Italian Studies

(The TQCC of Italian Studies is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Il linguaggio degli opposti estremismi negli anni di piombo. Un’analisi comparativa del lessico nelle manifestazioni di piazza7
Chaff in the Winds of War? The Arandora Star, Not Forgetting and Commemoration at the 80th Anniversary4
Unfinished Italy4
‘Cultural Activities’ in Foreign Language Teaching: A Multimodal Perspective on Italian Language Textbooks4
Il linguaggio politico della sinistra e della destra extraparlamentari negli anni di piombo3
Dante and Video Games: The Unrealised Potential of the Virtual Commedia2
Potentiality and Uprisings: Georges Didi-Huberman in Dialogue with Giorgio Agamben and Antonio Negri2
Potentiality and Adaptability: Neoliberalism and Italian Thought2
Bringing up the Bodies: Material Encounters in Elsa Morante’s La Storia2
Italian Language Learning and Student Motivation at Australian Universities2
Rewriting the Transnational Dimension of Italian Migration to Wales in the Time of COVID-191
Retrieving or Revising? Using Mythology in Contemporary Italian Literature against Femicide1
Agamben’s Impotentiality: Separation, Nonrelationality, and Destituent Potential in The Use of Bodies1
Dante, Peter of Trabibus, and the ‘Schools of the Religious Orders’ in Florence1
The Silent Victim: Rape and Sexuality in Giacinta and ‘Tortura’ by Luigi Capuana1
Introduction: Writing and Resisting Violence against Women1
L’epopea di Canale Mussolini e il romanzo familiare in Italia1
Leopardi’s Disaster1
Italian Theory and Feminist Materialism: A Reappraisal1
Petrarch’s Deer in Rerum Vulgarium Fragmenta 190 and the Visio Beatifica1
Introduction: Dante as Mediator and Dante’s Mediators1
Glossing Boethius Through Dante: Auctoritas and Philosophical Poetry in BML MS Plut. 78.20 and the Dante Commentary Tradition1
On Their Way to University? Understanding Tertiary Students’ Experience of Italian Language Study at Secondary School1
Roberto Esposito’s Critique of Personhood and the Neoliberalization of Potentiality1
Le città invisibili as Cybertext and Cyberspace: Italo Calvino, Ted Nelson, and Arata Isozaki0
Neither Utopia nor Juvenile Transgression: Retracing the Link between the Movimento del ’77, Autonomy, and Literature0
The Political Portrait: Leadership, Image and Power0
A Martyr for the Resistance and the New Republic: The Uses of Giacomo Matteotti’s Memory, 1943 to 19470
Sexscapes of Pleasure: Women, Sexuality and the Whore Stigma in Italy Sexscapes of Pleasure: Women, Sexuality and the Whore Stigma in Italy , by Elena Zambelli, New York0
Donna o Silhouette? Rappresentazioni transmediali della ballerina classica italiana tra anni Trenta e anni Cinquanta0
L’antichità «crudele». Etruschi e Italici nella letteratura italiana del Novecento0
Boccaccio and the Consolation of Literature0
‘Il sospetto di un altro mondo’: appunti per una storia originaria (1936–1945)0
Italian Orientalism: Nationhood, Cosmopolitanism, and the Cultural Politics of Identity0
The Decameron Ninth Day in Perspective0
The Lyric Dante in the Twentieth Century: Hermeneutics and Editorial Forms0
La Mamma: Interrogating a National Stereotype0
Calvino’s Animals: Anthropocene Stories0
Nel mezzo: Roland Barthes’s Mediated Dante and Dantean Figures of Mediation0
Fantascienza e ufologia nell’opera di Inisero Cremaschi, Gilda Musa e Giuseppe Pederiali, 1967–19780
L’universalizzazione epica di una problematica politica locale: la matrice estense della Gerusalemme liberata0
The Etruscan Inferno: A Spatial and Synaesthetic Reading by Gabriele D’Annunzio0
Una macchina mitologica del ’68. Nanni Balestrini e il rituale della Grande Rivolta Una macchina mitologica del ’68. Nanni Balestrini e il rituale della Grande Rivolta ,0
The Italian Diaspora in South Africa: Origins and Identity0
Tuscany Beyond Tuscany: Rethinking the City from the Periphery0
Animality in Contemporary Italian Philosophy0
Fabricating Transnational Capitalism: A Collaborative Ethnography of Italian-Chinese Global Fashion0
Rappresentare la violenza di genere. Sguardi femministi tra critica, attivismo e scrittura0
Italian Chimeras: Narrating Italy through the Writing of Sebastiano Vassalli0
