Teaching of Psychology

(The median citation count of Teaching of Psychology is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Rethinking the Course Syllabus: Considerations for Promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion102
When Opportunity Knocks: College Students’ Cheating Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic29
Syllabus Tone, More Than Mental Health Statements, Influence Intentions to Seek Help19
Students’ Expectations and Students’ Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Excellent Teacher Behaviors15
Identity Safety Cues Predict Instructor Impressions, Belonging, and Absences in the Psychology Classroom12
Evaluating Reddit as a Crowdsourcing Platform for Psychology Research Projects12
An Evaluation of Virtual Reality Role-Play Experiences for Helping-Profession Courses12
Improving Students’ Study Habits and Course Performance With a “Learning How to Learn” Assignment12
Kindness at First Sight: The Role of Syllabi in Impression Formation11
Supporting Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness in a Learning-to-Learn Course: College Students’ Insights Into Effective Instruction11
I’ll Read That!: What Title Elements Attract Readers to an Article?9
Growth Mindset Intervention Improves Performance of Highly Nontraditional Introductory Psychology Students at a Community College7
Psychological Misconceptions and Their Relation to Students’ Lay Beliefs of Mind7
Fostering Inclusivity: Exploring the Impact of Identity Safety Cues and Instructor Gender on Students’ Impressions and Belonging7
Short-Term Study Abroad in Psychology: Effects of a Cultural Scavenger Hunt on the Development of Intercultural Competence7
Developing Collaborative Thinkers: Rethinking how we Define, Teach, and Assess Class Participation6
Improving Student Wellbeing: Evidence From a Mixed Effects Design and Comparison to Normative Data6
Do Professor–Student Rapport and Mattering Predict College Student Outcomes?6
Assessment of Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking: Measuring APA Goal 2 Student Learning Outcomes6
What Do Students Think When Asked About Psychology as a Science?6
The Teacher Behavior Checklist: The Mediation Role of Teacher Behaviors in the Relationship Between the Students’ Importance of Teacher Behaviors and Students’ Effort6
Bridging the Science-to-Service Gap: Service Learning in Graduate-Level Psychology Education6
Impact of COVID-19 Campus Closure on Undergraduates5
Getting Psyched About Memes in the Psychology Classroom5
Flipped Classrooms in Undergraduate Statistics: Online Works Just Fine5
Potential Potholes: Predicting Challenges and Learning Outcomes in Research Methods in Psychology Courses5
The Testing Effect in University Teaching: Using Multiple-Choice Testing to Promote Retention of Highly Retrievable Information5
Teaching Ethnic-Specific Coursework: Practical Suggestions for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within the Classroom5
The Challenge of Assessing Character: Measuring APA Goal 3 Student Learning Outcomes5
Building Multicultural Competence by Fostering Collaborative Skills5
Empathic Communication Skills Across Applied Undergraduate Psychology Courses: A Replication Study5
“SET” for Success: Targeted Instruction in Learning Strategies and Behavior Change in Introductory Psychology5
First-Generation College Students’ Academic Challenges Understood Through the Lens of Expectancy Value Theory in an Introductory Psychology Course5
Implementing Relatedness-Supportive Teaching Strategies to Promote Learning in the College Classroom5
Reframing Psychological Research Methods Courses as Tools for Social Justice Education5
Doing Assessment Well: Advances for Undergraduate Psychology Programs and Psychology Educators5
Scientific Blogs as a Psychological Literacy Assessment Tool5
Case Study Instruction Experiences in Educational Psychology and Pre-Service Teachers’ Achievement Goals for Learning4
Taking an Independent Research Course in Psychology: Different Teaching Models Lead to Very Different Experiences4
Increasing Participation in Psychological Science by Using Course-Based Research Projects: Testing Theory, Using Open-Science Practices, and Professionally Presenting Research4
Predicting Learning: Comparing Study Techniques, Perseverance, and Metacognitive Skill4
Impact of Difficult Dialogues on Social Justice Attitudes During a Multicultural Psychology Course4
Students’ Fear of Missing Out Predicts In-Class Social Media Use4
Application of Single-Case Research Designs in Undergraduate Student Reports: An Example From Wellbeing Science4
Debiasing Causal Inferences: Over and Beyond Suboptimal Sampling4
“Oh, the Places You Can Go” Gen Z Psychology Students’ Perceived Career Options and Interests4
Research and Teaching Qualifications for Faculty Positions in Psychology at 4-Year Colleges and Universities4
Diversity Wanted! Utilizing Transdisciplinary Scholarship on Structural Inequality to Educate Psychology Graduate Students4
Multi-Tiered System of Supports: An Ecological Approach to School Psychology Service Delivery4
A Visionary Working Model for Pursuing Social Justice Praxis Through Educational Psychology Courses3
