Latin American Perspectives

(The median citation count of Latin American Perspectives is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Introduction:Vivir bien/Buen vivirand Post-Neoliberal Development Paths in Latin America: Scope, Strategies, and the Realities of Implementation15
Challenges for the Implementation of the Rights of Nature: Ecuador and Bolivia as the First Instances of an Expanding Movement12
Buen vivir(Good Living): A “Glocal” Genealogy of a Latin American Utopia for the World11
Toward a New Phase of Guerrilla Warfare in Colombia? The Reconstitution of the FARC-EP in Perspective10
Socio-territorial Disputes and Violence on Fracking Land in Vaca Muerta, Argentina9
Dependency Revisited: Ecuador’s (Re)Insertions into the International Division of Nature8
Decolonizing Our Feminist/ized Revolutions: Enfleshed Praxis from Southwest Colombia8
Hybrid Governance in Northeastern Mexico: Crime, Violence, and Legal-Illegal Energy Markets6
Popular Feminism(s) Reconsidered: Popular, Racialized, and Decolonial Subjectivities in Contention6
The Moral Economy of Drug Trafficking: Armed Civilians and Mexico’s Violence and Crime6
Lost and Found: Bourgeois Dependency Theory and the Forgotten Roots of Neodevelopmentalism6
Social Classes and Capital Accumulation in Recent Argentina: The 2008 Agrarian Conflict5
Mourning, Activism, and Queer Desires: Ni Una Menos and Carri’s Las hijas del fuego5
University Extension in Dispute: Neoliberal Counterreform and Alternatives in Latin American Universities5
The Longue Durée of the Marxist Theory of Dependency and the Twenty-First Century5
Introduction: Whither Development Theory?5
Rackets and the Markets of Violence: A Case Study of Altavista, Medellín, Colombia5
Introduction: Violence, Capital Accumulation, and Resistance in Contemporary Latin America5
Poisonous Exports: Pesticides, Peasants, and Conservation Paradigms in Guatemala5
¿La minería para el buen vivir? Large-scale Mining, Citizenship, and Development in Correa’s Ecuador5
Buen vivir and Changes in Education in Ecuador, 2006–20164
The Relational Dynamics of Becoming Popular Feminist Subjects: The World March of Women and Rural/Peasant Women’s Organizing in Brazil in the 2000s4
Dependency 4.0: Theoretical Considerations and the Brazilian Case4
Neoliberalism in the Grey Area: Community Defense, the State, and Organized Crime in Guerrero and Michoacán4
Challenges Facing Latin American Peasant Movements under Progressive Governments and New Right-Wing Parties: The Case of Brazil4
Asociación de Mujeres Afro por la Paz: Feminism with the Body and Face of a Woman4
Populism and Its Authoritarian Tendencies: The Politics of Division in Bolivia4
Dependency Theory and the Critique of Neodevelopmentalism in Latin America4
What is Sumak Kawsay? A Qualitative Study in the Ecuadorian Amazon4
The Rise of Authoritarian Corporate Populism4
Forced Disappearance as a Collective Cultural Trauma in the Ayotzinapa Movement4
Buen vivirand the Making of Indigenous Territories in the Peruvian Amazon4
Environmental Violence and the Socio-environmental (de)Evolution of a Landscape in the San Quintín Valley4
Introduction: Salient Characteristics of Mexico’s Neoliberal Turn and Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s Critique3
Perched on a Parched Hill: Popular Women, Popular Feminism, and the Struggle for Water in Medellín3
Land Speculation by International Financial Capital in Brazil3
Sumak KawsayIs Harmful for All of Us”: Oil Roads and Well-being among the Waorani in Ecuadorian Amazonia3
Social Mobility in Chilean Youth and Their Parents: A Generational Analysis from the Perspective of Social Reproduction3
Consultation in Ecuador: Institutional Fragility and Participation in National Extractive Policy3
Introduction: Social Movements in Latin America, Part 23
The Age of Transition: Postdevelopment and North-South Synergies3
State Violence, Capital Accumulation, and Globalization of Crime: The Case of Ayotzinapa3
Cold War, Neoliberal War, and Disappearance: Observations from Mexico3
Contesting Mexico’s Necropolitics: Necrogovernance and Subversive Necropower in Two Cases3
