
(The TQCC of Psychophysiology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-01-01 to 2025-01-01.)
Electrophysiological correlates of the effect of set size on object switching in working memory104
Tracking the time course of sign recognition using ERP repetition priming81
Cardiac timing and threatening stimuli influence response inhibition and ex‐Gaussian parameters of reaction time in a Go/No‐go task69
Hand‐related action words impair action anticipation in expert table tennis players: Behavioral and neural evidence58
It does not need two: Assessing physiological linkage from videos across the valence dimension51
Can we dissociate hypervigilance to social threats from altered perceptual decision‐making processes in lonely individuals? An exploration with Drift Diffusion Modeling and event‐related potentials50
Cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with sustained neurocognitive function during a prolonged inhibitory control task in young adults: An ERP study49
Acute effects of aerobic exercise on conflict suppression, response inhibition, and processing efficiency underlying inhibitory control processes: An ERP and SFT study45
Posterior delta/theta EEG activity as an early signal of Stroop conflict detection44
Issue Information37
Loneliness and cardiovascular reactivity to acute stress in older adults35
Modeling electrophysiological measures of decision‐making and performance monitoring in neurotypical children engaging in a speeded flanker task34
Issue Information32
Cognitive control is quickly adapted to actual task requirements despite misleading context cues—Evidence from the N2, CRN, and ERN31
Issue Information30
Increased alpha suppression with age during involuntary memory retrieval29
Eye blinking, musical processing, and subjective states—A methods account27
Attenuated cardiovascular reactivity is related to higher anxiety and fatigue symptoms in truck drivers26
Issue Information24
The impact of anxiety on postural control: CO2 challenge model24
Who speaks next? Adaptations to speaker identity in processing spoken sentences23
Estimating statistical power for ERP studies using the auditory N1, Tb, and P2 components23
A role of the lateral prefrontal cortex in the congruency sequence effect revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation23
Introduction and Speakers22
Dose‐dependent response of prefrontal transcranial direct current stimulation on the heart rate variability: An electric field modeling study22
Issue Information22
The interactive roles of narrative processing and emotion negativity/lability in relation to autonomic coordination21
The effect of autonomous and controlled motivation on self‐control performance and the acute cortisol response20
How effort‐based self‐interest motivation shapes altruistic donation behavior and brain responses20
Removing the cardiac field artifact from the EEG using neural network regression19
Using multivariate pattern analysis to increase effect sizes for event‐related potential analyses19
Poster Abstracts19
Cortical sources of electroencephalographic alpha rhythms related to the anticipation and experience of mirror visual feedback‐induced illusion of finger movements19
Concurrent attention to hetero‐depth surfaces in 3‐D visual space is governed by theta rhythm18
Electroencephalography spectral coherence analysis during cycle ergometry in low‐ and high‐tolerant individuals17
Neural correlates of adaptive cognitive control in working memory17
Psychological and physiological correlates of stimulus discrimination in adults17
Native language experience shapes pre‐attentive foreign tone processing and guides rapid memory trace build‐up: An ERP study16
Within‐mother variability in vagal functioning and concurrent socioemotional dysregulation16
Did you get the joke? Physiological, subjective and behavioral responses to mirth16
The phobic brain: Morphometric features correctly classify individuals with small animal phobia15
Issue Information15
Partner’s emotions are associated with preschoolers’ prefrontal activation under joint attention: An fNIRS evidence15
The interactive effects of different facets of threat uncertainty and cognitive load in shaping fear and anxiety responses15
Prior exposure to racial discrimination and patterns of acute parasympathetic nervous system responses to a race‐related stress task among Black adults15
Physiological bases of secure base support provision in a longitudinal study of married older adult couples15
Alpha frontal asymmetry underlies individual differences in reactivity to acute psychosocial stress in males14
Physiological correlates of support forself‐expansionand links to goal pursuit in retirement14
The influence of cross unconditional stimulus reinstatement on electrodermal responding and conditional stimulus valence in differential fear conditioning14
Sweating the big stuff: Arousal and stress as functions of self‐uncertainty and identification14
