Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B

(The median citation count of Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number. V. Chandeliers and strings20
Linkages and removable paths avoiding vertices16
Tetravalent half-arc-transitive graphs with unbounded nonabelian vertex stabilizers14
Induced subgraphs and tree decompositions II. Toward walls and their line graphs in graphs of bounded degree14
Editorial Board13
Obstructions for matroids of path-width at most k and graphs of linear rank-width at most k10
3-List-coloring graphs of girth at least five on surfaces10
Editorial Board10
Counting colorings of triangle-free graphs10
Characterising k-connected sets in infinite graphs9
The feasible region of induced graphs9
A new bound for the Brown–Erdős–Sós problem8
On the Cayleyness of Praeger-Xu graphs8
A global decomposition theorem for excluding immersions in graphs with no edge-cut of order three8
A fast distributed algorithm for (Δ + 1)-edge-coloring8
Decomposing hypergraphs into cycle factors8
The binary matroids with no odd circuits of size exceeding five8
On the spectrum of Hamiltonian cycles in the n-cube8
Editorial Board8
Spanning trees in dense directed graphs7
Hamiltonian cycles and 1-factors in 5-regular graphs7
Hamilton cycles in dense regular digraphs and oriented graphs7
On orders of automorphisms of vertex-transitive graphs7
Concentration of maximum degree in random planar graphs7
On the intersection conjecture for infinite trees of matroids7
Treewidth versus clique number. II. Tree-independence number7
Maximising the number of cycles in graphs with forbidden subgraphs7
Overfullness of critical class 2 graphs with a small core degree7
Sharp bounds for the chromatic number of random Kneser graphs7
Co-degree threshold for rainbow perfect matchings in uniform hypergraphs7
Generalized cut trees for edge-connectivity7
Intersecting families of sets are typically trivial7
Rooted topological minors on four vertices6
Bounding χ by a fraction of Δ for graphs without large cliques6
The convex dimension of hypergraphs and the hypersimplicial Van Kampen-Flores Theorem6
Finite matchability under the matroidal Hall's condition6
On 2-cycles of graphs6
A localization method in Hamiltonian graph theory6
A scaling limit for the length of the longest cycle in a sparse random graph6
Dichromatic number and forced subdivisions6
Editorial Board6
On the use of senders for asymmetric tuples of cliques in Ramsey theory5
Kruskal–Katona-type problems via the entropy method5
Colouring graphs with sparse neighbourhoods: Bounds and applications5
The structure of quasi-transitive graphs avoiding a minor with applications to the domino problem5
The Farey graph is uniquely determined by its connectivity5
Directed cycles with zero weight in Z5
Excluding a planar matching minor in bipartite graphs5
Graphs with all holes the same length5
Dirac-type theorems in random hypergraphs5
Dirac-type conditions for spanning bounded-degree hypertrees5
A weak box-perfect graph theorem5
Nowhere-zero 3-flows in toroidal graphs5
Efficiently distinguishing all tangles in locally finite graphs5
On a recolouring version of Hadwiger's conjecture5
k-apices of minor-closed graph classes. I. Bounding the obstructions5
The evolution of the structure of ABC-minimal trees4
The Grid Theorem for vertex-minors4
N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids II: Life in X4
Editorial Board4
Counting oriented trees in digraphs with large minimum semidegree4
An oriented discrepancy version of Dirac's theorem4
Local 2-separators4
Stability of graph pairs4
Dimension is polynomial in height for posets with planar cover graphs4
The minimum degree removal lemma thresholds4
Sparse graphs without long induced paths4
Asymptotic equivalence of Hadwiger's conjecture and its odd minor-variant4
Turán numbers of r-graphs on r + 1 vertices4
Editorial Board4
End spaces and tree-decompositions4
Cycle decompositions in k-uniform hypergraphs4
Counting cycles in planar triangulations4
Extremal problems for multigraphs3
Graphs with polynomially many minimal separators3
The inverse Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of a matroid3
Editorial Board3
Embedding connected factorizations3
Maximal matroids in weak order posets3
Minimal asymmetric hypergraphs3
Hamiltonian cycles above expectation in r-graphs and quasi-random r-graphs3
Enlarging vertex-flames in countable digraphs3
Editorial Board3
An extremal problem motivated by triangle-free strongly regular graphs3
Typical and extremal aspects of friends-and-strangers graphs3
Editorial Board3
Clique immersion in graphs without a fixed bipartite graph3
Characterization of 4-critical triangle-free toroidal graphs3
Erdős-Hajnal for cap-free graphs3
Isomorphic bisections of cubic graphs3
Counting r-graphs without forbidden configurations3
Cyclic connectivity, edge-elimination, and the twisted Isaacs graphs3
Well-quasi-ordering Friedman ideals of finite trees proof of Robertson's magic-tree conjecture3
Quantum isomorphism of graphs from association schemes3
On sensitivity in bipartite Cayley graphs2
Jordan-like characterization of automorphism groups of planar graphs2
The minimum number of clique-saturating edges2
Optimal oriented diameter of graphs with diameter 32
Embedding clique-factors in graphs with low ℓ-independence number2
The core conjecture of Hilton and Zhao2
Erdős-Szekeres type theorems for ordered uniform matchings2
Treewidth versus clique number. III. Tree-independence number of graphs with a forbidden structure2
No perfect state transfer in trees with more than 3 vertices2
