Population and Development Review

(The median citation count of Population and Development Review is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Sensitivity Analysis of Excess Mortality due to the COVID‐19 Pandemic65
Rethinking Global Food Demand for 205063
The Great Convergence: Gender and Unpaid Work in Europe and the United States56
Six Ways Population Change Will Affect the Global Economy44
Educational Gender Inequality in Sub‐Saharan Africa: A Long‐Term Perspective44
Can Policies Stall the Fertility Fall? A Systematic Review of the (Quasi‐) Experimental Literature43
Supply‐Side Versus Demand‐Side Unmet Need: Implications for Family Planning Programs42
FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHOThe State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2020. Transforming food systems for affordable healthy dietsFAO, 2020, 320 p.41
Global and National Declines in Life Expectancy: An End‐of‐2021 Assessment40
Is Migration a Learned Behavior? Understanding the Impact of Past Migration on Future Migration30
Urbanization Is No Longer Driven by Migration in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries (1985–2015)27
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population DivisionWorld Family Planning 2020: Highlights, United Nations Publications, 2020. 46 p.21
The “Sandwich Generation” Revisited: Global Demographic Drivers of Care Time Demands19
Pandemic Roller‐Coaster? Birth Trends in Higher‐Income Countries During the COVID‐19 Pandemic19
Trends and Patterns of Global Refugee Migration18
Son Preference, Gender Discrimination, and Missing Girls in Rural Spain, 1750–195018
A Sequence‐Analysis Approach to the Study of the Transition to Adulthood in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries17
Rising Global Levels of Intergenerational Coresidence Among Young Adults17
Youth Migration Decisions in Sub‐Saharan Africa: Satellite‐Based Empirical Evidence from Nigeria16
Child Marriage in Canada14
The Internetization of International Migration13
A Little Bit Pregnant? Productive Ambiguity and Fertility Research13
Demography: Fast and Slow12
The Impacts of Temperature Shocks on Birth Weight in Vietnam12
Major Socioeconomic Driving Forces of Improving Population Health in China: 1978–201812
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Climate Change Impacts12
An Enduring Institution? Child Fostering in Sub‐Saharan Africa12
The Introduction of Bismarck's Social Security System and its Effects on Marriage and Fertility in Prussia11
The Changing Age Distribution of the United States11
Raising Awareness About the Risk of Irregular Migration: Quasi‐Experimental Evidence from Guinea11
Nowcasting Daily Population Displacement in Ukraine through Social Media Advertising Data11
Cohort and Period Effects as Explanations for Declining Dementia Trends and Cognitive Aging11
The Untold Story of 50 Years of Adolescent Fertility in West Africa: A Cohort Perspective on the Quantum, Timing, and Spacing of Adolescent Childbearing10
Population Aging, Demographic Metabolism, and the Rising Tide of Late Middle Age to Older Adult Loneliness Around the World10
Understanding the Positive Effects of the COVID‐19 Pandemic on Women's Fertility in Norway10
Armed Conflict and the Timing of Childbearing in Azerbaijan10
Spurring Economic Growth through Human Development: Research Results and Guidance for Policymakers9
The Formation and Realization of Fertility Goals Among a US Cohort in the Post‐Recession Years9
Income Inequality and Increasing Dispersion of the Transition to First Birth in the Global South9
Impact of Tuition‐Free Education Policy on Child Marriage and Early Childbearing: Does Secondary Matter More?9
Public Health and Armed Conflict: Immunization in Times of Systemic Disruptions8
The Effect of Maternal Education on Child Mortality in Bangladesh8
Windows of Vulnerability: Consequences of Exposure Timing during the Dutch Hunger Winter8
An Agricultural Wealth Index for Multidimensional Wealth Assessments7
The Childhood Origins of Climate‐Induced Mobility and Immobility7
Large and Persistent Life Expectancy Disparities between India's Social Groups7
The Meaning of Health in Rural South Africa: Gender, the Life Course, and the Socioepidemiological Context7
COVID‐19 Policy Interventions and Fertility Dynamics in the Context of Pre‐Pandemic Welfare Support7
