Nationalities Papers-The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity

(The median citation count of Nationalities Papers-The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Victims of the Pandemic? European Far-Right Parties and COVID-1980
Politics of Memory and Nationalism17
Pandemic Nationalism17
The 2020 Presidential Election in Belarus: Erosion of Authoritarian Stability and Re-politicization of Society13
Citizenship, National Identity, and Nation-Building in Azerbaijan: Between the Legacy of the Past and the Spirit of Independence11
How Exclusionary Nationalism Has Made the World Socially Sicker from COVID-1910
A New Wave of Research on Civilizational Politics10
The Politics of a National Identity Survey: Polishness, Whiteness, and Racial Exclusion9
Guest Editor’s Introduction: “Everyday Nationalism in World Politics: Agents, Contexts, and Scale”9
Nationalism and Religion in Comparative Perspective: A New Typology of National-Religious Configurations9
Challenges of Pandemic-Related Border Closures for Everyday Lives of Poles and Czechs in the Divided Town of Cieszyn/Český Těšín: Integrated Functional Space or Reemergence of Animosities?9
Russkii as the New Rossiiskii? Nation-Building in Russia After 19918
Trustees Instead of Elected Mayors: Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Removal of Kurdish Mayors in Turkey8
United by History: Government Appropriation of Everyday Nationalism During Vladimir Putin’s Third Term8
The Significance of the Declaration of Ethnic Minority Status for Irish Travellers8
Imagined Communities and Imaginary Plots: Nationalisms, Conspiracies, and Pandemics in the Longue Durée7
The Migrant Other: Exclusion without Nationalism?7
Krym. Rossiya…Navsegda? Critical Junctures, Critical Antecedents, and the Paths Not Taken in the Making of Crimea’s Annexation6
Nation Branding in the Post-Communist World: Assessing the Field of Critical Research6
War, Identity Politics, and Attitudes toward a Linguistic Minority: Prejudice against Russian-Speaking Ukrainians in Ukraine between 1995 and 20186
Racism and Nationalism6
New Wild Fields: How the Russian War Leads to the Demodernization of Ukraine’s Occupied Territories6
Reassembling Society in a Nation-State: History, Language, and Identity Discourses of Belarus6
Legitimizing the Separatist Cause: Nation-building in the Eurasiande factoStates6
Varieties of Nationalism in the Age of Covid-196
“Living Statues” and Nonuments as “Performative Monument Events” in Post-Socialist South-Eastern Europe5
An Estonian-Russian Language Club as a Venue for Grassroots Ethnic Integration5
Anti-Immigration Attitudes in Contemporary Polish Society: A Story of Double Standards?5
Belarus: “Securitization” of State Politics and the Impact on State-Society Relations5
Analysis of the Thematic Structure and Discursive Framing in Articles about Trianon and the Holocaust in the Online Hungarian Press Using LDA Topic Modelling5
Between Independence and Autonomy: The Changing Landscape of Ethno-nationalist Movements in Pakistan5
Third Rome or Potemkin village: Analyzing the Extent of Russia’s Power in Serbia, 2012–20195
Unequal Citizenship and Ethnic Boundaries in the Migration Experience of Polish Roma4
Wartime Civilian Mobilization: Demographic Profile, Motivations, and Pathways to Volunteer Engagement Amidst the Donbas War in Ukraine4
Marching the Victorious March: Populism and Memory Appropriation of the Yugoslav Partisans in Today’s Serbia4
Power, People, and the Political: Understanding the Many Crises in Belarus4
Ethnicity and Estate: The Galician Jacquerie and the Rwandan Genocide Compared4
Europe’s Secessionist Movements and Covid-194
A Foundation for Russia? Memories of World War II for Young Russians4
What Have We Learned about Ethnonational Identities in Ukraine?4
Patron-Client Relations in the Post-Soviet Area in the 21st Century—The Case Study of Armenia and the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic4
