Public Choice

(The median citation count of Public Choice is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
More human than human: measuring ChatGPT political bias39
Public choice and public health31
Globalization and populism in Europe30
The role of economic uncertainty in the rise of EU populism23
Political institutions and academic freedom: evidence from across the world16
Political economy of financial crisis duration15
How not to write a constitution: lessons from Chile14
The economic theory of regulation and inequality12
Epidemic disease and the state: Is there a tradeoff between public health and liberty?11
Emergencies: on the misuse of government powers11
Rent seeking for madness: the political economy of mental asylums in the United States, 1870 to 191011
On the nature and structure of externalities11
Optimal lockdowns10
Lobbying and lending by banks around the financial crisis by9
Do women always behave as corruption cleaners?9
Individualism and racial tolerance8
Foreign aid and terrorist groups: incidents, ideology, and survival8
Federalism and pandemic policies: variety as the spice of life8
Government externalities8
Beyond Pigou: externalities and civil society in the supply–demand framework8
Political competition and legislative shirking in roll-call votes: Evidence from Germany for 1953–20178
Introduction: a special issue in honoring Janos Kornai8
The politics of bailouts: Estimating the causal effects of political connections on corporate bailouts during the 2008–2009 US financial crisis8
Contextual liberalism: the ordoliberal approach to private vices and public benefits8
The incidence and magnitude of the health costs of in-person schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic7
How price-gouging regulation undermined COVID-19 mitigation: county-level evidence of unintended consequences7
Public health and expert failure7
What is public health? public goods, publicized goods, and the conversion problem7
“The theory of economic regulation” after 50 years7
Inframarginal externalities: COVID-19, vaccines, and universal mandates7
Decentralized revenue sharing from broadcasting sports7
Novel externalities7
Understanding cross-cultural differences in peer reporting practices: evidence from tax evasion games in Moldova and France6
Was Walter Eucken a proponent of authoritarian liberalism?6
Rational inattention and politics: how parties use fiscal policies to manipulate voters6
Hungary's U-turn in Kornai's system paradigm perspective: a case for national authoritarian capitalism6
Military societies: self-governance and criminal justice in Indian country6
You can’t always get what you want: why revolutionary outcomes so often diverge from revolutionary goals6
Militant constitutionalism: a promising concept to make constitutional backsliding less likely?6
The pox of politics: Troesken’s tradeoff reexamined6
Split Cycle: a new Condorcet-consistent voting method independent of clones and immune to spoilers6
Scoring rules, ballot truncation, and the truncation paradox5
Evolution, uncertainty, and the asymptotic efficiency of policy5
Rent-seeking, reform, and conflict: French parliaments at the end of the Old Regime5
The predatory state and coercive assimilation: The case of the Uyghurs in Xinjiang5
Trust and the protection of property rights: evidence from global regions5
Behavioral economics and public choice: introduction to a special issue5
Dynamic anarchy: the evolution and economics of the beguny sect in eighteenth-twentieth century Russia5
Is corruption distasteful or just another cost of doing business?5
Rent seeking and the decline of the Florentine school5
Foucault and Hayek on public health and the road to serfdom5
Do political protests mobilize voters? Evidence from the Black Lives Matter protests5
Institutional implant and economic stagnation: a counterfactual study of Somalia5
The ideological use and abuse of Freiburg’s ordoliberalism5
The determinants of social expenditures in OECD countries5
Democracy’s third wave and national defense spending5
Complex externalities, pandemics, and public choice4
Contractarianism, constitutionalism, and the status quo4
Estimating the Effect of Rent-Seeking on income distribution: an analysis of U.S. States and Counties4
Competitive lobbying in the influence production process and the use of spatial econometrics in lobbying research4
Culture, sovereignty, and the rule of law: lessons from Indian country4
The institutional foundations of surf break governance in Atlantic Europe4
Pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in the spatial model with valence: existence and characterization4
James M. Buchanan on “the relatively absolute absolutes” and “truth judgments” in politics4
Targeting inflation targeting: the influence of interest groups4
Strategic effects of stock pollution: the positive theory of fiscal deficits revisited3
Regulatory capture and the dynamics of interventionism: the case of power utilities in Quebec and Ontario to 19443
Commissioned editorial commentary: exchange between Janos Kornai and Amartya Sen on Karl Marx3
Regulation, competition, and the social control of business3
