Communications in Algebra

(The TQCC of Communications in Algebra is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Presentations of groups with even length relations16
On *-DMP inverses in a ring with involution14
A note on sign of a self-dual representation12
Algebraic surfaces of general type with K2=3pg−511
Linkage property under the amalgamated construction11
Preradicals over left pure semisimple hereditary rings11
Finite groups whose prime graph on class sizes is a block square10
Constituents of graded Lie algebras of maximal class and chains of thin Lie algebras10
On certain finite geometric structures10
Structures of a class of deformative super W-algebras10
Derived tame quadratic string algebras8
Generalized Taft algebras and pairs in involution8
Algebras of reducedE-Fountain semigroups and the generalized ample identity8
The exterior graded Swiss-Cheese Operad ΛVS28
Unifing the prime and primary hyperideals under one frame in a Krasner (m, n)-hyperring8
(Generalized) tilting modules with respect to the category σ[M]8
Linkage of sets of quaternion algebras in characteristic 27
Explicit discriminant of a class of polynomial, monogenity and Galois group7
A note on braces and Frobenius action6
On the stable under specialization sets and cofiniteness of local cohomology6
Number of homogeneous components of counterexamples to the Dixmier conjecture6
Wedge-direct sums of group algebras of finite groups6
Remarks on the second homology groups of queer Lie superalgebras6
Subfields of algebraically maximal Kaplansky fields6
Nonstabilizing graphs arising from group actions6
Radford’s theorem about Hopf braces6
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Split Malcev-Poisson-Jordan algebras6
Tilting modules for the Auslander algebra of K[x]/(xn)6
On the Bhargava factorial of polynomial maps5
Realization of representations of the Hom-Lie algebra ???????? q (2, ℂ) of Jackson5
Enriched purity and presentability in Banach spaces5
On diamond products ensuring irreducibility of the associated composed product5
Kernels of covered groups over completely regular inverse semigroups5
Prime index elements graph of a group5
On shifted principles for attached primes of the Artinian cofinite top local cohomology modules5
Commuting graph of a group action with few edges5
On coefficient ideals5
Global perinormality in a generalized D + M construction5
Groups whose vanishing class sizes are p-powers5
On weakly s-semipermutable subgroups and the p-nilpotency of finite groups5
General w-ZPI-Rings and a Tool for Characterizing Certain Classes of Monoid Rings5
Reducers and K0 with support5
Minimal log discrepancies in positive characteristic5
An n -adic generalization of the Lodha–Moore group5
Lie Centralizers and generalized Lie derivations on prime rings by local actions5
Half-automorphism group of a class of Bol loops5
On Lie algebroid over algebraic spaces5
A note on twisted group rings and semilinearization5
Representations of power-associative train algebras of rank 45
Tom and Jerry triples with an application to Fano 3-folds4
Variations of primeness and factorization of ideals in Leavitt path algebras4
Characteristic polynomials of simple non-ordinary abelian varieties4
Finite groups with S-quasinormal subgroups4
Hilbert-Kunz function and Hilbert-Kunz multiplicity of some ideals of the Rees algebra4
Generalized sharped cubic form and split spin factor algebra4
The one-prime hypothesis on the co-degrees of irreducible characters4
Globalized pseudo-valuation domains of integer-valued polynomials on a subset4
Relatively flat modules on ring extensions4
Restrictions of irreducible characters of finite groups of Lie type to derived subgroups and regular semisimple elements4
Quantum generalized Heisenberg algebras and their representations4
Rings whose elements are sums of m-potents and nilpotents4
Zero-free angular sectors and lens-shaped regions for polynomials, with applications to irreducibility4
On the topology of geometric and rational orbits for algebraic group actions over valued fields, II4
Quotient categories of extriangulated categories4
Relative copure modules and Foxby equivalence4
Reflection length in the general linear and affine groups4
On non-monogenity of the number fields defined by certain quadrinomials4
A few remarks on the theory of non-nilpotent graphs4
Semimodularity in congruence lattices of graph inverse semigroups4
Central units in some integral group rings4
Modules which satisfy Gabriel’s condition H4
Are Banach spaces monadic?4
Degenerations to filiform Lie algebras of dimension 94
A note on semicompleteness of graph products of abelian groups4
Some comments to a result by Moreno4
Automorphisms of free metabelian Leibniz algebras4
On irreducible representation of cover of Lie algebras4
Codegrees and element orders of almost simple groups4
Enveloping -algebras and derivations of Baer JB-algebras4
On 3-canonical maps of varieties of Albanese fiber dimension one4
Indecomposable solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation with permutation group of sizes pq and p 2 q4
Disconnected character graphs and odd dominating sets4
Representations and formal deformations of Leibniz H -pseudoalgebras4
On character formulae for Weil representations for unitary groups over finite fields4
On congruence modular varieties and Gumm categories4