Flowers, Tractors, & Telegram: Who are the Protesters in Belarus?: A Survey Based Assessment of Anti-Lukashenka Protest Participants4
The Local Dynamics of Nation Building: Identity Politics and Constructions of the Russian Nation in Kazan and Ekaterinburg4
Revisiting Pan-Slavism in the Contemporary Perspective4
“Why Did It Take So Long?” Exploring Greek Public Opinion as an Obstacle to the Settlement of the Macedonia Name Dispute4
Determinants of Individual Support for Independence: Evidence from Montenegro3
Ethnicity and Social Exclusion3
The Post-Soviet City as a Communal Apartment: Spatialized Belonging in Ulan-Ude3
The Relationship between Perceived Security Threats and Negative Descriptions of Armenians in Turkish Politics (1946–1960)3
When the “People” Leave: On the Limits of Nationalist (Bio)Politics in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina3
Civic Dominion: Nation-Building in Post-Soviet Azerbaijan over 25 Years of Independence3
Placing the 2020 Belarusian Protests in Historical Context: Political Attitudes and Participation during Lukashenko’s Presidency3
Regional Ambassadors or State Agents? Assessing the Role of Catalan Cabinet Ministers in Spain3
Kymlicka’s Alignment of Mill and Engels: Nationality, Civilization, and Coercive Assimilation3
From Nationalism to National Indifference: Binary Logic and Sense of Time3
A Struggle over Recognition and Nonrecognition: The Internationalization of the Abkhaz State University3
Why the 2020 Belarusian Protests Failed to Oust Lukashenka3
Praying Instead of Protesting? The Belarusian Churches and Political Protest After the 2020 Presidential Election3
Africa and Ethnic Politics3
Making Sense of a Surprise: Perspectives on the 2020 “Belarusian Revolution”3
Microfoundations of Threat and Security Perceptions in Ethnically Diverse States: Lessons from Russia’s “Near Abroad”3
Thirty Years of Nation-Building in the Post-Soviet States3
An Ethnic Security Dilemma in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Civic Pride and Civics Education3
Diaspora Mobilization and Identity Construction of Ukrainian Immigrants in Turkey: “Ukrainians Started to Become More Ukrainian”3
A New German ‘We’? Everyday Perspectives on Germanness and its Boundaries3
Protests in Postwar Societies: Grievances and Contentious Collective Action in Kosovo3
Renaming and Reclaiming Urban Spaces in Ukraine: The Perspective of Internally Displaced People3
A Nation’s Holy Land: Kazakhstan’s Large-Scale National Project to Map Its Sacred Geography3
Kurdistan on the Sèvres Centenary: How a Distinct People Became the World’s Largest Stateless Nation3
Polish Ethnic Minority in Belarus and Lithuania: Politics, Institutions, and Identities3
Navigating Ethnicity: Collective Identities and Movement Framing in Deeply Divided Societies3
“Goodbye Moscow, Hello Brussels”: The City Diplomacy of Chișinău Mayor Dorin Chirtoacă3
Historians as Activists: History Writing in Times of War. The Case of Ukraine in 2014–20182
Sacred Language in the Borderlands: Discussions on the Language of Belarusian Catholicism2
Forms of National and European Identity: A Research Note Reviewing Literature of Cross-National Studies2
Chinese Nationalism: Insights and Opportunities for Comparative Studies2
Conceptualizing and Operationalizing Identity, Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality by Law: An Introduction2
Ethnic Boundaries and Territorial Borders: On the Place of Lezgin Irredentism in the Construction of National Identity in Azerbaijan2
Community Response to Rebordering Politics: The Case of Two Twin Towns in Central Europe2
Subversive Celebrations: Holidays as Sites of Minority Identity Contestation in Repressive Regimes2
Chechnya’s Paradiplomacy 2000–2020: The Emergence and Evolution of External Relations of a Reincorporated Territory2
Socialist in Form, “National” in Content? Art and Ideology in Soviet Tajikistan2
Women’s Internationalism and Yugoslav-Indian Connections: From the Non-Aligned Movement to the UN Decade for Women2
