Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society

(The median citation count of Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Primes in Arithmetic Progressions to Large Moduli III: Uniform Residue Classes13
Equivariant Infinite Loop Space Theory: The Space Level Story12
Primes as Sums of Fibonacci Numbers11
The Further Chameleon Groups of Richard Thompson and Graham Higman: Automorphisms via Dynamics for the Higman–Thompson Groups ????_{????,????}10
Cataland: Why the Fuß?10
Hypergeometric functions over finite fields9
Positive Gaussian Kernels also Have Gaussian Minimizers8
Global Existence of Small Amplitude Solutions for a Model Quadratic Quasilinear Coupled Wave-Klein-Gordon System in Two Space Dimension, with Mildly Decaying Cauchy Data8
Construction of Blowup Solutions for the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation with Critical Parameters8
Twistors, Quartics, and del Pezzo Fibrations7
Embeddings of Decomposition Spaces7
McShane Identities for Higher Teichmüller Theory and the Goncharov–Shen Potential7
On Singular Vortex Patches, I: Well-posedness Issues6
Fundamental Factorization of a GLSM Part I: Construction6
Planar Algebras in Braided Tensor Categories6
Overlapping Iterated Function Systems from the Perspective of Metric Number Theory6
Asymptotic Spreading for General Heterogeneous Fisher-KPP Type Equations6
Lattice Paths and Branched Continued Fractions: An Infinite Sequence of Generalizations of the Stieltjes–Rogers and Thron–Rogers Polynomials, with Coefficientwise Hankel-Total Positivity5
Hyperbolic Actions and 2nd Bounded Cohomology of Subgroups of ????????????(????_{????})5
Representation Theory of Geigle-Lenzing Complete Intersections5
Tensor Categories for Vertex Operator Superalgebra Extensions5
On the symplectic type of isomorphisms of the ????-torsion of elliptic curves5
The Existence of Designs via Iterative Absorption: Hypergraph ????-designs for Arbitrary ????5
Bilinear Estimates in the Presence of a Large Potential and a Critical NLS in 3D4
Model theory of ????*-algebras4
Noncommutative Coordinates for Symplectic Representations4
Generic Stabilizers in Actions of Simple Algebraic Groups4
Tate Duality in Positive Dimension over Function Fields4
Spectral expansions of non-self-adjoint generalized Laguerre semigroups4
Unipotent Representations, Theta Correspondences, and Quantum Induction4
Regularity with Respect to the Parameter of Lyapunov Exponents for Diffeomorphisms with Dominated Splitting4
Quasi-Periodic Traveling Waves on an Infinitely Deep Perfect Fluid Under Gravity4
Theta functions on varieties with effective anti-canonical class4
Local Coefficients and Gamma Factors for Principal Series of Covering Groups4
Extreme Superposition: High-Order Fundamental Rogue Waves in the Far-Field Regime4
Multiplicative Invariant Fields of Dimension ≤63
Congruence Lattices of Ideals in Categories and (Partial) Semigroups3
The Asymptotic Geometry of ????₂-Monopoles3
The ????(????)₂ Model on de Sitter Space3
Arthur packets for ????-adic groups by way of microlocal vanishing cycles of perverse sheaves, with examples3
Smooth Homotopy of Infinite-Dimensional ????^{∞}-Manifolds3
Corrigendum and improvements to “Carleman estimates, observability inequalities and null controllability for interior degenerate non smooth parabolic equations”, and its consequences3
Global dynamics above the ground state energy for the combined power-type nonlinear Schrödinger equations with energy-critical growth at low frequencies3
On the Boundary Behavior of Mass-Minimizing Integral Currents3
Stability of heat kernel estimates for symmetric non-local Dirichlet forms3
Excluding a Line from Complex-Representable Matroids3
Cubical Models of (∞,1)-Categories3
Lie Pseudogroups à la Cartan3
Homotopy Fibrations with a Section After Looping3
Rough Collisions3
Optimal Feedback for Stochastic Linear Quadratic Control and Backward Stochastic Riccati Equations in Infinite Dimensions2
Euclidean Structures and Operator Theory in Banach Spaces2
Disjoint Optimizers and the Directed Landscape2
On Hydrodynamic Limits of the Vlasov–Navier–Stokes System2
Isoperimetric inequalities in unbounded convex bodies2
The Second Moment Theory of Families of ????-Functions–The Case of Twisted Hecke ????-Functions2
Factorizations of Almost Simple Groups with a Solvable Factor, and Cayley Graphs of Solvable Groups2
Reflexive Modules on Normal Gorenstein Stein Surfaces, Their Deformations and Moduli2
