Transactions of the Philological Society

(The TQCC of Transactions of the Philological Society is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
How Contact with French Drove Patient‐Lability in English6
Grammaticalization as Conventionalization of Discursively Secondary Status: Deconstructing the Lexical–Grammatical Continuum4
Routes Towards The Irrealis4
Loan Word Accommodation Biases: Markedness and Finiteness3
Grammatical Encoding of Discourse Structure: A Case Study of The Arabic Discourse Particle Tara3
Diachronic dialectology: new methods and case studies2
Semantic Shift in Middle English: Farming and Trade As Test Cases2
Kaluza's Law and Secondary Stress2
Conditional clauses as polite modifiers in Latin:si placetbetween pragmaticalization and language contact2
Superlative Morphology from Syntax: SlavicNai‐/Naj‐ and Internal Definiteness Marking in Old Lithuanian2
A Semantically Rich ‘Do’‐Support Verb in the Camuno Dialect of Northern Italy2
Romance Genitives: Agreement, Definiteness, and Phases*2
‘Alienable’ Possession in Biakic2
From Constellations to Discursive Concepts; or: The Historical Pragmatic Construction of Meaning in Early Modern English12
Alignment Change and the Emergence of the Thematic Conjugation from Proto‐Indo‐European to Indo‐European: A Wedding of Hypotheses*1
Dialectal Layers in West Iranian: A Hierarchical Dirichlet Process Approach to Linguistic Relationships11
A cognitive approach to spelling production in historical sources: explaining the variation between <ɛ, αι> and <ο, ω> in Greek documentary papyri1
Predicational and (Quasi‐)Specificational Constructions with Fronted Adjectival Predicates in French11
Discursive Quads: New Kinds of Lexical Co‐occurrence Data With Linguistic Concept Modelling1
Testing Inferences about Language Contact on Morphosyntax: A Typological Case Study on Alorese–Adang Contact1
Stress Change and Initial Consonant Loss in Umpithamu: Cause or Consequence?*1
On the diachronic origins of the accentual contrast in Terena (Arawakan)1
‘Dark’ and ‘Clear’ Y in Medieval Welsh Orthography: Caligula versus Teilo1
Cognitive Sociolinguistic Variation in the Old Bailey Voices Corpus: The Case for a New Concept‐Led Framework1
The Balto‐Slavic ā‐aorist1
A Partial Decipherment of the Unknown Kushan Script*1
Sir John Lyons0
Homeric ‐phi(n) is an oblique case marker10
The Early Jutish Bracteate Texts From Skonager And Darum0
Sound Change and Analogy, Again: Brugmann's Law and the Hunt For O‐Grades in Indo‐Iranian*0
The Birth of a Field: Joshua Marshman and the Beginning of Systematic Transcriptional/Reconstructive Studies on Chinese Historical Phonology0
Voice Markers in Septuagint Greek in the Light of Hebrew Interference: A Corpus‐Based Study on the Aorist System of the Book of Genesis*0
The Origin of Differential Object Marking and Tripartite Alignment in Udi (East Caucasian)0
Morphosyntactic Contact in Translation: Greek ídios and Latin proprius in the Bible0
On the Relation between Finiteness and Clause Size: Evidence from Romanian and Southern Italo‐Romance Irrealis Clauses*0
Structural persistence as an explanatory factor in synchrony and diachrony*0
Addressing Polymorphism in Linguistic Phylogenetics0
Rethinking the Metre of Parzival: Iambic Verse for a Trochaic Language0
Tonogenesis in Northeastern Trans‐Himalayan0
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Early Alternatives to Dutch Descriptive Perception Verb Constructions: A Comparison of Two Bible Translations10
Introduction: ‘Digital Methods for Studying Meaning in Historical English’0
Colloquial Persian: Towards a New Rise of Simple Verbs?10
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Revisiting Syntactic Microvariation and Diachrony in the Dual Complementizer Systems of Upper Southern Italy10
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The morphosyntax and semantics of cardinal numerals in classical sanskrit0