Exploring autonomic regulation in children with ADHD with and without comorbid anxiety disorder through three systematic levels of cardiac vagal control analysis: Rest, reactivity, and recovery14
The contralateral effects of anticipated stimuli on brain activity measured by ERP and fMRI14
Real‐time heart rate variability biofeedback amplitude during a large‐scale digital mental health intervention differed by age, gender, and mental and physical health13
Dyadic cooperation with human and artificial agents: Event‐related potentials trace dynamic role taking during an interactive game13
Teleological reasoning bias is predicted by pupil dynamics: Evidence for the extensive integration account of bias in reasoning13
Dorsal‐to‐ventral imbalance in the superior longitudinal fasciculus mediates methylphenidate’s effect on beta oscillations in ADHD13
Visuospatial attention revamps cortical processing of sound amid audiovisual uncertainty13
ERP correlates of self‐referential processing moderate the association between pubertal status and disordered eating in preadolescence13
A novel method for non‐invasive blood pressure estimation based on continuous pulse transit time: An observational study13
Mapping the routes of perception: Hemispheric asymmetries in signal propagation dynamics13
Conditional deviant repetition in the oddball paradigm modulates processing at the level of P3a but not MMN12
The effects of a single aerobic exercise session on mood and neural emotional reactivity in depressed and healthy young adults: A late positive potential study12
Transcranial pulsed current stimulation: A scoping review of the current literature on scope, nature, underlying mechanisms, and gaps12
Can pupillometry distinguish accurate from inaccurate familiarity?12
Temporal dynamics of autonomic nervous system responses under cognitive‐emotional workload in obsessive‐compulsive disorder12
Cardiac vagal control in response to acute stress during pregnancy: Associations with life stress and emotional support12
Disentangling the effects of trait and state worry on error‐related brain activity: Results from a randomized controlled trial using worry manipulations12
Effects of experimentally induced muscle pain on endurance performance: A proof‐of‐concept study assessing neurophysiological and perceptual responses12
Decoding agency attribution using single trial error‐related brain potentials12
Complete the triangulation: Quantifying differential fear conditioning with a noninterfering and sensitive behavioral measure along with self‐report and physiological measures12
Induced error‐related theta activity, not error‐related negativity, predicts task performance as well as anxiety and worry during real‐life stress in a youth sample12
Attentional suppression of weight‐related distractors among females with weight dissatisfaction12
Oscillatory connectivity as a mechanism of auditory sensory gating and its disruption in schizophrenia12
Individual differences in beta frequency correlate with the audio–visual fusion illusion11
EEG power spectral dynamics associated with listening in adverse conditions11
Watching with Argus eyes: Characterization of emotional and physiological responding in adults exposed to childhood maltreatment and/or recent adversity11
A systematic data‐driven approach to analyze sensor‐level EEG connectivity: Identifying robust phase‐synchronized network components using surface Laplacian with spectral‐spatial PCA11
Cross‐instrument feasibility, validity, and reproducibility of wireless heart rate monitors: Novel opportunities for extended daily life monitoring11
Functional role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the modulation of cognitive bias11
The influence of lexical word properties on selective attention to emotional words: Support for the attentional tuning of valent word forms11
Vagally‐mediated HRV as a marker of trait rumination in healthy individuals? A large cross‐sectional analysis11
The neural correlates of continuous feedback processing11
Can earlobe stimulation serve as a sham for transcutaneous auricular vagus stimulation? Evidence from an alertness study following sleep deprivation11
Negative mood is associated with decreased prefrontal cortex functioning during working memory in young adults10
Longitudinal stability and change in time–frequency measures from an oddball task during adolescence and early adulthood10
Investigating the relationship between emotional granularity and cardiorespiratory physiological activity in daily life10
Reward expectation modulates N2pc for target selection: Electrophysiological evidence10
Selection history and task predictability determine the precision expectations in attentional control10
Comparing impacts of meditation training in focused attention, open monitoring, and mindfulness‐based cognitive therapy on emotion reactivity and regulation: Neural and subjective evidence from a dism10
Psychopathic traits, inhibition, and positive and negative emotion: Results from an emotional Go/No‐Go task10
The moving wave: Applications of the mobile EEG approach to study human attention10
