American Journal of Law & Medicine

(The TQCC of American Journal of Law & Medicine is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Vitriolic Verification: Accommodations, Overbroad Medical Record Requests, and Procedural Ableism in Higher Education13
Trust, Brutality, and Human Dignity: How “Partial Birth Abortion” Helps Shape American Biopolitics7
Access to Medication Abortion: Now More Important Than Ever7
AMJ volume 49 issue 1 Cover and Front matter6
Vitriolic Verification: Accommodations, Overbroad Medical Record Requests, and Procedural Ableism in Higher Education – Corrigendum6
How Much Information is Enough? Understanding the Alabama Supreme Court’s Expansion of the Causation Standard in Failure to Warn Claims4
Pregnant Women and Opioid Use Disorder: Examining the Legal Landscape for Controlling Women’s Reproductive Health4
Pelvic Exam Laws in the United States: A Systematic Review3
AMJ volume 47 issue 4 Cover and Back matter3
Reformulating Graham v. Connor’s Excessive Force Test to ADApt for Individuals with Disabilities3
AMJ volume 48 issue 1 Cover and Back matter3
Synthetic Biology: State Regulation in the Biomedical Context3
Information Opacity in Biopharmaceutical Innovation Through the Lens of COVID-193
Speech and Suicide—The Line of Legality2
Straight Teeth and Misaligned Interests: Courtrooms Are Crowded with SmileDirectClub Litigation2
Potential Effects of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health on Civil Commitment Law2
Mental Health Matters: A Look At Abortion Law Post-Dobbs2
Reshaping Insanity in Pakistani Law: The Case of Safia Bano2
ALGORITHMS, ADDICTION, AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH: An Interdisciplinary Study to Inform State-level Policy Action to Protect Youth from the Dangers of Social Media1
Toward a Preliminary Theory of Organizational Incentives: Addressing Incentive Misalignment in Private Equity-Owned Long-Term Care Facilities1
Increasing LGBTQ+ Access to Legal Services via Medical-Legal Partnerships1
Mental Health Parity Arguments for Accessing Gender Affirmation Surgery1
AMJ volume 50 issue 1-2 Cover and Front matter1
Don’t Forget About Adolescence: How the Braidwood Litigation Can Shape Access to Mental Health Services and Adolescent Development1
Braidwood Management Inc. v. Becerra: Is There a Violation of the Article II Appointments Clause?1
Crime, Incarceration, and Dementia: An Aging Criminal System1
The Broken Link: Braidwood, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), and the Health Equity Implications of Losing Free Access to Preventive Care1
Whole Woman’s Health v. Jackson: One Texas Law’s Procedural Peculiarities and its Monolithic Threat to Abortion Access1
Reforming Medicaid Coverage Toward Reproductive Justice0
AMJ volume 49 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
AMJ volume 49 issue 2-3 Cover and Back matter0
Title IX’s Unintended Consequences: The Female Athlete Triad and the Need for Special Treatment0
A Protected Class, An Unprotected Condition, and A Biomarker – A Method/Formula for Increased Diversity in Clinical Trials for the African American Subject with Benign Ethnic Neutropenia (BEN) – CORRI0
Expedited Antitrust Review of COVID-19-Related Requests0
AMJ volume 50 issue 1-2 Cover and Back matter0
AMJ volume 47 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Access in a Crisis: The Modernization of OTC Drug Regulations0
Beyond Diversity and Inclusion: Understanding and Addressing Ableism, Heterosexism, and Transmisia in the Legal Profession: Comment on Blanck, Hyseni, and Altunkol Wise’s National Study of the Legal P0
EACH Person’s Right: The Importance of Federal Abortion Care Funding to Health Care Reform0
CVS Health’s Acquisition of Oak Street Health Reconfirms Market Viability of Private Equity Investment in Value-Based Payment Models for Primary Care0
The Right to Construct Yourself and Your Identity: The Current Human Rights Law Framework Falls Short in Practice in the Face of Illegitimate Interference to the Mind0
Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru: A Broadening of the “Ministerial Exception” to Employment Discrimination in Religious Institutions0
Hairdos and Help-seeking: Mandatory Domestic Violence Training for Salon Workers0
AMJ volume 47 issue 2-3 Cover and Back matter0
A Protected Class, An Unprotected Condition, and A Biomarker – A Method/Formula for Increased Diversity in Clinical Trials for the African American Subject with Benign Ethnic Neutropenia (BEN)0
AMJ volume 49 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Braidwood Mgmt. v. Becerra & a Texas District Court’s Decision to Stop Enforcement of Preventive Care Coverage Requirements under the ACA0
Opioid Litigation: Lessons Learned from a Retail Pharmacy Settlement0
AMJ volume 49 issue 2-3 Cover and Front matter0
“The Timeless Explosion of Fantasy’s Dream”: How State Courts Have Ignored the Supreme Court’s Decision in Panetti v. Quarterman – ERRATUM0
What Does “Least Restrictive” or “Less Restrictive” Mean in Mental Health Law? Contradictions and Confusion in the Case of Queensland, Australia0
Religious Resistance and the Public’s Health0
AMJ volume 47 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Diversity and Inclusion in the American Legal Profession: Discrimination and Bias Reported by Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers Who Identify as LGBTQ+0
Puerto Rico’s Attempts to Address a Public Health Crisis Struck Down by the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit0
Monitoring Mental Health: Legal and Ethical Considerations of Using Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatric Wards0
No Policy is an Island: Mitigating COVID-19 in View of Interaction Effects0
Situating Braidwood in Broader Conversations About Health Policy and Administrative Law0
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and (Mis)perception of Risk0
AMJ volume 48 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Gordon v. State Bar of California: Test Takers with Disabilities Sue State Bar of California for Forcing Them to Test In-Person During the COVID-19 Pandemic0
Adolescent Medical Decisionmaking Rights: Reconciling Medicine and Law0
The Causes of Minor Suicide: How the Restatement Approach to Foreseeability & Scope of Liability Fails to Act as a Deterrent0
Reflections on a New Study that Examines Discrimination and Bias Reported by Lawyers: Comment on Blanck, Hyseni, and Altunkol Wise’s National Study of the Legal Profession0
Easing Medical Device Regulatory Oversight: The FDA and Testing Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic0
Alabama Association of Realtors v. Department of Health and Human Services: End of Federal Eviction Moratorium Curtails Expansive Interpretation of CDC’s Statutory Authority0
Curbing Agency Expertise Threatens Public Health: Braidwood and the Nondelegation Doctrine0
Who Is a Health Care Provider?: Statutory Interpretation as a Middle-Ground Approach to Medical Malpractice Damage Caps0
Do Pluripotent Stem Cells Offer a New Path to Reproduction?0
“The Timeless Explosion of Fantasy’s Dream”: How State Courts Have Ignored the Supreme Court’s Decision in Panetti v. Quarterman0
Upending “Normal”: Toward an Integrated and Intersectional Approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Legal Profession: Comment on Blanck, Hyseni, and Altunkol Wise’s National Study of the Le0
Remote Reproductive Rights0
Legitimacy of Cost Concern for Health Insurance Coverage of Gender-Affirming Surgeries: Comparison of the Interest in Keeping Insurance Cost Down versus the Cost-Effectiveness of Including Gender-Affi0
Juvenile Competency Complications: Protocol, Unmet Needs, Developmental Immaturity, FASD, and Comorbidity0
The Balancing Act in Regulation Between the FDA and the Court’s Role in Promoting Children’s Health: In re: Gerber Products Company Heavy Metals Baby Food Litigation0
Read It Three Times, Then Read It Again: How Nursing Homes Use “Responsible Party” Clauses in Admission Agreements to Charge Relatives for Their Loved Ones’ Care0