On locally rainbow colourings2
Crux, space constraints and subdivisions2
Jumps in speeds of hereditary properties in finite relational languages2
Edge-colouring graphs with local list sizes2
Cancellative hypergraphs and Steiner triple systems2
Characterising graphs with no subdivision of a wheel of bounded diameter2
A counterexample to a conjecture about triangle-free induced subgraphs of graphs with large chromatic number2
Total weight choosability of graphs: Towards the 1-2-3-conjecture2
Fractional coloring with local demands and applications to degree-sequence bounds on the independence number2
Excluded minors for the Klein bottle II. Cascades2
Tight bounds for divisible subdivisions2
On a conjecture of spectral extremal problems2
Editorial Board2
Random homomorphisms into the orthogonality graph2
A Stallings type theorem for quasi-transitive graphs2
An explicit characterization of arc-transitive circulants2
Every graph is eventually Turán-good2
Approximating infinite graphs by normal trees2
The multicolor size-Ramsey numbers of cycles2
A simple proof of the Map Color Theorem for nonorientable surfaces2
Coloring polygon visibility graphs and their generalizations2
Trees with many leaves in tournaments2
Turán graphs with bounded matching number2
Spectral arbitrariness for trees fails spectacularly2
Count and cofactor matroids of highly connected graphs2
The structure of hypergraphs without long Berge cycles2
Even-hole-free graphs still have bisimplicial vertices2
A polynomial version of Cereceda's conjecture2
Connectivity and choosability of graphs with no K minor2
Relating the cut distance and the weak* topology for graphons1
Countably determined ends and graphs1
Tutte paths and long cycles in circuit graphs1
Hamiltonian and pseudo-Hamiltonian cycles and fillings in simplicial complexes1
Hypergraph Turán densities can have arbitrarily large algebraic degree1
Two-arc-transitive bicirculants1
Many cliques with few edges and bounded maximum degree1
The burning number conjecture holds asymptotically1
Robin Thomas (1962–2020)1
Spectral extrema of K,-minor free graphs – On a conjecture of M. Tait1
Corrigendum to “A local epsilon version of Reed's Conjecture” [J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 141 (2020) 181–222]1
Turán problems for edge-ordered graphs1
Maker-breaker percolation games II: Escaping to infinity1
Minimum algebraic connectivity and maximum diameter: Aldous–Fill and Guiduli–Mohar conjectures1
Crossings between non-homotopic edges1
One-to-one correspondence between interpretations of the Tutte polynomials1
Editorial Board1
A lower bound on the average size of a connected vertex set of a graph1
Editorial Board1
How connectivity affects the extremal number of trees1
Editorial Board1
On the average degree of edge chromatic critical graphs1
Edge-partitioning 3-edge-connected graphs into paths1
Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces VII. A linear-time algorithm1
Finite 3-connected-set-homogeneous locally 2K graphs and s-arc-transitive graphs1
Approximating TSP walks in subcubic graphs1
Minimal quadrangulations of surfaces1
Optimal spread for spanning subgraphs of Dirac hypergraphs1
Obstructions for bounded shrub-depth and rank-depth1
List 4-colouring of planar graphs1
Editorial Board1
Matrix representations of frame and lifted-graphic matroids correspond to gain functions1
On a problem of El-Zahar and Erdős1
The Lovász-Cherkassky theorem in countable graphs1
On Vizing's edge colouring question1
Graph functionality1
Locally bi-2-transitive graphs and cycle-regular graphs, and the answer to a 2001 problem posed by Fouquet and Hahn1
Polynomial bounds for centered colorings on proper minor-closed graph classes1
On the coequal values of total chromatic number and chromatic index1
Determining triangulations and quadrangulations by boundary distances1
A proof of the tree alternative conjecture under the topological minor relation1
Dynamics of cycles in polyhedra I: The isolation lemma1
Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces VI. 3-colorability of quadrangulations1
Disjoint isomorphic balanced clique subdivisions1
Prime-valent symmetric graphs with a quasi-semiregular automorphism1
A critical probability for biclique partition of G,1
Three-coloring triangle-free graphs on surfaces IV. Bounding face sizes of 4-critical graphs1
Upper bounds for the necklace folding problems1
N-detachable pairs in 3-connected matroids III: The theorem1
Editorial Board1
Editorial Board1
A Harary-Sachs theorem for hypergraphs1
A Cantor-Bernstein-type theorem for spanning trees in infinite graphs1
On primitive 2-closed permutation groups of rank at most four1
Cycles of a given length in tournaments1
Excluded minors for the Klein bottle I. Low connectivity case1
The immersion-minimal infinitely edge-connected graph1
Mutual embeddability in groups, trees, and spheres1
Isomorphisms between random graphs1
Turán problems for mixed graphs1
Exponentially many 3-colorings of planar triangle-free graphs with no short separating cycles1
On the largest planar graphs with everywhere positive combinatorial curvature1
How to build a pillar: A proof of Thomassen's conjecture1
On graph classes with minor-universal elements1
Immersion and clustered coloring1
Strengthening Hadwiger's conjecture for 4- and 5-chromatic graphs1
The generalised Oberwolfach problem1
Graph partitions under average degree constraint1
On the difference of mean subtree orders under edge contraction1
Binary scalar products1
Laminar tight cuts in matching covered graphs1