American Journal of Community Psychology

(The median citation count of American Journal of Community Psychology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Systematic Review of Cultural Aspects of Stigma and Mental Illness among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in the United States: Implications for Interventions101
Application of the Minority Stress Theory: Understanding the Mental Health of Undocumented Latinx Immigrants61
Cumulative minority stress and suicide risk among LGBTQ youth57
Youth Participatory Approaches and Health Equity: Conceptualization and Integrative Review53
The Underutilization of Community‐based Participatory Research in Psychology: A Systematic Review42
Pathways to Well‐being among LGBT adults: Sociopolitical Involvement, Family Support, Outness, and Community Connectedness with Race/Ethnicity as a Moderator39
Participatory Research Approaches with Youth: Ethics, Engagement, and Meaningful Action38
CBPR Implementation Framework for Community‐Academic Partnerships33
Peer‐based interventions targeting suicide prevention: A scoping review27
How Far Have we Come? An Integrative Review of the Current Literature on Sense of Community and Well‐being26
Interrogating Whiteness in Community Research and Action24
Engage for Equity: Advancing the Fields of Community‐Based Participatory Research and Community‐engaged Research in Community Psychology and the Social Sciences23
Counterstorytelling as Epistemic Justice: Decolonial Community‐based Praxis from the Global South22
Context Matters: Home‐level But Not Individual‐Level Recovery Social Capital Predicts Residents’ Relapse21
Scales of Practices and Outcomes for Community‐Engaged Research19
Beyond Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status: Exploring the Role of Neighborhood Resources for Preschool Classroom Quality and Early Childhood Development19
Applying Community‐Based Participatory Approaches to Addressing Health Disparities and Promoting Health Equity19
Third Places, Social Capital, and Sense of Community as Mechanisms of Adaptive Responding for Young People Who Experience Social Marginalization19
Neighborhood‐level predictors of African American and Latinx parents' ethnic–racial socialization18
Paraprofessional Youth Mentoring: A Framework for Integrating Youth Mentoring with Helping Institutions and Professions18
Behind the Hashtag: Online Disclosure of Mental Illness and Community Response on Tumblr17
Mentoring in the Time of COVID‐19: An Analysis of Online Focus Groups with Mentors to Youth17
Factors Associated with Providers’ Work Engagement and Burnout in Homeless Services: A Cross‐national Study16
Structural Community Governance: Importance for Community‐Academic Research Partnerships15
A Participatory, Mixed Methods Approach to Define and Measure Partnership Synergy in Long‐standing Equity‐focused CBPR Partnerships15
Immigration Enforcement Policies and the Mental Health of US Citizens: Findings from a Comparative Analysis15
Promoting justice through community‐based research: International case studies14
Understanding the Role of Mental Health Clubhouses in Promoting Wellness and Health Equity Using Pilinahā—An Indigenous Framework for Health14
How Sense of Community Affects Sense of Self Among Sexual Minorities: Critical Consciousness as a Mediating Mechanism13
Community‐engaged Research Approaches: Multiple Pathways To Health Equity13
Indigenous community psychologies, decolonization, and radical imagination within ecologies of knowledges13
Implementing Community‐Based Participatory Research with Communities Affected by Humanitarian Crises: The Potential to Recalibrate Equity and Power in Vulnerable Contexts13
Racial regularities: Setting‐level dynamics as a source of ethnic‐racial socialization12
Enabling Action: Reflections upon Inclusive Participatory Research on Health with Women with Disabilities in the Philippines12
Who has to act? A qualitative exploration of emerging adults' critical consciousness during the COVID‐19 pandemic12
Elevating the Voices of Girls in Custody for Improved Treatment and Systemic Change in the Juvenile Justice System12
Neighborhood Risk Factors for Recidivism: For Whom do they Matter?12
Effects of Natural Mentoring Relationships on College Students’ Mental Health: The Role of Emotion Regulation12
Longitudinal effects of Youth Empowerment Solutions: Preventing youth aggression and increasing prosocial behavior11
The Roles of Settings in Supporting Immigrants’ Resistance to Injustice and Oppression: A Policy Position Statement by the Society for Community Research and Action11
Analyzing Discursive Constructions of Community in Newspaper Articles11
Just data representation for Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders: A critical review of systemic Indigenous erasure in census and recommendations for psychologists11
Evictions and tenant‐landlord relationships during the 2020–2021 eviction moratorium in the US11
Community engagement, greening, and violent crime: A test of the greening hypothesis and Busy Streets10
Exploring the Association of Community Integration in Mental Health among Formerly Homeless Individuals Living in Permanent Supportive Housing10
Relating through Oppression: Longitudinal Relations between Parental Racial Socialization, School Racial Climate, Oppressed Minority Ideology, and Empathy in Black Male Adolescents’ Prosocial Developm10
A Community‐Based Organization Model to Promote Latinx Immigrant Mental Health Through Advocacy Skills and Universal Parenting Supports9
Culturally Responsive Practices: Insights from a High‐Quality Math Afterschool Program Serving Underprivileged Latinx Youth9
