Memory & Cognition

(The median citation count of Memory & Cognition is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Can you believe it? An investigation into the impact of retraction source credibility on the continued influence effect62
Near and far transfer: Is music special?43
A conceptual space for episodic and semantic memory25
Individual differences in mental imagery in different modalities and levels of intentionality23
Analytic thinking predicts accuracy ratings and willingness to share COVID-19 misinformation in Australia22
Responsible remembering and forgetting as contributors to memory for important information22
Rethinking the distinction between episodic and semantic memory: Insights from the past, present, and future21
The visual and semantic features that predict object memory: Concept property norms for 1,000 object images19
Can the Stroop effect serve as the gold standard of conflict monitoring and control? A conceptual critique18
The role of discomfort in the continued influence effect of misinformation17
Narratives bridge the divide between distant events in episodic memory17
Do metaphorical sharks bite? Simulation and abstraction in metaphor processing16
The effects of stress on eyewitness memory: A survey of memory experts and laypeople16
Proactive and reactive metacontrol in task switching15
Value-directed memory effects on item and context memory15
Soliciting judgments of forgetting reactively enhances memory as well as making judgments of learning: Empirical and meta-analytic tests15
Making judgments of learning enhances memory by inducing item-specific processing15
Metacognitive study strategies in a college course and their relation to exam performance15
Effects of acute exercise on memory: Considerations of exercise intensity, post-exercise recovery period and aerobic endurance14
In search of the proximal cause of the animacy effect on memory: Attentional resource allocation and semantic representations14
The effects of divided attention at encoding on specific and gist-based associative episodic memory14
Collective remembering and future forecasting during the COVID-19 pandemic: How the impact of COVID-19 affected the themes and phenomenology of global and national memories across 15 countries13
Individual differences in task-unrelated thought in university classrooms13
Letter identity and visual similarity in the processing of diacritic letters13
Animacy and animate imagery improve retention in the method of loci among novice users13
Interleaved practice benefits implicit sequence learning and transfer13
Rate of forgetting is independent of initial degree of learning13
Influences of domain knowledge on segmentation and memory13
Metamemory for pictures of naturalistic scenes: Assessment of accuracy and cue utilization12
Semantic knowledge attenuates age-related differences in event segmentation and episodic memory12
Cognitive and motivational factors driving sharing of internet memes11
Analyzing the structure of animacy: Exploring relationships among six new animacy and 15 existing normative dimensions for 1,200 concrete nouns11
Framing effects in value-directed remembering11
Is letter position coding when reading in L2 affected by the nature of position coding used when bilinguals read in their L1?11
Vestibular cues improve landmark-based route navigation: A simulated driving study10
Prompt-facilitated learning: The development of unprompted memory integration and subsequent self-derivation10
Examining the relationship between generation constraint and memory10
What happens after debriefing? The effectiveness and benefits of postexperimental debriefing10
Semantic-to-autobiographical memory priming causes involuntary autobiographical memory production: The effects of single and multiple prime presentations10
The metacognition of auditory distraction: Judgments about the effects of deviating and changing auditory distractors on cognitive performance10
Different inhibitory control components predict different levels of language control in bilinguals10
The role of self-reference and personal goals in the formation of memories of the future10
People from the U.S. and China think about their personal and collective future differently9
Patterns of choice adaptation in dynamic risky environments9
Forgetting rates of gist and peripheral episodic details in prose recall9
What lies ahead of us? Collective future thinking in Turkish, Chinese, and American adults9
Enhancing learning and retention through the distribution of practice repetitions across multiple sessions9
Animacy enhances recollection but not familiarity: Convergent evidence from the remember-know-guess paradigm and the process-dissociation procedure9
Strategic metacognition: Self-paced study time and responsible remembering9
Patterns of episodic content and specificity predicting subjective memory vividness8
How people reason with counterfactual and causal explanations for Artificial Intelligence decisions in familiar and unfamiliar domains8
The effect of source claims on statement believability and speaker accountability8
Episodic-semantic interactions in spontaneous thought8
Effect of attentional selection on working memory for depth in a retro-cueing paradigm8
Online measurement of learning temporal statistical structure in categorization tasks8
Metacognitive control, serial position effects, and effective transfer to self-paced study8
Semantic-to-autobiographical memory priming is ubiquitous8
The effect of motor engagement on memory: Testing a motor-induced encoding account7
The “curse of knowledge” when predicting others’ knowledge7
How well do ordinary Americans forecast the growth of COVID-19?7
Metacognitive awareness of the pretesting effect improves with self-regulation support7
Selective memory disrupted in intra-modal dual-task encoding conditions7