Reconstructing orbit closures from their boundaries2
Stratified Noncommutative Geometry2
Semitoric Families2
Subset currents on surfaces2
Cubic Action of a Rank one Group2
Fine Compactified Moduli of Enriched Structures on Stable Curves2
Multiplicity and Stability of the Pohozaev Obstruction for Hardy-Schrödinger Equations with Boundary Singularity2
Toric Periods and ????-adic Families of Modular Forms of Half-Integral Weight2
Asymptotic Analysis for Sacks-Uhlenbeck ????-Harmonic Maps From Degenerating Riemann Surfaces2
The Motivic Anabelian Geometry of Local Heights on Abelian Varieties2
Abelian networks IV. Dynamics of nonhalting networks2
Motivic Euler Products and Motivic Height Zeta Functions2
On Pseudoconformal Blow-Up Solutions to the Self-Dual Chern-Simons-Schrödinger Equation: Existence, Uniqueness, and Instability2
Proper Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory1
Symbolic Extensions of Amenable Group Actions and the Comparison Property1
Transition Threshold for the 3D Couette Flow in a Finite Channel1
Tunneling estimates and approximate controllability for hypoelliptic equations1
On Singularity Properties of Word Maps and Applications to Probabilistic Waring Type Problems1
Brownian regularity for the Airy line ensemble, and multi-polymer watermelons in Brownian last passage percolation1
Symbolic Dynamics for Nonuniformly Hyperbolic Maps with Singularities in High Dimension1
The Wave Equation with Acoustic Boundary Conditions on Non-Locally Reacting Surfaces1
Asymptotic Completeness for a Scalar Quasilinear Wave Equation Satisfying the Weak Null Condition1
Local well-posedness and break-down criterion of the incompressible Euler equations with free boundary1
Goodwillie Approximations to Higher Categories1
Solving ????-unit, Mordell, Thue, Thue–Mahler and Generalized Ramanujan–Nagell Equations via the Shimura–Taniyama Conjecture1
Angled Crested Like Water Waves with Surface Tension II: Zero Surface Tension Limit1
On the Nodal Set of Solutions to a Class of Nonlocal Parabolic Equations1
Hamiltonicity of Random Subgraphs of the Hypercube1
Free Energy and Equilibrium States for Families of Interval Maps1
Intrinsic Approach to Galois Theory of ????-Difference Equations1
Multi-Parameter Hardy Spaces Theory and Endpoint Estimates for Multi-Parameter Singular Integrals1
Purity and Separation for Oriented Matroids1
On the Size of the Singular Set of Minimizing Harmonic Maps1
The Space of Spaces: Curvature Bounds and Gradient Flows on the Space of Metric Measure Spaces1
Cohomological Tensor Functors on Representations of the General Linear Supergroup1
Cluster algebra structures on Poisson nilpotent algebras1
Automorphisms of Graph Products of Groups and Acylindrical Hyperbolicity1
Empirical Measures, Geodesic Lengths, and a Variational Formula in First-Passage Percolation1
On ????-adic ????-functions for Hilbert modular forms1
Naturality and Mapping Class Groups in Heegaard Floer Homology1
Eulerian Spaces1
Noncommutative Homological Mirror Functor1
Para-hyper-Kähler Geometry of the Deformation Space of Maximal Globally Hyperbolic Anti-de Sitter Three-Manifolds1
Drinfeld Modular Forms of Arbitrary Rank1
Deformation and Unobstructedness of Determinantal Schemes1
Adiabatic Evolution and Shape Resonances1
Weight Multiplicities and Young Tableaux Through Affine Crystals1
Mackey Profunctors1
On the Problem of Infinite Spin in Total Collisions of the Planar ????-Body Problem1
The Slice Spectral Sequence of a ????₄-Equivariant Height-4 Lubin–Tate Theory1
Twisted Patterson-Sullivan Measures and Applications to Amenability and Coverings1
Regularity and Strict Positivity of Densities for the Nonlinear Stochastic Heat Equation1
Elliptic Theory for Sets with Higher Co-dimensional Boundaries1
Amenability and Weak Containment for Actions of Locally Compact Groups on ????*-Algebras1
Classification of ????_{∞}-Stable ????*-Algebras1
Mixed Hodge Structures on Alexander Modules1
The Generation Problem in Thompson Group ????1
The Inductive Blockwise Alperin Weight Condition for the Chevalley Groups ????₄(????)1
Coefficient Systems on the Bruhat-Tits Building and Pro-???? Iwahori-Hecke Modules1
Arithmetic Quotients of the Bruhat-Tits Building for Projective General Linear Group in Positive Characteristic1
Milliken’s Tree Theorem and Its Applications: A Computability-Theoretic Perspective1
The Representation Theory of the Increasing Monoid1