Communication Research

(The median citation count of Communication Research is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Computer-Mediated Communication, Social Media, and Mental Health: A Conceptual and Empirical Meta-Review174
Using Media for Coping: A Scoping Review69
Using a Personality-Profiling Algorithm to Investigate Political Microtargeting: Assessing the Persuasion Effects of Personality-Tailored Ads on Social Media66
Confirmation Bias and the Persistence of Misinformation on Climate Change44
Social Media Use and Adolescents’ Well-Being: Developing a Typology of Person-Specific Effect Patterns30
“Be Nice or Leave Me Alone”: An Intergroup Perspective on Affective Polarization in Online Political Discussions29
Constructing Discourses on (Un)truthfulness: Attributions of Reality, Misinformation, and Disinformation by Politicians in a Comparative Social Media Setting27
Mistake or Manipulation? Conceptualizing Perceived Mis- and Disinformation among News Consumers in 10 European Countries25
When Brands (Don’t) Take My Stance: The Ambiguous Effectiveness of Political Brand Communication24
How Perpetrator Identity (Sometimes) Influences Media Framing Attacks as “Terrorism” or “Mental Illness”22
Privacy Cynicism and its Role in Privacy Decision-Making18
Casual Condomless Sex, Range of Pornography Exposure, and Perceived Pornography Realism18
A Meta-Analysis of Factors Related to Health Information Seeking: An Integration from Six Theoretical Frameworks17
“It’s Going to be Out There For a Long Time”: The Influence of Message Persistence on Users’ Political Opinion Expression in Social Media15
Framing as a Bridging Concept for Climate Change Communication: A Systematic Review Based on 25 Years of Literature14
How Satirical News Impacts Affective Responses, Learning, and Persuasion: A Three-Level Random-Effects Meta-Analysis12
There and Back Again? Exploring the Real-Time Cognitive Journey of Narrative Transportation11
Media Trust and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Short-Term Trust Changes, Their Ideological Drivers and Consequences in Switzerland11
Adapting the Selective Exposure Perspective to Algorithmically Governed Platforms: The Case of Google Search10
Moral Beauty During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Prosocial Behavior Among Adolescents and the Inspiring Role of the Media10
What People Look at in Multimodal Online Dating Profiles: How Pictorial and Textual Cues Affect Impression Formation10
Visual Gender Stereotyping in Campaign Communication: Evidence on Female and Male Candidate Imagery in 28 Countries10
The Highs in Communication Research: Research Topics With High Supply, High Popularity, and High Prestige in High-Impact Journals9
Staying Tuned or Tuning Out? A Longitudinal Analysis of News-Avoiders on the Micro and Macro-Level9
Is Constructive Engagement Online a Lost Cause? Toxic Outrage in Online User Comments Across Democratic Political Systems and Discussion Arenas9
Community Storytelling Network, Expressive Digital Media Use, and Civic Engagement9
Understanding the Internal and External Communicative Drivers of Organizational Innovativeness9
A Grounded Theory of Credibility Work and Illness: Explication and Application to the Case of Women on Trial in Health Care8
To Share or Not to Share? How Emotional Judgments Drive Online Political Expression in High-Risk Contexts8
Toward a Deeper Understanding of Prolific Lying: Building a Profile of Situation-Level and Individual-Level Characteristics8
Reaching Science Skeptics: How Adaptive Framing of Climate Change Leads to Positive Responses Via Persuasion Knowledge and Perceived Behavioral Control7
When the Personal Becomes Political: Unpacking the Dynamics of Sexual Violence and Gender Justice Discourses Across Four Social Media Platforms7
The Privacy Calculus Revisited: An Empirical Investigation of Online Privacy Decisions on Between- and Within-Person Levels7
Do Bandwagon Cues Affect Credibility Perceptions? A Meta-Analysis of the Experimental Evidence6
Reading, Commenting and Sharing of Fake News: How Online Bandwagons and Bots Dictate User Engagement6
Moments of Connection for the Disconnected: People with Negative Relations with Others Experience Less, but Benefit More from, Positive Everyday Interaction6
Living at the Speed of Mobile: How Users Evaluate Social Media News Posts on Smartphones6
A Longitudinal Examination of Enacted Goal Attention in End-of-Life Communication in Families6
Screenertia: Understanding “Stickiness” of Media Through Temporal Changes in Screen Use5
How Contextual Features Shape Incivility Over Time: An Analysis of the Evolution and Determinants of Political Incivility in Televised Election Debates (1985–2019)5
A Relational Turbulence Model of Sexual Communication in Couples With Depression5
The Indirect Effects of Thinspiration and Fitspiration Images on Young Women’s Sexual Attitudes5
Multiple Selves and Multitasking: A Dynamic Longitudinal Study5
Political Para-Social Relationship as a Predictor of Voting Preferences in the Israeli 2019 Elections5
What Influences Relationship Formation in a Global Civil Society Network? An Examination of Valued Multiplex Relations4
Why Do Journalists Face Varying Degrees of Digital Hostility? Examining the Interplay Between Minority Identity and Celebrity Capital4
Disentangling the Effects of Temporal Framing on Risk Perception, Attitude, Behavioral Intention, and Behavior: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis4
Predicting Public Cooperation Toward Government Actions in the Early Stages of an Influenza Pandemic in the United States: The Role of Authentic Governmental Communication and Relational Quality4
Overcoming Obstacles by Enacting Resilience: How Queer Adolescents Respond to Being Estranged From Their Parents4