Short vs Long Stem Alternations in Romance Verbal Inflection: The S‐Morphome0
Is This Verb a Word? A philological Study of the Distribution of Phonological and Morphological Domains in the Middle Welsh Verb0
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The Contribution of Germanic to the Expansion of Partitive‐Related Phenomena in the Prehistoric Circum‐Baltic Area10
The History and Etymology of Cappadocian Fšáx ‘Child’, Pharasiot Fšáxi ‘Boy’0
Towards a Typology of Contact‐Induced Change: Questions, Problems and the Path Ahead0
Prosodic Change in Breton: The Loss of Stressed Clitics10
Celebrating 180 Years and 120 Volumes of Transactions0
Plural and Collective in the Sogdian Ancient Letters0
Verb Classes in the Resultative Construction in Germanic and Romance Languages0
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Periphrases with Motion Verbs in Vedic Sanskrit: (between) Textual Analysis and Grammaticalization Patterns0
The historical development of imperfect indicative and conditional inflection in Pyrenean Romance*0
Towards a New Generalisation of the Tri‐Axial Orientation System in Situ Rgyalrong0
The Position of Khatak in Pashto Dialectology0
The Phonetics and Phonology of Old Armenian <V>, <W>, and Prevocalic <OW>*0
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Support‐Verb Constructions with Objects: Greek‐Coptic Interference in the Documentary Papyri?10
Negation in Contact: French and Occitan0
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Translation‐Induced Interrogative Relativizers and Stability in Icelandic0
The Historical Reconstruction of Greater Tzeltalan (Mayan) Vowel Assimilation and Vowel Raising Patterns0
Tracing Eastern Mayan Perfect ‐maχ: Outcomes of Direct Affix Borrowing in the Sacapulas Corridor0
Loss of MID in English: Free Peasantry and Their Linguistic Advantage0
Climatic Conditions and Lexis: Some Diachronic Notes on Weather‐Related Words in English and Other European Languages0
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The Missing Dative Alternation in Romance: Explaining Stability and Change in the Argument Structure of Latin Ditransitives0
Mycenaean Adjectives in ‐te‐ri‐jo: A Reappraisal*0
Central Siberian Yupik Influence on Sirenikski Verbal Inflection0
Evolution and Spread of Politeness Systems inIndo‐European0
Grammatical Coding and the Discursive Construction of Participants: Spanish Passives in Written Press News Discourse0
Sociolinguistic Typology Meets Historical Corpus Linguistics0
Notes on Verbal Aspect in Three Vedic Prose Narratives0
Adversative Conjunction and Neighboring Discourse Features in Old Church Slavic (Codex Marianus), with Comparative Notes on the Same Phenomena in Greek, Gothic and Classical Armenian*0
Affix Not Clitic‐Based Vowel Shortening in Modern Arabic Varieties0
Subject‐Object Asymmetries and the Development of Relative Clauses between Late Middle English and Early Modern English0
Systematically Detecting Patterns of Social, Historical and Linguistic Change: The Framing of Poverty in Times of Poverty0
Lexical Differentiation between Human and Animal Genitalia in the Old EnglishMedicina de Quadrupedibus0
Evangelization and Language Change: A Transition from the Progressive Aspect to the Future Tense in Two Mayan Languages0
From Latin QUO(D) VELLES to Romagnol Cvël: A Case of Degrammaticalisation from a Free‐choice Indefinite to the Noun ‘Thing’10
The Ancient Greek Datives in ‐essi: Contact or Independent Innovations?10
Saying Yes without Yes: The Positive Response System in Latin0
From People's King to King of a Country: The Development of the Place Element Modifying the Title Paired in Apposition with a Personal Name Traced in the Peterborough Chronicle0
Contact‐Induced Changes in Morphosyntax: An Introduction0
Issue Information ‐ Endmatter0