Ruthless Utilitarianism? COVID-19 State Triage Protocols May Subject Patients to Racial Discrimination and Providers to Legal Liability0
The Optum-Atrius Transaction: A Model for Reviewing Mid-Sized Health Transactions0
How The “Great Resignation” and COVID Unemployment Have Eroded the Employer Sponsored Insurance Model and Access to Healthcare0
Applying a Common Enterprise Theory of Liability to Clinical AI Systems0
When Medical Devices Have a Mind of Their Own: The Challenges of Regulating Artificial Intelligence0
AMJ volume 48 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
AMJ volume 48 issue 2-3 Cover and Back matter0
AMJ volume 47 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
The Future of Behavioral Health: Can Private Equity and Telehealth Improve Access?0
Preventive Care and Health Equity: The Educational Divide0
AMJ volume 48 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
COVID-19, Religious Freedom and the Law: The United States’ Case0
AMJ volume 48 issue 2-3 Cover and Front matter0
Preventive Medicine Stigma0
The Case Against Race-Based Quotas in Pharmaceutical Trials0
LGBTQ+ Lawyers Experience Breakthroughs and Setbacks: Comment on Blanck, Hyseni, and Altunkol Wise’s National Study of the Legal Profession0
Too Important for the Bureaucrats: Rethinking Risk and Regulatory Presumptions in Times of Crisis0
Infected by Bias: Behavioral Science and the Legal Response to COVID-190
Pushing Past the Pandemic: Re-evaluating Tribal Exemptions to Medicaid Work Requirements0
Dietary Supplements for Weight Loss: Legal Basis for Excise Tax and Other Government Action to Protect Consumers from a Public Health Menace0
Episode III: California v. Texas0
#Justice4Layleen: The Legal Implications of Polanco v. City of New York0
Eating Disorders and Our Youth: Aggressive Action Must be Taken to Ensure Parity0
Crisis Pregnancy Centers: An Inherently Unjust Limitation to Reproductive Rights0
The Least Diverse Profession: Comment on Blanck, Hyseni, and Altunkol Wise’s National Study of Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession0
“Forwards, Not Backwards”: How the U.S. Supreme Court May Save the Plight of Individuals with Mental Disabilities0
The Potential Effects of Braidwood Management v. Becerra and Impact on Community Health Centers0
Shattering the Mirage: The FDA’s Early COVID-19 Pandemic Response Demonstrates a Need for Reform to Restore Agency Credibility0
Monitoring Mental Health: Legal and Ethical Considerations of Using Artificial Intelligence in Psychiatric Wards – ADDENDUM0
The Need for Transparency in Medicaid Managed Care: Section 1115 Waiver Requirements as a Blueprint0
Ignoring the Experts: Implications of the FDA’s Aduhelm Approval0
Abortion Access for Women in Custody in the Wake of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health0
Tailoring Public Health Policies0
Reversing the Criminalization of Reproductive Health Care Access0
Mental Health Matters: A Look At Abortion Law Post-Dobbs – ERRATUM0
Supporting an Invisible Workforce: The Case for the Creation of the Home Healthcare Workers Support Act0
Reason-Based Abortion Bans, Disability Rights, and the Future of Prenatal Genetic Testing0
AMJ volume 47 issue 2-3 Cover and Front matter0
Recalibrating Transplant Eligibility Criteria: Ensuring Equitable Access to Organ Transplantation for Intellectually Disabled Persons0
Erasing Workers’ Identities: Comment on Blanck, Hyseni, and Altunkol Wise’s National Study of the Legal Profession0
How Does Medicaid Managed Care Address the Needs of Beneficiaries with Opioid Use Disorders? A Deep Dive into Contract Design0
Self-Determined Health: Reevaluating Current Systems and Funding for Native American Health Care0
No More Wild West: The Need for Wellness Professional Standards0
Preventive Care: Improving Health of Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Program Patients Through Access to Fresh Fruit and Vegetables0
AMJ volume 49 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0