Mechanics Research Communications

(The TQCC of Mechanics Research Communications is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Experimental analysis on metamaterials boundary layers by means of a pantographic structure under large deformations43
A mixed formulation of the plane-stress problem to facilitate reuse of constitutive models in finite-element programs40
Role of cohesion in the formation of kink wave fronts in vibrofluidized granular materials34
Energy preservation in POD based reduced order models for linearly vibrating systems21
Influence of residual stress in failure of soft materials21
Transition to instability of the leapfrogging vortex quartet20
Effect of magnetic fields on the formation of the neck of a flat aluminum sample with inclusions during stretching19
Numerical evaluation of 3D time-harmonic elastodynamic Green's function and its derivatives for anisotropic solids19
Two kinds of contact problems for two-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals18
Detecting transverse cracks initiation in composite laminates via statistical analysis of sensitivity data18
Editorial Board17
Virtual element method for modeling the deformation of multiphase composites16
Sequential shape heritability during confined comminution15
Strong ellipticity within the Toupin–Mindlin first strain gradient elasticity theory15
Effect of imperfect contact on the cloaking of a circular elastic cylinder from antiplane elastic waves15
A gradient micromorphic modeling for plasticity softening15
Young modulus of healthy and cancerous epithelial tissues from indirect measurements15
Impact of vertical vibration and gyrotactic microorganisms on stability of thermo-bioconvection14
A note on a new constitutive model for rubber-like solids14
Waves in elastically coupled sandwich beams: An analytical investigation14
Mechanical design of an asymmetric-deformation-driven rotating machinery14
Size-dependent and piezoelectric effects on SH wave propagation in functionally graded plates14
Editorial Board13
Peeling of a film from a flexible cantilever substrate12
Topology identification for super-stable tensegrity structure from a given number of nodes in two dimensional space12
An adhesive detachment paradox: Does the substrate thickness matter?11
Breakdown of smooth solutions in one dimensional nonlinear nonlocal elasticity11
FIB manufactured microstructures with low coefficients of thermal expansion11
Monotonic energy stability for inclined laminar flows11
Mechanics of deformation of malaria-infected red blood cells11
An experimental study of the aerodynamic performance of a maple wing model at low Reynolds numbers11
Slip lines versus shear bands: Two competing localization modes10
Higher-order averaging procedure for performance analysis of a mono-stable Duffing piezoelectric energy harvesting system under white noise excitation10
Independent friction-restitution description of billiard ball collisions10
Frequency dependent exact trial functions in Galerkin boundary method for free vibration analysis of thin plate9
Discrete dynamical model for the hydrodynamic analog of a quantum mirage9
Kinematic Solutions and Bifurcation Analysis of Single Vertex Origami Pattern9
Multiwalled carbon nanotubes as hard templates to yield advanced geopolymer-based self-assembled nanostructured ceramics9
3D-printed composites with a programmable response to tension and torsion: A design guide9
Preface: Special issue in origami engineering and physics9
Exact augmented perpetual manifolds of periodic motions, a corollary for natural perpetual mechanical systems behaving partially as perpetual machines of third kind8
Dislocation equilibrium in a misfitted composite structure with partially coherent interfaces8
Deployable structure based on double-layer Miura-ori pattern8
Variational phase-field fracture with controlled nucleation8
Equilibrium and transient response of photo-actuated Liquid Crystal Elastomer beams8
Improving Composite Low Velocity Impact Performance Using SMA: A Multiscale Analysis8
Editorial: SI: Cristescu8
Independent friction-restitution approach to analyze anomalies in normal kinematic restitution in oblique impact8
A brief review of solitary waves in nonlinear metamaterials7
Ratcheting assessment of additively manufactured SS316 alloys at elevated temperatures within the dynamic strain aging domain7
Internally balanced hyperelastic constitutive model in terms of principal stretches7
Generalizing rigid-foldable tubular structures of T-hedral type7
Transformation of surface H-forces in high grade elasticity7
Kresling tube metamaterial exhibits extreme large-displacement buckling behavior7
Study of circumferential SH-wave interaction with a piezoelectric cylinder having pre-stressed viscoelastic imperfect coating7
Analytical solution for the free transverse vibration of an elastically connected annular plate system with discontinuities7
Numerical modelling the influence of water content on the mechanical behaviour of concrete under high confining pressures7
Modelling and analysis of a novel E-shape piezoelectric vibration energy harvester with dynamic magnifier7
Analytical definitions of connectivity, incidence and node matrices for t-struts tensegrity prisms7
An energy-based strategy to find admissible thrust networks compatible with foundation settlements in masonry structures7
On the use of peridynamics in fracture of ultra-high performance concrete7
Free vibration of three-layer sandwich plate with viscoelastic core modelled with fractional theory7
A singularity analysis in Keer’s elastic indentation problem6
Analytical solution of an orthotropic elasticity for a frictional rigid flat punch on a half plane with an oblique edge crack using a mapping function6
Strain-path dependent hardening models with rigorously identical predictions under monotonic loading6
