International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications

(The TQCC of International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Using tail current phase shift technique to improve locking range injection‐locked frequency divider40
Improved constant phase fractional order approximation method for induction motor FOPI speed controller37
Noncirculating current series resonant converter with pulse frequency modulation35
Simultaneous accessing of multiple SRAM subregions forming configurable and automatically generated memory fields32
On the design of a reliable current reference for systems‐on‐chip31
Active disturbance rejection controller design for harmonic suppression in MPC optimal control based on harmonic state space modeling28
Optimizing power system stability: An artificial neural network approach for controlling variable frequency transformer27
A novel compact and tunable positive and negative impedance simulator and multiplier26
Stability and passivity analysis of higher‐order differential systems inspired by RLC circuits26
Hierarchical single‐objective variable double voltage vector model predictive control with low computational burden for cascaded H‐bridge multilevel converter24
Non‐overlapping placement of macro cells based on reinforcement learning in chip design22
A review on radiation‐hardened memory cells for space and terrestrial applications21
An Improved Model Predictive Current Control of BLDC Motor With a Novel Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter–Based Back EMF Estimator and a New Commutation Duration Approach for Electrical Vehicle21
State‐of‐the‐Art 3DES Pipelined Cryptographic Engine Design Against Side‐Channel Attacks21
Design of a transistor‐based broadband high‐efficiency class‐F−1 rectifier21
A variable fractional‐order inductor design21
Marx‐based pulse generator with high‐voltage gain19
Evaluation, design, and test of single switch high step‐up boost converter with autotransformer19
An innovative interleaved high step‐up direct current–direct current converter with switched‐inductor/capacitor–diode units for hydrogen fuel cell power system19
Enhancing Performance of In‐Direct Matrix Converter Through Improved PWM Techniques for Reduced Switching Loss and Optimal DC‐Link Voltage19
A transformer‐less boost DC‐DC converter with high gain and continuous input current for fuel cell vehicle19
A novel adaptive invasive weed optimization technique and least square regression for harmonics minimization in standalone PV applications18
A neural network‐based selective harmonic elimination scheme for five‐level inverter18
A low jitter and fast locking all digital phase locked loop with flash based time to digital converter and gain calibrated voltage controlled oscillator18
A new technique for power transmission and full duplex communication employing SN IPT system17
An improved state‐space average model of the ultra‐high voltage inverter based on wavelet decomposition and reconstruction17
Tapped inductor based switched boost inverter: Analysis and implementation17
Controllability, reachability, observability performance analysis of ultra‐high voltage converter cascaded systems based on switched linear system model17
Magnetic tile fault detection of high‐voltage electric machines: A multiview feature selection method via consistent soft label16
Passivity criteria for controlled affine resistive components16
Adaptive droop control strategy of parallel LLC converters16
An integrated single‐phase boosting voltage inverter with two parallel DC/DC converters16
Transient power angle stability analysis and improvement strategy for parallel system of virtual synchronous generator and static var generator16
Optimal design of VHF resonant boost converter considering the nonlinear characteristic of parasitic capacitance15
Analysis of time‐domain response of series‐parallel fractional‐order RCα and RLβ circuits based on Cole distribution function15
Solar powered Modified Coupled Inductor, Capacitor Multiplier boost converter operated three‐phase small power inverter14
Hardware Trojan detection for lightweight ciphers implemented on field‐programmable gate arrays using the replay algorithm14
Announcement of the 2020 Best Paper Award14
Frequency‐adapted hybrid modulation strategy of resonant converter with narrow frequency range14
Tree/link method for transfer function and stability analysis of switched‐capacitor circuits14
An energy‐efficient level shifter based on a differential cascade voltage switch structure13
A 25‐Gb/s/pin ground‐referenced signaling transceiver with a DC‐coupled equalizer for on‐package communication13
A 22.7‐ to 44.2‐GHz Darlington dual‐injection injection‐locked frequency tripler with >35dBc harmonic rejection for multiband 5G communication systems13
Novel comprehensive feedback theory—Part II: Unifying previous and new feedback models and further results13
Extended boost active switch‐controlled switched inductor‐based Z‐source inverter13
