
(The TQCC of Oriens is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Physics and Metaphysics in an Early Ottoman Madrasa: Dāwūd al-Qayṣarī on the Nature of Time1
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The Makeover of Ḥayy1
Les fragments d’Avicenne dans la traduction arabo-latine de la Rhétorique d’Aristote par Hermann l’Allemand1
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The Question of Providence and the Problem of Evil in Suhrawardī1
Avicenna on the Faculties of the Soul: A Critical Analysis with an Examination of Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s Criticisms0
Al-ʿūd, pípá, Lute: An Ancient Greek Perspective on Their Prehistory0
Existence and the Problem of Aḥwāl: The Quiddity and Ontological Status of Existence in Avicenna and His Islamic Reception0
The Musical Modes of al-Andalus0
Al-Taftāzānī’s Refutation of Akbarian Metaphysics and the Identification of Absolute Being with the Necessary Being0
“Nourishment of the Soul” – Music, Medicine, and Food in Ottoman Culture0
Dawānī (d. 1502) and Dashtakī (d. 1498) on Primary (awwalī) and Familiar (mutaʿāraf) Predication0
al-Nuzha al-Sāsāniyya by Shīrīn Maghribī (d. 810/1408)0
L’origine du langage en islam : status quaestionis0
ʿAbd Al-Jabbār and Bāqillānī on the Meaning of Miracles (Muʿjizāt): a Study of Convergences and Divergences0
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Musical Instruments in Samāʿ Literature: al-Udfuwī’s Kitāb al-Imtāʿ bi-aḥkām as-samāʿ0
The Possibility of the Nobler (imkān al-ashraf) in Ṣadrā’s Philosophy and Its Historical Origins0
The Case of the Missing Disciple: Abū l-Ḥasan al-Rustughfanī and the First Reception of al-Māturīdī’s Theology in Samarqand0
From Focal Homonymy to the Ambiguity of Existence (tashkīk al-wujūd): Avicenna’s Reception and Revision of Aristotle’s Categorial Ontology0
Cosmic Order in the Microcosm: Ethical Guidance in Post-Classical Astronomy Texts0
The Challenge of Evil in Islamic Thought: A Brief Survey0
Measuring Progress: The Ottoman Revival of Systematist Music Theory, c.19000
Le mal subi, le mal rendu. Une lecture anthropologique des pratiques de lamentations et de malédictions dans le shiʿisme populaire iranien0
Philosophical and Philological Debates on Kulliyyāt I.1.ii of Ibn Sīnā’s Qānūn: From Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī to Quṭb al-Dīn al-Šīrāzī0
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Al-Bīrūnī on Greek and Indian Philosophy: Divine Action and Reincarnation0
Le mal moral chez Avicenne : perspectives éthiques et politiques0
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« Le mal ne s’enracine pas dans l’instauration ». La question du mal dans le shiʿisme ismaélien0
Avicenna on Equivocity and Modulation: A Reconsideration of the asmāʾ mushakkika (and tashkīk al-wujūd)0
Considering Divine Providence in Mullā Ṣadrā Šīrāzī (d. 1045/1636): The Problem of Evil, Theodicy, and the Divine Eros0
Knowledge as a Mental State in Muʿtazilite Kalām0
A Study in Early Māturīdite Theology: Abū l-Yusr al-Bazdawī (d. 493/1100) and His Discourse on God’s Speech0
Disgraceful! Maimonides’ Use of Qabīḥ in the Guide0
La philosophie shiʿite face au problème du mal : essais de théodicée chez Mīr Dāmād (m. 1040/1631) et deux de ses élèves0
Al-Fārābī’s Conception of Music Theory as the Universal Science of Melody0
Notation Methods and Reference Systems: On the Phenomenon of Cultural Translation in the Eastern Mediterranean0
From al-ʿAṭṭār to Mušāqa: On the Music- Theoretical Debates in Damascus in the First Half of the 19th Century0
The Muʿtazila on Covenantal Theology: A Study of Individualist Approaches0
Musical Sources and Theories from Ancient Greece to the Ottoman Period: Introduction0