Russian History-Histoire Russe

(The median citation count of Russian History-Histoire Russe is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Foreign Military Law and Mercenary Contract in Seventeenth-Century Russia: The Сase of the Smolensk War, 1632–16342
From “Living Constitutionalism” to “Zombie Apocalypse”. Valery Zorkin, the Constitutional Court and Russian Authoritarianism1
Gorbachev as Late-Soviet Shock Therapist1
At Any Cost. Gorbachev, the National Question, and His Struggle to Prevent the Country’s Disintegration1
“Because of Him, We Have Pizza Hut!”1
In Search of a Cultural Code1
“Not a Personal Matter”: Soviet Conservative Discourse on Homosexuality in the 1960s and 1970s0
The Salaries of Officials and Officers in the Russian Empire0
Collectivization and National Question in Soviet Udmurtia0
Front matter0
F.M. Dostoevsky’s Nationalism: History, Historiography, and Politics. An Old Controversy in a Post-2022 Context0
Back matter0
In Search of One’s Self: Russian Travelers in the Balkans in 1800–1830s0
Balancing the Books and Staging Operas under Duress: Bolshoi Theater Management, Wartime Economy and State Sponsorship in 1941–19450
Novgorod Counter Histories around 1700. The Story about Ivan the Terrible’s Raid of Novgorod Reconsidered0
“A Window to the World”: Newspapers and Soviet Foreign Correspondents in the 1960s0
“German Pamphlets, Russian Chronicles, and Ivan the Terrible”0
Religion and Revolution in a Sectarian Family of Late Tsarist Russia0
Forced Penance in Russian Monasteries in the Second Half of the 18th Century: From Punishment of the Body to Correction of the Soul0
Source Publication and Genealogical Research in Rossiiskaia genealogiia. Nauchnyi al’manakh: A Reflection and a Review0
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and the Beginning of World War II as Perceived by Soviet Citizens: New Sources and Interpretations0
An Authoritative Accessory. The IMF’s Role in the 1993 Russian Constitutional Crisis0
Church and State and the Conflict over the Erosion of Morals in 18th-Century Russia0
Rescuing Gorbachev from the Memory Hole0
The Return of longue durée in Political History of the Russian Empire0
Over Hill and Dale in Pursuit of the Russian Fox0
Escape from Political Freedom. The Constitutional Crisis of 1993 and Russia’s Political Trajectory0
The Socialist Great Divergence. Why Mikhail Gorbachev Failed Where Deng Xiaoping Succeeded0
Beyond the Church Parties Model: A Reply0
“Russian Emigres in Volynia during the Reign of Ivan IV”0
Autocracy, Nationality, Progress: Urban Space and Russian Social Investigations of the 1830s0
“A Unitary State of Difference?”0
Double Devil’s Advocacy: Were They or Weren’t They? Only Nil Sorskii Knew0
Reading Between the Institutions, Reading Between the Genres, Reading Between the Lines: Jeffrey Brooks’ The Firebird and the Fox0
Josephians and the History of the Grand Prince of Moscow Revisited0
Author’s Response to Commentaries0
Muscovite Claims to Rus Lands (1377–1700)0
Front matter0
Making an Anti-Hero or Describing a Tyrant? Postmodernism and Ivan the Terrible0
Why the GDL? Why Musсovy? The Early States of Eastern Europe in Comparative Historical Discourse0
Back matter0
Front matter0
How the Field was Colonized: Russian History’s Ukrainian Blind Spot0
Mikhail Gorbachev and the Politics of Perestroika0
Studying War in a Time of War: Russian Imperialism in the Seventeenth and Twenty-First Centuries0
Anti-war Russophone Poetry after Feb. 24, 2022: Reinterpreting Russian History and Culture0
Critical Acceptance of an Unloved Constitution. The Russian State Duma in the 1990s0
“Whomsoever He Wishes As His Successor”: Paul Bushkovitch on Succession and Absolutism in Early Modern Russia0
Front matter0
Author’s Response0
Reassessing Gorbachev0
Russia Was Not an Empire, Poland Was: LeDonne’s Perspective on the Polish-Lithuanian Borderlands0
Destructively Independent. The Russian Central Bank Leadership in the Runup to the 1993 Constitutional Crisis0
The Power and the Glory – and the Money0
Back matter0
The 19th Century Origins of Russia’s Fixation on Ukraine: Strengthening Global Influence and Securing Domestic Stability0
The Last Vikings: Russian Boat Bandits and the Formation of Princely Power0
Age of Genius or Century of Revolution? Russian Culture and Power Across the High-Low Divide, 1850–19500
De-Russification of Government as a Factor in the Disintegration of the USSR0
The Comintern and the National and Colonial Question: the Roots of Soviet Anti-Imperialism and Anti-Racism Reconsidered0
Reflecting on Jeffrey Brooks’ The Firebird and the Fox: The Unusual but True Adventures of a Soviet Agronomist0
A Construct That Obstructs: The Church Parties Model of Sixteenth-Century Russian Church Relations0
Metropolitans of All Rus’, Protectors of Moscow: the Veneration of Metropolitan Petr (14th–16th Century)0
Introduction: Agency and Autonomy in the Russian Press across the 1917 Divide0
The Defiantly Unfashionable Dr LeDonne0
The Editorial Profession: The Rise of Private Newspaper Press in Late Imperial Russia0
Ruling the Soviet Countryside behind the Frontlines0
Official Responses to Ethnic Unrest in the USSR, 1985–19910
Blindspots in the Historiography of Russia’s Colonial Rule over South Ukraine and Crimea0
Constitutionalism in Russia. From Special Modes of Governance to Constitutional Normalcy0
The Moscow Strel’tsy in the Dynastic Crisis of 16890
Developing a Commercial Press in Petersburg and Moscow: Institutions and Networks of Journalism under Alexander I and the Early Reign of Nicholas I0
Parties and Factions in the Russian Orthodox Church, 1480–1580: Some Observations0
Josephans and Non-Possessors (Trans-Volga Elders) during the Reign of Ivan IV0
The Gorbachev Moment – and Why It Was So Brief0
“The Pillars of Our Statehood:” Glasnost’, Soviet Networks, and National Mobilization0
Why Did Russia Not Become a Composite State?0
Periodization as Decolonization0
Kopeck Journalism as a Social Profession: Upward Mobility, Service, and the Civil Society Spectrum in Late Imperial Russia0
The Ultimate Bolshevik0