Mastery imagery ability moderates the relationship between heart rate reactivity to acute psychological stress and perceptions of stress and physiological arousal10
Smokers show an altered hemodynamic profile to active stress: Evidence of a dysregulated stress response in young adults10
From pre‐activation to pre‐updating: A threshold mechanism for commitment to strong predictions10
Domain specificity of error monitoring: An ERP study in young and older adults10
Breathing affects self‐other voice discrimination in a bodily state associated with somatic passivity10
The stimulus‐driven and representation‐driven cross‐modal attentional spreading are both modulated by audiovisual temporal synchrony10
Group‐based flow: The influence of cardiovascular synchronization and identifiability10
Goal setting and attaining: Neural correlates of positive coping style and hope10
Naturalistic use of psychedelics does not modulate processing of self‐related stimuli (but it might modulate attentional mechanisms): An event‐related potentials study10
The extrastriate symmetry response is robust to alcohol intoxication10
Brain network modularity predicts changes in cortical thickness in children involved in a physical activity intervention10
The influence of volume‐matched acute aerobic exercise on inhibitory control in late‐middle‐aged and older adults: A neuroelectric study10
Test–retest reliability of human threat conditioning and generalization across a 1‐to‐2‐week interval10
Oscillatory and non‐oscillatory brain activity reflects fear expression in an immediate and delayed fear extinction task10
Triggered by your heart: Effects of cardioafferent traffic and stress on automatic responses in a Simon task10
High‐definition transcranial direct current stimulation over right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex differentially modulates inhibitory mechanisms for speech vs. limb movement10
Steady state‐evoked potentials of subjective beat perception in musical rhythms10
Bilateral motor cortex functional differences in left‐handed approaching–avoiding behavior10
On second thought … the influence of a second stage in the ultimatum game on decision behavior, electro‐cortical correlates and their trait interrelation10
Deficient auditory emotion processing but intact emotional multisensory integration in alexithymia10
Individuals lack the ability to accurately detect emotional piloerection10
The psychometric upgrade psychophysiology needs10
Visual attentional guidance during smooth pursuit eye movements: Distractor interference is independent of distractor‐target similarity10
Sedentary time is related to deficits in response inhibition among adults with overweight and obesity: An accelerometry and event‐related brain potentials study9
Relaxing effects of music and odors on physiological recovery after cognitive stress and unexpected absence of multisensory benefit9
The impact of unpredictability of dyspnea offset on dyspnea perception, fear, and respiratory neural gating9
Interactive effects of childhood maltreatment and tonic respiratory sinus arrhythmia on young adults’ depressive symptoms9
Oscillatory brain activity links experience to expectancy during associative learning9
EvaluatingEEGcomplexity metrics as biomarkers for depression9
Can transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation mitigate vigilance loss? Examining the effects of stimulation at individualized versus constant current intensity9
Autonomic reactivity to emotion: A marker of sub‐clinical anxiety and depression symptoms?9
A case‐by‐case analysis of EPN and LPP components within a “one‐picture‐per‐emotion‐category” protocol9
Testing emotional response coherence assumptions: Comparing emotional versus non‐emotional states9
Neural response to social but not monetary reward predicts increases in depressive symptoms during the COVID‐19 pandemic9
Event‐related potentials associated with attentional networks evidence changes in executive and arousal vigilance9
LSD and ketanserin and their impact on the human autonomic nervous system9
Word frequency effect in written production: Evidence from ERPs and neural oscillations9
Influence of mild cognitive impairment and body mass index on white matter integrity assessed by diffusion tensor imaging8
Pain perception and physiological responses are modulated by active support from a romantic partner8
The power of personal control: Task choice attenuates the effect of implicit sadness on sympathetically mediated cardiac response8
Interrelationships between exercise, functional connectivity, and cognition among healthy adults: A systematic review8
The effect of gradual extinction training on the renewal of electrodermal conditional responses8
Paternal depressive symptoms and infant respiratory sinus arrhythmia predict empathy‐related behaviors8
Enhanced neural sensitivity to brief changes of happy over angry facial expressions in preschoolers: A fast periodic visual stimulation study8
Distinct patterns of spatial attentional modulation of steady‐state visual evoked magnetic fields (SSVEFs) in subdivisions of the human early visual cortex8
The modulating effect of musical expertise on lexical‐semantic prediction in speech‐in‐noise comprehension: Evidence from an EEG study8
Wrinkles in subsecond time perception are synchronized to the heart8
Is cognitive conflict really effortful? Conflict priming and shielding effects on cardiac response8
All the Pringle ladies: Neural and behavioral responses to high‐calorie food rewards in young adult women8
Built environment color modulates autonomic and EEG indices of emotional response8
Rating expectations can slow aversive reversal learning8
Anxiety symptoms without depression are associated with cognitive control network (CNN) dysfunction: An fNIRS study8
Publication guidelines and recommendations for pupillary measurement in psychophysiological studies8
Multiple mechanisms of visual prediction as revealed by the timecourse of scene–object facilitation8
The heartbeat evoked potential does not support strong interoceptive sensibility in trait mindfulness8
Nasal inhalation does not improve memory of visual repetitions8
Longitudinal characterization of EEG power spectra during eyes open and eyes closed conditions in children8
The upside‐down self: One's own face recognition is affected by inversion8
Issue Information8
Cardiovascular reactivity to acute psychological stress is associated with generalized self‐efficacy and self‐efficacy outcomes during adventure challenges8
The breathing brain: The potential of neural oscillations for the understanding of respiratory perception in health and disease8
Effects of emotion and semantic relatedness on recognition memory: Behavioral and electrophysiological evidence7
Aperiodic Pupil Fluctuations at Rest Predict Orienting of Visual Attention7
Adversity and error‐monitoring: Effects of emotional context7
Dominance of face over voice in human attractiveness judgments: ERP evidence7
No influence of threat uncertainty on fear generalization7
Error monitoring under working memory load: An electrocortical investigation7
Neural correlates of conflict adaptation predict daily stress reactivity7
Cortical activation by a salient sound modulates visual temporal order judgments: An electrophysiological study of multisensory attentional processes7
When and why will creative discovery succeed or fail? The role of reactive control in resolving conflicts7
The influence of temporal unpredictability on the electrophysiological mechanisms of neural entrainment7
Neural differences in the temporal cascade of reactive and proactive control for bilinguals and monolinguals7
Unexpected Twists: Electrophysiological Correlates of Encoding and Retrieval of Events Eliciting Prediction Error7
Correction to “Improving memory through choice and deliberation in decision‐making: Evidence from ERPs7
Issue Information7
Childhood trauma and social anxiety in adolescents: Mediating role of cardiovascular response to social stress7
Coordination of autonomic and endocrine stress responses to the Trier Social Stress Test in adolescence7
Tonic pain reduces autonomic responses and EEG functional connectivity elicited by affective stimuli7
The influence of selective attention to specific emotions on the processing of faces as revealed by event‐related brain potentials7
Combining recognition, conflict‐monitoring and feedback‐related ERPs to detect concealed autobiographical information7
Issue Information7
The effects of sports‐related concussion history on female adolescent brain activity and connectivity for bilateral lower extremity knee motor control7
Transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation modifies cortical excitability in middle‐aged and older adults7
Reduced positive affect alters reward learning via reduced information encoding in the Reward Positivity7
Target switch costs in visual search arise during the preparatory activation of target templates7
Evolving changes in cortical and subcortical excitability during movement preparation: A study of brain potentials and eye‐blink reflexes during loud acoustic stimulation7
Exploring sex differences in cardiac interoceptive accuracy using the phase adjustment task7
Innovative approaches in investigating inter‐beat intervals: Graph theoretical method suggests altered autonomic functioning in adolescents with ADHD7
Interoceptive training with real‐time haptic versus visual heartbeat feedback7
Neural correlates of intelligence: ERP Components of temporary storage predict fluid intelligence over and above those of executive functions7
Characterizing multi‐word speech production using event‐related potentials7
fMRI BOLD responses to film stimuli and their association with exhaled nitric oxide in asthma and health7
Decoding speech sounds from neurophysiological data: Practical considerations and theoretical implications6
Detection of concealed knowledge via the ERP‐based technique Brain Fingerprinting: Real‐life and real‐crime incidents6
Spatial attentional biases toward height‐related words in young males with physical stature dissatisfaction6
