Evolutionary Biology

(The TQCC of Evolutionary Biology is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Vipers on the Scene: Assessing the Relationship Between Speciation and Climatic Niche Evolution in Venomous Snakes (Reptilia: Viperidae)21
Geographic Variation in Genomic Signals of Admixture Between Two Closely Related European Sepsid Fly Species21
Natural Barriers and Internal Sources for the Reproductive Isolation in Sympatric Salmonids from the Lake–River System12
ES-sim-GLM, a Multiple Regression Trait-Dependent Diversification Approach11
Cranial Anatomical Integration and Disparity Among Bones Discriminate Between Primates and Non-primate Mammals11
The Functional and Allometric Implications of Hipbone Trabecular Microarchitecture in a Sample of Eutherian and Metatherian Mammals10
Insufficient Evidence for Multiple Species of Tyrannosaurus in the Latest Cretaceous of North America: A Comment on “The Tyrant Lizard King, Queen and Emperor: Multiple Lines of Morphological and Stra9
Meta-analysis of Behavioural Research in Lizards Reveals that Viviparity Contributes Better to Animal Personality than Secretory Glands9
A New Method for Landmark-Based Studies of the Dynamic Stability of Growth, with Implications for Evolutionary Analyses9
Decoupled Patterns of Diversity and Disparity Characterize an Ecologically Specialized Lineage of Neotropical Cricetids7
Body Plan Identity: A Mechanistic Model7
Correction: The Evolution of Brain Size in Ectothermic Tetrapods: Large Brain Mass Trades-Off with Lifespan in Reptiles6
Interrogating Random and Systematic Measurement Error in Morphometric Data5
Effects of Procrustes Superimposition and Semilandmark Sliding on Modularity and Integration: An Investigation Using Simulations of Biological Data5
Is Population Genetics Really Relevant to Evolutionary Biology?5
Is the Shape of Turtle Claws Driven by Locomotor Modes?5
Colonization of a Novel Host Plant Reduces Phenotypic Variation5
Tadpoles Develop Elevated Heat Tolerance in Urban Heat Islands Regardless of Sex5
Comparative Quantitative Genetics of the Pelvis in Four-Species of Rodents and the Conservation of Genetic Covariance and Correlation Structure5
New Avenues for Old Travellers: Phenotypic Evolutionary Trends Meet Morphodynamics, and Both Enter the Global Change Biology Era4
Climatic Niche Divergence and Conservatism Promote Speciation in Snake-Eyed Skinks (Sauria: Scincidae): New Insight into the Evolution and Diversification of Ablepharus Species4
Consistent Prevalence of Spondyloarthropathy Over 2300 Years: Ancient Egyptians and the Synchronic Baboon Catacomb4
Can Patterns of Static Allometry be Inferred from Regimes of Sexual Selection in the Japanese Beetle?4
Lack of Female Preference for Nuptial Gifts May Have Led to Loss of the Male Sexual Trait3
Climate Change Predictive of Body Size and Proportionality in Humans3
Surface Representation and Morphometric Analysis Based on Discrete Cosine Transform3
Investigating the Relationship Between Body Shape and Life History Traits in Toothed Whales: Can Body Shape Predict Fast-Slow Life Histories?3
Do Longevity and Fecundity Change by Selection on Mating Success at Elevated Temperature? Correlated Selection Responses in Drosophila buzzatii3
Evidence of Morphological Divergence and Reproductive Isolation in a Narrow Elevation Gradient3
Correction: Interrogating Random and Systematic Measurement Error in Morphometric Data3
Mutational Selection: Fragile Sites, Replicative Stress, and Genome Evolution3
Restructuring of Skull Modularity Pattern in Evolution Within Myotis myotis–Myotis blythii Species Group (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera, Mammalia)3
Morphological and Genetic Divergence in a Gill Monogenean Parasitizing Distant Cichlid Lineages of Lake Tanganyika: Cichlidogyrus nshomboi (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae) from Representatives of Boulenger3
Quadratic Trends: A Morphometric Tool Both Old and New3
Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Ocular Patterns as a Species Identifier in the South African Endemic Trapdoor Spider Genus Stasimopus Simon, 1892 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Stasimopidae)3
Evolvability and Macroevolution: Overview and Synthesis3