Self-consistent homogenization approach for polycrystals within second gradient elasticity6
A rate-independent internal friction to describe the hysteretic behavior of pantographic structures under cyclic loads6
Bandgap widening and resonator mass reduction through wave locking6
When does the onset of convection in an inclined porous layer become subcritical?6
Frontiers in homogenization methods towards generalized continua for architected materials6
Motion behavior of a 30-strut locomotive tensegrity robot6
Mechanics and transient morphing of soft hygroscopic bilayers6
Generalized continuum methodologies in acoustics: Selected case studies6
On the view of considering regularization parameter as material constant6
Assessing measurement uncertainties on high-speed DCB testing of composites6
Effect of tension-compression asymmetry of AZ31B magnesium alloys on four-point bending6
Experimental and numerical studies of a reinforced concrete component subjected to corrosion6
Flexoelectric anisotropy and shear contributions in lead-free piezocomposites6
Analysis of a tensegrity camber morphing airfoil6
Discrete modeling of elastic heterogeneous media5
Designing multistable metamaterials inspired by Kresling tubes5
Editorial Board5
The infinite Schmidt number limit of the salt fingering convection model and the inertial free salt convection model5
Flexoelectric and transverse shear effects on band gaps in periodic microbeams5
SH surface waves in a coated half-space with various types of interfaces5
Centrifugal and gyroscopic effects on dynamic response of rotating cantilever beams under step loading5
Editorial Board5
Vehicle crashworthiness performance in frontal impact: Mathematical model using elastic pendulum5
The role of dissipation regarding the concept of purely mechanical theories in plasticity5
A new set of physically-based unified viscoplastic constitutive equations for superplastic deformation of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy5
A formulation for Gurson’s criterion in limit analysis5
Electroelastic waveguide: Analysis of the effect of prestresses5
Peridynamic modeling of stochastic fractures in bolted glass plates5
Piola transformations in second-gradient continua5
Book Review5
Effect of graded pre-stress on the propagation of guided waves in functionally graded piezoelectric–piezomagnetic materials5
On the net displacement of contact surface centroid in contractile bodies5
Periodic rhomboidal cells for symmetry-preserving homogenization and isotropic metamaterials5
A modified dynamic relaxation form-finding method for symmetrical tensegrity structures with group theory and fuzzy clustering5
A finite element framework for the simulation of bio-inspired adhesives with mushroom-shaped microstructures5
A new approach for rapid fatigue limit assessment for C45 steel based on contrast damage parameters5
Elaboration, Characterization and Modelling of Periodic Viscoelastic Sandwich Beams for Lightening and Vibration Damping5
A review of theories to calculate pore pressures when fluids penetrate into rocks5
Numerical investigation of movement patterns of particles falling in a viscous fluid5
Energy absorption and deformation of cellular structures with dovetail joints5
Conservation laws for defect fields in non-contractible domains5
Variational multiscale methods in mechanics: Special issue honoring 2019 G.I. Taylor medalist Prof. Arif Masud4
Capillary-induced deformation of an initially stressed neoHookean solid: A sessile liquid droplet4
Analysis of two types of harmonic waves in a Zener viscoelastic material4
Impact of an interface electrode charge and materials polarization to a conductive interface crack4
A novel variational perturbation approach for formulating both linear and nonlinear acoustic model equations4
PREFACE: Brian Straughan 75th birthday celebratory issue4
Primary resonance of a vertically suspended cable under the interaction of mutually perpendicular gravitational and electrostatic fields4
Editorial Board4
Causality in strain gradient elasticity: An internal variables approach4
An improved upper bound analysis for study of the void closure behavior in the plane strain extrusion4
Editorial Board4
Added point-like weight increases the levitation time of the falling soft coil spring4
Editorial Board4
An efficient high-order asymptotic approach for the elastodynamic homogenization of periodic composites4
Lattice modes of periodic origami tessellations with voids4
An elastica theory for compressible imperfect beams with application to mechanical metamaterials4
A comprehensive investigation of compressive behavior of architectured materials based on topologically interlocking structures: Experimental and numerical approaches4
A model for the bio-mechanical stimulus in bone remodelling as a diffusive signalling agent for bones reconstructed with bio-resorbable grafts4
Buckling instability and dynamic response of a planar gridshell under thermal load4
The effect of geometric imperfections on the mechanical response of isotropic closed-cell plate lattices4
Modified Stoney’s equation with anisotropic substrates undergoing large deformations4
Nonlinear subgrid-scale models employing the non-persistence-of-straining tensor4
Reprint of: Variational multiscale modeling of Langmuir turbulent boundary layers in shallow water using Isogeometric Analysis4
A numerical method based on Polonsky-Keer's conjugate gradient iterative scheme for solving axisymmetric contact of layered half-space4
Editorial Board4
On the Λ-fractional spherical ballons4
Effective elastic properties of loosely connected fibrous bio-inspired materials4
Rayleigh waves in an elastic half-space with a hard sphere-filled metasurface4
Static and transient thermal conductions and associated thermal stresses in an elastic strip with a rigid line inclusion4