Who Believes the “50 Great Myths of Psychology”?3
The Effects of a Cross-Cultural Psychology Course on Perceived Intercultural Competence3
No Disrespect: Student and Faculty Perceptions of the Qualities of Ineffective Teachers3
The Consistency of Expectations: An Analysis of Learning Objectives Within Cognitive Assessment Course Syllabi3
Differences in Instructor, Presenter, and Audience Ratings of PechaKucha and Traditional Student Presentations3
A Personal Journey of Studying Positive Psychology: Reflections of Undergraduate Students in the United Arab Emirates3
“I was Born to do This”: Faculty Experiences Teaching Graduate-Level Diversity Courses3
The Value of Handwritten Notes: A Failure to Find State-Dependent Effects When Using a Laptop to Take Notes and Complete a Quiz3
Bringing Social Justice into the Statistics Classroom3
What Psychology Students Want From Service-Learning3
An Exercise for Conveying Equal Employment Opportunity Concepts for Industrial-Organizational Psychology Courses3
Multicultural Competence Building Blocks: Multicultural Psychology Courses Promote Multicultural Knowledge and Ethnic Identity3
Myths of Popular Psychology Among University Students and Teachers: Does Training in Psychology Reduce Belief in Myths?3
Undergraduate Psychology Teaching and Education at Argentinian Universities: A Sociobibliometric Investigation (1999–2018)3
Integrating Diversity into Psychology Statistics Courses: Advice, Reflections, and Special Considerations3
A 3-Pronged Approach for Teaching Psychology Students to Understand and Avoid Plagiarism3
Career Assistance From Psychology Programs and Career Services: Who Is Preparing Psychology Students?3
Sculptorades, Cloodles, and Cameos, Oh My! A Cranium Game for General Psychology3
Relationships Among Study Guide Format, Academic Motivation, Self-Efficacy, and Student Grades3
The Use of Concrete Examples Enhances the Learning of Abstract Concepts: A Replication Study3
Achieving Testing Effects in an Authentic College Classroom3
Promoting Student Well-Being Through Classroom Interventions3
Explicit Writing Instruction in Synthesis: Combining In-Class Discussion and an Online Tutorial3
Infusing Multiculturalism, Identity, and Social Justice in Asynchronous Courses3
Exploring How Undergraduate Psychology Majors Seek Information and Experiences for Career Preparation2
Benefits of Movement-Integrated Learning Activities in Statistics and Research Methods Courses2
Structures of Inequity: Teaching Privilege and Oppression with a Tower-Building Activity2
“Jumping the Shark”: An Interdisciplinary Activity for Engaging Students With the Principles of Bivariate Regression2
Myth-Busting With Infographics: Do Creative Assignments Help Students Learn?2
The Use of Visuals in Undergraduate Neuroscience Education: Recommendations for Educators2
We Need More Praxis: A Case for Praxis Assignments in Psychology Courses2
Teaching About Systemic Ethical Misconduct Increases Awareness of Ethical Principles: A Replication and Extension of Grose-Fifer’s (2017) Tuskegee Role-Play Activity2
An Evaluation of the Mental Health, Financial Stress, and Anticipated Debt-at-Graduation Across Clinical and Counseling PhD and PsyD Students2
Using Motivation Assessment as a Teaching Tool for Large Undergraduate Courses: Reflections From the Teaching Team2
Benefits of Using the Invertebrate Model Organism C. Elegans in an Inquiry-Based Laboratory Activity2
The Persistence of Stigma Reduction After Teaching Abnormal Psychology Using Celebrity Narratives2
A Transformational Approach to Developing Cultural Humility in the Classroom2
Improving Quantitative Abilities and Attitudes in Clinical Psychology Courses: Longitudinal Assessment of a Blended Learning Intervention2
Entering the Workforce or Going to Graduate School: Themes in Psychology Alumni Decision Making2
Careers in Psychology Course: Prevalence, Structure, and Timing2
Investigating the Impact of an Intervention to Promote Mastery Goal Orientation2
Predicting Beliefs in Psychological Misconceptions with Psychology Knowledge and the Critical Reflection Test: A Replication and Extension2
Does “Psychological Literacy” Feature in Non-Psychology Degrees? A Cross-Discipline Study of Student Perceptions2
One Fish, Two Fish; Red Fish (or Green Fish?): Assisting Students With Color Vision Deficiency2
System First: An Integrative Approach to Introductory Psychology2
“Exams by You”: Having Students Write and Complete Their Own Exams During the COVID-19 Pandemic2
Social Justice Pedagogy: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Teaching of Psychology2
A Comparison of Multimedia and Traditional Paper Assignments in an Introductory Psychology Course2
The Efficacy of a Classroom Game for Teaching APA Style Citation2
Co-Constructing Defensive Discourses of Service-Learning in Psychology: A Psychosocial Understanding of Anxiety and Service-Learning, and the Implications for Social Justice2
Integrating Qualitative Inquiry and Critical Whiteness in Psychology Research Methods Courses1
Teaching Students to Learn Better in Introductory Psychology: A Replication and Extension Study1
