Viator-Medieval and Renaissance Studies

(The median citation count of Viator-Medieval and Renaissance Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Greek and Philohellenism in England during the Long Thirteenth Century: The Evidence from the Books of the Religious Houses1
Burgundian Crusade Propaganda in a Middle English Manuscript1
Royal Justice and Lawgiving in the Early Legends of St. Stephen of Hungary1
An Anglo-Saxon World View? The Cottonmappa mundiReassessed1
Violent Saint-Making: Ritual Resonances of Violence in the Vida of Douceline of Digne1
Scoticitas: Reframing “Scotus” in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages0
Always by Your Side - A Special Relationship: Ibn Abī l-Ashʿath on Humans and Horses0
The Romantic Death of Richard the Lionheart0
Allegory, Tragedy, and the Ambivalence of Stradanus’s Vespucci0
Encountering the Medieval Altar: A Set of Seventeen Chapel Inventories from Burgos Cathedral (1369)0
Enduring Bonds: Social Prestige, Church Reform, and Grants of Lay societas in Central France, ca. 950-11500
Remember, Remember the Sixth of November: British Messianism and the Mourning for Henry, Prince of Wales0
“What me is”: Insomnia Cures, Saintly Miracles, and Chaucer’s Book of the Duchess as Illness Narrative0
Violence, Vexation, and Redemption: Book 3 of Einhard’s Translatio et miracula sanctorum Marcellini et Petri0
Judicial Processes for and against Bishop Reginald Pecock: New Perspectives on the Mechanisms of His Downfall0
“You disparage your teacher”: A Medieval Controversy about the Authorship of the Tabulae Waradienses0
Colonial Spanish America through Arab Christian Eyes: Al-Mawsuli’s Travels, 1668–830
Baddo, “Daughter of Arthur, King of England”: Some Medieval Evidence of the Arthurian Filiation Attributed to a Sixth-Century Visigothic Queen0
“Hunger hard”: Food Scarcity and Animal Slaughter in King Richard0
Sapi Export Ivories and Manueline Art: A Connected History0
“May she endure as worthy and chosen”: Queenship and Gender in the Medieval English Coronation Orders0
Enigmatic Phrases above Two Ptolemaic World Maps from 14820
“Intimate Scripts” in the Chanson de Jérusalem: Another Approach to Crusader Motivation0
Ships at Sea: Etchings for the 1608 Argonautica0
Animal Auguries and Evangelization in Sixteenth-Century New Spain0
Horsemen of the Apocalypse? Turkish Alterity in Chronicles from the Latin East, 1099-11270
Front Matter (“Contents”)0
Clerics’ Words, God’s Voice? Women’s Visions and the Authority of the Church in Fifteenth-Century Germany0
The Dog as Faithful Christian in Alfonso de Espina’s Fortalitium fidei0
Liturgical Landscapes in Post-Conquest England: Commemorating King Oswald in the Northern Province0
The First Draft of a Saladin Legend: Saladin’s Reputation in the Latin West Prior to 11870
Between Navigation and Shipwreck: Leon Battista Alberti on the Sea of Existence0
How to Survive in the Renaissance Tatar Crimea: Ławryn Piaseczyński’s Ambassador’s Duties in the Context of His Unique Diplomatic Experiences0
Bazene, Cheverel, and Lasche: Middle English Recipes for Red Dyed Skins, Their European Parallels, and Alexandrian Precursors0
Princesses in Other Castles: Dorothy of Bulgaria and Anna of Poland as Hostages and Agents of Cultural Transfer at the Hungarian-Angevin Court0
Sailing across the Wall: Ship Graffiti on Cretan Church Wall Paintings0
Illuminating Rituals for the Dead in the Mortuary Roll of Prioress Lucy of Castle Hedingham0
The Minims, Their Rule, and French Religious Society at the Turn of the Sixteenth Century0
Caput lupinum: Appropriating and Rewriting the Wolf Motif in the Gesta Herewardi’s Literary Landscape0
Peerage Titles as Names and Their Implications for Dynastic Definition in Late Medieval and Early Modern England0
Frotn Matter (“Contents”)0
Diplomatic Exchange of Animals during the Reign of the Ilkhan Abū Saʿīd0
The Papacy and the Financing of the Spanish Reconquest in the Thirteenth Century0
Fashioning Abbot Geoffrey: Geoffrey of Gorron’s Copes, The Life of Christina of Markyate, and the St. Alban’s Psalter0
Speech Representation in Robert Mannyng’s Handlyng Synne as a Pedagogical Tool0
Cassinese Horizons: Peter the Deacon, Cowdrey’s “Golden Age,” and Benedictine Tradition0
Humans and Animals on the Move0
Conceptualizing War in Balthasar Russow’s Chronica der Prouintz Lyfflandt0
Foreign Soil: The Ethnography of Landscape and Imperial Imagination in the Topographia Hibernica0
Transmuted: Reconciling the Medieval Scandinavian Marking of the Piraeus Lion0
“For those who have been made worthy of favor by new conversion”: Angevin Policies toward Jews and Converts in Naples and Provence, 1285-13090
The Sound of Sin: Episcopal Noise Regulation in the Later Middle Ages0
Painting and Shipbuilding: Carpaccio’s Art of Transformation0
Of Monks and Movable Beasts: Animals as Fellow Travelers in the Navigatio sancti Brendani abbatis0
The Baptistery of San Giovanni and the Formation of Florence as a New Jerusalem in the Fourteenth Century0
Front Matter (“Contents”)0
“Bad speech corrupts good morals”: The Context and Subtext of Gunzo of Novara’s Letter to the Monks of Reichenau0
Stone Liquidities: On Gems, Bodies, and Value in Early Modern Shipwreck0
Front Matter (“Contents”)0
Front Matter (“Contens”)0
The Foolish Confounding the Wise: The Defense of Female Prophecy during and after the Council of Basel0
The Function of Twelfth-Century Form in the Chronicle of Richard of Devizes0
Front Matter ("Contents")0
Paris-Babylon/Paris-Jerusalem: Masculinity, Moral Contagion, and the Founding of the Earliest Parisian Colleges0
Painful Pageantry: The Local Circumstances of Royal Visitations in Late Medieval Iberia0
From the Merry to the Macabre: Song and Dance in the Medieval Jewish-Christian Encounter, 1100–14500
“The soul loves its own flesh”: Death and Dying in the Helfta Literature and Bernard’s Sermons on the Song of Songs0
A Pious Knight’s Flaw, Quandary, and Burden: Gold and Fee inSir Isumbras0
Compositio: Horizons of Truth in the Decameron, the Notarial Register, and Civic Peace Pacts0
Ex oriente, rex: Imperial Saviors in the Wake of Islam0
From Matter to Spirit: The Front Cover of the Codex Aureus of St. Emmeram0
The Bison Trail through the Hercynian Forest: Names, Images, and Identities in Ptolemy’s Tabula Europae IV and Münster’s Cosmographia0
The Kriegsfahne of Queen Gerberga and the Liudolfing Ascendancy in the West0
“Writing-to the moment”: Narrative Immediacy, Mystical Theology, and the Sanctification of Time in Richard Methley’sRefectorium Salutis0
On Early Modern Ships: Images, Metaphors, Bodies0
The Earliest Homilies on Mary’s Assumption: Ambrose Autpert and The Byzantine Tradition0
Elephant Diplomacy: A Disturbing Gift for the Khagan of the Avars0
Ganelon’s Muslim Refashioning in the Paris Chanson de Roland0
The Colonization of Medieval Dance0