Water Resources

(The TQCC of Water Resources is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Modeling Channel Deformation and Pollutant Transport in Rivers in Permafrost Zone with Local Channel Curvature18
The Density of Bottom Sediment Particles in Water Bodies17
Fluorine Concentrations in the Lena R. Water from 1995 to 202116
Chemical Characteristics of Snow Cover in the High-Latitude Arctic: Baranov Cape, Bolshevik Island, Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago12
Oil-Product Pollution of the Kamchatka River12
Space and Time Variations of Snow Cover in the Southern Forest-Steppe in the Upper Ob Basin12
Geoecological and Hydrochemical Features of the Akkem River Basin (Mountain Altai)12
Effect of Weather-Related Episodic Events over Chlorophyll-a In a Shallow Lake: an Analysis Based on High-Frequency Data11
Numerical Analysis of the Velocities of Currents Forming in the Kerch Strait at the Motion of Domains of Higher Atmospheric Pressure11
Results of Geodetic Measurements of the Mass Balance of Some Glaciers in the Trans-Ili Alatau11
The Ecology of Meromictic Lakes in Russia. 2. Continental Water Bodies11
Methodological Problems of Studying the Underwater Relief in the River Delta from Space Images (on the Example of Mapping the Shallows of the Yenisei River Delta)10
Prediction of Flow around a Vertical Circular Pier in a Discordant Bed Channel Confluence10
Climate Change and Threats to Water Security: A Review10
Modeling Long-Term Dynamics of River Flow in the Lena River Basin Based on a Distributed Conceptual Runoff Model9
The Signs and the Role of Structures of Subsurface Flow in Permafrost Zone9
Short-Term Prediction of Groundwater Level Based on Spatiotemporal Correlation8
Model Analysis of the Thermal and Ice Regime of a Large Lowland Reservoir: Case Study of the Novosibirsk Reservoir8
Parameters of Water Column Stability in a Small Polymictic Lake in Years of Different Weather Conditions8
Coastal Water Quality in Lake Baikal in Bol’shie Koty Bay, Determined by the Effect of Atmospheric Precipitation and the Survival of Indicator Microorganisms8
An Approximate Formula for the Vapor Pressure Deficit Calculation to Estimate the Evaporation in Runoff Formation Models of Russian Rivers7
Simulating the Dynamics of the Characteristics of Snow Cover Formation Regime in the Russian Federation Territory. 1. Field Areas of ER in the Historical Period7
Long-Term Variations of Mercury Compound Concentrations in River Ecosystems in Russia Based on Monitoring Data6
A New Approach to Studying Delta Formation6
Scenario Projections of Changes in Snow Water Equivalent Due to Possible Climate Changes in Different Regions of the Earth6
Hydrogeochemical and Isotopic Characteristics and Assessment of Groundwater Quality of the Aquifers in Djeffara Medenine (Southeastern-Tunisia)6
Assessment of Influences of Anthropogenic and Climatic Changes in the Drainage Basin on Hydrological Processes in the Gulf of Ob6
Procedure for the Development of a System of Mathematical Models of the Vadose Zone and the Saturated Zone for Forecasting Pollution Migration from a Near-Surface Source to the Discharge Zone6
Current Hydrological Regime of the Volga Reservoirs6
Utilization of Remote Sensing Data in the Simulation of the Water and Heat Regime of Land Areas: A Review of Publications6
Emission of Rossby Waves by Synoptic Vortices6
The Role of Microbiological Processes in the Formation of Geochemical Barriers and Redox Zones under Conditions of Contamination of Soils and Aquifers with Metals Near MSW Disposal Sites5
Assessing the Influence of Upstream Basin and Climatic Characteristics on Post-Dam Downstream Streamflow Changes: Empirical Insights from Peninsular India5
Assessment of the Kolyma Runoff under Current Climate Changes5
Assessment of Turbulent Kinetic Energy Balance within the Boulder Array in Gravel Bed Stream5
Studying the Experience of Solving Water Supply Problems in the Medieval Crimea (Sudak XIV–XV Centuries)5
Research of Water Environment Capacity Allocation in Liaoning Province Based on the Analytic Network Process5
Drought Forecasting of Seyhan and Ceyhan Basins Using Machine Learning Methods5
Dynamics of Snow Cover Depth and Density in the Arctic under the Modern Climate5
Formation Conditions of Runoff and Hydrological–Morphological Processes in Deltas in Permafrost Zone: The Deltas of the Lena and Mackenzie Rivers5
Landfill Technology of Waste Management5
Fluorine in the Waters of Hypersaline Water Bodies: Dead Sea, Lake Urmia5
