Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics

(The H4-Index of Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics is 25. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Fluid Dynamics of Axial Turbomachinery: Blade- and Stage-Level Simulations and Models255
The Influence of Boundaries on Gravity Currents and Thin Films: Drainage, Confinement, Convergence, and Deformation Effects183
New Insights into Turbulent Spots120
Bubble Plumes in Nature79
Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow76
Particle Rafts and Armored Droplets73
Flow Mechanics in Ablative Thermal Protection Systems72
Evaporation of Sessile Droplets70
Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interactions66
Turbulent Rotating Rayleigh–Bénard Convection65
Continuum and Molecular Dynamics Studies of the Hydrodynamics of Colloids Straddling a Fluid Interface56
A Perspective on the State of Aerospace Computational Fluid Dynamics Technology53
Gas Microfilms in Droplet Dynamics: When Do Drops Bounce?52
Coalescence Dynamics51
Thermoacoustic Instability in Combustors51
Recent Developments in Theories of Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Turbulence48
Clogging of Noncohesive Suspension Flows39
The Dynamics of Jupiter's and Saturn's Weather Layers: A Synthesis After Cassini and Juno34
Submesoscale Dynamics in the Upper Ocean32
Statistical Models for the Dynamics of Heavy Particles in Turbulence32
Linear Flow Analysis Inspired by Mathematical Methods from Quantum Mechanics30
Fluid-Elastic Interactions Near Contact at Low Reynolds Number28
Fundamental Fluid Dynamics Challenges in Inkjet Printing26
Dynamic Mode Decomposition and Its Variants25