Anthropological Forum

(The TQCC of Anthropological Forum is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Pluralities of Power in Indonesia’s Intellectual Property Law, Regional Arts and Religious Freedom Debates23
Sensing Disaster: Local Knowledge and Vulnerability in Oceania9
Pastors, Preaching and Parking Lot Conversations: Clergy’s Tactics of LGBTQ+ Inclusion in Mainline Protestant Churches7
Religion as Atmosphere: The Material Mediation and Aesthetical Ambiguity of a Contemporary Night Church Atmosphere7
Politics of Shared Humanity: On Hospitality, Equality and the Spiritual in Rural Gambia5
Witness Statements as Cross-Cultural (mis)Communication? Evidence from Blue Mud Bay5
Cosmopolitan Networks – Networking Cosmopolitans: Between Anyone, the Other and the Making of Sociality4
Drawing the Sea Near: Satoumi and Coral Reef Conservation in Okinawa4
Women’s Active Engagement with the Sea Through Fishing in Fiji4
Broken Cities: Inside the Global Housing Crisis4
Exclusionary Cosmopolitanism in Buenos Aires4
Magic, Self and (World) Society: Groundwork for an Existential and Cosmopolitan Anthropology4
Drawing on Human and Plant Correspondences on the Rai Coast of Papua New Guinea3
The Yalaku: History and Warfare in the Middle Sepik3
The Urban Middle-Class Consumer Identity in Malaysia’s Sociopolitical Coffee House Culture3
Cricket, Kirikiti and Imperialism in Samoa, 1879–19393
Domesticity to Autonomy: Women, Pre-Drinking, and the Liminoid Experience3
Forensic and Expert Social Anthropological Practice: An Introduction3
Emergent Axioms of Violence: Toward an Anthropology of Post-Liberal Modernity3
States Reimagined: COVID-19, the Ordinary, and Extraordinary in Aotearoa/New Zealand3
De-labelling the ‘Memory of the World’: A Cosmopolitan Perspective on Qiaopi Remittance Letters2
Article 1F and Anthropological Evidence: A Fine Line Between Justice and Injustice?2
New Horizons for Human Solace: Universal Basic Income Making a Difference in People’s Well-Being2
A Brief History of Political Instability in Vanuatu2
Gardens Without Magic: Tending the Church as the Locus of Growth in a Presbyterian Village, Vanuatu2
Engaged Social Anthropology and Indigenous Land Claims in Malaysia2
Difference, Indigeneity and Ethnoclass Convergence2
Addressing Cultural Difference in Indigenous Copyright Cases2
Proselytising the Indigenous Majority: Chinese Christians and Interethnic Relations in East Malaysia2
Curriculum Transformation for the Futuristic Worlds: Design Anthropology for Twenty-First Century African Universities2