A novel arc‐shaped magnetic coupler with dual‐channel receiver for rotational misalignment tolerance in AUV underwater wireless power transfer systems13
A bipolar junction transistor EMC modeling method based on physical characteristic measurement and simplex optimization13
A random pulse modulation approach to modeling the flicker and white noise of the charge pump of a fractional‐N frequency synthesizer12
Multi‐input battery‐integrated single‐stage DC‐DC converter for reliable operation of solar photovoltaic‐based systems12
A nine‐level common ground multilevel inverter (9L‐CGMLI) with reduced components and boosting ability12
A fully integrated soft switched high frequency resonant DC‐DC voltage regulator12
A new winding structure with low common‐mode current in input series output parallel planar transformer LLC converter12
Coupled inductor‐based buck power factor correction (PFC) converter with soft switching12
A continuous Class‐EF power amplifier based on the general continuous mode design theory12
Single open‐phase fault detection and tolerant control for wye‐connected three‐phase induction machine drives12
Analysis and control of single‐phase transformerless dual‐frequency grid‐connected inverter12
Observer‐based residual‐driven dynamic compensation strategy for performance improvement of grid‐forming inverter12
Design theory of broadband high‐efficiency continuous Class EF power amplifier based on new continuous factor12
A multi‐objective low‐voltage ride‐through control strategy for three‐phase grid‐interfaced solar power plant during symmetrical and asymmetrical faults11
Robust damping control for integrated wind turbine power networks during low inertia condition11
A quintuple phase shift modulation scheme in multilevel dual active bridge converter for battery energy storage system11
MONA—A magnetic oriented nodal analysis for electric circuits11
Low noise, temperature‐compensated, electrochemical cell sigma–delta current measurement readout circuit11
Circuit design and implementation of fault‐tolerant step‐up converter with variable voltage gain11
Research on key circuits of high‐precision servo channel loading card for wing fatigue testing11
A hybrid amplifier topology for low‐noise direct‐coupled front ends11
Design of 150‐μV input‐referred voltage 1‐GHz comparison frequency dual offset cancelation comparator for pH biomarker system‐on‐chip11
A non‐isolated high voltage gain DC–DC converter based hybrid switched LC network for renewable energy applications11
Sliding‐mode variational structure study of Cuk converter based on target holographic feedback11
Issue Information11
A new high‐level boost inverter topology with reduced device count11
Multiplierless low‐cost implementation of Hindmarsh–Rose neuron model in case of large‐scale realization11
Issue Information10
Multidimensional harmonic current feedforward compensation control of single‐phase alternating current–direct current power factor correction converter10
A low power external capacitor‐less low drop‐out regulator with low over/undershoot voltage and high PSR10
Asymmetrical multi‐level inverter by using space vector pulse width modulation technique for low and medium power applications10
Transition metal dichalcogenide FET‐based dynamic random‐access memory10
The least‐square design of minimum‐order allpass‐based infinite impulse response multi‐notch filters10
An efficient three‐phase two‐level voltage source inverter with the suppression of the dead time effect10
Ring oscillators yield analysis: Improving Monte Carlo models with optimized clustering methods10
Design, analysis, and adaptive maximum power point tracking control of small‐scale wind turbine system10
Design of a mixed load‐modulation balanced power amplifier with ultra‐extended power back‐off range10
Design of unbalanced 9:2 ternary encoder and 2:9 ternary decoder circuits in resistive random access memory and carbon nanotube field effect transistor technology10
Issue Information10
Single operational transresistance amplifier‐based grounded resistance‐controlled synthetic inductor configuration10
Switched inductor‐capacitor‐based quasi‐Z source converter for renewable energy source integration10
An adaptive load‐matching method for the induction heating coil with DC power supply10
0.6‐V CMOS bulk‐driven instrumentation amplifier for IoMT bioimpedance analysis9
An efficient wideband cascode class FF−1 Doherty power amplifier with control harmonic impedance inverter for X‐band applications9
A power–performance partitioning approach for low‐power DA‐based FIR filter design with emphasis on datapath and controller9
Compact and low phase noise LC‐VCO design using novel V‐shaped inductor in 0.18‐μm CMOS technology for Ku‐band applications9
A review on technological aspects of different PWM techniques and its comparison based on different performance parameters9
A Communication‐Free Master–Slave Control of Cascaded‐Type DC Microgrids With Nondispatchable Generations9
Emerging methodologies in stability and optimization problems of learning‐based nonlinear model predictive control: A survey9