Just as Long as It’s Not an Essay: The Unessay as a Tool for Engagement in a Cognitive Psychology Course1
Graduate Admissions in Psychology: Using Quantitative and Qualitative Measures to Understand the Frequency and Fatality of Applicant Errors1
A Modified CREATE Approach for Introducing Primary Literature Into Psychological Sciences Courses1
Addressing the Leaking Pipeline: Supporting Disabled Graduate Student Teachers in Psychology1
New Statistics, Old Schools: An Overview of Current Introductory Undergraduate and Graduate Statistics Pedagogy Practices1
The Relationship Between First-Year Learning Communities and Academic Performance in Introductory Psychology and Sociology1
AI or Human? Finding and Responding to Artificial Intelligence in Student Work1
Evaluation of a Lower-Resource-Dependent Tutoring Program Designed to Improve Introductory Psychology Performance1
A Teaching Innovation Project on Writing Critical Essays in a History of Psychology Course1
Comparing Student-Created to Teacher-Created Study Guides Within An Interteaching Framework1
Recommendations for Creating and Teaching a Graduate Psychology Course Exclusively for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color Students1
Using “Make & Take Quizzes” to Improve Exam Performance and Engage Students in Effective Study Strategies1
Engaging Students in a Research Methods Writing Lab Online1
The Impact of Strengths-Based Assessment Education on Undergraduate Students’ Knowledge of Disorders and Mental Illness Stigma1
Comparing Student Attitudes to Spreadsheet and Advanced Statistical Packages1
Interview with a Psychologist: Representing Marginalized Psychologists and Diversity Science in Psychology Coursework1
Learning From Teaching: Benefits of Peer Leadership for Peer Leaders in Psychology1
Teaching Cognitive/Behavioral Neuroscience Through a DEI Lens1
What do Incoming University Students Believe About Open Science Practices in Psychology?1
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Internationalization: Past, Present, and Future of STP1
Bringing Books Back: Enhancing the Understanding of Psychotherapy in Psychology Students Through Book Club Participation1
Yes, You Can Get a Job With That Major! Goal 5 Strategies for Facilitating, Assessing, and Demonstrating Psychology Students’ Professional Development1
Psychomythology of Psychopathology: Myths and Mythbusting in Teaching Abnormal Psychology1
Multimedia Characteristics, Student Relationships, and Teaching Behaviors Predict Perceptions of an Inclusive Classroom Across Course Delivery Format1
Earlier Start Time for an Undergraduate Introductory Psychology Course is Associated with Worse Academic and Sleep-Related Outcomes1
Improving Undergraduate Psychology Students’ Understanding of the Graduate School Application Process1
Practicing What We Preach: Incorporating Team-Based Learning into the Pre-Service Teaching Curriculum for Improved Outcomes1
Making Psychology’s Hidden Figures Visible Using Open Educational Resources: A Replication and Extension Study1
Critical Thinking Performance Increases in Psychology Undergraduates Measured Using a Workplace-Recognized Test1
Improving Student Skills and Career Readiness Through Targeted and Embedded Instruction1
Teaching in a Lonely World: Educating Students About the Nature of Loneliness and Promoting Social Connection in the Classroom1
Transforming the Online Learning Experience1
Does the Instructors Gender Identity and Syllabus Design Affect Students Perceptions of Their Instructor?1
Speed-Interviewing for Classroom Group Formation: How a Clever Twist on the Classic “Speed-Dating” Tradition Enhances Small Group Coursework1
Guidance for Teachers: A Review of Facets of an Academic’s Life: A Memoir1
Implementing the Fast Friends Procedure to Build Camaraderie in a Remote Synchronous Teaching Setting1
The Promise of Labor-Based Grading Contracts for the Teaching of Psychology and Neuroscience1
Extending the Reach of the STARs (Students Tackling Advanced Research)1
Initial Evidence for Shifting Race Essentialism Beliefs in the Classroom1
Learning in the Time of COVID: Undergraduate Experiences of a Mid-Semester Transition to Virtual Learning due to the COVID-19 Pandemic1
The Impact of Student Choice to Engage in Cooperative Learning on the Final Exam While Controlling for Early Exam Performance and ACT in Introduction to Psychology1
Infusion of Climate Change Topics in Introductory Psychology Textbooks: A Content Analysis1
Improving the Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness With the Nonequivalent Dependent Variables Approach1
Undergraduate Research Pools in Psychology Departments: Prevalence and Practices1
Assessing Goal 4 Communication Skills for Psychology Across Audience, Purpose, and Context1
Motivation Toward Choosing Psychology as a Secondary School Subject: A Cross-Cultural Comparison1
The Long-Term Impact of Undergraduate Internships and Research Experiences in Psychology: An Alumni Survey Study1
Eliminating ANOVA Hand Calculations Predicts Improved Mastery in an Undergraduate Statistics Course1
The Electronic Media Fast and Student Well-Being: An Exercise in Transformational Teaching1