Annual Review of Psychology

(The TQCC of Annual Review of Psychology is 58. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Stress and Health: A Review of Psychobiological Processes365
Prejudice Reduction: Progress and Challenges275
Replicability, Robustness, and Reproducibility in Psychological Science251
Integrating Models of Self-Regulation221
Self-Compassion: Theory, Method, Research, and Intervention201
The Origins and Psychology of Human Cooperation187
The Science of Meaning in Life177
Active Forgetting: Adaptation of Memory by Prefrontal Control132
Prejudice and Discrimination Toward Immigrants119
The Social Effects of Emotions117
Experimental Games and Social Decision Making107
Personal Values Across Cultures106
Attitudes, Habits, and Behavior Change104
The Psychology of Moral Conviction97
Social Influence and Group Identity96
Moral Judgments92
Psychology as a Historical Science86
Psychological Resilience: An Affect-Regulation Framework81
Dealing with Careless Responding in Survey Data: Prevention, Identification, and Recommended Best Practices78
Life Change, Social Identity, and Health78
Memory and Sleep: How Sleep Cognition Can Change the Waking Mind for the Better73
Socioeconomic Status and Intimate Relationships71
The Cultural Foundation of Human Memory69
Cultivating Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Socioecological Perspective68
Speech Computations of the Human Superior Temporal Gyrus68
Turning Attention Inside Out: How Working Memory Serves Behavior66
Diversity Training Goals, Limitations, and Promise: A Review of the Multidisciplinary Literature62
What Are Conspiracy Theories? A Definitional Approach to Their Correlates, Consequences, and Communication60
The Social Neuroscience of Prejudice58