Spectacular Women: Recovering the Feminine in Elena Ferrante’s I giorni dell’abbandono0
Mediating Christ in Paradiso and in MS
Against the Avant-Garde: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Contemporary Art, and Neocapitalism0
The Cross of Mars: Crusade Imagery and Theology in the Prologue to the Encounter with Cacciaguida ( Par . xiv–xv)*0
Dante’s Multitudes: History, Philosophy, Method Dante’s Multitudes: History, Philosophy, Method , by Teodolinda Barolini, Notre Dame, Indiana, University of Notre Dame P0
‘Il disagio di stare al mondo’: Coming of Age, Masculinity, and Maradona in Paolo Sorrentino’s È stata la mano di Dio0
Reflections on the ‘Trans’ in Jhumpa Lahiri’s In Other Words (In altre parole)0
From Body of Order to Body of Disorder: Beatrice’s Ecstatic Metamorphosis in Matilde Serao’s Cuore infermo (1881)0
Varieties of ‘Classicism’ in the 1920s: The Peculiar Case of Armando Spadini0
La Clitennestra di Dacia Maraini nel contesto teatrale e femminista: luci e ombre, sogni e deliri intorno alla ricezione del mito0
Vicissitudes of a Dantean Collection: The 1527 ‘Giuntina delle rime’0
Multilingual Encounters in the Contact Zone. The Transnational Film Adaptations of Tabucchi’s Dama de Porto Pim and Nocturne indien0
Dalla generazione all’individuo. Giovinezza, identità, impegno nell’opera di Pier Vittorio Tondelli0
Remembering the Queer Exiles of San Domino: In Italia sono tutti maschi (2008) and The Red Tree (2018)0
Kaleidoscopic Beatrice: Through the Theologians, as a Theologian0
Corporeità e natura in Leopardi Corporeità e natura in Leopardi , by Gaspare Polizzi, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2023, 330 pp., €26 (paperback), ISBN 97888575989180
‘La tradizione è come il mare’: Giuseppe Pitrè’s Transnational Approach to Folk and Fairy Tales in the New Italy0
Between Memory and Matter: Italy and the Transnational Dimensions of Public Art0
Nel laboratorio della finzione. Modi narrativi e memoria poietica in Elsa Morante0
Uno scrittore su più tavoli : il concetto di tragico nei capitoli XX e XXI dei Promessi sposi0
Pitying Antiochus: Italian Humanism and the Philology of Compassion0
Fame, inappetenza e disgusto: il cibo nei film e nei sogni di Fellini0
Gadda. Interpreti a confronto0
Il romanzo neomodernista italiano. Dalla fine del neorealismo alla seconda metà degli anni Settanta0
Eco and Gramsci: Unexplored Connections in Cultural Studies0
Portraying the Nomadic Spirit of a Transnational Coming of Age0
The Author in Criticism: Italo Calvino’s Authorial Image in Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom0
Silence, Witnessing, and the Implicated Subject in Erri De Luca’s Il torto del soldato0
Leopardi. L’alba del nichilismo0
Seeing Poems of Suffering and The Future of the Nation: On the Meaning of the Eyes in Italian Literature of the Great War, 1915–19350
‘Occhi Fissi’: Fixing the Gaze in Dante’s Commedia0
La nascita del modernismo italiano. Filosofie della crisi, storia e letterature, 1903-19220
Deicide and the Drama of the Holocaust: Gian Paolo Callegari’s Cristo ha ucciso (1948)0
Chandra Livia Candiani’s Buddhism: Crossing Cultural and Species Boundaries to Become a Co-dividual0
Vite e carriere di pittori con sordità prelinguale attivi in Italia nel periodo 1590–17200
A ‘Whirlwind of Eloquence’: Sources for a Moral Reading of Ulysses’s ‘turbo’ (Inf. XXVI, 137)0
Vite nuove. Biografia e autobiografia di Dante0
Dante and Petrarch in the Garden of Language0
Esuli: scrittori e scrittrici dall’antichità a oggi0
Violante, Violente, Violenta: la novella I. 42 di Matteo Bandello e le sue riscritture tra Francia, Inghilterra e Spagna0
Fotografie ed ossa: testimonianza e sopravvivenza ne La nera novella di Alda Merini0
Onryō a Pavia: gotico padano, parapsicologia e Techno-Horror in un romanzo di Mino Milani0
Dante’s Christian Ethics: Purgatory and Its Moral Contexts0
Calvino and Japanese Gardens: A ‘Trajectivity’ between the Human and More-than-Human0
From Dutiful Name-Dropping to Warm Esteem: Dante’s Statius between De Vulgari Eloquentia, Convivio III and Convivio IV.XXV0
Le vite degli altri abitano la mia. La scrittura del sé nell’opera di Fabrizia Ramondino. Testimonianze di G. Cacciapuoti, A. Cirillo, G. Fofi, M. Liguori, T. Marrone, M. Martone, G. M. Scamardella, E0