The Cycle of Dependency 50 Years Later3
Racialized Popular Feminism: A Decolonial Analysis of Women’s Struggle with Police Violence in Rio de Janeiro’s Favelas3
The Rise of Academic Capitalism in Brazil’s Higher Education3
Communal Responses to Structural Violence and Dispossession in Cherán, Mexico3
Dependency Theory in the Academic Self-Reports of the Brasília Group2
Transgressive Female Sexuality and Desire in Contemporary Colombian Cinema: Hermida’sLa luciérnagaand Rodríguez’sSeñoritas2
Popular Feminism: Considering a Concept in Feminist Politics and Theory2
Rafael Correa’s Decade in Power (2007–2017): Citizens’ Revolution,Sumak Kawsay, and Neo-Extractivism in Ecuador2
Opening Pandora's Box: The Extreme Right and the Resurgence of Racism in Brazil2
Indigenous Social Movements and Institutional Reform: Mechanisms of Interest Representation in Three Colombian Municipalities2
Conspiracy Theories and Foreign Policy Narratives: Globalism in Jair Bolsonaro’s Foreign Policy2
Buen vivir as an Alternative Development Model: Ecuador’s Bumpy Road toward a Postextractivist Society2
Mariátegui, Critical Thinking, and Andean Futures2
Commentary: Reply2
Brazilian Subimperialism? Empirical Evidence against Ruy Mauro Marini’s Explanatory Scheme2
Neoliberalism and Higher Education in Latin America2
Education, Science, and Technology Policies during Ecuador’s Citizens’ Revolution: Between Cognitive Dependency and the Struggle for the Social State2
Where Impunity Reigns: Nickel Mining in El Estor, Guatemala2
On the Concept of the Reserve Army of Labor in Ruy Mauro Marini2
Not a Mexican Pink Tide: The AMLO Administration and the Neoliberal Left2
Mapping the Argentine New Left: Social Liberation, National Liberation, and Revolutionary Violence, 1969–19772
Internationalism as Political Praxis: Everyday Actions and Transnational Solidarity Building in the Brazilian Landless Rural Workers’ Movement2
Racializing Region: Internal Orientalism, Social Media, and the Perpetuation of Stereotypes and Prejudice against Brazilian Nordestinos2
Dynamics of Autonomous Action in Social Movements: From Rejection to Construction2
Assessing a Proposal for Updating the Marxist Theory of Dependency2
Drugs, Violence, and Capitalism: The Expansion of Opioid Use in the Americas2
Climate Change, Neoliberalism, and Migration: Mexican Sons of Peasants on the Beach2
Mariátegui, Race, and the Comintern’s National Question1
Soy, China’s Food Security, and the Brazilian Supply1
Between Markets and Barracks: The Economic Policy Narrative of Brazilian Authoritarianism1
Brazil Facing More Than the Pandemic: Distribution and Exclusion in Economic Policy1
Introduction: Brazil under Bolsonaro1
TheBuen vivirPostdevelopmentalist Paradigm under Ecuador’s Citizens’ Revolution Governments (2007–2017): An Appraisal1
Whither Nicaragua Three Years On?1
Decentering a Mulher popular? Gender-Class and Race in Early and Contemporary Latin American Popular Feminisms1
Socio-Environmental Controversies in Peasant Family Farming in Chile’s Ñuble Region1
Power, Legitimacy, and Institutions in the October 2019 Uprising in Chile1
The Impact of For-Profit Higher Education on Brazilian Education1
How Do Business Schools Contribute to the Perpetuation of the Chilean Labor Model?1
Disaster Extractivism: Latin America’s Extractive Shock Therapy in the Age of COVID-191
Russian Foreign Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean in the Twenty-first Century1
Development and Globalization in Latin America: Theories and Practice1
The Social Base of Bolsonarism: An Analysis of Authoritarianism in Politics1
The Houses That Evo Built: Autonomy,Vivir bien, andViviendasin Bolivia1
Mariátegui and the Search for the Latin American Proletariat1
Financial Capital and the Parliamentary Coup in Brazil: Division, Reunification, and Crisis of Hegemony1
Introduction: Social Movements, Progressive Governments, and the Question of Strategy1
The Effects of Postconflict Memory: Forced Sterilization in Peru1
Political Subjectivation, Generation, and Postmemory: Understanding the Activists of the 2011 Chilean Student Movement1