Investigating the network structure of domain-specific knowledge using the semantic fluency task7
Reward learning and working memory: Effects of massed versus spaced training and post-learning delay period7
Exploring episodic and semantic contributions to past and future thinking performance in Korsakoff’s syndrome7
Attention effects in working memory that are asymmetric across sensory modalities7
Is discriminability a requirement for reactivity? Comparing the effects of mixed vs. pure list presentations on judgment of learning reactivity7
Interviewing in virtual environments: Towards understanding the impact of rapport-building behaviours and retrieval context on eyewitness memory7
Prospective memories in the wild: Predicting memory for intentions in natural environments7
Exploring the relationship between retrieval practice, self-efficacy, and memory7
Meaningful stimuli inflate the role of proactive interference in visual working memory6
Disrupted object-scene semantics boost scene recall but diminish object recall in drawings from memory6
Does explaining the origins of misinformation improve the effectiveness of a given correction?6
The impact of group identity on the interaction between collective memory and collective future thinking negativity: Evidence from a Turkish sample6
Between automatic and control processes: How relationships between problem elements interact to facilitate or impede insight6
Revisiting the influence of offloading memory on free recall6
Processing cataphors: Active antecedent search is persistent6
Can cue familiarity during recall failure prompt illusory recollective experience?6
The role of metacognition and schematic support in younger and older adults' episodic memory6
Subjective judgments on direct and generative retrieval of autobiographical memory: The role of interoceptive sensibility and emotion6
The effect of facial occlusion on facial impressions of trustworthiness and dominance6
Judgments of learning enhance recall for category-cued but not letter-cued items6
Specifying a relationship between semantic and episodic memory in the computation of a feature-based familiarity signal using MINERVA 26
Conceptual knowledge modulates memory recognition of common items: The selective role of item-typicality6
Does testing enhance new learning because it insulates against proactive interference?6
Scratching your tête over language-switched idioms: Evidence from eye-movement measures of reading6
Late sign language exposure does not modulate the relation between spatial language and spatial memory in deaf children and adults6
Constructive episodic retrieval processes underlying memory distortion contribute to creative thinking and everyday problem solving5
Motivation-based selective encoding and retrieval5
How does attribute ambiguity improve memory?5
Cognitive differences across ethnoracial category, socioeconomic status across the Alzheimer’s disease spectrum: Can an ability discrepancy score level the playing field?5
The role of mentalizing capacity and ecological language diversity on irony comprehension in bilingual adults5
The effect of intrinsic image memorability on recollection and familiarity5
Re-assessing age of acquisition effects in recognition, free recall, and serial recall5
Cross-clause planning in Nungon (Papua New Guinea): Eye-tracking evidence5
Summary accuracy feedback and the left digit effect in number line estimation5
Working memory capacity, mental rotation, and visual perspective taking: A study of the developmental cascade hypothesis5
Does the presence of more features in a bound representation in working memory require extra object-based attention?5
The simultaneous recognition of multiple words: A process analysis5
The ERP correlates of self-knowledge in ageing5
Reasoning strategies determine the effect of disconfirmation on belief in false claims5
Mechanisms in continued influence: The impact of misinformation corrections on source perceptions5
Eye tracking and the cognitive reflection test: Evidence for intuitive correct responding and uncertain heuristic responding5
Commonalities of visual and auditory working memory in a spatial-updating task5
The benefits of impossible tests: Assessing the role of error-correction in the pretesting effect5
Memories people no longer believe in can still affect them in helpful and harmful ways5
False (or biased) memory: Emotion and working memory capacity effects in the DRM paradigm5
Adaptation following errors: Error awareness predicts future performance4
Accounting for item-level variance in recognition memory: Comparing word frequency and contextual diversity4
Older and younger adults’ hindsight bias after positive and negative outcomes4
Think slow, then fast: Does repeated deliberation boost correct intuitive responding?4
Does morphological structure modulate access to embedded word meaning in child readers?4
Is motor activity the key to the observation-inflation effect? The role of action simulation4
Different types of semantic interference, same lapses of attention: Evidence from Stroop tasks4
No explicit memory for individual trial display configurations in a visual search task4
Syntax, morphosyntax, and serial recall: How language supports short-term memory4
Meaning above (and in) the head: Combinatorial visual morphology from comics and emoji4
Category learning in a transitive inference paradigm4
The development of retro-cue benefits with extensive practice: Implications for capacity estimation and attentional states in visual working memory4
Reasoning strategies and prior knowledge effects in contingency learning4
You won’t guess that: On the limited benefits of guessing when learning a foreign language4
Social essentialism in the United States and China: How social and cognitive factors predict within- and cross-cultural variation in essentialist thinking4
Effects of prior-task failure on arithmetic performance: A study in young and older adults4