The political economy of Solon’s law against neutrality in civil wars3
Opportunism and MPs’ chances of re-election: an analysis of political transformism in the Italian parliament3
Deterrence, settlement, and litigation under adversarial versus inquisitorial systems3
Fines as enforcers’ rewards or as a transfer to society at large? Evidence on deterrence and enforcement implications3
Revolutions of the mind, (threats of) actual revolutions, and institutional change3
Banking regulation got you down? The rise of fintech and cryptointermediation in Africa3
Bureaucratic beliefs and law enforcement3
Will quadratic voting produce optimal public policy?3
Endogenous choice of institutional punishment mechanisms to promote social cooperation3
Bureaucratic discretion in policy implementation: evidence from the Allotment Era3
Immigrants as future voters3
Cold bacon: co-partisan politics in Brazil3
Democracy and the quality of economic institutions: theory and evidence3
Trust, regulation, and market efficiency3
The pre-pandemic political economy determinants of lockdown severity3
Revolutionary Constitutions: are they revolutionary in terms of constitutional design?3
The logical foundations of constitutional democracy between legal positivism and natural law theory3
Intellectual property, complex externalities, and the knowledge commons3
Do civilian complaints against police get punished?3
Rule selection invariance as a robustness check in collective choice and nonparametric statistical settings3
Effects of per capita payments on governance: evidence from tribal casinos3
Informed voters and electoral outcomes: a natural experiment stemming from a fundamental information-technological shift3
Why cronies don’t cry? IMF programs, Chinese lending, and leader survival2
In defense of knavish constitutions2
Giuseppe Eusepi: a courageous and cheerful countenance for the ages2
State fiscal constraint and local overrides: a regression discontinuity design estimation of the fiscal effects2
George J. Stigler’s theory of economic regulation, bootleggers, baptists and the rebirth of the public interest imperative2
The concept of Ordnungspolitik: rule-based economic policymaking from the perspective of the Freiburg School2
Rent dissipation in large population Tullock contests2
Prevention externalities: private and public responses to the 1878 yellow fever epidemic2
Examining the public interest rationale for regulating whiskey with the pure food and drugs act2
A reservation economic freedom index2
Does discrimination in lending still persist?2
Trust among the poor: African Americans trust their neighbors, but are less trusting of public officials2
Is there a demand for autocracies in Europe? Comparing the attitudes of Hungarian and Italian university students toward liberal democratic values inspired by János Kornai2
Bargaining in the shadow of conflict: resource division and War’s Inefficiency Puzzle in the commons2
Party-related primacy effects in proportional representation systems: evidence from a natural experiment in Polish local elections2
Turning out for redistribution: the effect of voter turnout on top marginal tax rates2
From defunding to refunding police: institutions and the persistence of policing budgets2
Cyclical accountability2
Vote buying and redistribution2
Liberalism and democracy: legitimacy and institutional expediency2
Legislative production and public spending in France2
Investigating bank lending discrimination in the US using CRA-rated banks’ HMDA loan data2
The Tiebout-Tullock hypothesis re-examined using tax freedom measures: the case of post-Great Recession state-level gross in-migration2
Expressive voting versus information avoidance: experimental evidence in the context of climate change mitigation2
Governing complex externalities: property rights for sharing radio spectrum2
Inequality, transaction costs and voter turnout: evidence from Canadian provinces and Indian states2
Identifying the regulator’s objective: Does political support matter?2
Network structure and performance of crony capitalism systems credible commitments without democratic institutions2
Enumerating rights: more is not always better2
The timber wars: the endangered species act, the northwest forest plan, and the political economy of timber management in the Pacific northwest2
The Democrat-Republican presidential growth gap and the partisan balance of the state governments2
Analytical thinking, prosocial voting, and intergroup competition: experimental evidence from China1
Did the 2010 Dodd–Frank Banking Act deflate property values in low-income neighborhoods?1
The institutional structure of pollution: large-scale externalities and the common law1
George stigler’s theory of economic regulation at 50 - introduction to a special issue1
Competitive authoritarianism, informational authoritarianism, and the development of dictatorship: a case study of Belarus1
The extensive reach of the FCPA beyond American borders: Is a bad deal always better than a good trial?1
Martin Wolf: The crisis of democratic capitalism1
Fiscal performance and the re-election of finance ministers–evidence from the Swiss cantons1