Anticorruption and Imperialist Blind Spots: The Role of the United States in Brazil’s Long Coup1
Bolsonaro’s Subservience to Trump, 2019 and 2020: A Demanding Agenda and Limited Reciprocity1
Tongues of Fire: Silas Malafaia and the Historical Roots of Neo-Pentecostal Power in Bolsonaro’s Brazil1
Cuba: The July 11, 2021, Protests1
Silent Indigenous Revolution in Ecuador and Mariátegui’s Thought1
Living Well and Health Practices among Aymara People in Northern Chile1
“Water Pays for Water”: Sonora, An Affluent of National Privatization1
Water and Socio-Environmental Crisis in Guatemala City’s Metropolitan Area1
Küme mongen on the Coast: Contexts and Course Changes in Intercultural Health in the South of Chile1
In the Labyrinths of Dependent Urbanization: Rescue and Perspectives1
Primitive Accumulation, Mafia Capitalism, and the Campesino Population in Paraguay1
Pandemic States of Exception and the Alt-science of Early Treatment for COVID-19 in Brazil1
The World March of Women: Popular Feminisms, Transnational Struggles1
Territorial Dispossession in Mexico: Mining and the New Latifundism1
Fascism and Dependency in Latin America in the Thinking of Theotônio dos Santos1
From Lula to Bolsonaro: The Crisis of Neodevelopmentalism in Brazil1
Neoliberalism and the Impact of Student Demonstrations in Chile: Pushing the Bounds of the Post-Pinochet Education Project?1
Fals Borda’sHistoria doble de la Costa: The Anatomy of a Book Unfolding into Queerness1
Routines of Interaction between Latin American Feminists and the State1
Testimonio at 501
The Far-Right Takeover in Brazil: Effects on the Health Agenda1
Soft Power with Chinese Characteristics: Pandemic Diplomacy in Latin America and the Caribbean1
Governance, Participation, and Hegemony: Governing Cananea and the Sonora River Region1
Feminist Solidarities and Coalitional Identity: The Popular Feminism of the Marcha das Margaridas1
The Rise and Decline of Brazil as a Regional Power (2003–2016)1
The Precariousness of Immaterial Labor: Self-Taylorization in the Brazilian Software Industry1
Lajan lajan ’ayatikor “Walking in Complementary Pairs” in the Zapatista Women’s Struggle1
Commentary: Defusing the Myths about China’s Relations with Latin America1
Social Protections and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America1
Female Bodies and Globalization: The Work of Indigenous Women Weavers in Zinacantán1
Mariculture Policies and Ocean Grabbing in Brazil1
Brazil and the “Bolsonaro Phenomenon”: Politics, the Economy, and the COVID-19 Pandemic, 2019–20201
U.S. Hegemony in Latin America during an Age of Challenges: The Perception of Threats by the U.S Southern Command1
The Diffusion and Circulation of Marxism in the Periphery: Mariátegui and Dependency Theory1
The Geography of Telework in Latin America: New Spatial Devices during the Pandemic1
The Ideology of Development, the Marxist Theory of Dependency, and the Critique of the Popular-Democratic Strategy1
In Memoriam: Terrie Ralph Groth (1952–2020)1
Victims and Ex-Combatants in Colombia: The Aulas de Paz Model of Truth, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation1
Reassessing Development and Dependency in Latin American Case Studies by1
Rethinking the Role of Religion in Orlando Fals Borda’s Ideas of Social Change, 1948–19701
Radical Reorganization of Environmental Policy: Contemporaneous Evidence from Brazil1
Introduction: The Nicaraguan Crisis and the Challenge to the International Left0
End of Cycle or Continuity of Bolivia’s Democratic-Cultural Revolution?0
The Pandemic, the Crisis of the Neoliberal Model, and the Emergence of Digital Capitalism: The New Labor Market Environment0
The Rise and Fall of Marcha Verde in the Dominican Republic0
The Independent Electronic Music Party Scene/Circuit in São Paulo: A Panorama of the 2010s0
Comment on Nemer Narchi’s Article0
Representations of the COVID-19 Crisis in Argentina0
Mining Extractivism, Commodification of Nature and Indigenous Peasantry in the Atacama Desert: The Political Economy of Yareta (Azorella Compacta) in Historical Perspective (1915-1960)0
