American Journal of Community Psychology

(The H4-Index of American Journal of Community Psychology is 18. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Systematic Review of Cultural Aspects of Stigma and Mental Illness among Racial and Ethnic Minority Groups in the United States: Implications for Interventions101
Application of the Minority Stress Theory: Understanding the Mental Health of Undocumented Latinx Immigrants61
Cumulative minority stress and suicide risk among LGBTQ youth57
Youth Participatory Approaches and Health Equity: Conceptualization and Integrative Review53
The Underutilization of Community‐based Participatory Research in Psychology: A Systematic Review42
Pathways to Well‐being among LGBT adults: Sociopolitical Involvement, Family Support, Outness, and Community Connectedness with Race/Ethnicity as a Moderator39
Participatory Research Approaches with Youth: Ethics, Engagement, and Meaningful Action38
CBPR Implementation Framework for Community‐Academic Partnerships33
Peer‐based interventions targeting suicide prevention: A scoping review27
How Far Have we Come? An Integrative Review of the Current Literature on Sense of Community and Well‐being26
Interrogating Whiteness in Community Research and Action24
Engage for Equity: Advancing the Fields of Community‐Based Participatory Research and Community‐engaged Research in Community Psychology and the Social Sciences23
Counterstorytelling as Epistemic Justice: Decolonial Community‐based Praxis from the Global South22
Context Matters: Home‐level But Not Individual‐Level Recovery Social Capital Predicts Residents’ Relapse21
Third Places, Social Capital, and Sense of Community as Mechanisms of Adaptive Responding for Young People Who Experience Social Marginalization19
Scales of Practices and Outcomes for Community‐Engaged Research19
Beyond Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status: Exploring the Role of Neighborhood Resources for Preschool Classroom Quality and Early Childhood Development19
Applying Community‐Based Participatory Approaches to Addressing Health Disparities and Promoting Health Equity19
Neighborhood‐level predictors of African American and Latinx parents' ethnic–racial socialization18
Paraprofessional Youth Mentoring: A Framework for Integrating Youth Mentoring with Helping Institutions and Professions18