Design of programmable Gaussian‐derived wavelet filter for wearable biomedical sensor9
A 20‐W wideband voltage controlled attenuator for millimeter‐wave applications9
Digitally Controllable Multifrequency Impedance Emulator for Bioimpedance Hardware Validation9
Analysis and Design of High Power Density Flyback Converter9
A 170‐ to 260‐GHz Full‐Band Frequency Doubler Realized by Impedance Compression Matching Technique9
Single‐immittance‐network‐based inductive‐power‐transfer systems for driving multistring lighting‐emmiting diodes with current balance9
Isolated seven‐level inverter for grid‐connected power systems with predictive control method9
Cascaded multilevel inverter based on ladder bridges: Analysis, optimization, and implementation9
Positive‐to‐negative tunable delay circuit designed with NGD RC network9
Design of High‐Performance Radix‐Power‐of‐2 Butterfly Architectures for FFT Implementation by Cosine Coefficients Extraction9
Research on aging state detection of reactor turn‐to‐turn insulation under high‐frequency square wave voltage excitation9
A 24–30‐GHz Modified Gilbert‐Cell Downconverter With High Linearity and Isolation9
Admittance stability model and equivalent circuit analysis of three‐phase AC systems in different coordinate systems8
Research on dual‐frequency modulation strategy of wireless power transfer system8
Hardware implementation of proposed and conventional PV array reconfiguration techniques to extract maximum power under various shading conditions8
Low cost and high performance double‐node upset resilient latch for low orbit space applications8
Open circuit fault diagnosis of three‐phase inverter based on SR‐WOA‐ELM8
High step‐up MIMO DC–DC power converter control‐based pole placement8
Memristor ratioed logic crossbar‐based delay and jump‐key flip‐flops design8
A dual‐power‐path charge pump for solar‐energy harvesting8
A novel fuzzy‐extended Kalman filter‐ampere‐hour (F‐EKF‐Ah) algorithm based on improved second‐order PNGV model to estimate state of charge of lithium‐ion batteries8
Flexible design method for multiple loads inductive power transfer system with equal power distribution8
Distribution grid reconfiguration sensitive to transmission cost allocation8
Impedance modeling and analysis of voltage‐source converter‐based high‐voltage direct current system for grid‐connected wind farm8
Design of a Doherty power amplifier based on extended continuous class‐GF mode for broadband applications8
An efficient switched inductor–capacitor‐based novel non‐isolated high gain SEPIC for solar energy applications8
A current‐mode MOSFET‐C analog filter for the high‐frequency band applications8
Circularly polarized dielectric resonator‐based multiple input multiple output antenna with pattern and polarization diversity for vehicular applications8
H‐infinity loop shaping control of wireless power transfer system based on generalized state space averaging model8
Wide Frequency Multiphase Oscillator Designed by Coupling Two Identical Ring Voltage Controlled Oscillators8
Study and implementation of fluxgate current sensor with wireless connectivity for finger exoskeleton rehabilitation8
Three‐port DC‐DC converter for stand‐alone PV/battery systems with four operation modes8
Enhancing voltage regulation using 5‐level TCHB based DVR in radial secondary distribution feeder system8
A multi‐tap‐receiver based wireless power transfer system with multiple independent outputs and reduced wire length8
Time‐multiplexed hysteretic control for single‐inductor dual‐input single‐output DC‐DC power converter8
The effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia on the electrical analogs of beams and plates for multimodal piezoelectric damping8
Subthreshold reference circuit with curvature compensation based on the channel length modulation of MOS devices8
A stochastic computing architecture for local contrast and mean image thresholding algorithm8
A simple signal extraction‐based online real‐time diagnosis approach for interturn short‐circuit fault of permanent magnet motor8
Study on circuit modeling of stretchable serpentine interconnects8
Parameter optimization design and performance analysis of filter‐integrated switched boost grid‐connected inverter8
Implementation of the irregular pulse density modulation‐controlled wireless power transfer system for constant current and constant voltage output8
Hybrid passivity‐based control of a three single‐phase star‐connected unidirectional five‐level rectifier with a space vector pulse‐width modulation algorithm for voltage balance7
An 18‐bit 1‐GS/s time interleaved analog‐to‐digital converter with timing skew calibration based on an adaptive genetic algorithm7
A high step‐up isolated DC–DC converter based on voltage multiplier cell7
A 0.41‐μ$$ \boldsymbol{\upmu} $$W Self‐Biased Temperature and Offset‐Compensated Fully Differential Instrumentation Amplifier With 47 mdB/°C Thermal Sensitivity and 425 pVolt/°C Offset Drift7
