Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

(The H4-Index of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology is 14. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Turing Instabilities and Rotating Spiral Waves in Glycolytic Processes45
3D Genome Reconstruction from Partially Phased Hi-C Data34
Epidemic Management via Imperfect Testing: A Multi-criterial Perspective31
Bayesian Inference of Phylogenetic Distances: Revisiting the Eigenvalue Approach28
A Hybrid Epidemic Model to Explore Stochasticity in COVID-19 Dynamics26
RNA Secondary Structures with Given Motif Specification: Combinatorics and Algorithms24
Range Shifts Under Constant-Speed and Accelerated Climate Warming23
An Age-Structured Model for Tilapia Lake Virus Transmission in Freshwater with Vertical and Horizontal Transmission18
A Mathematical Study of the Role of tBregs in Breast Cancer18
Bayesian-Weighted Triplet and Quartet Methods for Species Tree Inference17
Model-Based Projection of Zika Infection Risk with Temperature Effect: A Case Study in Southeast Asia16
Compartmental Model Suggests Importance of Innate Immune Response to COVID-19 Infection in Rhesus Macaques16
Biophysical Models of PAR Cluster Transport by Cortical Flow in C. elegans Early Embryogenesis14
Performance Study of Two Serial Interconnected Chemostats with Mortality14
Stochastic Modeling of In Vitro Bactericidal Potency14
Generalized Stressors on Hive and Forager Bee Colonies14
Modeling the Interplay Between Seasonal Flu Outcomes and Individual Vaccination Decisions14
The Effects of Migration and Limited Medical Resources of the Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Model with Two Patches14
Modeling and Evaluation of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism for Curbing COVID-19 in Wuhan14
Dynamics of Lotka–Volterra Competition Patch Models in Streams with Two Branches14
A Coupled Statistical and Deterministic Model for Forecasting Climate-Driven Dengue Incidence in Selangor, Malaysia14