Italian Industrial Literature and Film. Perspectives on the Representation of Postwar Labor Italian Industrial Literature and Film. Perspectives on the Representation of Postwar Labor0
Illuminating the Vita Nuova: Phoebe Anna Traquair, Evelyn Paul, and Medievalist Practices of Visual Mediation0
Dante ‘davanti a la ruina’ (Inferno v, 34): Minos, the Ruins of Hell, and the Book of Nahum0
Giovani e abuso sessuale nella letteratura italiana (1902-2018)0
Claiming Social and Cultural Dignity: Isabella Andreini’s Rime0
Im-mediated Dante: Rachel Owen’s Illustrations for the Commedia0
Space and Violence in WWII Italian Captivity in Africa: Becoming a POW between Mount Kenya and the Equator Line0
Narrative Strategies for Participation in Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ Narrative Strategies for Participation in Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’ , by Katherine Powlesland, Oxford, Le0
Representing the Species: Moravia in Parliament0
‘I’d Like to See an Italian Film or TV Series in Which a Girl Moves Abroad’: Italian Girlhood and Nomadic Experiences0
Dalla Francia all’Italia. Sulla ricezione del romanzo inglese nei giornali veneziani di fine Settecento (1773-1797)0
Gendering Women’s Violence in the Quattrocento: The Case of Gregorio Correr’s Procne (c. 1429)0
The Cinema of Paolo Sorrentino: Commitment to Style0
Matera in posa : The Photographic Self-Portrait of a Southern-Italian City, 1900–19200
La sintassi marcata in Le menzogne della notte di Gesualdo Bufalino: eroi romantici, tono favoloso e colpi di scena del novellare0
Primi appunti sulla ricezione di Walter Scott nelle gazzette italiane del primo Ottocento0
The Poetic Logic of Panism: An Idealistic Reading of Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Alcyone0
Fascist Modernism in Italy. Arts and Regimes0
Dante’s Masterplot and the Alternative Narrative Models in the Commedia0
Potentiality, Forms of Life, and Politics0
Pagan Gods as Figures of Speech: Dante’s Use of Servius in the Vita Nova0
Gio Ponti, la collaborazione con le ditte Singer e Altamira e l’immagine postbellica del design italiano negli Stati Uniti0
A ‘New’ Woman in Verga and Pirandello: From Page to Stage0
Angelenos? What’s That? Young Italians in Los Angeles in the Fiction of John Fante, Andrea De Carlo, and Chiara Barzini0
The Lottery Fantasy and Social Mobility in Eighteenth-Century Venetian Literature: Carlo Goldoni, Pietro Chiari, and Giacomo Casanova0
Like a Mass Image: Fellini’s Le tentazioni del Dottor Antonio, Advertising and Mimicry0
Alienazione e irrealtà in Ottieri e Antonioni: Osservazioni sul ‘modo cinematografico’ ne L’impagliatore di sedie0
In Memoriam: John Woodhouse (1937–2023)0
Una dissociazione atmosferica: Amelia Rosselli nell’era nucleare0
Finding Ferrante. Authorship and the Politics of World Literature0
In Memoriam: Professor Michael Caesar (1945–2022)0
Autobiography as Self-Ethnography in Italo Calvino’s ‘La poubelle agréée’0
100 Poems0
Between Resistance and Canonisation: A Critique of Italian Crime Criticism0
Figlie dell’alchimia. Donne e cultura scientifica nell’Italia della prima età moderna Figlie dell’alchimia. Donne e cultura scientifica nell’Italia della prima età moderna 0
Queering Two Resistance Novels: Historical Trauma, Open Secrets, and Non-Genealogical Plot in Carlo Coccioli’s Il migliore e l’ultimo and Beppe Fenoglio’s Il libro di Johnny0
Margins, Subjectivity, and Violence in Elena Ferrante’s Cronache del mal d’amore0
Tra ecologia letteraria ed ecocritica. Narrare la crisi ambientale nella letteratura e nel cinema italiani Tra ecologia letteraria ed ecocritica. Narrare la crisi ambientale nella lette0
Le prose poetiche di Roberto Rossi Precerutti: strutture e reversibilità dello sguardo nei Fatti di Caravaggio (2016)0
Atti di accusa. Testi teatrali e interviste sulla rappresentazione della violenza contro le donne0
Roberto L. Bruni (1945–2020)0
‘Cupidone buggerone’, ovvero Gadda e la demistificazione dello stilnovismo0
Coming of Age among Multiple Languages: Exploring the ‘Polyglot’ as an Intersectional Subject in Claudia Durastanti’s La Straniera (2019)0
When the Serenissima is No Longer Serene: Staging Chaos in La Veniexiana0
How We Fell in Love with Italian Food0