Staging Death: Christofascist Necropolitics during the National Legionary State in Romania, 1940–19412
Turkey’s “Apology” and Image Repair on the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide2
Euromaidan Abroad: The Social Movement Motivations of Young Ukrainian Immigrants2
“F*** tha police!” à la Russe: Rancière and the Metamodernist Turn in Contemporary Russian Music2
Homelands and Nationalism2
Defining American National Identity: An Exploration into Measurement and Its Outcomes2
Nationalities without Nationalism? The Cultural Consequences of Metternich’s Nationality Policy2
Territorial and Non-territorial Aspects in the Autonomist Proposals of the Sudeten German Party, 1937–382
Federalization, Land-for-Peace or a War Once More: Secession Conflicts in Post-Soviet Countries2
“The Fate of the Nation”: Population Politics in a Changing Soviet Union (1964–1991)2
Schleswig and Non-Territorial Autonomy – The Territorial Trap?2
Does Origin Matter? Ethnic Group Position and Attitudes Toward Immigrants: The Case of Russia2
Secessionism as the Mainstream: Regionalist Parties’ Strategies in the Catalan and Scottish 2021 Regional Elections2
“Poles of the World Unite”: The Transnational History of the 1929 World Congress of Poles Abroad in the Context of Interwar Soviet–Polish Rivalries2
The Dynamics of Mass Mobilization in Belarus2
The Many Faces of Nationalism2
Flexible Nation: The Turkish Nation under the Justice and Development Party’s Rule2
Arsenal of the Global South: Yugoslavia’s Military Aid to Nonaligned Countries and Liberation Movements2
Regional Fracture and Its Intractability in World Politics: The Case of the Late Ottoman Empire2
The (non) Europeanization of Latvia’s Far Right2
Political Imagery and the Russia-Germany-America Triangle2
Between Frontline and Parliament: Ukrainian Political Parties and Irregular Armed Groups in 2014–20191
Inventing a Prosthetic Bourgeoisie: Romania and the Aromanians, 1848–19061
A Contest for Priority: Nineteenth-Century Place-Name Etymologies of Transylvania at Large1
The Territorial Representativeness of Italian Ministerial Elites: From the Regional “Parity Norm” to the Rise of Technocrats1
In Search of the Lands of Rus’: The Idea of Ukraine in the Imagination of the Little Russian Movement (1917–1919)1
Babi Yar and the Nazi Genocide of Roma: Memory Narratives and Memory Practices in Ukraine1
The Democratic Conference and the Pre-Parliament in Russia, 1917: Class, Nationality, and the Building of a Postimperial Community1
Beyond Ideology: Reassessing the Threat of Belarusian Opposition in Interwar Poland1
Jewishness without Jews? Ontological Security, Ethnonationalism, and the Social Power of Analogical Reasoning in Postcolonial Nigeria1
Between the Market and Solidarity: Commercializing Development Aid and International Higher Education in Socialist Yugoslavia1
Climate Change: Bad News for Populism? How the Rassemblement National Used COVID-19 to Promote Its Environmental Agenda1
Neglect, Marginalization, and Abuse: Hate Crime Legislation and Practice in the Labyrinth of Identity Politics, Minority Protection, and Penal Populism1
Constructing the Collective Trauma of “The Hard 1990s” as a Disregarded Tool of Legitimation for Putin’s Authority1
Segmental Volatility in Ethnically Divided Societies: (Re)assessing Party System Stability in Southeast Europe1
“Fraternal” Other: Negotiating Ethnic and Religious Identities at a Muslim Sacred Site in Northern Cyprus1
State Violence and Pains of Punishment: Experiences of Incarcerated Women in Belarus in the Aftermath of the 2020 Protests1
Anti-Authoritarian Learning: Prospects for Democratization in Belarus Based on a Study of Polish Solidarity1
Origins, Relevance and Prospects of Federalism and Decentralization in the Horn of Africa1
Governing the “Unmarked” Citizens: Romania’s Roma in the Grip of Socialist Technologies of Power1
The 19th-century Slovak National Movement: Ethos of Plebeian Resistance1
