
(The TQCC of Limnologica is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Spatiotemporal variation of streambed quality and fine sediment deposition in five freshwater pearl mussel streams, in relation to extreme drought, strong rain and snow melt24
Land-use influence on the functional organization of Afrotropical macroinvertebrate assemblages23
Sampling efforts for estimating fish species richness in western USA river sites20
Insights into the diversity, distribution and phylogeny of three ergasilid copepods (Hexanauplia: Ergasilidae) in lentic water bodies of the Morava river basin, Czech Republic15
A new index of a water temperature equivalent for summer respiration conditions of benthic invertebrates in rivers as a bio-indicator of global climate change14
Seasonal and spatial variation of flagellate communities in a tropical river12
Effects of prolonged drought on water quality after drying of a semiarid tropical reservoir, Brazil11
A ∼300-year record of environmental changes in Lake Issyk-Kul, Central Asia, inferred from lipid biomarkers in sediments11
The silent harm of polyethylene microplastics: Invertebrates growth inhibition as a warning of the microplastic pollution in continental waters11
Land cover affects the breakdown of Pinus elliottii needles litter by microorganisms in soil and stream systems of subtropical riparian zones11
Water quality assessment using phytoplankton functional groups in the middle-lower Changjiang River, China10
Habitat heterogeneity increases leaf litter retention and fragmentation in a Cerrado savanna stream10
Photodegradation of autochthonous and allochthonous dissolved organic matter in a natural tropical lake10
Assessment of variations in metal concentrations of the Ganges River water by using multivariate statistical techniques10
Lateral and longitudinal flight dispersals of a stonefly, Alloperla ishikariana (Plecoptera, Chloroperlidae), from the hyporheic zone in a gravel-bed river in Japan9
European freshwater mussels (Unio spp., Unionidae) in Siberia and Kazakhstan: Pleistocene relicts or recent invaders?9
The conversion of natural riparian forests into agricultural land affects ecological processes in Atlantic forest streams9
Nutrient dynamics in the Paraná River Delta: Relationship to the hydrologic regime and the floodplain wetlands9
Extraction of macrophyte community spatial variation allows to adapt the macrophyte biological index for rivers to the conditions of the middle Dnipro river8
Sulcus and outline morphometrics of sagittal otolith variability in freshwater fragmented populations of dwarf gourami, Trichogaster lalia (Hamilton, 1822)8
Defining a disturbance gradient in a Middle-Eastern River Basin8
Litter breakdown of invasive alien plant species in a pond environment: Rapid decomposition of Solidago canadensis may alter resource dynamics8
How invasive macrophytes affect macroinvertebrate assemblages and sampling efficiency: Results from a multinational survey7
The pattern of sedimentary bacterial communities varies with latitude within a large eutrophic lake7
Self-dynamics as a driver for restoration success in a lowland stream reach7
Organic matter pools in sediments of the tidal Elbe river7
The taxonomical and functional diversity of three groups of aquatic insects in rheocrene karst springs are affected by different environmental factors7
Mixing regimes in the equatorial crater lakes of western Uganda7
Response of planktonic diatoms to eutrophication in Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya7
Water quality parameters affect dynamics of phytoplankton functional groups in Lake Hawassa, Ethiopia7
Evaluating the efficiency of three methods for monitoring of native crayfish in Germany7
Towards a synthesis of the biodiversity of freshwater Protozoa, Rotifera, Cladocera, and Copepoda in Brazil7
Hydrological disconnection from the Yangtze River triggered rapid environmental degradation in a riverine lake7
Effects of hydrological, environmental and spatial factors on fish diversity and community structure in oxbow lakes from the Amazon floodplain7
Response of the zooplankton community to extreme hydrological variations in a temporary lake in a neotropical floodplain system7
Ecological condition, biodiversity and major environmental challenges in a tropical river network in the Bago District in South-central Myanmar: First insights to the unknown7
Evidence for toxic cyanobacteria in sediments and the water-sediment interface of a tropical drinking water reservoir7
Chironomid diversity in the diets of Ponto-Caspian gobiids in a freshwater habitat: Implications for resource partitioning6
Occurrence of the mollusc species Euglesa globularis (Clessin, 1873) in North-East Asia (Magadan, Russia) with data on dispersal mechanism and vectors6
Vertical distribution characteristics and source tracing of organic carbon in sediment of the Yellow River wetland, Sanmenxia, China6
A review of zooplankton research in Chile6
Functional diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates regarding hydrological and land use disturbances in a heavily impaired lowland river6
Microcystis, Raphidiopsis raciborskii and Dolichospermum smithii, toxin producing and non-toxigenic cyanobacteria in Yezin Dam, Myanmar6
The importance of aquatic macrophytes in a eutrophic tropical shallow lake6
Nature-based solutions in freshwater pearl mussel rivers – A novel approach for self-dynamic desanding developed in a physical model test6
Effects of water diversion projects on water environment in Chaohu Lake6
Response of cladoceran assemblages to restoration of riparian vegetation: A case study in a tropical reservoir of Brazil6
Movement behaviour and fishway performance for endemic and exotic species in a large anthropized river6
Air2water model with nine parameters for lake surface temperature assessment5
Detection of body shape variations in vulnerable snow trout, Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray, 1832) from rivers of the Indian Himalayan Region5
Structure and dynamics of the periphytic ciliate community under different hydrological conditions in a Danubian floodplain lake5
Evidence of microplastics in the Chi River Basin, Thailand: Anthropogenic influence and potential threats to edible arthropods5
Land use impact on the levels of fluorescent dissolved organic matter, phytoplankton and zooplankton in urban lakes5
Nutrient enrichment does not affect diet selection by a tropical shredder species in a mesocosm experiment5
Acute toxicity of the insecticide cypermethrin to three common European mayfly and stonefly nymphs5
Nutrient levels, trophic status and land-use influences on streams, rivers and lakes in a protected floodplain of Uruguay5
Lacustrine characteristics predict lipid contents of mysid shrimp (Mysis diluviana) populations4
Studies on freshwater zooplankton of Venezuela: Present and future perspectives4
A retrospective overview of zooplankton research in Uruguay4
Hydromorphological preferences of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) in upland streams of the Bavarian Forest – A case study4
Isolation of a novel cyanophage infecting potentially bloom-forming Limnothrix sp4
Hidden shelter-like associations of minute Alboglossiphonia leeches (Hirudinea: Glossiphoniidae) with sedentary animals and molluscs4
Severe drought changes the soil bacterial community in wetland ecosystem: Evidence from the largest freshwater lake wetland in China4
Macrophyte biomass mediates trophic relationships between congeneric fishes and invertebrate communities4
Ecological engineering in a eutrophic lake: A case study of large aquatic macrophyte enclosures in Baima Lake, China4
The dynamics and temperature regime of the crater lakes in the Nevado de Toluca volcano, Mexico4
Overwintering of an endangered charophyte during milder winters in Central Europe enhances lake water quality4
Cross boundary fluxes: Basal resource use by aquatic invertebrates matches fatty acid transfers from river to land4
Low-decomposition rates of riparian litter in a North Patagonian ultraoligotrophic lake4