Communication Research

(The H4-Index of Communication Research is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Acknowledgment 202057
Selective Avoidance: Understanding How Position and Proportion of Online Incivility Influence News Engagement48
Meta-Analytic Evidence That Message Fatigue is Associated With Unintended Persuasive Outcomes30
The Privacy Calculus Revisited: An Empirical Investigation of Online Privacy Decisions on Between- and Within-Person Levels30
Multiple Selves and Multitasking: A Dynamic Longitudinal Study27
Communication Privacy Management in Open Adoption Relationships: Negotiating Co-ownership across In-person and Mediated Communication25
Screenertia: Understanding “Stickiness” of Media Through Temporal Changes in Screen Use20
The Enduring Effect of Internet Dating: Meeting Online and the Road to Marriage19
When the Music’s No Good: Rhythms Prompt Interactional Synchrony But Impair Affective Communication Outcomes15
A Repeated-Measures Study of Relational Turbulence and Transition Processing Communication During the Summer of COVID-19 (Summer 2020)15
Conflicting Goals When Seeking Support for Mental Health Concerns: Testing a Stigma Support Activation Model15
“Be Nice or Leave Me Alone”: An Intergroup Perspective on Affective Polarization in Online Political Discussions15
Navigating Multiple Identities for Positive Change Through Organizational Listening15
“Are You Doing What I Think You’re Doing?” Momentary Goal Projection and Goal Contagion in Romantic Conflict14