Defining the Borderlands: Sino-Soviet Border Talks and the Nationalities Issue (1987–1991)1
Is Russia Fascist?: A Response to Yoshiko Herrera, Mitchell Orenstein, and Anton Shekhovtsov1
Hyphenated Identities: Voices from the Watchtower During the Cypriot Civil War1
National Pride and the Insecure Social Bond between People and the State: The Socio-emotional Context of National Identity in Post-Soviet Neoliberal Latvia1
Speaking Out against the Discrimination of Romanians Abroad: An Analysis of Parliamentary Speeches in the Home Country1
The Holocaust Museum of Greece, Thessaloniki: In Whose Memory?1
Can We Learn from Yugoslavia?1
The Estonian Swedish National Minority and the Estonian Cultural Autonomy Law of 19251
Selling Peace: How to Frame a Serbia/Kosovo Deal in a Referendum1
Explaining Putin’s Staying Power: The Yeltsin Era as Legitimizing Bogeyman1
Nonterritorial Autonomy in Northern Eurasia: Rooted or Alien?1
NPS volume 49 issue 2 Cover and Back matter1
Quo Vadis, Aida?, directed by Jasmila Žbanić, Deblokada film, 2020. 1 hr 41 mins.1
The Bretons in French Politics: Regional Mobilization within and beyond the Central State1
Filmske Novosti: Filmed Diplomacy1
Introduction: Internationalism in Times of Nationalism: Yugoslavia, Nonalignment, and the Cold War1
In the Name of “Endangered Nations” and “Unsovereign States”? Official Discourses of Radical Right Movement Parties and Social Movement Organizations in Poland and Germany1
Between Nationalism, Exoticism, and Social Distinction: The Spanish Lyric Drama in the 19th Century1
New Narratives and Old Myths: History Textbooks in Kazakhstan1
Securitizing Borders: The Case of South Tyrol1
The “Aliens” in Post-Yugoslav Cinema1
Remembering the Causes of Collective Violence and the Role of Propaganda in the Yugoslav Wars1
Traitors in Limbo: Chinese Trials of White Russian Spies, 1937–19481
Nationalism and Media1
Creating the Unbound Yugoslav Nation: The Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Emigrants from the “Unredeemed” Julian March1
‘Highly Civilized, yet Very Simple’: Images of the Czechoslovak State and Nation at Interwar World’s Fairs1
The Logic of Violence in the Polish-Lithuanian Conflict, 1920–19231
Why African Americans Do Not Rebel? How Hierarchic Integration Prevents Rebellion1
Failing to Fight for the “Russian World”: Pre-War Social Origins of the Pro-Russian Secessionist Organizations in Ukraine1
The Bilingualism Bonus in Socialist Slovenia: Domestic Policy or Diplomatic Prestige?1
The Debate about Soviet Genocide in Lithuania in the Case Law of The European Court of Human Rights1
Bridging Regionalism and Secessionism: Territorial Autonomy Movements in the Iberian World1
Imperial Loyalties: Pluralism of Belonging, Territories, and Spaces in the 19th Century1
Frankfurt am Meer: The “Illiberal” Liberalism of the German Confederation and Its Aspirations over the Habsburg Adriatic in 18481
Accommodating National Diversity Within States: Territorial and Non-Territorial Approaches Since the Late 19th Century1
Ethnopolitical Entrepreneurs as Nation Builders? Heritage and Innovation in Gagauzia1
Moldova’s First Quarter Century: Flawed Transition and Failed Democracy1
Engraving Portraits in the Skin: Vernacular Commemorative Tattoos for Ceauşescu, Tito, and Stalin1
“Is This Not Just Nationalism?” Disentangling the Threads of Folk Costumes in the History of Central and Eastern Europe1
The Russian Minorities in the Former Soviet Republics: Secession, Integration, and the Homeland, by Anna Batta, Routledge, 2022, 234 pp., $128 (hardback), ISBN 9781032070957.1
Florian Znaniecki’s Culturalistic Sociology of Nation1
The Repertoires of Religious Nationalism: The Case of İsmet Özel1
Contemporary Financial Nationalism in Theory and Practice1
The Failure of “Yugoslavia’s Last Chance”: Ante Marković and his Reformists in the 1990 Elections1
Soviet Ghosts: The Former Theater of the Soviet Army in Lviv and Post-Socialism as a Crisis of Infrastructure1