Can I see it in the eyes? An investigation of freezing‐like motion patterns in response to avoidable threat6
Direct feedback and social conformity promote behavioral change via mechanisms indexed by centroparietal positivity: Electrophysiological evidence from a role‐swapping ultimatum game6
Visual search attentional bias modification reduced the attentional bias in socially anxious individuals6
The cumulative effect of positive and negative feedback on emotional experience6
Presentation of unpaired unconditional stimuli during extinction reduces renewal of conditional fear and slows re‐acquisition6
Oscillatory correlates of threat imminence during virtual navigation6
Neural signatures of memory gain through active exploration in an oculomotor‐auditory learning task6
Cumulative risk exposure and child cellular aging in a Dutch low‐risk community sample6
Issue Information6
Event‐related potentials show that parafoveal vision is insufficient for semantic integration6
Discussion Panels6
Temporal dynamics of emotional processing: Parsing trial‐wise variance of the late positive potential using Generalizability Theory6
A propensity score‐adjusted HRV analysis of social avoidance and distress in patients with panic disorders6
Do executive function performance, gaze behavior, and pupil size change during incremental acute physical exercise?6
Maximizing signal‐to‐noise ratio and statistical power in ERP measurement: Single sites versus multi‐site average clusters6
Issue Information6
The optimal balance of controlled and spontaneous processing in insight problem solving:fMRIevidence from Chinese idiom guessing6
Issue Information6
Selecting an optimal real‐time fMRI neurofeedback method for alcohol craving control training6
Decomposing the late positive potential to cannabis cues in regular cannabis users: A temporal–spatial principal component analysis6
Reward facilitates response conflict resolution via global motor inhibition: Electromyography evidence6
Working memory load reduces the processing of outcome evaluation involving others but not oneself: Event‐related potential evidence6
Reconfiguration of the costly punishment network architecture in punishment decision‐making6
The effect of schizophrenia risk factors on mismatch responses in a rat model6
Life event stress is associated with blunted cardiovascular responding to both personally salient and personally non‐salient laboratory tasks6
Positive emotion up‐regulation is resistant to working memory load: An electrocortical investigation of reappraisal and savoring6
Threat‐induced alterations in cognition and associations with dysregulated behavior6
Effects of prenatal opioid exposure on infant sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity6
Identifying resting state differences salient for resilience to chronic pain based on machine learning multivariate pattern analysis6
The novel frontal alpha asymmetry factor and its association with depression, anxiety, and personality traits6
Associations between cortical thickness and parasympathetic nervous system functioning during middle childhood6
Role of line junctions in expert object recognition: The case of musical notation6
Non‐invasive vagus nerve stimulation and the motivation to work for rewards: A replication of Neuser et al. (2020, Nature Communications)6
Coherence and divergence in autonomic‐subjective affective space6
Reduced reward responsiveness and depression vulnerability: Consideration of social contexts and implications for intervention6
Attention impedes neural representation of interpolated orientation during perceptual completion6
Semantic parafoveal processing in natural reading: Insight from fixation‐related potentials & eye movements6
The intra‐session reliability of functional connectivity during naturalistic viewing conditions6
Increased pupil and heart‐rate responses to sexual stimuli in men after physical exertion6
Neurophysiological responses to emotional faces predict dynamic fluctuations in affect in adolescents5
Fear lies in the eyes of the beholder—Robust evidence for reduced gaze dispersion upon avoidable threat5
Data‐driven MRI analysis reveals fitness‐related functional change in default mode network and cognition following an exercise intervention5
Relational integration predicted numerical inductive reasoning: ERP Evidence from the N400 and LNC5
Electrophysiological correlates of response time outliers: Outlier related potentials5
Issue Information5
Illusion of control affects ERP amplitude reductions for auditory outcomes of self‐generated actions5
The role of brain oscillations in feature integration5
Visual short‐term memory‐related EEG components in a virtual reality setup5
A systematic exploration of attentional load effects on the C1 ERP component5
Dissociating attentional capture from action cancellation during the inhibition of bimanual movement5
Synchrony with distress in affective empathy and compassion5
Contextual valence influences the neural dynamics of time and magnitude representation during feedback evaluation5