Characters of the nullcone related to involutions of reductive groups4
On Φ-Π-property of subgroups of finite groups4
Deformations and representations of Lie algebroids4
Higher dimensional formal orbifolds and orbifold bundles in positive characteristic4
Syzygy modules for dihedral groups4
Extensions of finite irreducible conformal modules over Lie conformal algebras ???? (a , b , r)3
Simple transitive 2-representations of 2-categories associated to self-injective cores3
Spin norm and Lambda norm3
A note on the Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence in Leavitt path algebras of arbitrary graphs over a field3
On the isomorphism problem for certain p -groups3
Strongly CS-Rickart and dual strongly CS-Rickart objects in abelian categories3
On elements of order 2 in the free centre-by-(nilpotent of class 3)-by-abelian group within the variety of all soluble groups of derived length 33
A generalization of the lower radical type construction for strict and base radical classes3
Schrödinger-Virasoro Lie conformal algebras3
A criterion for the properness of star-transposition as an involution on n × n matrices over any associative star-ring3
The orbits of generalized orthogonal monoids under the action of their unit groups3
On the monotonicity of the Hilbert functions for 4-generated pseudo-symmetric monomial curves3
The spectra of almost simple groups with socle E 7 (q) 3
Gluing associated prime ideals of small height3
On modules and rings having large absolute direct summands3
Ordered Ehresmann semigroups and categories3
The Grothendieck groups of m -cluster categories of type D n 3
n-Exact character graphs3
A presentation for the semigroup of order-preserving full contraction mappings of a finite chain3
Left-symmetric superalgebra structures on the super Galilean conformal algebra3
Quasi-exchange rings3
Algebraic extensions of some results by Yang3
Symmetry on zero and idempotents3
Erratum to “Left Co-Köthe Rings and Their Characterizations”3
The principal representation category of infinite reductive groups is not a highest weight category3
F-Baer objects with respect to a fully invariant short exact sequence in abelian categories3
Subvarieties of hypersurface sections of generalized Grassmannians3
Cartan-Eilenberg Gorenstein projective N-complexes3
Simple modules and quasi-tubes on self-injective algebras of polynomial growth3
Crossed homomorphisms on semigroups are principal3
Local properties of Schrödinger-Virasoro type Lie algebras and a full diamond thin Lie algebra3
On radicals of Novikov algebras3
Two absorbing factorization formal power series rings3
Algebra extensions and derived-discrete algebras3
Core blocks for Hecke algebras of type B and sign sequences3
Chain conditions for rings with enough idempotents with applications to category graded rings3
Frobenius categories over a triangular matrix ring and comma categories3
A note on the image of polynomials on upper triangular matrix algebras3
Normal Cayley digraphs of cyclic groups with CI-property3
Monogenity of iterates of irreducible binomials3
On the structure of finite groups determined by the arithmetic and geometric means of element orders3
Isonoetherian power series rings II3
Generalized transforms of graded Strong Mori domains3
Strong persistence and associated primes of powers of monomial ideals3
Root extension of generalized power series rings3
Local derivations of conformal Galilei algebra3
Semilattice of topological groups3
Capability of nilpotent Lie superalgebras of small dimension3
The number of p-groups of order 19,683 and new lists of p-groups3
When C ( X ) is an h -local ring3
Product and complex structures on hom-Lie superalgebras3
Positivity determines the quantum cohomology of the odd symplectic Grassmannian of lines3
A unified approach to embeddings of a line in 3-space3
Mapping cones of monomial ideals over exterior algebras3
Tensor product decomposition of crystal bases of type A by K-hives3
Dual modules, f -projective modules and Π-coherence over trivial ring extensions3
Ascent and descent of Artinian module structures under flat base changes3
Nearly Frobenius theory and semisimplicity of bimodules3
Schur-Weyl duality for toroidal algebras of type A3
An analog of albert’s Jordan 27-dimensional algebra over a field K of characteristic two and its automorphism group F 4 (K)3
Orbit Chern classes3
Goldie extending property on the class of exact submodules3
Exact categories and infinite tilting2
A short characterization of the octonions2
Strong metric dimensions for power graphs of finite groups2
Some density results involving the average order of a finite group2
On Lie algebras derived from Lie hyperalgebras2
Injective generation of derived categories and other applications of cohomological invariants of infinite groups2
Automorphism group of a local inclusion graph over the general linear group2
Classes of normally and nearly normally torsion-free monomial ideals2
Classification of three dimensional anti-dendriform algebras2
Cohomologies and deformations of coassociative coderivations2
Maurer-Cartan characterizations and cohomologies of crossed homomorphisms on Lie triple systems2
Bialgebras and related algebras for Novikov-Poisson algebras2
Crossed morphisms, integration of post-Lie algebras and the post-Lie Magnus expansion2