Pia Pera’s Poetics of the Planetary Garden0
Elena Ferrante. Poetiche e politiche della soggettività0
Man as Memory and Metaphor of Matter: Italo Calvino’s ‘Priscilla’ and the Narration of (Bio)science0
Screening Religions in Italy: Contemporary Italian Cinema and Television in the Post-Secular Public Sphere0
San Giacomo, la Speranza e i Salmi a Paradiso XXV0
Almarina di Valeria Parrella fra forma letteraria e rapporti sociali0
Italian Neorealism: A Cultural History0
(Extra)ordinary Sensation and Visionary Perception in Dante’s Purgatorio XV and XVII0
Representations of Eritrea in Italian Documentaries (1951 – 2015)0
La lingua del padrone. Giovanni Giudici traduttore dall’inglese0
Professor Peter M. Brown (1926 –2022)0
We Will Set You Free: Representations of the ‘Antislavery Argument’ in British and Italian Missionary Films (1925–1939)0
The Theater of Narration: From the Peripheries of History to the Main Stages of Italy0
Manipulating the Voice of the Other: On the Sagapò Army, Italiani Brava Gente, and Other Italian War Rumours of the Second World War0
The Tax Return (1515) of Marin Sanudo: Fiscality, Family, and Language in Renaissance Venice0
Reading Dante and Proust by Analogy0
Bruno Munari: The Lightness of Art0
Elena Ferrante as World Literature0
Rome, 16 October 1943. History, Memory, Literature Rome, 16 October 1943. History, Memory, Literature , by Mara Josi, Oxford, MHRA, 2023, 179 pp., £85 (hardback), ISBN 90
Italian Gothic. An Edinburgh Companion Italian Gothic. An Edinburgh Companion , edited by Marco Malvestio and Stefano Serafini, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 200
Apocryphal News and Apocryphal Truths in Early Modern Italy: Girolamo Gigli’s Gazzettino (1712–1713)0
The Forgotten Askari0
In balìa di Dante e Pinocchio – Il viaggio di Pinocchio nell’aldilà dantesco In balìa di Dante e Pinocchio – Il viaggio di Pinocchio nell’aldilà dantesco , di Bettino D’0
Negotiating Foreign Influence in Fascist Italy: Nicola Festa on Greek Learning in Renaissance Humanism0
Folklore, razza, fascismo Folklore, razza, fascismo , a cura di Fabiana Dimpflmeier, Firenze, Leo S. Olschki Editore, 2023, 339 pp., €25.00, ISSN 0409-62310
The Power of Affiliation: Dynastic Blood, Artificial Kinship and Legitimation Strategies. The Case of the Della Rovere Dukes of Urbino*0
La scrittura desterrada di Cristina Trivulzio Belgiojoso: il caso delle ‘Letters of an Exile’0
Tra memoria e resistenza: Una lettura spaziale delle Case della Vetra di Giovanni Raboni0
The Young Dante: Archetypes of His Early Intellectual Biography0
Under Pinocchio’s Skin: The Uncanny Woodenness of a Permanent Body0
Queer Bandits and Partisans: Reimagining Male Homosexuality in Early Post-War Italy0
Franca Rame Won the Nobel Prize: Approaching the Works of Dario Fo and Franca Rame as Collaboration0
The Ultimate Italian. Dante and a Nation’s Identity The Ultimate Italian. Dante and a Nation’s Identity , by Fulvio Conti, translated by Patrick John Barr, London and Ne0
La carta veloce. Figure, temi e politiche del giornalismo italiano dell’Ottocento0
‘Una verità totale’: The Textual and Visual Encounter With the Other in Franco Fortini’s Asia Maggiore. Viaggio nella Cina0
Donne interpreti della Bibbia nell’Italia della prima età moderna: Comunità ermeneutiche e riscritture0
Representing Women’s Displacement from the Margins in Liberal Italy: Vittorio Corcos’s Annunciazione (1904) and Sogni (1896)0
Introduction: Italian Theory and the Problem of Potentiality0
Italo Calvino’s Spatial Imagination: Between Intellectual Abstraction and Embodied Experience0
‘And Now the Great Day Had Come, the 14th of May, 1865!’: Anna Vivanti-Lindau e il seicentenario dantesco *0
Mobilizing Cultural Identities in the First World War: History, Representations and Memory0
Grown Up Boyz and Girlz. Italian Graphic Novelists’ Trans-European Paths and Gendered Representations0
Perdere le radici. Appunti sulla modernità di Italo Calvino0
Ruggiero, Melissa, and Effeminate Enchantment in the Garden of Alcina0
Nostalgia dell’abisso. I romanzi di Enrico Pea degli anni Trenta0
Gli atlanti della letteratura Italiana dell’Ottocento: Una riflessione sul pensiero geografico nella storiografia letteraria italiana0