Women's Low Employment Rates in India: Cultural and Structural Explanations6
How Armed Conflict Influences Migration6
Evolving Fertility Goals and Behaviors in Current U.S. Childbearing Cohorts6
Declining Family Support, Changing Income Sources, and Older People Poverty: Lessons from South Korea6
Refugee Inflow and Labor Market Outcomes in Brazil: Evidence from the Venezuelan Exodus6
Female Labor Force Participation in Sub‐Saharan Africa: A Cohort Analysis5
Where Do People Live Longer in Russia in the 21st Century? Life Expectancy across Urban and Rural areas5
J.Sachs, G.Schmidt‐Traub, C.Kroll, G.Lafortune, G.Fuller, F.WoelmThe Sustainable Development Goals and COVID‐19. Sustainable Development Report 2020Cambridge University Press, 2020. 510 p.5
The Consequences of the COVID‐19 Pandemic for Fertility and Birth Outcomes: Evidence from Spanish Birth Registers5
Mental and Physical Health Trajectories of Norwegian Parents and Children before and after Union Dissolution5
Nature, Politics, and the Traumas of Europe5
Changing Gender Gaps in the Timing of First Union Formation and Sexual Initiation in Sub‐Saharan Africa5
Health Shocks, Recovery, and the First Thousand Days: The Effect of the Second World War on Height Growth in Japanese Children5
Economic Inequality and Divergence in Family Formation in Sub‐Saharan Africa5
Change and Variation in U.S. Couples’ Earnings Equality Following Parenthood4
Tropical Storms and Temporary Migration in Vietnam4
JasonFletcherBackdoor to a Dead End: A Review Essay1The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality by Kathryn Paige Harden4
Theories of Postindustrial Fertility Decline: An Empirical Examination4
Lessons of Past Coronavirus Pandemics4
Dynamics between Regional Sex Ratios at Birth and Sex Ratios at Prime Marriageable Ages in China4
A Holistic Approach to Family Life Course Change across 1930–1978 Chinese Birth Cohorts4
A Stalled Revolution? Change in Women's Labor Force Participation during Child‐Rearing Years, Europe and the United States 1996–20164
Gender Equity, Religion, and Fertility in Europe and North America4
Rising Patriarchy and Declining Economic Opportunity: Life Courses and Social Change in Egypt between 1965 and 20183
IsabelWilkersonCaste: The Origins of Our DiscontentsRandom House, 2020. 496 p. $32.003
Women's Legal Rights and Gender Gaps in Property Ownership in Developing Countries3
Declining Quantity and Quality of Births in Chile amidst the COVID‐19 Pandemic3
Climate Change and Food Security in Sub‐Saharan Africa3
Not Even a Pandemic Makes Them Change Their Family Plans: The Impact of COVID‐19 on Fertility Intentions in Austria3
Change in Fertility Intentions in the First Year of COVID‐19: Evidence from Four Countries in Sub‐Saharan Africa3
The Contribution of Diffusion to the Fertility Transition in Belgium (1887–1934)3
China's 2020 Fertility and Adoption of a Three‐Child Policy3
Smith or Malthus? A Sea‐Change in the Concept of a Population3
The Effect of Pronatalist Rhetoric on Women's Fertility Preferences in Turkey3
Children of Separation: An International Profile2
U.S. Citizen Children De Facto Deported to Mexico2
Fertility in a Pandemic: Evidence from California2
Data and Trends in Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia, and Some Related Demographic Issues2
Securitization and Forced Migration in Kenya: A Policy Transition from Integration to Encampment2
Fertility Intentions During the Covid‐19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Individual‐ and Municipality‐Level Determinants2
COVID‐19 and Childlessness among Women in the United States2
Feminization, Ageing, and Occupational Change in Europe in the Last 25 Years2
Migration Policies and Immigrants’ Language Acquisition in EU‐15: Evidence from Twitter2
Did the COVID‐19 Pandemic Affect Fertility Desires in Australia? Understanding Why People Changed Their Attitudes towards Having a First or Additional Child2
It Takes a Village: Childcare and Women's Paid Employment in India2
Changes in Literacy Skills as Cohorts Age2
In Living Memory: The Demographic Dynamics of Event Recollection in a Stable Population*1
Halford Mackinder on the Heartland of Eurasia1
Fertility Postponement, Economic Uncertainty, and the Increasing Income Prerequisites of Parenthood1