A discussion of bisexual populations with Wolbachia infection as an evolution algebra2
On the relation of character codegrees and the minimal faithful quasi-permutation representation degree of p -groups2
On G-S and C-S inverses in *-rings2
Existence of n-Auslander–Reiten sequences via a finiteness condition2
Union of products of subgroups in finite groups2
Characterizations of derivations on incidence algebras by local actions2
Left-symmetric algebra structures on contact Lie algebras2
Fractal structure of nearrings based on permutation identities2
Whittaker vectors in singular Whittaker modules2
Nonlinear bi-skew Lie-type derivations on factor von Neumann algebras2
The asymptotics of tensor powers of Foulkes modules2
New elementary components of the Gorenstein locus of the Hilbert scheme of points2
Collections of an ideal: any n -absorbing ideal is strongly n -absorbing2
On the Gabriel quiver of extensions of Leibniz algebras2
On a family of quasi-strongly regular Cayley graphs2
On Shimura subvarieties of the Prym locus2
Endomorphisms which preserve orbits of free metabelian Leibniz algebras2
Matching relative Rota-Baxter algebras, matching dendriform algebras and their cohomologies2
On reduced G-perfection and horizontal linkage2
Regular maps with square-free Euler characteristic2
Groups with some cube-free irreducible character co-degrees2
A new characterization of quasi-hereditary Nakayama algebras and applications2
Kernel-endoregular modules and the morphic property2
Distributivity relations on the binary operations over a fixed set2
A combinatorial approach to Donkin-Koppinen filtrations of general linear supergroups2
Valuation-transcendental extensions and pseudo-monotone sequences2
Divsets, numerical semigroups and Wilf’s conjecture2
Cofiniteness of torsion functors of a pair of cofinite modules (II)2
Correction to: On S-multiplication modules2
On faithful quasi-permutation representations of VZ-groups and Camina p-groups2
Unboundedness of irreducible decompositions of numerical semigroups2
A generalized Auslander–Reiten duality and relatively projective modules2
Toric Richardson varieties2
The cyclic sequences in non-Abelian groups2
N -prime elements and the primality of xα in Dx2
McKay matrix for indecomposable module of finite representation type Hopf algebra2
The Reidemeister spectrum of 2-step nilpotent groups determined by graphs2
Classification of symmetric Leibniz algebras whose underlying Lie algebra is quasi-filiform2
Massey products in Galois cohomology and Pythagorean fields2
Elementary Abelian subgroups in 2-groups whose derived subgroups are Klein 4-groups2
Whittaker modules for a subalgebra of N  = 2 superconformal algebra2
Covering modules by proper submodules2
Generalized cluster structures of Drinfeld Double of SO(3,C)2
Cohomology and Ext for blocks whose Brauer trees are lines or stars2
Finite groups with K--subnormal Schmidt subgroups2
Embedding quantum PSU(2) representations of SL 2 (ℤ) in quantum PSU(3) representatio2
Rational conic fibrations containing special curves transverse to the fibers2
Ring homomorphisms and local rings with quasi-decomposable maximal ideal2
Ample stable vector bundles on rational surfaces2
Yetter-Drinfeld modules over Nichols systems: reflections, induced objects and maximal subobject2
Drinfeld Hecke algebras for symmetric groups in positive characteristic2
Counting centralizers and z-classes of some F-groups2
On the subalgebra lattice of a Leibniz algebra2
O-Operators on Lie -algebras with respect to Lie -actions2
2-Local derivations of the n -th Schrödinger algebra2
Vector bundles on trees of smooth rational curves2
Supreme torsion forms2
Contractions of subcurves of families of log curves2
Commutative rings with one-absorbing factorization2
Bounds for the number of idempotents in finite rings2
On quantization of the Lie algebra G2+2
Nijenhuis operators on 3-Hom-L-dendriform algebras2
Left uniquely generated elements in rings2
Some results on Gorenstein (weak) global dimension of rings2
Lie nilpotency and Lie solvability of tensor product of multiplicative Lie algebras2
Factorization in the monoid of integrally closed ideals2
Pure infinitely braided Thompson groups2
Explicit inverse Shapiro isomorphism and its application2
Subinjective portfolios and rings with a linearly ordered subinjective profile2
Editorial Board EOV2
On the embedding of left-symmetric algebras into differential Perm-algebras2
Distribution of odd and even elements in gap sets of numerical semigroups2
Ptolemy diagrams and torsion pairs in m-cluster categories of type D2
A new characterization of L2(p3)2
On Rees matrix semigroups M ( S ; I ,Λ; P ) over semigroups S2
Non-symplectic automorphisms of order 3, 4, and 6 ofK3 surfaces with smooth quotient2
An injective-envelope-based characterization of distributive modules over commutative Noetherian rings2
Module structures on U(S−) for the super Schrödinger algebra2
Quotients in super-symmetry: formal supergroup case2
Local derivations on solvable Lie algebras of maximal rank2
Simple functors over the Green biset functor of section Burnside rings2
On the sum of non-cyclic subgroups order in a finite group2
Cubic graphical regular representations of Ree groups2
On the Nσ*-norm and Dp*-norm of finite groups2
Factorization in rings of integer-valued rational functions2