Not All Norm Information is the Same: Effects of Normative Content in the Media on Young People’s Perceptions of E-Cigarette and Tobacco Use Norms4
Checking the Fact-Checkers: The Role of Source Type, Perceived Credibility, and Individual Differences in Fact-Checking Effectiveness4
Education-Based Gap in Misinformation Acceptance: Does the Gap Increase as Misinformation Exposure Increases?4
Selective Avoidance: Understanding How Position and Proportion of Online Incivility Influence News Engagement4
Entering an Information Era of Parallel Truths? A Qualitative Analysis of Legitimizing and De-legitimizing Truth Claims in Established Versus Alternative Media Outlets3
Ecological Influences on the Formation of the Hiring Network in the Communication Job Market, 2015 to 20193
Needing Space During Lockdown: A Test of Relational Turbulence Theory in the Context of Conversations About Physical and Emotional Space During the COVID-19 Pandemic3
Keep Them Apart or Join Them Together? How Identification Processes Shape Orientations to Network Brokerage3
The Group Roots of Social Media Politics: Social Sorting Predicts Perceptions of and Engagement in Politics on Social Media3
A Meta-Analysis Examining the Role of Character-Recipient Similarity in Narrative Persuasion3
How Can We Increase Privacy Protection Behavior? A Longitudinal Experiment Testing Three Intervention Strategies3
Support Seeking Behavior During Supportive Conversations: The Role of Impression Management Concerns and the Communication Medium2
A Meta-Analysis of Studies Examining the Effect of Music on Beliefs2
Short but Critical?: How “Fake News” and “Anti-Elitist” Media Attacks Undermine Perceived Message Credibility on Social Media2
Communication Privacy Management in Open Adoption Relationships: Negotiating Co-ownership across In-person and Mediated Communication2
Examining the Diffusion of Innovations from a Dynamic, Differential-Effects Perspective: A Longitudinal Study on AI Adoption Among Employees2
Active vs. Passive Ambivalent Voters: Implications for Interactive Political Communication and Participation2
Multiple Identities in Faith-based Organizations: Exploring Status and Value Homophily in Idealized Partnerships2
The Matilda Effect in Communication Research: The Effects of Gender and Geography on Usage and Citations Across 11 Countries2
Is Online Textual Political Expression Associated With Political Knowledge?2
The Role of Social Support in Disarming the Effects of Racial Microaggressions2
Expanding the Boundary Conditions of the Communicative Ecology Model of Successful Aging to Include Communication About Religion2
Reciprocal Relationships Between Adolescents’ Incidental Exposure to Climate-Related Social Media Content and Online Climate Change Engagement2
The Enduring Effect of Internet Dating: Meeting Online and the Road to Marriage2
Selective News Avoidance: Consistency and Temporality1
To Pause With a Cliffhanger or a Temporary Closure? The Differential Impact of Serial Versus Episodic Narratives on Children’s Physical Activity Behaviors1
The Effects of Corrective Strategies on Romantic Belief Endorsement1
News Framing and Preference-Based Reinforcement: Evidence from a Real Framing Environment During the COVID-19 Pandemic1
Appraising Uncivil Comments in Online Political Discussions: How Do Preceding Incivility and Senders’ Stance Affect the Processing of an Uncivil Comment?1
Encouraging Replotting to Promote Persuasion: How Imagining Alternative Plotlines Influences Message Processing and Intentions1
How Moral Expectancy Violations Influence Audiences’ Affective Dispositions Toward Characters1
A Repeated-Measures Study of Relational Turbulence and Transition Processing Communication During the Summer of COVID-19 (Summer 2020)1
Why Do Users Stop Pleasurable Media Experiences? The Dynamics of Media Experiences and Their Impact on Media Disengagement1
Tuning Out (Political and Science) News? A Selective Exposure Study of the News Finds Me Perception1
In the Eye of the Beholder: A Case for the Visual Hostile Media Phenomenon1
Crystallized Trans Identity: How Authenticity and Identity Communication Affect Job and Life Satisfaction1
When the Stakes are Low: How Key Features of Momentary Suspense Contribute to a Global Evaluation of Enjoyment1
The Effect of Dynamic Norms Messages and Group Identity on Pro-Environmental Behaviors1
Best Prosody for News: A Psychophysiological Study Comparing a Broadcast to a Narrative Speaking Style1
Racializing Accents: The Impact of Language and Racial Cues on Intergroup Communicative Outcomes1
“Are You Doing What I Think You’re Doing?” Momentary Goal Projection and Goal Contagion in Romantic Conflict1
Strategies of Blaming on Social Media: An Experimental Study of Linguistic Framing and Retweetability1
Competition, Cooperation, and Coexistence: An Ecological Approach to Public Agenda Dynamics in the United States (1958–2020)1
Affective Responses to Counter-Attitudinal Testimonials Drive Persuasive Effects: The Case of Physician-Assisted Suicide1
Cancer Fatalism in the Information Age: A Meta-Analysis of Communicative and Behavioral Correlates1
Living is Easy With Eyes Closed: Avoidance of Targeted Political Advertising in Response to Privacy Concerns, Perceived Personalization, and Overload1
The Impact of Machine Authorship on News Audience Perceptions: A Meta-Analysis of Experimental Studies1
Stigma and Supportive Communication in the Context of Mental or Emotional Distress: An Extension of the Paradox of Support Seeking in Close Relationships1
Parental Knowledge of Children’s Screen Time: The Role of Parent-Child Relationship and Communication1
When the Music’s No Good: Rhythms Prompt Interactional Synchrony But Impair Affective Communication Outcomes1