
(The median citation count of Baltica is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Petrophysical characteristics of Silurian and Ordovician shale gas formations in the Baltic Basin (Northern Poland)14
New insight into the palaeoenvironmental dynamics as a background of the human history in the Nemunas River delta region, W Lithuania, throughout the Lateglacial and Early Holocene9
Metamorphism of the Dizi Series Rocks (the Greater Caucasus): Petrography, Mineralogy and Evolution of Metamorphic Assemblages3
Numerical Modelling of Shallow Foundations on Expansive Shale: A Case Study of Jamshoro, Pakistan3
Correlations between seismic b-value and heat flow density in Vlora-Lushnja-Elbasani-Dibra Fault Zone in Elbasani area, central Albania3
The gravity survey and the gravimetric map of the territory of Lithuania2
Genetic diversity of inlet systems along non-tidal coasts: examples from the Black Sea and Sea of Azov (Ukraine)2
Physical and mechanical properties of sandstones from Southern Zanjan, north-western Iran2
Geochemical tests to study the effects of cement ratio on potassium and TBT leaching and the pH of the marine sediments from the Kattegat Strait, Port of Gothenburg, Sweden2
Methodologies and prospects of historical land use/land cover studies in Lithuania2
Hydraulic conductivity determination of Lithuanian soils using machine learning2
Determination of the shear wave velocity structure of substations by the HVSR inversion method using broadband and strong ground motion earthquake data in the Lake Van region, eastern Türkiye2
Artificial neural networks-based ternary charts for predicting strength and frost heaving in mountain soils1
Formation selection methodology for deep geological repository in Lithuania1
Effects of spatial heterogeneity on the estimation of diatom assemblage composition: an example of Lake Imbradas (NE Lithuania)1
Modelling of underwater noise emissions by ships in Klaipėda Strait, Lithuania1
An evaluation of the earthquake potential with seismic and tectonic variables for the West Anatolian region of Türkiye1
Phytoplankton of the transboundary River Viliya (Neris): community structure and toxic cyanobacterial blooms1
Investigation of the earthquake (Michoacan-Colima) in Mexica (19.09.2022) by using GNSS stations and INSAR observations1
Undrained shear strength of glacial till soils and its determining factors0
Investigation and mapping of the temporary dynamics of the highest Lithuanian outcrop using ground-based measurements and UAV imagery0
Geophysical survey of the Khachovi gold-polymetallic ore occurrence (Adjara-Trialeti folded zone, Georgia)0
Geological map of Antony Karol Giedroyc of the territory of Lithuania in the context of geological cartography of the 19th century0
Methodology for assessing the geoecological state of landscape-lake systems and their cartographic modelling (case study of Lake Bile, Rivne Nature Reserve, Ukraine)0
A comparison of different machine learning models for landslide susceptibility mapping in Rize (Türkiye)0
Environmental changes in SW Lithuania during 8720–7990 cal yr BP: analysis of Lake Amalvas sediments0
Integration of SRTM and ASTER data for litho-structural and alteration mapping in Nholi area, central Tanzania0
Determination of the Fractal Dimension of the Active Fault Data along the East Anatolian Fault Zone0
Holocene environmental changes inferred from palaeobotanical data of Curonian Lagoon sediments0
New insights into the medieval history of a non-urban territory: multidisciplinary investigations in SE Lithuania0
Diverse erosional indicators along a rapidly retreating Holocene strandplain margin, leeward Hiiumaa Island, Estonia0
Hydraulic connection between Vistula and Curonian lagoons of the Baltic Sea0
Landscape-geomorphological factors of the development of mudflow centres in the Goychay River basin0
Evidence of ice streaming and ice tongue shutdown in western Latvia: revealed from the mapping of crevasse-squeeze ridges0
Age assessment of the Jasmund Glacitectonic Complex (SW Baltic Sea) by quartz luminescence dating of syn-kinematic deposits0
Environmental issues in the coastal regions of the south-eastern Baltic Sea: A sensitive natural environment in the face of increasing anthropic pressures0
Estimation of hydrogeological parameters of porous media in a radially convergent flow field in Kairėnai polygon, SE Lithuania0
3D data integration for geo-located cave mapping based on unmanned aerial vehicle and terrestrial laser scanner data0
Evaluation of stability in rock-fill dams by numerical analysis methods: a case study (Gümüşhane-Midi Dam, Türkiye)0
Topography of the Aleutian Trench south-east off Bowers Ridge, Bering Sea, in the context of the geological development of North Pacific Ocean0
Focal mechanism of the Kaliningrad earthquake of 21 September 2004 based on waveform inversion using a limited number of stations0
Investigation of the ground effects of Mw7.8 and Mw7.5 Maraş doublet earthquake on the south-east region (Bİtlİs-Zagros fold-thrust belt) of Turkey0
Soil dynamic features of Atatürk University Campus (Erzurum), eastern Türkiye, by microtremor method0
Landslide and erosion processes in the high-mountain areas of the Greater Caucasus, Azerbaijan0
Dendroclimatic signals in Scots pine tree-ring chronologies in southwest Finland0
Soil water and stable isotopes in the unsaturated zone profile – field observations and analysis0
Harnessing the distinctive qualities of Lithuanian natural mineral water for SPA services and human health0
Study of microplastic occurrence on the sandy beaches of Šventoji, Lithuania0
A comprehensive spatiotemporal evaluation of the current earthquake activity in different parts of the Frakull-Durrës fault zone, Albania0
An evaluation of the characteristic aftershock parameters following the 24 January 2020 Mw = 6.8 Elazığ-Sivrice (Türkiye) earthquake0
Retrospective ties of Lake Kalotė with the Baltic Sea and the Akmena-Danė River, western Lithuania0
The dynamics of Pilkosios Dunes relief during 2010–2022, based on the digital elevation model analysis0
Factors affecting the oedometric modulus of till soil0
Contribution of winter upwelling in the Gulf of Finland to lake-effect snow in Estonia0
Investigation of the Mw 7.3 earthquake in Tonga Islands, Pacific Ocean, 11 November 20220
Statistical behaviours of earthquake occurrences in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey: region-time-magnitude analyses0
Multiple parameter analysis for assessing and forecasting earthquake hazards in the Lake Van region, Turkey0
Antanas Karolis Giedraitis’ geological investigations in Lithuania0
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in various Lithuanian water bodies and a positive matrix factorization-based identification of pollution sources0
Lithuanian river ice detection and automated classification using machine-learning methods0
Intensity of relief geodynamic processes in the Coastal Lowland, Lithuania: based on cartographic analysis0
Baltoscandian Middle Ordovician brachiopod oxygen stable isotope trends: implications for palaeotemperature changes0