Life Expectancy Reversals in Low‐Mortality Populations1
Conflict and Child Mortality in Mali: A Synthetic Control Analysis1
On the Health Impacts of Climatic Shocks: How Heatwaves Reduce Birthweight in Sub‐Saharan Africa1
Giorgia Meloni on Italy's Demographic Challenge1
An Alternative Perspective on the Changing Relationships between Fertility and Replacement Level in European Countries1
Development and International Migration: The Effect of Income on Regular and Irregular Migration Intentions to Europe1
The US National Intelligence Council's Global Trends 20401
Impacts of the COVID‐19 Lockdown on Gender Inequalities in Time Spent on Paid and Unpaid Work in Singapore1
Gender Asymmetries in Cross‐National Couples1
The UK Government Office for Science on Global Trends in Citizen Data Systems1
Road Access, Fertility, and Child Health in Rural India1
HelenPluckrose and JamesLindsayCynical Theories: How Activist Scholarship Made Everything about Race, Gender, and Identity‐and Why This Harms EverybodyPitchstone Publishing, 2020. 352 p. $27.951
IPCC, 2023: Climate Change 2023: Synthesis Report. IPCC, 184 p., doi: https://doi.org/10.59327/IPCC/AR6-97892916916471
Disruptions in Educational Progress and Fertility Dynamics by Educational Level: Unraveling the Link between Education and Fertility Stalls in Sub‐Saharan Africa1
The 2022 UN Long‐Range Population Projections1
ClaudiaGoldinCareer and Family: Women's Century‐Long Journey Toward EquityPrinceton University Press, 2021, 325 p., $27.951
Unhealthy Assimilation or Compositional Differences? Disentangling Immigrants' Mental Health Trajectories with Residence Duration1
FlorentBédécarrats, IsabelleGuérin, FrançoisRoubaud (Eds.) Randomized Control Trials in the Field of Development: A Critical PerspectiveOxford University Press, 2020, 448 p., $100.001
The Last Bastion is Falling: Survey Evidence of the New Family Reality in Italy1
COVID‐19 and Contraceptive Use in Two African Countries: Examining Conflicting Pressures on Women1
Measuring Union Formalization for a New Generation of Family Demography: A Case Study from Urban Kenya1
A Tale of Two Villages: Development and Household Change in India1
Globalization and Gender‐Specific Patterns in Individual Fertility Decisions1
Births in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries during the COVID‐19 Pandemic1
The Covid‐19 Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean1
Where Does the Black–White Life Expectancy Gap Come From? The Deadly Consequences of Residential Segregation1
The Missing Millions: Uncovering the Burden of Covid‐19 Cases and Deaths in the African Region1
Mobility, Stagnation, or Attrition? Diverse Earning Trajectories in a Cohort of Foreign‐born Men1
“It's None of Their Damn Business”: Privacy and Disclosure Control in the U.S. Census, 1790–20201
Single Motherhood and Multigenerational Coresidence in Europe1
Local Food Price Volatility and School Dropout in Sub‐Saharan Africa1
The Transformation of Polygyny in Sub‐Saharan Africa1
VegardSkirbekkDecline and Prosper! Changing Global Birth Rates and the Advantages of Fewer ChildrenPalgrave Macmillan, 2022, 396 p., $17.99.1
When Kids Are a Burden: Understanding the Normative Sources of Negative Perceptions of Parenthood1
International Organization for Migration, Migration in West and North Africa and across the Mediterranean: Trends, Risks, Development and GovernanceGeneva, 2020. 458 p. Free download at IOM Online Boo0
AnkushAgarwal and VikasKumarNumbers in India's Periphery: The Political Economy of Government StatisticsCambridge University Press, 2020, 371 p., $120.000
Claire L.WendlandPartial Stories: Maternal Death from Six AnglesUniversity of Chicago Press, 2022, 356 p., $35.00.0
A Novel Macro Perspective on Family Dynamics: The Contribution of Partnership Contexts of Births to Cohort Fertility Rates0
KlaritaGërxhani, N.D.de  Graaf, and WernerRaub (Eds.) Handbook of Sociological Science: Contributions to Rigorous SociologyEdward Elgar Publishing, 2021, 552 p., 22 out of the 26 Chapters are Open Acc0
Emmanuel Macron on the EU's Control of Its External Borders0
Emily KlancherMerchantBuilding the Population BombOxford University Press, 2021. 312 p. $74.00.0
Yang SaoXiongImmigrant Agency: Hmong American Movements and the Politics of Racialized IncorporationRutgers University Press, 2022, 198 p., $29.95 (paper)0