Analysis and design of a low jitter delay‐locked loop using lock state detector7
A novel capacitor‐voltage reduced bidirectional PWM DC‐DC buck‐boost converter for renewable energy battery charge system7
Second‐order sliding mode control of wind turbines to enhance the fault‐ride through capability under unbalanced grid faults7
Quasi‐Z‐Source Cascaded Multilevel Inverter With Master‐Division Control for Photovoltaic Grid Connection7
Simplified selective harmonic elimination PWM for three‐level five‐phase T‐NPC inverter7
A level enhanced voltage balancing method for modular multilevel converter without using sensors7
A comprehensive review of wireless power transfer systems: Focused study with fractional‐order elements7
A generalized switched‐capacitor‐based modular T‐type inverter topology with reduced switch count7
Calibration on timing skew mismatch of time‐interleaved ADC based on optimized adaptive genetic algorithm back‐propagation neural network7
Issue Information7
A metamaterial‐incorporated wireless power transmission system for efficiency enhancement7
Misalignment‐tolerant coupling cell of 2‐D modular WPT system for charging area simplified extension7
A new modulation for three‐phase current source converter7
A variable step size robust normalized least mean absolute third‐based control scheme for a grid‐tied multifunctional photovoltaic system7
Design and implementation of analog tracking filter for ac signal acquisition7
A novel reduced switch single‐phase five‐level inverter7
Analysis of Torque Ripple Investigation on Three‐Phase SR Motor Drive for EV Applications7
An ultra‐low‐power CWM/SCM demodulator for inductive‐powered IMDs with the DRCF ratio of 50% and the powering index of 75%7
Analysis and design of a passive regenerative inductor‐capacitor‐diode snubber for DC link over‐voltage mitigation in Y‐source inverter7
A new configuration of grid‐connected photovoltaic‐based multifunctional power converter for single‐phase system7
Evaluation of cascaded combinations of boost DC–DC converter and three‐winding coupled inductor for high‐voltage gain applications7
A new slew rate enhancement technique for operational transconductance amplifiers7
Implementation of digital MemComputing using standard electronic components7
A high gain noninverting DC–DC converter with low voltage stress for industrial applications7
An improved DC link voltage control with double frequency second‐order generalized integrator for enhanced power quality of grid‐interfaced DFIG system7
A new seven‐level ANPC inverter structure with semiconductor device reduction7
Virtual Synchronous Machine Based Direct Charging Power Control for the Two‐Stage EV Battery Charger7
Review of reduced‐switch multilevel inverters for electric vehicle applications7
Modelling a five‐level LLC resonant converter for bidirectional battery application7
Control tuning methodology for modular multilevel converter‐based STATCOM6
A Robust Low‐Power Power‐On‐Reset Circuit With Dual Threshold Method6
A secondary‐side semi‐active series resonant converter employing hybrid modulation scheme for on‐board chargers6
Half‐bridge flipped‐gamma Z‐source inverter with high voltage gain6
Trigger waves in an oscillator loop and their applications in voltage‐controlled oscillation with high tuning gain6
Online state‐of‐charge estimation by modified Coulomb counting method based on the estimated parameters of lithium‐ion battery6
Collaborative state estimation of lithium‐ion battery based on multi‐time scale low‐pass filter forgetting factor recursive least squares ‐ double extended Kalman filtering algorithm6
Sliding mode disturbance compensated speed control for PMSM based on an advanced reaching law6
Torque ripple suppression of open‐winding permanent magnet synchronous motor with common DC bus based on field circuit coupling method6
Comprehensive review and study for the CMOS transformer tank voltage‐controlled oscillator6
Analysis of integrated magnetics for input series output series DC–DC converter6
Development and analysis of three‐coil wireless charging system for electric vehicles6
Research on High Power Density Flyback Converter With a New Passive Lossless Snubber6
Capacitance health monitoring in the modular multilevel converter using a method with minimum number of sensors and computational burden6
A Harmonic Current Injection Technique for Dual‐Channel Integrated Onboard Charger6
Simplified control of TAB converter for scalable multibattery charging system6
Analysis and design of an efficient soft‐switching inverter with asymmetric auxiliary circuits6
A power management strategy for a grid‐connected multi‐energy storage resources with a multiport converter6
Novel six‐phase ring voltage controlled oscillator with wide frequency tuning range6
A PVT power immune compact 65 nm CMOS CSP design with a leakage current compensation feedback for CdZnTe/CdTe sensors dedicated to PET applications6
Multi‐input multi‐output converter for simultaneous buck and boost voltage conversion6
A floating‐point multiplier based on angle representation method6
