Social Science Research

(The TQCC of Social Science Research is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Family size and economic wellbeing following divorce: The United States in comparative perspective84
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Maternal health, well-being, and employment transitions: A longitudinal comparison of partnered and single mothers in Germany44
Stability of dyadic exchange: Experimental evidence for the impact of shared group membership29
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Whither repeat players? Litigation experience and success in court: Evidence from Russian commercial courts26
Spatial segregation and voting behavior among Asian Americans in 2020 general election24
Religious affiliation and debt among U.S. households23
Workplace computerization and inequality in schedule control23
Children of the Revolution: The continued unevenness of the gender revolution in housework, childcare and work time across birth cohorts22
Between ethnic diversity and immigration: Perceptions toward immigrants in a globalizing world20
Sex differences in risk factors for mortality after release from prison20
The impact of austerity on children: Uncovering effect heterogeneity by political, economic, and family factors in low- and middle-income countries20
Beyond intensive mothering: Racial/ethnic variation in maternal time with children19
Monotonic market change: How contracting/expanding Protestant markets impact the founding of American Protestant international ministries18
Methodological advances in quantitative social science: In celebration of the Social Science Research 50th anniversary18
Consider your origins: Parental social class and preferences for redistribution in the United States from 1977 to 201817
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Justice perceptions of sanctions for unemployed welfare recipients17
Networks in the making: Friendship segregation and ethnic homophily17
Racial disparities in the screening of candidates for software engineering internships16
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Mediators explaining radical right voting patterns of Christians in Europe: Attitudes toward immigrants, values, or social capital?15
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Intergenerationally penalized? The long-term wage consequences of parental joblessness14
The gendered practices of the upwardly mobile in India14
Later timing but informed decision? Delayed postgraduate attainment and U.S. college graduates’ earnings14
Overwork and the use of paid leave and flexible work policies in U.S. workplaces13
Intergenerational support and retirement timing among older men and women by race/ethnicity13
Promoting men and women to management: Putting the glass escalator paradox in the establishment context13
Taking up the tiki torch: Understanding alt-right interest using internet search data13
Explaining the attainment of the second-generation: When does parental relative education matter?13
Multidimensionality in merit attitudes: The role of hard work, skills, and social connections in Europe12
Long-term labor market returns to upper secondary school track choice: Leveraging idiosyncratic variation in peers’ choices12
Consistencies and contradictions: Revisiting the relationship between women's education and infant mortality from a distributional perspective12
Do men and women really have different gender role attitudes? Experimental insight on gender-specific attitudes toward paid and unpaid work in Germany12
Wealth, Income, and Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from 30 countries12
Diversity, integration, and variability of intergenerational relationships in old age: New insights from personal network research12
The association between childhood socioeconomic status and adult health behavior: The role of locus of control12
Could working less promote environmental concern? A cross-national intercohort analysis11
Divided over globalisation. Measuring the ideological divide between cosmopolitans and communitarians in Europe using a classification approach11
Heterogeneous treatment effects analysis for social scientists: A review11
Ethno-racial stratification in the mortgage market: The role of co-applicants11
Everyday discrimination in later life: A social network approach10
Mediation effects in the relationship between cultural capital and academic outcomes10
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Prone to wellness? Dispositional awe, religion/spirituality, and well-being among academic scientists10
Advances in transparency and reproducibility in the social sciences10
A double-diamond retrospective on modeling change in attitudes and opinions10
Who influences lower-status individuals more: People of higher-status outgroups or people of their lower-status ingroup? Examining the difference between matters of opinion and matters of fact10
Decoupled or doubled? Evaluating geospatial dispersion of student-resident displacement by school closure10
CrimeScape: Analysis of socio-spatial associations of urban residential motor vehicle theft10
The changing social gradient of marriage and cohabitation in seven Latin American countries9
Measurement properties of completely and end labeled unipolar and bipolar scales in Likert-type questions on income (in)equality9
Falling sideways? Social status and the true nature of elite downward mobility9
Jumping together or not? Associations between siblings’ relationship quality and fertility transitions9
The causal effect of skin color bias in online dating9
Taste-based gender discrimination in South Korea9
Political and educational dynamics behind the Evangelicals’ stance against mask mandates during COVID-19 in the U.S.8
Knowledge Discovery: Methods from data mining and machine learning8
Under- or overexpansion of education? Trends in qualification mismatch in the United Kingdom and Germany, 1984–20178
Modelling ambivalent triads in family research8
Dyadic contagion in cognitive function: A nationally-representative longitudinal study of older U.S. couples7
Peace through superior firepower: Belief in supernatural evil and attitudes toward gun policy in the United States7
Age discrimination in hiring: Relative importance and additive and multiplicative effects7
Corrigendum to “Reputations in mixed-role markets: A theory and an experimental test” [Soc Sci Res 85 (2020) 102366]7
Mothers, fathers and the intergenerational transmission of gender ideology7
Race, disadvantage, and violence: A spatial exploration of macrolevel covariates of police-involved homicides within and between US counties7
Editorial Board7
Heterogeneous effects of return migration on children's mental health and cognitive outcomes7
How the Great Recession changed class inequality: Evidence from 23 European countries7
The gender wealth gap in the United States: Trends and explanations7
Do moral intuitions influence judges’ sentencing decisions? A multilevel study of criminal court sentencing in Pennsylvania7
Editorial Board7
Marital status, State policy environment and Foregone healthcare of same-sex families during the COVID-19 period6
The siren song of so-called evidence: Why the evidence for social ecology models is not as strong as we think6
Local ties that bind: The role of perceived neighborhood cohesion and disorder for immigrants’ national identification6
How should the government treat asylum seekers? The role of labour market vulnerability and migration in Europe6
The relative pay for foreign work: A novel evidence from home and host countries6
Who is the majority group? Signaling majority group membership with name-based treatments in multilingual contexts: The case of Catalonia6
Does it pay off to specialize? The interplay between educational specificity, level and cyclical sensitivity6
Median voter dynamics in a laboratory experiment on voting over redistribution6
Teacher's social desirability bias and Migrant students: A study on explicit and implicit prejudices with a list experiment6
Sponsorship as a double-edged sword: Political contingency and mobility dynamics in the Chinese bureaucracy6
Notes on the history of Social Science Research: In celebration of its 50th anniversary6
Inequality begets inequality: Income inequality and socioeconomic achievement gradients across the United States5
Lost support, lost skills: Children's cognitive outcomes following grandparental death5
Parental STEM credentials and children's schooling progress in immigrant and U.S. born families5
Undocumented immigration and terrorism: Is there a connection?5
Longitudinal exposure to neighborhood poverty and obesity risk in emerging adulthood5
Working class economic insecurity and voting for radical right and radical left parties5
Subjective health in adolescence: Comparing the reliability of contemporaneous, retrospective, and proxy reports of overall health5
Re-evaluating intergroup dynamics in the South: Racial attitudes among Latino immigrants in Durham, NC5
An experimental test of Situational Action Theory of crime causation: Investigating the perception-choice process5
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Women who commit hate-motivated violence: Advancing a gendered understanding of hate crime5
Neighborhood predictors of the gendered structure of non-lethal violent interactions5
Standing by: The spatial organization of coercive institutions in China5
Legitimate earnings inequality and national welfare commitment: Correspondence between economic institutions and the pay 80,000+ people in 30 nations think legitimate for ordinary jobs and for elite j5
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