Journal of Community Psychology

(The TQCC of Journal of Community Psychology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A systematic scoping review of peer support interventions in integrated primary youth mental health care85
Validation of the Mental Health Checklist (MHCL) during COVID‐19 lockdown41
Critical realism, community psychology, and the curious case of autism: A philosophy and practice of science with social justice in mind34
The Role of Perceived Neighborhood Factors and the Built Environment on Depression and Stress Among Latinas on US‐Mexico Border29
Impact of the Stigma of Mental Illness: A Descriptive Exploratory Study of Outpatients in a Public Mental Health Hospital in Ghana28
Stepping in and up to meet community needs: How community‐based college access and success programs responded to COVID‐1927
Service use and barriers to care among homeless veterans: Results from the National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences (NV‐HOPE) study26
“It's the Environment, Not Me”: Experiences shared by transgender and gender diverse adults living in Texas26
Providing a safer passage: Perceptions about a neighborhood intervention program for disadvantaged youth25
Issue Information23
Understanding community‐ and system‐capacity change over time: A close look at changing social capital in Evidence2Success communities22
Single mothers' perceptions of neighborhood social cohesion, parenting stress, adverse childhood experiences in early childhood and Black children's behavior problems in middle childhood and adolescen22
How school policies, strategies, and relational factors contribute to teacher victimization and school safety22
The role of neighborhood collective efficacy in moderating associations between adversity and internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescents21
The brief sense of community scale: Testing dimensionality and measurement invariance by gender among Hispanic/Latinx youth20
Between wellness and fairness: The mediating role of autonomous human choice and social capital in OECD countries20
Preparing for 2070: Reflections from the Journal of Community Psychology's initial decade: Pathways to community psychology's continuing maturation20
A study on factors leading to poor mental health of children in Punjab, Pakistan20
MYPATH: A novel mindfulness and yoga‐based peer leader intervention to prevent violence among youth experiencing homelessness18
Capturing the voices of mothers: Delivery and content efficacy of a community attachment parenting program18
Issue Information18
Being a mentor in the digital era: An exploratory study of the benefits undergraduate student mentors derived from providing virtual mentoring to youth18
Expanding the reach of psychosocial services for youth: Untapped potential of mentor‐delivered single session interventions18
Influence of performance feedback and academic performance on parent–family involvement and parent satisfaction in US schools17
Stressful life events among women living homeless in Nicaragua, a low‐income country17
Identifying a typology of homelessness based on self‐sufficiency: Implications for rapid re‐housing interventions17
Rethinking narratives about youth experiencing homelessness: The influence of self‐determined motivation and peer relations on coping17
Child sexual abuse prevention involving mothers: A Quasi‐experimental study with Protection Motivation Theory‐based intervention17
Happiness of ex‐refugees in the Indonesia border after two decades of Timor Leste referendum17
Lived experiences of Oxford House residents prescribed medication‐assisted treatment17
Resident and house manager perceptions of social environments in sober living houses: Associations with length of stay16
Art on the skin, lifesaving within: Exploring the role of tattoo artists in suicide prevention16
Protective and risk social dimensions of emergency remote teaching during COVID‐19 pandemic: A multiple mediation study16
Treatment barriers and gender‐based perceptions: Establishing gender‐based treatment specialty facilities as a strategy to motivate South African young women to seek treatment for substance use disord16
“I had hope. I loved this city once.”: A mixed methods study of hope within the context of poverty16
Discovering childhood in contemporary China: Toward a multisystems perspective15
A longitudinal study of social, religious, and spiritual capital and physical and emotional functioning in a national sample of African–Americans15
Readiness to implement screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment in school‐based health centers15
Assessing multidimensional mattering: Development and exploratory validation of the Mattering in Domains of Life Scale (MIDLS)15
Issue Information15
List of the Reviewers14
Effect of social cohesion on crime control strategies among rural dwellers in Nigeria14
Issue Information14
Introduction to Jason and Lorion: What we choose to study and how we choose to study it14
Issue Information14
Mediating role of self‐esteem: Black Caribbean and African American adolescents' initiation of sex13
What makes Dutch youth comply with preventive COVID‐19 measures? An explorative study13
Learning in the library: A national study of youth services public library workers13
Effect of obligation to help on positive affect: Comparing Japan, Romania, and the United States13
Parental absence, early reading, and human capital formation for rural children in China13
Associations between critical consciousness and well‐being in a national sample of college students during the COVID‐19 pandemic12
Mental health of individuals who are deaf during COVID‐19: Depression, anxiety, aggression, and fear12
List of Reviewers12
Teachers' perspectives on the implementation of teenage mothers' school re‐entry policy in Eswatini Kingdom: Implication for educational evaluators12
The role of actualized collective efficacy in perceptions of neighborhood insecurity and future prospects12
Are liberal men not abusive toward their wives? Evidence from rural Bangladesh11
The prevalence and correlates of running away among adolescents in the United States11
Positive school climate for school staff? The roles of administrators, staff beliefs, and school organization in high and low resource school districts11
“It's not the end of the story:” Understanding the continued recovery from homelessness using Photovoice and content analysis11
Testing a digitally distributed method to recruit a network of community organizations to fight the consequences of the drug epidemic: A study in 13 American states11
Engaging unhoused community members in the design of an alternative first responder program aimed at reducing the criminalization of homelessness11
(Not) minding the gap: A qualitative interview study of how social class bias can influence youth mentoring relationships10
Confronting misconceptions of public housing communities: A qualitative report of community‐informed narratives by community members and partners10
“I left my shyness behind”: Sustainable community‐led development and processes of motivation among rural Nicaraguan women10
List of reviewers10
Barriers, support, and resilience of prospective first‐in‐family university students: Australian high school educators' perspective10
The impact of community care: Burden and quality of life of the informal caregivers of patients with severe mental disorder10
Individual and social‐psychological factors to explain climate change efficacy: The role of mindfulness, sense of global community, and egalitarianism9
COVID‐19 and vulnerable populations9
Intimate partner sexual violence and violent victimisation among women living homeless in Madrid (Spain)9
Housing insecurity and employment stability: An investigation of working mothers9
Daring to speak its name: Perceptions of suicidal ideation among Australian gay men9
Attitudes of mental healthcare professionals and media professionals towards each other in reducing social stigma due to mental illness in Bangladesh9
“Here I can just be myself”: How youth and adults collaboratively develop an identity‐safe community across difference9
Transformative impacts of a civic leadership program created by and for refugees and immigrants9
A pilot study of virtual Harm Reduction Talking Circles for American Indian and Alaska Native adults with alcohol use disorder9
Coping with COVID‐19 at the community level: Testing the predictors and outcomes of communal coping9
Cumulative trauma and perceived community resilience: A serial mediation model9
Participation in community organizing: Cross‐sectional and longitudinal analyses of impacts on sociopolitical development9
“Halfway Independent”: Experiences of formerly homeless adults living in permanent supportive housing9
Locality‐based social media: The impact of content consumption and creation on perceived neighborhood crime, safety, and offline crime prevention8
The link between food insecurity and psychological distress: The role of stress exposure and coping resources8
Remote delivery of a therapeutic intervention to court‐mandated youths of Haitian descent during COVID‐198
Factorial validation of sense of community scale using Nigerian mathematics, science, and social science education students: Implication for educational administrators and evaluators8
Early and continuing grandparental care and middle school students' educational and mental health outcomes in China8
“There's so much more to that sinking island!”—Restorying migration from Kiribati and Tuvalu to Aotearoa New Zealand8
Mentoring first‐generation college students: Examining distinct relationship profiles based on interpersonal characteristics, support provision, and educational capital8
“This isn't a fairy tale we're talking about; this is our real lives”: Community‐orientated responses to address trans and gender diverse homelessness8
“Is there anything else you would like me to know?”: Applying a trauma‐informed approach to the administration of the adverse childhood experiences questionnaire8
Are adults influenced by the experience of mentoring youth? A scoping review8
Secret lives and gender fluidity of people living with HIV in Hyderabad, India8
Facilitating factors and barriers for use of medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD) among justice‐involved individuals in rural Appalachia8
Occupational health intervention for work–life balance and burnout management among teachers in rural communities8
Behavioral health services in Urban American Indian Health Programs: Results from six site visits8
Racism and violence in policing: Perspectives from a juvenile prison8
The impact of COVID‐19 on the safety, housing stability, and mental health of unstably housed domestic violence survivors8
Youth perspectives of working with near peer youth lay counsellors: The Safe Haven Pilot7
“They're just, like, there”: A constructivist grounded theory study of student experiences with school resource officers7
Exploring factors related to supportive housing tenure and stability for people with serious mental illness7
Pre‐COVID‐19 predictors of low‐income women's COVID‐19 appraisal, coping, and changes in mental health during the pandemic7
Reverse culture shock, distress symptoms and psychological well‐being of fresh foreign degree holders in Pakistan7
Going the distance: A longitudinal qualitative study of formal youth mentoring relationship development7
Study on awareness of COVID‐19 and compliance with social distancing during COVID‐19 pandemic in Indonesia7
Death anxiety among older adults with chronic illnesses during Covid‐19: A qualitative approach7
Combining participatory action research and emerging ways of collective action to promote institutional change toward social commitment: Groundings, strategies, and implications of an experience7
Leveraging research to inform prevention and intervention efforts: Identifying risk and protective factors for rural and urban homeless families within transitional housing programs7
Costs and benefits of cooperative learning as a universal school‐based approach to adolescent substance use prevention7
Mental health first aid USA implementation: Trainee reported quality and impact of training7
Dirty Environment, Dark Mood: Exploring the Link Between Perceived Environmental Pollution and Depression Risk7
The longitudinal effect of the quality of participation experiences in a voluntary organization on youth psychological empowerment7
Females and Housing First: An analysis of 18‐month outcomes in a randomized controlled trial7
Más Fuertes Juntos: Attachment relationship quality, but not demographic risk, predicts psychopathology in Latinx mother‐youth dyads7
“Don't Close the Door on Them”: Recruiting and retaining vulnerable Black adolescents in prevention research7
Graduate student workload: Pandemic challenges and recommendations for accommodations7
RETRACTED: Experiential marketing: Will it affect customer citizenship behavior? An empirical study of multiple mediation model in Thailand7
Theorizing the notion of well‐being in Islam: An update of Ryff's theory of eudaimonic psychological well‐being7
Analyzing the role of resilience and life satisfaction as mediators of the impact of COVID‐19 worries on mental health7
The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between helicopter parenting and several indicators of mental health among emerging adults7
Assessment of the knowledge and awareness of pediatric residents and pediatricians about autism spectrum disorder at a single center in Turkey7
Structural marginalization and violence: Advancing research on how community structure contributes to violence and violence prevention7
Disseminating online parenting resources through community‐academic partnerships7
Pockets of Peace: A mixed methods, exploratory study of neighborhoods resilient to juvenile violence7
Factors associated with recovery from homelessness among veterans in permanent supportive housing7
Resistance, race, and subjectivity in congregation‐based community organizing7
Retracted: Problems of the formation of youth changeable personal identity in postmodern conditions7
Private supplementary education and Chinese adolescents' development: The moderating effects of family socioeconomic status6
Multidimensional social support and parenting among Black fathers: A profile‐oriented approach6
Socioemotional competence in context: Black adolescent boys' socioemotional competence, neighborhood‐school racial (in)congruence, and social adjustment6
What makes us complete: Hybrid multicultural identity and its social contextual origins6
The intersection of neighborhood and race in urban adolescent health risk behaviors6
Classroom compositional effects on low‐ability students' achievement in China6
Impact of military culture and experiences on eating and weight‐related behavior6
Interorganizational collaboration in a trauma‐informed community: A network analysis of cohesion and change6
Therapy service delivery for children with disabilities during COVID‐19: Parent perceptions and implementation recommendations6
The relationship between problematic Internet use in adolescents and emotion regulation difficulty and family Internet attitude6
“We make something with the flower, but feel like I make with myself something”: The role of a community arts project supporting women who have experienced human trafficking6
Responding to everyday problems and crises: Measuring community resilience6
Early childhood learning patterns for a home visiting program in rural China6
Bystander intervention to prevent firearm injury: A qualitative study of 4‐H shooting sports participants6
Issue Information6
The Role of Contact and Emotional Intelligence in the Attitudes of General Population Towards Individuals Living With Mental Illness6
Understanding the concurrence of environmental characteristics in Latino youth: A person‐centered approach6
Predictors of e‐waste: Considerations for community psychology prevention and intervention6
Anxiety, anger, and mindfulness as predictors of general health in the general population during COVID‐19 outbreak: A survey in southeast Iran6
Issue Information6
Protective factors in preventing delinquency: Caregiver support, caregiver monitoring, and school engagement6
COVID‐19‐related anxiety: How do coping and optimism relate to substance use in African–American young adults?6
Unhoused and unhireable? Examining employment biases in service contexts related to perceived warmth and competence of people experiencing houselessness6
Design, implementation, and evaluation of community health worker training programs in Latinx communities: A scoping review6
Reproductive justice for unhoused women: An integrative review of the literature6
Mental health providers' perceptions of competency when working with autistic children with co‐occurring mental health diagnoses6
Exploring network derived indicators of acculturation among college enrolled Latinxs: Examining language use and homophily in support networks6
Do after‐school activities help mitigate the negative impact of community violence exposure? A person‐centered approach6
Does “who I am” influence “how I feel”? Cultural identity and mental health among Hong Kong Chinese adolescents6
Effects of school environment on depression among Black and White adolescents6
Issue Information6
Unlocking the transformative power of mentoring for youth development in communities, schools, and talent domains6
Positionality, intersectionality, power dynamics in community participatory research to define public safety in Black communities6
The work experiences and needs of lone community psychologists: Exploring diversity of settings and identities5
Expenditure patterns among low‐income families in China: Contributing factors to child development and risks of suicidal ideation5
Association between caregivers' characteristics and older care recipients' well‐being among Vietnamese immigrant families in the United States5
Iranian psychosocial status during and after COVID‐19 outbreak mandatory quarantine: A cross‐sectional study5
Learning from maternal voices on COVID‐19 vaccine uptake: Perspectives from pregnant women living in the Midwest on the COVID‐19 pandemic and vaccine5
Structural equation modeling of the influence of primary school teachers' demographics on their psychosocial work hazards5
Community social capital, migration status, and Chinese rural children's psychosocial development5
Validation of the sociopolitical control scale for youth among Brazilian juvenile offenders in rehabilitation5
Resilience practices among a broad spectrum of individuals with physical disabilities during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A qualitative photo elicitation study5
The protective role of sense of community and access to resources on college student stress and COVID‐19‐related daily life disruptions5
Loneliness and sense of community are not two sides of the same coin: Identifying different determinants using the 2019 Nova Scotia Quality of Life data5
Examining dimensions of help‐seeking intentions and associations with personal mental illness stigma among racial and ethnic minority immigrants5
Doomscrolling and mental well‐being in social media users: A serial mediation through mindfulness and secondary traumatic stress5
Issue Information5
Determinants of worry using the SARS‐CoV‐19 worry (CoV‐Wo) scale among United States residents5
What does community resilience mean in the context of trauma‐informed communities? A scoping review5
Alone in the disaster? The independent nature of behavioural instructions for evacuation5
The stigma system: How sociopolitical domination, scapegoating, and stigma shape public health5
Intragroup contact with other mothers living in the same neighborhood benefits mothers' life satisfaction: The mediating role of group identification and social support5
Determining factors in the overall happiness and outlook for the future of women living homeless: Evidence from Madrid, Spain5
School partner perspectives on the implementation of the Your Voice Your View sexual assault prevention program for high school students5
Examining self‐efficacy and COVID‐19 disease prevention behaviors among socially vulnerable populations5
The potential of psychological connectedness: Mitigating the impacts of COVID‐19 through sense of community and community resilience5
Psychological adaptation level optimization to attain the goal of sustainable education5
Parenting practices as a buffer in the relationship between exposure to community violence and bullying in Mexican adolescents5
A photoelicitation exploration on formally homeless people experience with Universal Credit: System error and 'the government don't care'5
Constructing a web‐based health directory for adolescent men who have sex with men: Strategies for development and resource verification5