Latino/a adolescents facing neighborhood dangers: An examination of community violence and gender‐based harassment9
Green schoolyard renovations in low‐income urban neighborhoods: Benefits to students, schools, and the surrounding community9
Theorizing Organizational Learning to Enhance Youth–Adult Partnerships in Community‐Based Youth Serving Organizations9
Increasing Financial Empowerment among Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence: A Growth Curve Analysis9
Mental Health Identification Practices of Jails: The Unmet Needs of the “Silent” Population9
Re‐imagining mental health services for American Indian communities: Centering Indigenous perspectives9
Acknowledging bereavement, strengthening communities: Introducing an online compassionate community initiative for the recognition of pandemic grief9
Strategies for monitoring mentoring relationship quality to predict early program dropout9
A Systematic Review of Adolescent Masculinities and Associations with Internalizing Behavior Problems and Social Support8
The Impact of Criminal Record Stigma on Quality of Life: A Test of Theoretical Pathways8
Together Helping Reduce Youth Violence for Equity (ThrYve): Examining the Development of a Comprehensive Multisectoral Approach to Youth Violence Prevention8
The intersection of immigration policy impacts and COVID‐19 for Latinx young adults8
Development of a support for Black Lives Matter measure among racially–ethnically diverse college students8
The Role of Stressful Life Events among Women Experiencing Homelessness: An Intragroup Analysis8
Community Greening, Fear of Crime, and Mental Health Outcomes8
Cultural efficacy as a novel component of understanding linkages between culture and mental health in Indigenous communities8
Building Leadership, Capacity, and Power to Advance Health Equity and Justice through Community‐Engaged Research in the Midwest8
A Pilot Evaluation of a Social Justice and Race Equity Training for Volunteer Mentors7
Practicing Hope: Enhancing Empowerment in Primary Health Care through Community‐based Participatory Research7
From rhetorical “inclusion” toward decolonial futures: Building communities of resistance against structural violence7
Cross‐age peer mentoring for youth: A meta‐analysis7
Community participation and subjective wellbeing among the immigrant population in Northern Italy: An analysis of mediators7
The Factors that Motivate Law Enforcement's Use of Force: A Systematic Review7
Opportunity Reboot: A Community‐Based Evaluation Focused on Opportunity Youth7
Psychological and Structural Barriers to Immigrant Community Participation: The Experience of Peruvians in Santiago de Chile7
A scoping review of youth advisory structures in the United States: Applications, outcomes, and best practices7
Act, Talk, Reflect, Then Act: The Role of Natural Mentors in The Critical Consciousness of Ethnically/Racially Diverse College Students7
Implementing and Sustaining SHARE: An Exposure‐Based Psychotherapy Group for Incarcerated Women Survivors of Sexual Violence7
Perceived monoracism and psychological adjustment of multiracial adults: The roles of racially diverse contexts and creating third space7
Deeply Rooted: Maximizing the Strengths of a Historically Black University and Community‐based Participatory Research to Understand Environmental Stressors and Trauma among Black Youth7
Evaluation in the Real World: Decision Points and Rationales in Creating A Rigorous Study Designed to Convey Ecologically Valid Findings7
Facilitating connection to enhance college student well‐being: Evaluation of an experiential group program7
Fostering and sustaining transnational solidarities for transformative social change: Advancing community psychology research and action7
LET’s CONNECT Community Mentorship Program for Adolescents with Peer Social Problems: A Randomized Intervention Trial6
Traumatic Incidents and Experiences of Racism and Sexism: Examining Associations with Components of Critical Consciousness for System‐Involved Girls of Color6
Reproductive justice for Black, Indigenous, Women of Color: Uprooting race and colonialism6
Mapping Juvenile Justice: Identifying Existing Structural Barriers to Accessing Probation Services6
The politics of belonging in Alcoholics Anonymous: A qualitative interview study6
“Roses have thorns for a reason”: The promises and perils of critical youth participatory research with system‐impacted girls of Color6
A People‐Focused Systems Approach to Sustainability6
Emerging Adults' Social Justice Engagement: Motivations, Barriers, and Social Identity6
Perceived safety in community and service settings among young adults experiencing homelessness: Differences by sexual and gender identity6
Neighborhood Socioeconomic Deprivation and Depression Symptoms in Adults From the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)6
Narrative change for health equity in grassroots community organizing: A study of initiatives in Michigan and Ohio5
The stability of youth popular opinion leaders selected over time using social network analysis5
Relationship of perceived neighborhood danger with depression and PTSD among veterans: The moderating role of social support and neighborhood cohesion5
From home to the streets: Can cultural socialization foster Latinx youths' social responsibility?5
Partnering With Oppressive Institutions for Social Change: Roles, Ethics, and a Framework for Practicing Accountability5
Using a modified version of photovoice in a European cross‐national study on homelessness5