Power Bloc Legitimation Strategies in a Dependent Society: The Case of Argentina (2001–2019)0
The Bolsonaro Government in the Face of the Pandemic: Neoliberalism at a Crossroad?0
Notes on the Paths of the Brazilian Revolution0
Metabolic Rift and Structural Crisis of Capital: The Productive Specialization Pattern Based on Commodities and the Progressive Elimination of Ecological and Natural Resources in Brazil0
Colonial Ideologies, Narratives, and Popular Perceptions of Ethno-racial Otherness in the Dynamics of Urban Exclusion: Debates and Evidence from Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Argentina0
Worker Resistance in the Formation of the Maquiladora Enclave in Honduras0
Brazil’s Cultural Battleground: Public Universities and the New Right0
Imperialism is a Global Class Relation, not a Nation-State Relation0
Bolivian Critical Marxism: An Approach to the Work of René Zavaleta Mercado and Álvaro García Linera0
In Memoriam: Elizabeth Dore (1946–2022)0
The Struggle for Land in the Eastern Amazon0
Agricultural adaptation strategies under Morales’s administration: The Case of a Guarni Community in the Bolivian Chaco0
The Antibusiness Basis of Leftist “Breakthrough” Presidencies in Neoliberal Latin America0
The Next 50 Years0
La red que crece: Platform Politics and Social Struggle in Neoliberal Guatemala0
La Via Campesina: A Digital Toolkit for Peasants’ Rights and Global Climate Justice0
Latin American Perspectives on the Urban Century: Planning Challenges and Opportunities0
Mobilized Yet Contained: Popular Women, Feminisms, and Organizing around Venezuela’s 2012 Organic Labor Law0
Beatriz Palacios: Ukamau’s Cornerstone (1974–2003)0
Center-Left Parties and Developmental Regimes in Latin America: Assessing the Role of Democracy0
Book Review: Cuban and U.S. Immigration Inequality0
Young Tzeltal Migrants from the Ejido to California’s Cities0
A New Dawn or a False Hope for Mexico’s Left? Overcoming Neoliberal Legacies in an Uncertain World0
A Political Ecology of Resistance: Actions and Reactions of Agrarian Socio-territorial Movements in Latin America0
Commentary: Unearthing the Root Causes of Central American Migration0
Interpreting Repressive and Economic Threats:Música contestatariaand Collective Resistance in Central America0
Violence and Political Participation in Northeastern Guatemala0
Film Review: Two Stories about Extractivism0
Lava Jato in the Words of Its Task Force: Corruption Probe and the Rise of the Far-Right in Brazil0
The U.S.-Mexican Border and Music as a “Border Crosser”0
A Tale of Two Crashes: Pandemic Politics in Brazil and Peru0
The Hazards to Higher Education of Reformist Pragmatism in Cuba: Proposals for an Agenda0
Absent, Repressive, and Criminalized States: Forced Internal Displacement and Irregular Migration in El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala0
LAP in University-Level Research on the Environment and Natural Resource Development0
Gendered Economic Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and Rural Women’s Livelihood Strategies in Mexico’s Mixteca Alta0
Transnational Corporations and Capitalists from the Global South: Natura & Co. and the IEDI0
Brazilian Dependent Capitalism under the Hegemony of Financialized Capital0
Latin American Urbanization and the Political Economy of Inequality0
The Rise of Fascism in Brazil0
Chile, Latin American Perspectives, and the Theorization of Human Rights0
Finding Feminism through Faith: Casa Yela, Popular Feminism, and the Women-Church Movement in Chile0
Recent Books on Neoliberalism, Violence, and Local Memories in El Salvador0
Bolsonaro, the Last Colonizer0
Bridging the Americas: Ideas, Praxis and Belonging0
Development Projects, Models of Capitalism, and Political Regimes in Brazil, 1988–20210
Agustín Cueva and the Construction of Democracy in Latin America0
Borderland Political Regimes in Latin America0
Dreams of a Globalized University in Ecuador: The Reforms of the Rafael Correa Government0
Development and Well¯being: Maritime Infrastructure and Ocean Grabbing on the Colombian Pacific Coast0
The Pattern of Capital Reproduction in Dependent and Financialized Capitalism0