Water Budget of the Caspian Sea in the Last Glacial Maximum by Data of Experiments with Mathematical Models5
Water Quality Assessment for the Ground Water in Terms of Salt Water Intrusion at a Coastal Region4
Roughness Parameter of Shallow Water Bodies4
Comparison of the Integral Water Vapor Content of the Atmosphere by Data of the Global Forecast System (GFS) and GNSS Observations (Primorski Krai, Russia)4
Teleconnections between Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies and the Southern Oscillation Index in the Pacific and Indian Oceans on Drought Events in the Mekong Delta4
Numerical Simulation and Verification of Water and Heat Transport in the Lateral Hyporheic Zone of River-Groundwater under Water Exchange Conditions4
Comparative Study of 1D Hydraulic Models Simulation Performed for the Panchganga River Reach by Using HEC-RAS and MIKE HYDRO River Software4
Scenario-Based Forecasts of Changes in the Temperature and Hydrological Regime of Crimea in the XXI Century by Data of CMIP6 Climate Models4
Assessment of the Existing and Future Needs for River Water in the Kazakhstan Sector of the Ural River4
Distribution of Heavy Metals in Gray Silts in the Volga Cascade of Reservoirs4
Simulating Flash Floods in Small Rivers of the Northern Caucasus with the Use of Data of Automated Hydrometeorological Network4
Dynamics of Palsa Mires of the Kola Peninsula as a Marker of Climate Change in the Arctic4
Current Features and Dynamics of Nutrient Balance in the Kud’ma River Basin. 2. Seasonal Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus4
A Model for Water Quality Assessment, Monitoring, and Management in Transboundary Water Objects4
Application of Fractal Theory to Describe the Morphological Complexity of Large Stream Networks in Chile4
Microplastic Concentrations in Bottom Sediments of the Lakes of Specially Protected Natural Territories: Case Study of the Kizhskie Skerries, Lake Onega and Vodlozero Lake3
Modeling, Mapping and Analysis of Floods Using Optical, Lidar and SAR Datasets—a Review3
A Method for Determining Water Flow in Small Rivers Based on Processing Water Surface Video Images3
Evaluating Evaporation Using Measurement Data from Experimental Grounds in Crimean Peninsula3
Volatile Organic Compounds in the Mouth Areas of Small Rivers in Tatar Strait during Under-Ice Period3
Modelling the Impact of Climate Variability and LULC Changes on the Hydrological Processes in the Upper Jhelum Basin Catchment, Western-Himalayas3
On the Timing of the Epoch of Abundant River Flow in the Volga Basin3
The Effect of Temporal Aggregation of Observation Data on Parameter Calibration Results and the Efficiency of Runoff Simulation: Case Study of Small Catchments (Southern Primorskii Krai, Russia)3
Anthropic Exposure Indicator for River Basins Based on Landscape Characterization and Fuzzy Inference3
Risk Estimation of Surface Water Pollution in Vam Co Tay River Based on Remote Sensing Data and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis Methods3
Evaluation of a Combined Index Based on Hydrological Model for Drought Monitoring in Central Iran3
Comprehensive Assessment of the Ecological Conditions of the Salgir River in the City of Simferopol3
Global Estimates of Changes in the Terrestrial Water Balance Components in the Context of Possible Climate Changes3
Space and Time Variations of Hydroenvironmental Characteristics of the Ivankovo Reservoir in Years with Different Weather Conditions3
137Cs Pollution of Lake Onega and Its Purification3
Heavy Metals and Metalloids in Water and Bottom Sediments in the Rivers in the Can Gio Biospheric Reserve, Vietnam3
Water Quality Evaluation and Monitoring Model (WQEM) Using Machine Learning Techniques with IoT3
Isotopic Composition (δ18O, δ2H) of Karelian Snow Cover3
Solving the Problem of Groundwater Flow in an Inundated Massif with Vertical Drains3
Development of a Water Quality Index Using Sparse Principal Component Analysis for the Tigris River in Iraq3
Contamination and Sources Identification of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water and Sediments of Annaba Bay Basin, Algeria3
Modelling of Thermal Stratification and Ice Dynamics with Application to Lake Teletskoye, Altai Republic, Russia2
Expected Changes in Evaporation in the Taiga Zone of European Russia in the XXI Century2
The Effect of Natural and Anthropogenic Factors on the Seasonal Ecohydrological Dynamics of the Eastern Basin of the Hypersaline Sakskoe Lake, the Republic of Crimea2
The Properties of Natural Waters Determined by Their Microstructural Self-Organization2
