for negatively correlated traits of interest in plantain1
Reference values for nutritional diagnosis of ‘Gigante’ cactus pear by boundary line approach1
Suppression of female flowers and pollen fertility of male flowers of banana plants1
Rooting of mini-cuttings and quality of plantlets of Cordia trichotoma1
Study of dry matter accumulation in maize hybrids using nonlinear models1
Water deficit tolerance of bean cultivars1
Mating behavior and sexual dimorphism of the Lobiopa insularis (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) strawberry pest1
Identification of QTLs in the 'Araguaia' (Oryza sativa subsp. japonica) × 'Maninjau' (Oryza sativa subsp. indica) rice population1
Solubility, toxicity, and accumulation of metals from biotite schist rock in Danio rerio fish1
Lipid profile of artisanal Minas cheese from certified regions in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil1