Radio Science

(The TQCC of Radio Science is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Issue Information21
Structural Analysis of Nano Core PCF With Fused Cladding for Supercontinuum Generation in 6G Networks19
Modeling E‐Region Artificial Periodic Inhomogeneity17
Microwave Split Ring Resonator Sensor for Determination of the Fluids Permittivity With Measurement of Human Milk Samples16
Energy Consumption of IoT Devices: An Accurate Evaluation to Better Predict Battery Lifetime15
Processing of VLF Amplitude Measurements: Deduction of a Quiet Time Seasonal Variation15
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Thank You to Our 2020 Reviewers12
Observations of ULF Pulsations During TRINNI Events11
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Analysis of Two Selected Solar Events in 2011 and 2015 With Mars Express Radio Occultation Data11
Radiation Properties Improvement of 1 × 4 Array of Wideband Printed Antenna Supported by AMC Surface for Vehicular MIMO Systems11
Study on Differential Phase Delay of Same‐Beam VLBI in Rendezvous and Docking of Chang'E‐510
The Development of Spatial Attention U‐Net for the Recovery of Ionospheric Measurements and Extraction of Ionospheric Parameters10
Occurrence Rates of Spread‐F Echoes in Australasian VI Ionograms10
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Coherency of Lightning Sferics9
Diffuse Whistler‐Mode Waves Detected by Kaguya in the Lunar Polar Region8
SLF/ELF Fields From VED Solved by Normalized Spherical Harmonic Functions8
Ocean Surface Radial Velocity Imaging in the AT‐INSAR Velocity Bunching Model: A Functional Approach8
Ionospheric Echo Detection in Digital Ionograms Using Convolutional Neural Networks8
Terrestrial High‐Power LF Signals as Contributing Factors to the Heliospheric Environment8
High‐Precision Carrier Tracking Algorithm for Extremely Weak and High‐Dynamic Signals8
An EISCAT UHF/ESR Experiment That Explains How Ionospheric Irregularities Induce GPS Phase Fluctuations at Auroral and Polar Latitudes8
Global Monitoring of Geomagnetic Storm‐Induced Ionosphere Anomalies Using 3‐D Ionospheric Modeling With Multi‐GNSS and COSMIC Measurements7
Effect of Urbanization Through Land Coverage Classification7
Examining the Tolerance of GNSS Receiver Phase Tracking Loop Under the Effects of Severe Ionospheric Scintillation Conditions Based on Its Bandwidth7
Single Waveguide Feed Omnidirectional and Circularly Polarized Transceiver Waveguide Slot Antenna for Satellite Communication Applications7
Occurrence Rates of SuperDARN Ground Scatter Echoes and Electron Density in the Ionosphere7
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Determination of the Azimuthal Extent of Coherent E‐Region Scatter Using the ICEBEAR Linear Receiver Array6
Comparing Discrete and Empirical Troposphere Delay Models: A Global IGS‐Based Evaluation6
A Long‐Term Experimental Investigation on the Impact of Rainfall on Short 6G D‐Band Links6
Enhancement of Precise Underwater Object Localization6
Synthetic Rain Models and Optical Flow Algorithms for Improving the Resolution of Rain Attenuation Time Series Simulated From Numerical Weather Prediction6
Deriving Ionospheric Total Electron Content by VLBI Global Observing System Data Analysis During the CONT17 Campaign6
Angular Superresolution Based on A Priori Information6
Multi‐Frequency SuperDARN Interferometer Calibration6
Measurement of SST and SSS Using Frequencies in the Range 0.3–2.0 GHz6
AI‐Assisted Design of Printed Edge‐Fed Non‐Uniform Zig‐Zag Antenna for mm‐Wave Automotive Radar6
Mutual Coupling Reduction in a Patch Antenna Array Based on Planar Frequency Selective Surface Structure6
Verification of an Intelligent Ray Launching Algorithm in Indoor Environments in the Ka‐Band5
Refractivity‐From‐Clutter Capable, Software‐Defined, Coherent‐on‐Receive Marine Radar5
Detection of Ore‐Forming Elements Migrated From Rock and Soil to Vegetation Leaves Using Hyperspectral Data5
Realizing Orthogonal Modes in Compact Cavity‐Backed Dual‐Polarized Antenna Through Simple Feeding Structures for Millimeter‐Wave AiP Applications5
Tunable High‐Resolution Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging5
An Observed Trend Between Mid‐Latitudes Km‐Scale Irregularities and Medium‐Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances5
Direct Digital RF Transceiver Technology for Millimeter‐Wave DBF Systems5
Modeling and Design of Improved‐Gain Wideband Magneto‐Electric Dipole Antenna for Micro‐BTS Applications5
Electromagnetic Energy Propagation Through Rock of Low Loss Tangent5
Ultra‐wide Band Antipodal Vivaldi Antenna Using Metasurface Lens for Gain and Front‐To‐Back Ratio (FBR) Improvement5
Rectangular Microstrip With Co‐Planar Corner Loading: Advanced Antenna and Array Design for High Cross‐Polar Isolation Across All Radiation Planes5
Issue Information5
Validation of Wind Measurements From a 53 MHz ST Radar Pilot Array Located at University of Calcutta With Collocated Radiosonde Launches5
RF Energy Harvesting Using High Impedance Asymmetric Antenna Array Without Impedance Matching Network5
Characteristic Research on Electromagnetic Response of Two‐Dimensional Complex Structure Targets Based on Meshless Method5
Landmine Detection Using Electromagnetic Time Reversal‐Based Methods: 2. Performance Analysis of TR‐MUSIC5
Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Below a Random Rough Surface5
The Geomagnetic Storm Time Responses of the TEC, foF2, and hmF2 in Different Solar Activity During Solar Cycle 24 and 255
Divergence Measures and Detection Performance for Dispersive Targets in SAR4
Remote Sensing of Mid‐Latitude Ionospheric Magnetic Field Fluctuations Using Cosmic Radio Sources4
Automated Detection of Antenna Malfunctions in Large‐N Interferometers: A Case Study With the Hydrogen Epoch of Reionization Array4
Automatic Segmentation Model and Parameter Extraction Algorithm for Lightning Whistlers4
Evaluation of Different Methods for Calculating the ROTI Index Over the Brazilian Sector4
Impact of Common Reflecting and Absorbing Building Materials on THz Multipath Channels4
A Prototype of a 900 MHz Band Integrated Rectenna by Using a Planar Monopole Antenna With Feeder4
First Results on E Region Irregularities From a 53 MHz Radar Experiment From Haringhata, India4
Quantitative Relationship Between Current Pulses and Associated Low‐Frequency Magnetic Fields During Initial Stage of Rocket‐Triggered Lightning4
Reduction of Mutual Coupling and Cross‐Polarization of Microstrip MIMO Antenna Using Electromagnetic Soft Surface (EMSS)4
Operational Multi‐GNSS Global Ionosphere Maps at GFZ Derived From Uncombined Code and Phase Observations4
Statistical Study on Plasma Velocities in the Bottom‐Side Ionosphere Over Low Latitude Hainan Station: Digisonde Measurement4
Ultra‐Wideband and Polarization‐Independent RCS Reduction Based on Polarization Conversion Metasurface4
On the Noise Estimation in Super Dual Auroral Radar Network Data4
Using the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) to Study Very Low Frequency Transmission in the Earth‐Ionosphere Waveguide: 1. Comparison With a Full‐Wave Model4
Spatial‐Temporal Analysis of Inter Tropical Discontinuity Influence on Radio Signal Behavior in Nigeria4
Low Latitude Ionospheric Irregularity Observations Across a Wide Frequency Spectrum From VHF to S‐Band in the Indian Longitudes4
Spectroscopic Evaluation of Epidermis‐Equivalent Phantom in Terahertz‐Frequency Region3
A Fast Non‐Local Means Filtering Method for Interferometric Phase Based on Wavelet Packet Transform3
Widening Multi‐Beam Scan Angle of Conventional Waveguide Lens Antennas by Increasing Focal Points for Multi‐Feed Excitations3
Proposal of Technique for Analysis of Complementary Frequency Selective Surfaces3
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Performance of Earth Troposphere Calibration Measurements With the Advanced Water Vapor Radiometer for the Juno Gravity Science Investigation3
A Method for Elevated Ducts Refinement Based on Convolutional Neural Network3
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Pade Approximant ELF VED Fields in the Earth‐Ionosphere Cavity3
Preliminary Evaluation of Hai‐Nan Lightning Detection Network (HNLDN)3
Fast and Accurate Solution for the Surface Fields Scattering of a Dipole Antenna Placed on Planar Multi‐Layered Earth3
Calibration of an SKA‐Low Prototype Station Using Holographic Techniques3
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Consistency of the Troposphere Wet Delay From Water Vapor Radiometer and Co‐Located GPS Station3
A Numerical Consideration on the Correlation Between Magnitude of Earthquakes and Current Intensity Causing ULF Electromagnetic Wave Emission3
Radio Frequency Sensor: Very High Frequency Radio Frequency Lightning Detection in Geostationary Orbit3
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A Modeling Framework for Estimating Ionospheric HF Absorption Produced by Solar Flares3
Tomographic Radio Occultation Methods Applied to a Dense Cubesat Formation in Low Mars Orbit3
Multi‐Position Facility for HF Doppler Sounding of Ionospheric Inhomogeneities in Ukraine3
Spatial Structure of the Radio‐Frequency Noise Field in a Large City3
Using the World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) to Study Very Low Frequency Transmission in the Earth‐Ionosphere Waveguide: 2. Model Test by Patterns of Detection/Non‐Detection3
Effective Path Length for Estimating Rain Attenuation Over an Earth‐Space Path Using Features of Stratiform and Convective Precipitation at a Tropical Location3
Long‐Term Rain Attenuation Measurement for Short‐Range mmWave Fixed Link Using DSD and ITU‐R Prediction Models3
A Systematic Review of Meta‐Surface Based Antennas for Thz Applications3
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Fast and Efficient Analysis of Receiving Antennas Enclosed by Variable‐Thickness Radome3
Structures and Backscattering Characteristics of CUSAT 205 MHz Stratosphere‐Troposphere Radar at Cochin (10.04°N, 76.3°E)—First Results3
Issue Information3
Juno Waves High Frequency Antenna Properties3