Deficient semantic knowledge of the life course—Examining the cultural life script in Alzheimer’s disease4
Long-term memory representations for audio-visual scenes4
Examining the episodic-semantic interaction during future thinking – A reanalysis of external details4
Cognitive processes in imaginative moral shifts: How judgments of morally unacceptable actions change4
Forgetting under difficult conditions: Item-method directed forgetting under perceptual processing constraints4
Improving prospective memory with contextual cueing4
Using the phenomenology of memory for recent events to bridge the gap between episodic and semantic memory4
Temporal dynamics of implicit memory underlying serial dependence4
Are the advantages of chess expertise on visuo-spatial working-memory capacity domain specific or domain general?4
How does language affect spatial attention? Deconstructing the prime-target relationship4
The interplay between inhibitory control and metaphor conventionality4
To err is human but not deceptive4
Conceptual metaphors influence memory automatically: Evidence from a divided attention false memory task4
Sequential versus simultaneous presentation of memoranda in verbal working memory: (How) does it matter?4
Diachronic semantic change in language is constrained by how people use and learn language4
Just wrong? Or just WEIRD? Investigating the prevalence of moral dumbfounding in non-Western samples3
Semantically congruent bimodal presentation modulates cognitive control over attentional guidance by working memory3
The influence of memory on the speech-to-song illusion3
Selecting effectively contributes to the mnemonic benefits of self-generated cues3
Testing the attention-distractibility trait3
Can rotated words be processed automatically? Evidence from rotated repetition priming3
Learning new words: Memory reactivation as a mechanism for strengthening and updating a novel word’s meaning3
The effect of bilingualism on executive functions when languages are similar: a comparison between Hungarian–Serbian and Slovak–Serbian young adult bilinguals3
Differential effects of executive load on automatic versus controlled semantic memory retrieval3
The use of direct and indirect speech across psychological distance3
Boundary conditions for observing cognitive load effects in visual working memory3
Various sources of distraction during analogical reasoning3
Prior episodic learning and the efficacy of retrieval practice3
The extent of center-surround inhibition for colored items in working memory3
Does narrator variability facilitate incidental word learning in the classroom?3
No gesture too small: An investigation into the ability of gestural information to mislead eyewitness accounts by 5- to 8-year-olds3
Do cultural differences emerge at different levels of representational hierarchy?3
Dissociating stimulus-response compatibility and modality compatibility in task switching3
Choice adaptation to changing environments: trends, feedback, and observability of change3
Individual Differences in Disqualifying Monitoring Underlie False Recognition of Associative and Conjunction Lures3
The effect of retrieval goals on the content recalled from complex narratives3
The influence of semantic context on false memories3
Just write it down: Similarity in the benefit from cognitive offloading in young and older adults3
Does value-based prioritization at working memory enhance long-term memory?3
Personal reminders: Self-generated reminders boost memory more than normatively related ones3
A cognitive model of response omissions in distraction paradigms3
Sequential encoding aids working memory for meaningful objects’ identities but not for their colors3
When statistics collide: The use of transitional and phonotactic probability cues to word boundaries3
Sentence-based mental simulations: Evidence from behavioral experiments using garden-path sentences3
Online revision process in clause-boundary garden-path sentences3
Talker and accent familiarity yield advantages for voice identity perception: A voice sorting study3
Miraculous, magical, or mundane? The development of beliefs about stories with divine, magical, or realistic causation3
Surviving with story characters: What do we remember?3
Adults’ spatial scaling from memory: Comparing the visual and haptic domain3
Repeated simulation increases belief in the future occurrence of uncertain events3
Chained study and the discovery of relational structure3
Multiple components of statistical word learning are resource dependent: Evidence from a dual-task learning paradigm3
Relationships between expertise and distinctiveness: Abnormal medical images lead to enhanced memory performance only in experts3
The relationship between interactive-imagery instructions and association memory3
Implicit intertemporal trajectories in cognitive representations of the self and nation3
The role of prior-event retrieval in encoding changed event features3
Development of visual sustained selective attention and response inhibition in deaf children2
Object-based attention during scene perception elicits boundary contraction in memory2
The font size effect depends on inter-item relation2
Whom to trust? Inferred source credibility and response borrowing in a memory task2
Choice between decision-making strategies in human route-following2
The item/order account of word frequency effects: Evidence from serial order tests2
From perception to inference: Utilization of probabilities as decision weights in children2
Partial overlap between holistic processing of words and Gestalt line stimuli at an early perceptual stage2
Absolute pitch judgments of familiar melodies generalize across timbre and octave2
Moses, money, and multiple-choice: The Moses illusion in a multiple-choice format with high incentives2
PEPPR: A post-encoding pre-production reinstatement model of dual-list free recall2
Guessing can benefit memory for related word pairs even when feedback is delayed2
Symmetry and spatial ability enhance change detection in visuospatial structures2
On the role of exploitation and exploration strategies in the maintenance of cognitive biases: Beyond the pursuit of instrumental rewards2
Language-to-music transfer effects depend on the tone language: Akan vs. East Asian tone languages2
The impact of auditory distraction on reading comprehension: An individual differences investigation2
Don’t disturb my circles: The effect of fine arts training on visuospatial ability in students2
Nighttime sleep benefits the prospective component of prospective memory2
Universality without uniformity – infants’ reactions to unresponsive partners in urban Germany and rural Ecuador2
Correction to: Prompt-facilitated learning: the development of unprompted memory integration and subsequent self-derivation2
Flexible attention allocation dynamically impacts incidental encoding in prospective memory2
Sources and destinations of misattributions in recall of instances of repeated events2
Contrastive intonation effects on word recall for information-structural alternatives across the sexes2
How cognitive conflict affects judgments of learning: Evaluating the contributions of processing fluency and metamemory beliefs2
Inferences from the negation of counterfactual and semifactual conditionals2
Memory and Proactive Interference for spatially distributed items2
Are witnesses able to avoid highly accessible misinformation? Examining the efficacy of different warnings for high and low accessibility postevent misinformation2
The mechanisms supporting holistic perception of words and faces are not independent2
Read carefully, because this is important! How value-driven strategies impact sentence memory2
The effect of proportion manipulation on the size-congruency and distance effects in the numerical Stroop task2
Memorability of line drawings of scenes: the role of contour properties2
Examining the cognitive processes underlying resumption costs in task-interruption contexts: Decay or inhibition of suspended task goals?2
Exploration of human cognitive universals and human cognitive diversity2
Output order effects in autobiographical memory in old age: further evidence for an emotional organisation2
Better together? Social distance affects joint probability discounting2
Cognitive mechanisms of statistical learning and segmentation of continuous sensory input2
Distinct monitoring strategies underlie costs and performance in prospective memory2
Word learning and lexicalization in a second language: Evidence from the Prime lexicality effect in masked form priming2
Conceptual combination during novel and existing compound word reading in context: A self-paced reading study2
The role of phonological and semantic representations in verbal short-term memory and delayed retention2
Order, please! Explicit sequence learning in hybrid search in younger and older age2
Effects of a neutral warning signal under increased temporal uncertainty2
Motor fluency makes it possible to integrate the components of the trace in memory and facilitates its re-construction2
How does searching for faces among similar-looking distractors affect distractor memory?2
The effects of variable encoding contexts on item and source recognition2
Stimuli with a positive valence can facilitate cognitive control2
Unimodal and cross-modal identity judgements using an audio-visual sorting task: Evidence for independent processing of faces and voices2
Effects of syntactic structure on the processing of lexical repetition during sentence reading2
The effects of domain knowledge and event structure on event processing2
Direction and distance information in memory for locations of objects relative to landmarks and boundaries2
Inducing emotionally negative nonbelieved memories using negative pictures2
The effect of surface similarities on the retrieval of analogous daily-life events2
How do recall requirements affect decision-making in free recall initiation? A linear ballistic accumulator approach2
List-method directed forgetting: Do critical findings generalize from short to long retention intervals?2
Salience effects in information acquisition: No evidence for a top-down coherence influence2
Exploring behavioral adjustments of proportion congruency manipulations in an Eriksen flanker task with visual and auditory distractor modalities2
How quantifiers influence the conceptual representation of plurals2
Harm to others reduces the sunk-cost effect2
Perseveration on cognitive strategies2
Are some effector systems harder to switch to? In search of cost asymmetries when switching between manual, vocal, and oculomotor tasks2
Comparing memory capacity across stimuli requires maximally dissimilar foils: Using deep convolutional neural networks to understand visual working memory capacity for real-world objects2
Brain regions supporting retrieval of words drawn at encoding: fMRI evidence for multimodal reactivation1
Visual word identification beyond common words: The role of font and letter case in brand names1
Malay Lexicon Project 2: Morphology in Malay word recognition1
Active maintenance in working memory reinforces bindings for future retrieval from episodic long-term memory1
The interaction between motor simulation and spatial perspective-taking in action language: a cross-cultural study1
The perceived importance of words in large font guides learning and selective memory1
Detecting valence from unidentified images: A link between familiarity and positivity in recognition without identification1
Competition accumulates in successive retrieval of proper names1
I remember it now, so I’ll remember it later: Working memory strength guides predictions for long-term memory performance1
Comprehension exposures to words in sentence contexts impact spoken word production1