Soviet National Autonomy in the 1920s: The Dilemmas of Ukraine’s Jewish Population1
The Revolution of the Black Diamond Republic: Negotiating Socialism and Autonomy in the Jiu Valley, 1918-19191
NPS volume 50 issue 5 Cover and Back matter0
State-Building as Lawfare: On Conflict, Interpretation, and Ethics0
NPS volume 52 issue 2 Cover and Front matter0
Pillarized Networks in a Polarized Civil Society: A Structure of Far-Right Networks in Poland0
The Small, the Big, and the Ugly: Persistent Challenges of Thinking about Lviv’s Ukrainization0
Nationalism and National Identity in North America0
Class, Culture, and the Problem of Leadership0
The Political Incorporation of Labor in Turkey: Tracing the Origins of a Nationalist Path0
Place Relations of Mobile People: National and Local Identification of Highly Skilled Migrants in Wrocław, Poland0
Captured City: Authoritarianism, Urban Space and Project Skopje 20140
Editor’s Note0
Unraveling the Black Mountain: Authoritarian Submission and Party Preference in Montenegro0
Integration Through Inclusion? Probing the Effect of Government Presence on Voting Behavior in the Swiss Cantons, 1848–20220
‘Compulsory Independence’: Irish Nationalist Images of Empire and Republic after the Birth of Independent German-Austria, 1919–19220
Transcultural, Transnational Histories: A Response to Stefano Bianchini’s Liquid Nationalism and State Partitions in Europe0
Turkish Nationalism, Egalitarianism, and Social Policy: The Compulsory Public Service of Physicians0
The Achilles Heel of Constitutional Jurisprudence: Conceptualization of Minority Rights by Constitutional Courts in Central and Eastern Europe0
NPS volume 52 issue 1 Cover and Front matter0
Producing Kartinka: Street-Level Bureaucracy and Implementation of Russia’s Tolerance Policy in St. Petersburg0
NPS volume 51 issue 5 Cover and Back matter0
Architectures of Violence: The Command Structures of Modern Mass Atrocities, from Yugoslavia to Syria, by Kate Ferguson, Oxford University Press, 2021, 240pp., £35.00 (hardcover), ISBN 9780190949624.0
Gender, Militarized Masculinity, and Hungarian Illiberalism0
What Happens When Soft Power Fails0
Grounded Nationalisms over Time, Territory, and the State0
Between Peretz Smolenskin and Ahad Ha’am: The Forgotten Historiography of the Jewish National Movement Hibbat Zion0
How Can “Overall Progress and Development” Fail in Post-Conflict Societies? Securitization of the 2005–07 Stabilization and Association Agreement Negotiations in Republika Srpska0
Women’s Organizations and Antisemitism: The First Parliamentary Elections in Independent Poland0
Introduction: 1918 and the Ambiguities of “Old-New Europe”0
The Post-Communist Far Right and Its Transnational Linkages0
NPS volume 50 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
NPS volume 51 issue 6 Cover and Front matter0
Armenia and Azerbaijan: Anatomy of a Rivalry, by Laurence Broers, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2021, pp., xv + 400pp. £95.00 (hardcover), ISBN 9781474450522, £24.99 (paperback), ISBN 97814740
Pure and True: The Everyday Politics of Ethnicity for China’s Hui Muslims, by David R. Stroup, University of Washington Press, 2022, 268 pp., $105.00 (hardcover), ISBN 9780295749822, $32.00 (paperback0
Liquidity and Precarity: The Challenges of State Partitions and Their Effects to Communities and Individuals. A Reply to Kolstø, Mohanram, and Woodward0
The Far-Right’s Mnemonic Alliance with Putin’s Russia: L’SNS’s Mastering of a Disruptive Past0
Conceptualizing the National Group for the Crime of Genocide: Is Law Able to Account for Identity Fault Lines?0
Anthropology in a Nationalizing State: Three Case Studies from Interwar Poland0
Between Muslims: Religious Difference in Iraqi Kurdistan, by J. Andrew Bush, Stanford UP, 2020, 216 pp., $25.00, (hardback), ISBN: 9781503611436.0
Euromaidan Abroad: The Social Movement Motivations of Young Ukrainian Immigrants – Erratum0