Comment on “Film, Media, and 50 Years of Latin American Perspectives0
Marxism and Feminism in LAP’s First Decade: Finding Theory Through Lived Experience0
False Generosity: A Freirean Reflection on Food Aid and Lima’s Comedores Populares0
Introduction: An Insurrection, a Resurrection, and the Right Wing’s Self-Deception0
Reflections of Nonnormativity: Photography, Childhood, and Belonging in Mariana Rondón’s Pelo malo0
Defending Territory, Challenging Neoliberalism in Postwar Guatemala: Peaceful Resistance La Puya0
Revolts Against Neoliberalism in the Southern Cone: The Argentine Crisis of 2001 and the 2019 Chilean Social Explosion in Comparison0
Productive Modernization and Challenges for Chilean Peasant Agriculture during the Phase of Post-Agrarian Reform0
Left Government Strategies toward Business Groups and the Outcomes: The Mexican and Venezuelan Cases0
Commentary: Rejoinder0
Agroecology and Institutional Framework in Eastern Antioquia, Colombia: A Case Study0
Remittances as Rents in a Guatemalan Town: Debt, Asylum, the U.S. Job Market, and Vulnerability to Human Trafficking0
Book Review: Popular Struggle and Resistance in Latin America0
From Populism to Neoliberalism: The Political Economy of Latin American Import-Substitution Industrialization: Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia in Comparative Perspective0
Photo Essay: San Quintín’s Long History of Exploitation and Strikes0
Wages, Price, and Profit: Protection and Value Capture in the Mercosur Automotive Industry0
The Right to Live in Peace: Musical Responses to Violence in the 2019 Chilean Uprising0
Enrique Mendieta and the Ghosts of Leftism Past: The Aftereffects of Mexico’s Dirty War in Élmer Mendoza’s Detective Fiction0
Uprising on the Dance Floor: New Chilean Pop and Protest in Postdictatorship Chile0
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s Education in Argentina0
Resizing 60 Years of Chilean Politics: Small Acts, Grassroots Movements, and Individual Responsibility0
Interview with Daniel Feierstein0
Comments on Nemer Narchi’s Contribution to the 50th Anniversary Issue0
The Revolutionary Left in Cuba and Latin America0
The Construction of Peace in the Chiapas Highlands: Indigenous Resistance to Structural Violence0
LAP 50th Anniversary Reflection0
Before the “Ecologically Noble Savage”: Gendered Representations of Amazonia in the Global Media in the 1970s0
The Sexual Politics of Beauty: Reflections on Contemporary Argentine Cinema0
Book Review: A Generation of Conflict in Contemporary Brazil0
Film, Media, and 50 Years of Latin American Perspectives0
Mariátegui’s Thought and the Solidarity Economy: A Contemporary Dialogue?0
The Open Marxism of José Carlos Mariátegui0
Violence in Mexico, Then, There, and Now: A Review Essay0
Lélia Gonzalez (1935-1994): Amefricana activist Intellectual0
State Violence against Mapuche Women in Chile, 1998–20180
Mariátegui’s Thought in the Peasant Struggles of Hugo Blanco0
The Cultural Politics of José Carlos Mariátegui0
Samba and Surveillance: Censorship and Black Music during Brazilian Military Rule, 1964–19850
Cross-Border Social Practices of Mexican Merchant Women0
Progress in Latin America: Farewell to Modernity?0
Latin America’s Second Lost Decade0
The Crystallization of Human Rights in Latin American Perspective0
Counterhegemonic Mobilization and the Popularity of Backlash in Jujuy, Argentina0
Photo Essay: Communities of Resistance along the Border0
Na’guara!! We peasants do practice agroecology:” Territorial Symphonies in La Alianza, Venezuela0
Violence without Truce: Hondurans in the Gulf of Mexico Corridor0
Conflict, Memory and Conciliation0
Book Review: Assessing El Sistema and the Claims of Social Change through Music Education0
Book Review: The Ambiguity and Complexity of Mexico’s Indigenismo0
The Fight to End Neoliberal Madness in Honduras0
Blowtorching Freirean Thought Out of Bolsonaro’s Brazil: Alagoas’s Escola Livre Law0
Book Review: Myths and Half-Truths about Mexico in the Late Twentieth Century0
Protests for Women's Rights and against the Bolsonaro Administration0