Family‐based Intervention for Legal System‐involved Girls: A Mixed Methods Evaluation5
An emerging youth‐centered model of community resilience in communities impacted by gun violence: Power through Black Community and Unity5
Relative Privilege, Risk, and Sense of Community: Understanding Latinx Immigrants’ Empowerment and Resilience Processes Across the United States5
One of these things is not like the other: Predictors of core and capital mentoring in adolescence5
Mobilizing bystanders to address microaggressions in the workplace: The case for a systems‐change approach to Getting A (Collective) GRIP5
The Substance and Circumstances of Race and Immigration Talk in High School Gender and Sexuality Alliances5
Translating critical reflection into collective action: The mediating role of Asian American racial identity ideological values5
Navigating COVID‐19 and racial trauma as a Black student at predominantly White institutions5
Community‐engaged asset mapping with Latinx immigrant families of youth with disabilities5
Informal supports, housing insecurity, and adolescent outcomes: Implications for promoting resilience5
“You get to understand we are all human beings”: Community solidarity initiatives as spaces of recognition, resistance, and change5
Think Big: A multinational collaboration to promote children's role as coresearchers in participatory research5
Making the road caminando de otra manera: Co‐constructing decolonial community psychologies from the Global South5
Shards from the glass ceiling: Deconstructing marginalizing systems in relation to critical consciousness development4
Fixes that Fail: A system archetype for examining racialized structures within the food system4
Dissident women's letter writing as decolonial plurilogues of relational solidarities for epistemic justice4
Culturally grounded strategies for suicide and alcohol risk prevention delivered by rural Alaska Native communities: A dynamic wait‐listed design evaluation of the Qungasvik intervention4
Police, courts, and corrections: Experiences of procedural injustice among Black adults4
Mentoring Children in Foster Care: Examining Relationship Histories as Moderators of Intervention Impact on Children’s Mental Health and Trauma Symptoms4
Youth engagement to achieve health equity: Are healthcare organizations and leaders prepared?4
Disability rights and empowerment: Reflections on AJCP research and a call to action4
Pride in our community: Reflecting on LGBTQ publications in the American Journal of Community Psychology4
Family and School Connectedness Associated with Lower Depression among Latinx Early Adolescents in an Agricultural County4
The gendered relationship between cumulative exposure to lower community attachment and adolescent health4
Toward a moral reckoning on structural racism: Examining structural factors, encouraging structural thinking, and supporting structural intervention4
A systems framework depicting how complex neighborhood dynamics and contextual factors could impact the effectiveness of an alcohol outlet zoning policy4
“Being a team of five strong women… we had to make an impression:” The College Math Academy as an intervention into mathematics education4
The Truth about a Lie: The Criminal Justice System, is it Just?4
Youth Mentoring Relationships and College Social and Academic Functioning: The Role of Mentoring Relationship Quality, Duration, and Type4
Centering culture in the treatment of opioid use disorder with American Indian and Alaska Native Communities: Contributions from a National Collaborative Board4
Colonised minds and community psychology in the academy: Collaborative autoethnographic reflections4
Reflecting and rejuvenating our work, together: One team's consideration of AJCP publications on gender‐based violence4
Examining the influence of group diversity on the functioning of community‐based participatory research partnerships: A mixed methods study4
“What's going on?” Racism, COVID‐19, and centering the voices of Black youth3
The role of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in cultivating the next generation of social justice and public service‐oriented moral leaders during the racial reckoning and COVID‐193
Native Spirit: Development of a culturally grounded after‐school program to promote well‐being among American Indian adolescents3
Partnering with immigrant families to promote language justice and equity in education3
Community sharing: Contextualizing Western research notions of contamination within an Indigenous research paradigm3
Internalization of the model minority myth and sociodemographic factors shaping Asians/Asian Americans' experiences of discrimination during COVID‐193
Training Young Adult Peers in a Mobile Motivational Interviewing‐Based Mentoring Approach to Upstream HIV Prevention3
Measuring Youth Empowerment: An Item Response Theory Analysis of the Sociopolitical Control Scale for Youth3
Sense of community improves community participation in Chinese residential communities: The mediating role of sense of community responsibility and prosocial tendencies3
Community Psychology's abuse of empowerment to further a white supremacist agenda3
Contributions, missed opportunities, and future directions: A critical reflection on global climate change and environmental sustainability in AJCP over five decades3
Re‐Member MOVE: The Anatomy of a Reconciliation3
Older Neighbors and The Neighborhood Context of Child Well‐Being: Pathways to Enhancing Social Capital for Children3
The imperative to support Black youths in resisting low and limiting expectations3
The role of memory practices in building spiritual solidarity for survivors of state violence3