Personal and Social Worries Associated with the Likelihood of Having Children0
JosephChamieBirths, Deaths, Migrations, and Other Important Population Matters: A Collection of Short EssaysIndependently Published, 2021. 548 p. $19.99 (paper)0
The Journey of Humanity by Oded Galor: A Review Essay0
DannyDorlingSlowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration—and Why It's Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our LivesYale University Press, 2020. 400 p. $28.500
VaclavSmilHow the World Really Works: A Scientist's Guide to Our Past, Present and FuturePenguin, 2022, 325 p., $28.00.0
ScottRozelle and NatalieHellInvisible China: How the Urban‐Rural Divide Threatens China's RiseUniversity of Chicago Press, 2022, 241 p., $19.00 (paper)0
María G.RendónStagnant Dreamers: How the Inner City Shapes the Integration of Second‐Generation LatinosRussell Sage Foundation, 2019. 320 p. $39.95 (paper)0
Joseph R. Biden, Jr. on Launching an Economic‐Environmental Revolution0
Dynamics of Union Dissolution in Sub‐Saharan Africa0
Only Children and Cognitive Ability in Childhood: A Cross‐Cohort Analysis over 50 Years in the United Kingdom0
RobertSchoen (Ed.) Analyzing Contemporary FertilitySpringer, 2020, 306 p., $84.990
VéroniquePetit, KaveriQureshi, YvesCharbit, and PhilipKreager (Eds.) The Anthropological Demography of HealthOxford University Press, 2020, 552 p., $145.000
Issue Information0
PamelaStone and MegLovejoyOpting Back In: What Really Happens When Mothers Go Back to WorkUniversity of California Press, 2021, 264 p., $29.950
George J.SánchezBoyle Heights: How a Los Angeles Neighborhood Became the Future of American DemocracyUniversity of California Press, 2021, 392 p., $29.950
Issue Information0
Remittances‐Adjusted Support Ratio0
Lori M.Hunter, ClarkGray, JacquesVéron (Eds.) International Handbook of Population and EnvironmentSpringer, 2022. 518 p., $149.000
The US Council of Economic Advisers on Changing Female Labor Force Participation0
Does Inequality Have Momentum? The Implications of Convex Inequality Regimes for Mortality Dynamics0
Palgrave on Population0
RawanArar and David ScottFitzGeraldThe Refugee SystemPolity, 2022, 272 p., $26.950
Shifting Parental Age Differences in High‐Income Countries: Insights and Implications0
Witnessing Intimate Partner Violence Impacts Schooling and Labor Market Outcomes for Young Women in India0
JenniferShermanDividing Paradise: Rural Inequality and the Diminishing American DreamUniversity of California Press, 2021, 284 p., $85.000
JodyHeymann, AletaSprague, AmyRaubEquality Within Our Lifetimes: How Laws and Policies Can Close—or Widen—Gender Gaps in Economies WorldwideUniversity of California Press, 2023, 328 p., $34.95 (or fre0
Covid‐19: Where We Are, What Got Us Here, and Where We Are Likely to Be Going—A Review Essay*0
Scars of Conflict in the Population Structure of Iraqi Kurdistan: An Unfortunate Cohort and Its “Fortunate” Survivors0
Demographic Systems of Medieval Italy (6th–15th century AD)0
MichaelRodriguez‐MuñizFigures of the Future: Latino Civil Rights and the Politics of Demographic ChangePrinceton University Press, 2021, 312 p., $29.950
Slowing of World Agricultural Output Growth: USDA Estimates0
CharlesGoodhart and ManojPradhanThe Great Demographic Reversal: Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality, and an Inflation RevivalPalgrave‐Macmillan, 2020, 280 p., €29.99.0
ClaudiaFinotelli and IrenePonzo (Eds.) Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe: A North‐South ComparisonSpringer International, 2023, xiv + 340 p., $59.99 (Open Access online).0
SophieLewisFull Surrogacy Now: Feminism Against FamilyVerso Books, 2019. 224 p. £14.990
PhilipJenkinsFertility and Faith: The Demographic Revolution and the Transformation of World ReligionsBaylor University Press, 2020. 270 p. $29.950
Estimates of Excess Mortality Attributable to Covid‐190
MarkKoyama and JaredRubinHow the World Became Rich: The Historical Origins of Economic GrowthPolity, 2022, 240 p., $24.95.0
Online Comment and Rejoinder0
Environmental Factors in Antimicrobial Resistance0
The State of Global Learning Poverty: 2022 UpdateThe World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, FSDO, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2022, 77 p., Open Access0