Ultra‐efficient fully programmable membership function generator based on independent double‐gate FinFET technology6
A Three‐Phase Omnidirectional Wireless Charger Based on Segmented Arc‐Shaped Coupler With High Anti‐Rotation Offset Feature for AUVs6
Research on the working mode, working state, and control strategies of generalized electric spring6
Setting‐zero analysis for multistage amplifier design6
Two‐input single‐output converter with preserved output voltage under source fault6
Isolation‐based bidirectional generalized step‐up multilevel converter with optimized device count6
Design of the non‐associative learning memristive circuit and the application to brightness adaptation6
Analysis, Design, and Optimization of Segment‐Compensated PCB Coil for Multirelay Wireless Power Transfer System6
Unstable behavior analysis and stabilization of double‐loop proportional‐integral control H‐bridge inverter with inductive impedance load6
A bidirectional multiport DC‐DC converter applied for energy storage system with hybrid energy sources6
A new design of transformerless, non‐isolated, high step‐up DC‐DC converter with hybrid fuzzy logic MPPT controller6
Input‐harmonic manipulated wideband high‐efficiency series of continuous mode power amplifier6
An any‐unit‐to‐any‐unit method for hybrid‐structured voltage equalizer in series‐connected battery/super‐capacitor strings6
Implementation of Electromagnetic Theory: Improved Analysis and Design for Class F Power Amplifier6
A novel bidirectional modular multilevel inverter utilizing diode‐based bidirectional unit5
Battery and supercapacitor assisted controller for stability enhancement of DC microgrid5
A low settling time switching scheme for SAR ADCs with reset‐free regenerative comparator5
Ternary SRAM circuit designs with CNTFETs5
Research on Cascaded On‐Board DC/DC Converter Based on Three‐Phase Interleaved LLC5
A passivity control and developed nonlinear disturbance observer for boost converter with constant power load in DC microgrid5
Double‐input triple‐output non‐isolated DC–DC converter based on coupled inductor with high step‐up output voltages5
Third‐order super‐twisting control of a double stator asynchronous generator integrated in a wind turbine system under single‐phase open fault5
High‐Performance Hardware Structure of ChaCha20 Stream Cipher Based on Sparse Parallel Prefix Adder5
Grid power quality improvement using a vehicle‐to‐grid enabled bidirectional off‐board electric vehicle battery charger5
A low‐leakage single‐bitline 9T SRAM cell with read‐disturbance removal and high writability for low‐power biomedical applications5
Design of novel universal converter for integration of solar and wind energy for AC and DC load5
An Improved Magnetic Coupling Resonant Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Ferrite‐Nanocrystalline Hybrid Shielding Method5
An ultrahigh input impedance low noise analog front‐end design for epilepsy brain recording system5
An integrated equalization charger for series‐connected energy storage cells5
A true random number generator with high bit rate and low energy efficiency5
On‐chip bias‐generating architecture for an automotive application with a wide input dynamic range5
Evaluation of model‐free predictive current control in three‐phase permanent magnet synchronous motor drives fed by three‐level neutral‐point‐clamped inverters5
A two‐step sizing method for multistage Op Amps based on behavioral initial sizing followed by Spice‐in‐the‐loop refining5
Lightweight High‐Throughput TRNG Based on Single‐Node Boolean Chaotic Structure5
A Scalable Delay‐Expanding Technique for Low‐Area On‐Chip Power‐On Reset Circuits5
Transformer differential protection scheme based on self‐adaptive biased characteristic curve and considering cross‐country faults5
High‐gain single‐switch single‐input dual‐output DC‐DC converter with reduced switching stress5
A wireless power transfer system for an autonomous underwater vehicle based on lightweight universal variable ring‐shaped magnetic coupling5
Sensorless voltage balancing method for modular multilevel converter5
Bursting oscillation characteristics and adaptive high‐order differential feedback controller of doubly fed induction generator system5
An adaptive link training based hybrid circuit topology for full‐duplex on‐chip interconnects5
Performance improvement of shunt active power filter under variable grid frequency condition using complex coefficient filter‐frequency locked loop5
A multi‐loads capacitive power transfer system for railway intelligent monitoring systems based on single relay plate5
Dual‐band modified rectangular shaped dielectric resonator antenna with diversified polarization feature5
A Family of Single‐Switch High Step‐Up DC‐DC Converters Based on Switched‐Capacitor Converters5
A real‐time energy management control strategy of hybrid energy system for a pure electric loader5
A 40.3–50.5 GHz locking range transformer‐based injection‐locked frequency divider utilizing a high third harmonic rejection buffer5