Flowage Lakes in the World: Analysis of Quantitative Characteristics and Their Effect on the Character of Flow Variations of Lake-Containing Rivers2
Analysis of the Chemistry of Municipal Wastewaters for Forecasting the Conditions of Urban Population2
Artificial Groundwater Replenishment in the Republic of Kalmykia: The Sources, Problems, and Perspectives2
Geobiochemical Characteristics of Snow Cover on the White Sea Coast in 2021 and 20222
Evaluating Water Quality in a Large River System in the Northern European Russia by Macrozoobenthos2
Buzulgan Rockslide: Simulation of Debris Flows along Gerkhozhan-Su River and Scenarios of Their Impact on Tyrnyauz Town after Changes in 20202
Geographic-Hydrological Register of Deltas of Main World Rivers2
Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Concentration and Composition of Planktonic Cyanobacteria Community in a Tropical Reservoir Chain2
Assessment of the Concentration of Metals and Metalloids in the Snow Cover at Oil Production Sites in the Middle Ob Region2
Regularities of Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Chironomid Communities (Chironomidae, Diptera) in the Kuibyshev Reservoir2
Extreme Floods in Crimean Rivers in 20212
Elemental Composition of the Algae Spirogyra (Zygnematophyceae, Charophyta) from the Littoral Zone of Lake Baikal2
Effect of Filter Clogging on the Determination of Concentrations of Chemical Elements Migrating in River Water as Components of True Solutions or in Colloidal Forms2
Express-Diagnostics of the Water Sources of a Small Arctic River by the Results of Short-Time Hydrological Survey, Chaunskaya Lowland, Chukotka2
Long-Term Variations of Agricultural Drought Parameters in the World2
Comparison of Hydrothermal Structure of Two Glaciers in Spitsbergen and Tian Shan Based on Radio-Echo Sounding Data2
Oil Products in Lake Baikal and Its Tributaries2
Correction of Algacenoses by Chlorella Introduction: Analysis of Application Cases2
The Scientific Basis of Water Safety of Crimea: Problems and Solutions2
Numerical Study of Interaction between the Climate System Components and Their Role in Arctic Amplification of Climate Change2
Relationship between Agricultural Land Use and Spatial Heterogeneity in Quality of Water Resources in Haean Basin of Korea2
Studying Transformations of the Hydrogeochemical Conditions of Pliocene Aquifer System (Mekong R. Delta, Vietnam) Using Thermodynamic Modeling2
Regularities in the Spasmodic Development of Deltas2
Performance Evaluation of Three Event-Based Rainfall-Runoff Models for a Small Tropical Watershed2
Analysis of Global Data Archive on Droughts and Floods: Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Damage Distribution2
Application of Artificial Neural Network Model for the Prediction of Suspended Sediment Load in the Large River2
The Experience in Drone Use to Evaluate the Coefficients of Turbulent Diffusion in Small Water Bodies2
Groundwater Storage Variation Characteristics in North China before and after the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Based on GRACE and GPS Data2
Variability of Trophic State of Bottom Biotopes of the Gorky Reservoir by Sedimentary Pigments2
Geoenvironmental Assessment of Water Chemistry in Watercourses of the Bureya R. Basin in Permafrost Occurrence Areas2
Current Changes in the Major Water Balance Components of the Pechora and Kolyma Deltas under Warming Climate2
Ring Structures on Baikal Ice and Local Upwelling Cases in Summer2
Hazards and Risks of Recreation Water Use: Vectors of International Studies. The Impacts of Natural Forces on Recreation Beaches and Human Health2
Radium Isotopes and Nutrients in Razdolnaya River Estuary (Amur Bay, the Sea of Japan) in the Period of Summer Flood2
Changes in the Global Water Exchange by the Results of Historical Experiments on Climate Models under CMIP-6 Project2
Simulating Dynamic of Suspended Sediment Flow Based on Data of Primorskaya Water Balance Station2
Forecast of Water Consumption in the Russian Part of the Don Basin2
On the Existence of a Sublayer of Forced Convection with a Fixed Lower Boundary in the Atmospheric Surface Layer2
Measures of the Vertical Size of River Systems as Indicators of Their Formation Conditions: Case Study of Mountains of Crimea and Caucasian Black Sea Coast2
Level Variations in the Caspian Sea under Different Climate Conditions by the Data of Simulation under CMIP6 Project2
Water Consumption and Sanitation in the Municipalities of the Republic of Crimea and City of Sevastopol: Current Status and Problems2
The Effect of Plunging Water of Waves on the Entrainment of Spilled Oil at Sea2