RichardAlbaThe Great Demographic Illusion: Majority, Minority, and the Expanding American MainstreamPrinceton University Press, 2020. 336 p. $29.950
Thomas Hodgskin on Populousness and Inventiveness0
DustinWhitneyDemographic Deception: Exposing the Overpopulation Myth and Building a Resilient FutureAdvantage Books, 2023, 148 p., $29.99.0
Survey Estimates of Sexual Orientation in the United States0
Issue Information0
The Demography of Crisis‐Driven Outflows from Venezuela0
Issue Information0
Samuel Butler on Mechanical Life and the Human Future0
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Editors’ Note0
Climatic Variability and Internal Migration in Asia: Evidence from Big Microdata0
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A Note from the New Editors0
Issue Information0
Familial Deaths and First Birth0
Rising Working‐age Mortality in the United States0
TasminBradleyGlobal Perspectives on Violence against Women and GirlsZed Books, 2020, 208 p., £65.000
How Family Dynamics Shape Income Inequality Between Families With Young Children: The Case of Sweden, 1995–20180
Reconciling Family Aspirations and Paid Work in the European Union0
Jean‐Marie Guyau on Countering Depopulation in a Secular Society0
The Race between Mortality and Morbidity: Implications for the Global Distribution of Health0
Does Family Structure Account for Child Achievement Gaps by Parental Education? Findings for England, France, Germany and the United States0
WilliamNordhuasThe Spirit of Green: The Economics of Collisions and Contagions in a Crowded WorldPrinceton University Press, 2021, 368 p., $29.950
LucasChancel, ThomasPiketty, EmmanuelSaez, GabrielZucman, et al. World Inequality Report 2022World Inequality Lab, 2021, 234 p., Open Access0
The Value of Cultural Similarity for Predicting Migration: Evidence from Food and Drink Interests in Digital Trace Data0
JeffGoodellThe Heat Will Kill You First: Life and Death on a Scorched PlanetLittle Brown and Company, 2023, 400 p., $29.000
Issue Information0
Birth Intention Status and Infant Mortality: Fixed‐Effects Analysis of 60 Countries0
Biden Administration Memorandum on the Restoration of Reproductive Health Funding0
KyleHarperPlagues Upon the Earth: Disease and the Course of Human HistoryPrinceton University Press, 2021, 686 p., $35.00.0
Issue Information0
Francis Place on the Propriety of Preventing Conception0
Maternal Free Time: A Missing Element in Fertility Studies0
Short‐ and Medium‐Term Effects of Parental Separation on Children's Well‐Being: Evidence from Uruguay0
James Madison on Population and Emigration0
Issue Information0
CharlesKennyThe Plague Cycle: The Unending War Between Humanity and Infectious DiseaseScribner, 2021, 320 p., $28.000
WHO Global and Regional Estimates of Infertility0
Clifford O.Odimegwu and YemiAdewoyin (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of African DemographyRoutledge, 2022, 918 p., $250.000
Correlates of Contemporary Gender Preference for Children in South Korea0
MytheliSreenivasReproductive Politics and the Making of Modern IndiaUniversity of Washington Press, 2021, 284 p., $99.00. Open‐access edition: https://doi.org/10.6069/9780295748856.0
AchimGoerres and PieterVanhuysse (Eds.) Global Political Demography: The Politics of Population ChangePalgrave Macmillan, 2021, 459 p., Open Access0
Children on the Move in China: Insights from the Census Data 2000–20200
The Biden Administration on Climate Migration0
Societal Pessimism and the Transition to Parenthood: A Future Too Bleak to Have Children?0
Revolving Doors: How Externalization Policies Block Refugees and Deflect Other Migrants across Migration Routes0
Jeffrey D.SachsThe Ages of Globalization: Geography, Technology, and InstitutionsColumbia University Press, 2020. 280 p. $24.950
Spousal Agreement on Sex Preferences for Children and Gender Gaps in Children's Education0
Editors' Note 0
MichaelWoolcockInternational Development: Navigating Humanity's Greatest Challenge Polity, 2023, 200 p. $64.95.0
Harriet Martineau on Immigrants in Rural America0
The Early Bird Catches the Worm: The Effect of Birth Order on Old‐Age Mortality0
DierdreMaskThe Address Book: What Street Addresses Reveal about Identity, Race, Wealth, and PowerSt. Martin's Press, 2020. 336 p. $26.990
Trends in Living Arrangements Around the World0