Contradictions in change: Ecological factors in the implementation of outer layer sexual violence prevention3
“Don't let anybody ever put you down culturally…. it's not good…”: Creating spaces for Blak women's healing3
Predictors of champion behaviors in an evidence‐based parenting program: A structural equation modeling approach3
Redefining Exposure: Using Mobile Technology and Geospatial Analysis to Explore When and Where Chicago Adolescents are Exposed to Neighborhood Characteristics3
Examining civic engagement in ethnic minority youth populations: A literature review and concept analysis3
Implementation beyond the clinic: Community‐driven utilization of research evidence from PC CARES, a suicide prevention program3
Examining Support for University‐to‐Police Reporting Policies for Sexual Assault: The Role of Survivors’ Consent3
“Why is it that all the Dangerous Children are Black From the Neighborhoods?”: Critical Phenomenology of the Concept of Risk Among Adults Educated at Therapeutic Boarding Schools3
Patterns of community violence exposure among urban adolescents and their associations with adjustment3
Striving for safety, impact, and equity: A critical consideration of AJCP publications on formal youth mentoring programs2
Trajectories and impact of White mentors’ beliefs about racial and ethnic discrimination in a formal youth mentoring program2
“It's a place to feel like part of the community”: Counterspace, inclusion, and empowerment in a drop‐in center for homeless and marginalized women2
Development of a Youth Civic Engagement Program: Process and Pilot Testing with a Youth‐Partnered Research Team2
Exploring the role of empowerment in Black women's HIV and AIDS activism in the United States: An integrative literature review2
Investing in Black LGBTQ+ liberation as white people: A call to action for community psychology2
Experiences of police‐related stress among a U.S. national cohort of gay and bisexual men2
The society for community research and action on a path toward conocimiento: From silences and statements to solidarities in action in U.S. community psychology2
“That Was a State of Depression by Itself Dealing with Society”: Atmospheric racism, mental health, and the Black and African American faith community2
Mentoring and depressive symptoms of youth: Examining prospective and interactive associations with mentoring relationship quality2
Putting the system in systemic racism: A systems thinking approach to advancing equity2
Risk, race, and predictive policing: A critical race theory analysis of the strategic subject list2
Trajectories of Youth's Helping From Adolescence into Adulthood: The Importance of Social Relations and Values2
Statement on the effects of law enforcement in school settings2
Finding voice in a year of collective trauma: Case study of an online photovoice project with youth2
The Performative is Political: Using Counter‐Storytelling through Theater to Create Spaces for Implicated Witnessing2
Perceiving fairness in an unfair world: System justification and the mental health of girls in detention facilities2
A Qualitative Examination of Collaborative Infrastructure within Sexual Assault Response Teams2
Identifying abolitionist alignments in community psychology: A path toward transformation2
Fostering Well‐being through Social Support: The Role of Evangelical Communities in the Lives of Dominican Women of Haitian Descent2
Mixed methods in community psychology: A values‐forward synthesis2
Reducing Indigenous suicide: Recognizing vital land and food systems for livelihoods2
“Upheaval”: Unpacking the dynamic balance between place attachment and social capital in disaster recovery2
Social isolation and loneliness in family caregivers of people with severe mental illness: A scoping review2
Organizing a transnational solidarity for social change through participatory practices: The case of People Powered–Global Hub for Participatory Democracy2
Race matters in addressing homelessness: A scoping review and call for critical research2
An evaluation of a rapid conversion to teleSANE in response to COVID‐192
Longitudinal patterns and predictors of suicidal ideation in African American adolescents2
Patterns of Community Violence Exposure among African American Adolescents Living in Low‐Resourced Urban Neighborhoods2
Understanding afterschool engagement: Investigating developmental outcomes for adolescents2
Raced and risky subjects: The interplay of racial and managerial ideologies as an expression of “colorblind” racism2
The role of sovereignty in Indigenous community‐based health interventions: A qualitative metasynthesis2
Can Photovoice foster the development of social support?2
Community resilience to crime: A study of the 2011 Brisbane flood2
Complex systems and participatory approaches to address maternal health disparities: Findings from a system dynamics group model building project in North Texas2
Supporting South African High School Teachers' Implementation of a Prevention Program via Abridged Consultation: Outcomes and Moderators2
Diffusion effects of a sexual violence prevention program leveraging youth–adult partnerships2
Closing the equity deficit: Sustainability justice in municipal climate action planning in Waterloo region2
Self‐help/mutual aid groups for health and psychosocial problems: Key features and their perspectives in the 21st century2
A community psychology for migrant justice: Critically examining border violence and resistance during the COVID‐19 syndemic2
Disability organizations as empowering settings: Challenging stigmatization, promoting emancipation2