Markets and knowledge commons: Is there a difference between private and community governance of markets?1
Sincerely held beliefs: evidence on how religion in the classroom affects private school enrollments1
Institutional stickiness and Afghanistan’s unending revolution1
Economic growth before and after the fiscal stimulus of 2008–2009: the role of institutional quality and government size1
Road maintenance over the local election cycle1
Long swings in the growth of government expenditure: an international historical perspective1
Economics as moral exchange: James Buchanan meets Martin Buber1
Firm performance, imperfect competition, and corruption risks in procurement: evidence from Swedish municipalities1
Standing on the shoulders of giants or science? Lessons from ordoliberalism1
From Airbnb to solar: electricity market platforms as local sharing economies1
Conflict and agreement in the collective choice of trade policies: implications for interstate disputes1
Manipulating municipal budgets: unveiling opportunistic behavior of Italian mayors1
Behavioral responses of mandatory masking within social interactions1
The calculus of american indian consent: the law and economics of tribal constitutions1
On the tendency of revolutions to devour their own children1
Two (lay) dogmas on externalities1
Protection for sale: evidence from around the world1
Affirmative action in large population tullock contests1
The Brexit referendum and three types of regret1
Populist attitudes, fiscal illusion and fiscal preferences: evidence from Dutch households1
Factors influencing the timing and type of state-level alcohol prohibitions prior to 19201
Social elites, popular discontent, and the limits of cooptation1
Industry size and regulation: Evidence from US states1
Moderating (mis)information1
Race, risk, and greed: Harold Black's contributions to the institutional economics of finance1
Leave them kids alone! National exams as a political tool1
Size isn’t everything: COVID-19 and the role of government1
Quiet revolutions in early-modern England1
Introducing an index of rent seeking: a synthetic matching approach1
Violence against noncombatant civilians in revolutionary conflicts: A psychosocial choice model and empirical tests, 1960–20181
Constructing and validating a best-fit economic well-being index for urban U.S. counties: a Tiebout model approach1
A Talmudic constrained voting majority rule1
A Tullock Index for assessing the effectiveness of redistribution1
Information disclosure in elections with sequential costly participation1
The impact of voter turnout on referendum outcomes: evidence from Ireland1
Approval and plurality voting with uncertainty: Info-gap analysis of robustness1
Philadelphia reconsidered: participant curation, the Gerry Committee, and US constitutional design1
Usury enforcement as an alternative to capital taxation in pre-modern states1
Failed secular revolutions: religious belief, competition, and extremism1
The rule of rules1
International regulatory diversity over 50 years: political entrepreneurship within fiscal constraints1
Representation increases participation: evidence from a reform in Chile1
Constitutional political economy: Ulysses and the prophet Jonah1
The impacts of political uncertainty on public financing costs: evidence from anti-corruption investigations in China1
Public employment and homeownership dynamics1
Externality as a coordination problem1
Gordon Tullock and the economics of slavery1
ADA to Ph.D.? The Americans with disabilities act and post-secondary educational attainment1
Prosecutor plea bargaining and conviction rate structure: evidence from an experiment1
Borda count in a forward agenda1
The grass is not greener on the other side: the role of attention in voting behavior1
The vanishing trial: a dynamic model with adaptive agents1
Correction: Markets and knowledge commons: is there a difference between private and community governance of markets?1
Islamic revolution and Anfal1
Local income inequality, rent-seeking detection, and equalization: a laboratory experiment1
The redistributive politics of monetary policy1
The role of luck in political and economic competition: noisy all-pay auctions1
Measuring intra-generational redistribution in PAYG pension schemes1
Community influence as an explanatory factor why Roma children get little schooling1
Credit for me but not for thee: the effects of the Illinois rate cap1
Ranked-choice voting and the spoiler effect1
Wealth inequality and democracy1
Against the tide: how changes in political alignment affect grant allocation to municipalities in Hungary1
Rewarding conservative politicians? Evidence from voting on same-sex marriage1
Potlatch economy: reciprocity among northwest coast Indians1
Religious reforms and large-scale rebellions (via the case of the Honganji sect of the True Pure Land Buddhism)1
Ludger Schuknecht, Public spending and the role of the state: history, performance, risk and remedies1
Federal reserve appointments and the politics of senate confirmation1
Complex externalities: introduction to the special issue1