Collapse: The Fall of the Soviet Union, by Vladislav M. Zubok, Yale University Press, 2021, 576 pp., $35.00 (hardcover), ISBN 9780300268171, $25.00 (paperback), ISBN 9780300257304.0
Beyond Linguistic Peripheral Elites: The Provincial Imbalance of Cabinet Ministers in Belgium0
Investing in Infants: Child Protection and Nationalism in Transylvania during Dualism and the Interwar Period0
Bosnian-Herzegovinian Citizens in the Making – The Citizenship Debate in the Time of Social Mobilizations0
NPS volume 49 issue 4 Cover and Back matter0
Promoting Justice across Borders: The Ethics of Reform Intervention, by Lucia Rafanelli, New York: Oxford University Press, 2021, 280 pp., $86 (hardback), ISBN 9780197568842, $39.95 (paperback), ISBN 0
NPS volume 51 issue 4 Cover and Front matter0
Negotiating the Kin-State Citizenship: The Case of Croats from Herzegovina0
NPS volume 51 issue 5 Cover and Front matter0
The Symbolic State: Minority Recognition, Majority Backlash, and Secession in Multinational Countries, by Karlo Basta, Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021, 272pp., $130.00 (cl0
Ethnicity in Schools: Perceptions of Migrant Children from Central Asia in the Multicultural Environment of Russian Cities0
From the Red Belt to the Bible Belt? Religiosity and Voting in Russia since 20110
End of War or End of State? 1918 in the Public Memories of Post-Communist Croatia and Serbia0
Impact of the War in Croatia (1991-1995) on the Differentiation of Age Structure between Serbs and Croats: A Case Study of the Banija Region0
Transcultural, Transnational Histories: A Response to Stefano Bianchini’s Liquid Nationalism and State Partitions in Europe – CORRIGENDUM0
The Post-Soviet as Post-Colonial: A New Paradigm for Understanding Constitutional Dynamics in the Former Soviet Empire, by William Partlett and Herbert Küpper, Edward Elgar, 2022, 281 pp., $135.00 (ha0
Slivovitz and Everyday Nationalism: The Analysis of Slovene Newspapers in Interwar Yugoslavia0
The Zelensky Effect, by Olga Onuch and Henry E. Hale, Hurst Publishers, 2022, 424pp., $24.95 (hardcover), ISBN 9781787388635.0
NPS volume 51 issue 6 Cover and Back matter0
Displaced Memoryscapes – Archives of Hungarian Women Authors from Post-Yugoslavia0
Between Heimat and Hatred: Jews and the Right in Germany, 1871–1935 by Philipp Nielsen. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019. 328pp. $74 (hardcover). ISBN 978-01909306600
A Specter from the Past: the Balkanization of Europe?0
Contested Territories in the Short Twentieth Century: Sarah Wambaugh (1882–1955), Plebiscites, and Gender0
Post-Socialist Political Necromancy: Weaponization of Dead Bodies in Czech Culture Wars0
Appropriating Memory in the Name of the State0
NPS volume 49 issue 3 Cover and Front matter0
Commemorating by Marching: Memorialization and Resistance Practices of the Srebrenica Genocide0
NPS volume 50 issue 3 Cover and Back matter0
The Keeper of the Imperial Body: The Russian Geographical Society as an Entrepreneur of Imperial Nationalism0
The Blood of Others: Stalin’s Crimean Atrocity and the Poetics of Solidarity, by Rory Finnin, University of Toronto Press, 2022, 334 pp., $80.00, (hardcover), ISBN 9781487507817.0
NPS volume 52 issue 1 Cover and Back matter0
Taking the “Race” Out of Master Race: The Evolving Role of the Jew in White Supremacist Discourse0
Regional Politics and Ethnic Identity: How Silesian Identity Has Become Politicized0
Institutional Dynamics of State-Minority Relations: The Case of Roma Communities in Slovakia0
Thank You to Our Reviewers0
Response to Critiques and Avenues for Future Research0
Under the Banner of Islam: Turks, Kurds, and the Limits of Religious Unity, by Gülay Türkmen, New York, Oxford University Press, 2021, 204 pp., $82 (hardcover), ISBN 9780197511817.0
Nonaligned Modernism: Yugoslav Culture, Nonaligned Cultural Diplomacy, and Transnational Solidarity0
NPS volume 51 issue 2 Cover and Back matter0
The Search for Legitimacy over Yugoslavia: Rudolf Bićanić and the Power of Gold0