
(The H4-Index of Paleobiology is 12. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
PAB volume 50 issue 1 Cover25
Hearing from the ocean and into the river: the evolution of the inner ear of Platanistoidea (Cetacea: Odontoceti)20
Latitudinal influences on bryozoan calcification through the Paleozoic20
Intraspecific facial bite marks in tyrannosaurids provide insight into sexual maturity and evolution of bird-like intersexual display17
PAB volume 47 issue 2 Cover and Front matter16
Relative oversampling of carbonate rocks in the North American marine fossil record16
Hydrodynamic trade-offs in potential swimming efficiency of planispiral ammonoids16
Ankylosaurian body armor function and evolution with insights from osteohistology and morphometrics of new specimens from the Late Cretaceous of Antarctica15
PAB volume 49 issue 4 Cover15
Permian–Triassic phylogenetic and morphologic evolution of rhynchonellide brachiopods14
Developmental change during a speciation event: evidence from planktic foraminifera13
Why the long teeth? Morphometric analysis suggests different selective pressures on functional occlusal traits in Plio-Pleistocene African suids13
Geographic and temporal morphological stasis in the latest Cretaceous ammonoidDiscoscaphites irisfrom the U.S. Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains12