Personnel Review

(The median citation count of Personnel Review is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The ethics of people analytics: risks, opportunities and recommendations68
Human resource analytics: a review and bibliometric analysis56
Green human resource management in nonprofit organizations: effects on employee green behavior and the role of perceived green organizational support47
Perceived organizational injustice and counterproductive work behaviours: mediated by organizational identification, moderated by discretionary human resource practices47
The university-to-work transition: responses of universities and organizations to the COVID-19 pandemic45
Managing bullying in the workplace: a model of servant leadership, employee resilience and proactive personality44
Supportive organizational climate: a moderated mediation model of workplace bullying and employee well-being40
Knowledge sharing, knowledge transfer and SMEs: evolution, antecedents, outcomes and directions40
Entrepreneurial leadership and team creativity: the roles of team psychological safety and knowledge sharing39
21st century HR: a competency model for the emerging role of HR Analysts38
Effects of trust in organizations and trait mindfulness on optimism and perceived stress of flight attendants during the COVID-19 pandemic35
Threat or opportunity: accelerated job demands during COVID-19 pandemic33
Linking performance pressure to employee work engagement: the moderating role of emotional stability33
Does job stress enhance employee creativity? Exploring the role of psychological capital31
Supervisor bottom-line mentality and subordinates' unethical pro-organizational behavior28
Relationship of perceived supervisor support, self-efficacy and turnover intention, the mediating role of burnout27
Editorial: The great resignation: managing people in a post COVID-19 pandemic world26
Emotional exhaustion, emotional intelligence and task performance of employees in educational institutions during COVID 19 global pandemic: a moderated-mediation model25
The impact of workplace loneliness on employee outcomes: what role does psychological capital play?25
High-performance work systems and thriving at work: the role of cognitive appraisal and servant leadership24
Career adaptability, job crafting and subjective career success: the moderating roles of lone wolf personality and positive perfectionism24
Job attitudes and career behaviors relating to employees' perceived incorporation of artificial intelligence in the workplace: a career self-management perspective24
Work-life balance satisfaction in crisis times: from luxury to necessity – The role of organization's responses during COVID-19 lockdown23
Modelling the interaction between serious leisure, self-perceived employability, stress, and workplace well-being: empirical insights from graduates in India23
The role of ethical leadership in enhancing exploitative and explorative learning simultaneously: what does it matter if employees view work as central?23
How and when overqualification improves innovative work behaviour: the roles of creative self-confidence and psychological safety23
Exploring layers of context-related work-from-home demands during COVID-1922
The influences of abusive supervision on job satisfaction and mental health: the path through emotional labor22
Job crafting, meaningfulness and affective commitment by gig workers towards crowdsourcing platforms21
Innovative work behaviour: the what, where, who, how and when21
Diverse effects of team diversity: a review and framework of surface and deep-level diversity21
Neurodiversity and remote work in times of crisis: lessons for HR20
An empirical analysis of facilitators and barriers to the hybrid work model: a cross-cultural and multi-theoretical approach20
Contexts of organizational learning in developing countries: the role of training programmes in Egyptian public banks18
Crafting telework: a process model of need satisfaction to foster telework outcomes18
Job autonomy and knowledge hiding: the moderating roles of leader reward omission and person–supervisor fit18
The impact of COVID-19 on the work–life balance of working mothers: evidence from Nigerian academics18
Workforce age profile effects on job resources, work engagement and organizational citizenship behavior17
Idealized influence and commitment: a granular approach in understanding leadership17
Why do employees struggle to thrive in the workplaces? A look at the impact of abusive supervision17
Employer’s investments in job crafting to promote knowledge worker’s sustainable employability: a moderated mediation model17
Perception of organizational politics, knowledge hiding and organizational citizenship behavior: the moderating effect of political skill16
Human resource practices, employee competencies and firm performance: a 2-1-2 multilevel mediational analysis16
Investigating leadership and employee well-being in higher education15
A systematic review on well-being and ill-being in working contexts: contributions of self-determination theory15
Multicultural skills in open innovation: relational leadership enabling knowledge sourcing and sharing15
Experiencing career plateau on a committed career journey: a boundary condition of career stages15
Is temporal leadership always beneficial? The role of job passion and synchrony preference15
Empowering leadership: balancing self-determination and accountability for motivation15
Green human resource management and employee innovative behaviour: does inclusive leadership play a role?15
The sharing economy and the transformation of work: evidence from Foodora14
Freelance job search during times of uncertainty: protean career orientation, career competencies and job search14
Dynamics of millennial employees' communicative behaviors in the workplace: the role of inclusive leadership and symmetrical organizational communication14
Transactional leadership matters in green creative behaviour through workplace learning and green knowledge management: moderating role of social network sites use14
The joint impact of servant leadership and team-based HRM practices on team expediency: the mediating role of team reflexivity14
Servant leadership and mistreatment at the workplace: mediation of trust and moderation of ethical climate13
Occupational stereotypes: professionals´ warmth and competence perceptions of occupations13
Impact of workplace safety on well-being: the mediating role of thriving at work13
Work connectivity behavior after-hours and job satisfaction: examining the moderating effects of psychological entitlement and perceived organizational support13
Leaving on a jet plane? The effect of challenge–hindrance stressors, emotional resilience and cultural novelty on self-initiated expatriates' decision to exit China13
Leader favorable feedback and withdrawal behavior: a moderated mediation model of gratitude and leader-member exchange13
Does procedural justice climate increase the identification and engagement of migrant workers? A group engagement model perspective13
Should I pet or should I work? Human-animal interactions and (tele)work engagement: an exploration of the underlying within-level mechanisms13
Thwarted psychological needs: the negative impact of customer mistreatment on service employees and the moderating role of empowerment HRM practices13
Sustainable HRM and class-based inequality12
Emotional culture of joy and happiness at work as a facet of wellbeing: a mediation of psychological safety and relational attachment12
Policy and practical implications for workforce nationalization in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries12
Quantifying human resource management: a literature review12
Intrinsic and extrinsic reward synergies for innovative work behavior among South African knowledge workers12
Supervisor-directed OCB and deviant behaviors: the role of LMX and impression management motives12
Keep your mouth shut until I feel good: testing the moderated mediation model of leader's threat to competence, self-defense tactics, and voice rejection12
The role of human resource professionals (HRPs) in managing workplace bullying: perspectives from HRPs and employee representatives in Australia11
Quiet quitting: a new wine in an old bottle?11
Woes of silence: the role of burnout as a mediator between silence and employee outcomes11
Managers' responses to the initial stages of the Covid-19 pandemic: an executive coaching perspective11
Give full play to the talent: exploring when perceived overqualification leads to more altruistic helping behavior through extra effort11
The role of supervisor support for strengths use in promoting perceived employability and career satisfaction11
Delivering well-being through the coronavirus pandemic: the role of human resources (HR) in managing a healthy workforce11
Team reward interdependence and team performance: roles of shared leadership and psychological ownership11
Work from anywhere: remote stakeholder management and engagement10
How work–life conflict affects employee outcomes of Chinese only-children academics: the moderating roles of gender and family structure10
How and when does humble leadership enhance newcomer well-being10
Effects of person-organization fit objective feedback and subjective perception on organizational attractiveness in online recruitment10
Psychological assessment in human resource management: discrepancies between theory and practice and two examples of integration10
High-performance work systems in public service units: examining the social capital and ambidexterity as mediating process10
The influences of cross-cultural adjustment and motivation on self-initiated expatriates' innovative work behavior10
Overcoming organizational politics with tenacity and passion for work: benefits for helping behaviors10
Personnel Review at age 50: a retrospective using bibliometric analysis10
Work from anywhere and employee psychological well-being: moderating role of HR leadership support10
How human resource managers can prevent perceived pandemic threats from escalating into diminished change-oriented voluntarism9
Performance management systems promote job crafting: the role of employees' motivation9
Shaping emotional contagion in healthcare: the role of human resource practices and work harassment9
Talking inclusion into being: communication as a facilitator and obstructor of an inclusive work environment9
Pay-for-performance, procedural justice, OCB and job performance: a sequential mediation model9
How do work engagement and work autonomy affect job crafting and performance? An analysis in an Indian manufacturer9
Decoding employee experiences during pandemic through online employee reviews: insights to organizations9
Why employee engagement matters? Evidences from Delhi Metro Rail Corporation in India9
Informal learning and career identity formation: the mediating role of work engagement9
Designing innovative jobs: a fuzzy-set configurational analysis of job characteristics9
CEO environmentally specific transformational leadership and firm proactive environmental strategy: roles of TMT green commitment and regulative pressure9
A cross-industry comparison of how women leaders experience gender bias9
Composing the same song: when and how high-performance work systems can stimulate proactive behavior9
Formalization and employee thriving at work: a moderated mediation model including work engagement and centralization9
Nurturing psychological capital: an examination of organizational antecedents: the role of employee perceptions of teamwork, training opportunities and leader–member exchange9
Can HRM predict mental health crises? Using HR analytics to unpack the link between employment and suicidal thoughts and behaviors9
Positive deviance at work: a systematic review and directions for future research8
Developing job performance: mediation of occupational commitment and achievement striving with competence enhancement as a moderator8
Turnover intentions: the roles of job satisfaction and family support8
Bullying and turnover intentions: how creative employees overcome perceptions of dysfunctional organizational politics8
Sleep-deprived and emotionally exhausted: depleted resources as inhibitors of creativity at work8
Uncovering the intellectual structure of diversity management research: a bibliometric analysis (1990–2019)8
Employee perceptions of HRM system strength: examining outcome and boundary conditions among HR and non-HR employees8
Catching emotions: the moderating role of emotional contagion between leader-member exchange, psychological capital and employee well-being8
Back to the future: post-pandemic work and management8
Does leaders' adoption of employee voice influence employee work engagement?8
Does HPWS amplify employees' change readiness for digital transformation? A study through the “work-from-anywhere” prism8
The relationship between self-leadership and employee engagement in Lebanon and the UAE: the moderating role of perceived organizational support8
When career success enhances employees' life satisfaction: different effects of two types of goal orientations8
How perception of training impacts organizational citizenship behavior: power distance as moderator8
The role of individual characteristics and working conditions in understanding boredom at work8
Does intraorganizational competition prompt or hinder performance? The risks for proactive employees who hide knowledge8
How do work–life support practices impact bank employees' subjective well-being?8
Public service motivation and public employees' turnover intention: the role of job satisfaction and career growth opportunity7
The mediating role of fairness on the effectiveness of strategic performance measurement systems7
Relative deprivation, perceived status conflict and innovative behavior of outsourced employees: multiple moderating effects of dual organizational support7
Employee idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) and organizational justice: the role of individual job performance and coworkers’ i-deals7
The buffering role of servant leadership on the relationship between organizational politics and employee task performance and citizenship behaviors7
Workplace spirituality, well-being at work and employee loyalty in a gig economy: multi-group analysis across temporary vs permanent employment status7
Service-oriented human resource practices and customer outcomes: the service-profit chain perspective7
Fostering employees' resilience and psychological well-being through an app-based resilience intervention7
Getting nowhere, going elsewhere: the impact of perceived career compromises on turnover intentions7
The impact of abusive supervision differentiation on team performance in team competitive climates7
Talent management: four “buying versus making” talent development approaches7
Exploring the consequences of mindfulness at work: the impact of mindful organizing on employee attitudes and behavior toward work and organization7
Does person–organization spirituality fit stimulate ethical and spiritual leaders: an empirical study in Jordan7
When can felt accountability promote innovative work behavior? The role of transformational leadership7
How the supervisor's Machiavellianism results in abusive supervision: understanding the role of the supervisor's competitive worldviews and subordinate's performance7
Is meaningful work always a resource toward wellbeing? The effect of autonomy, security and multiple dimensions of subjective meaningful work on wellbeing7
Who said there is no place like home? Extending the link between quantitative job demands and life satisfaction: a moderated mediation model7
How difficulties in upward voice lead to lateral voice: a case study of a Chinese hospital7
Human resources strategy as a catalyst for the success of the competitive strategy: an analysis based on alignment7
Does workplace incivility spur deviant behaviors: roles of interpersonal conflict and organizational climate7
Workplace cyber abuse: challenges and implications for management6
How transformational leaders get employees to take initiative and display creativity: the catalytic role of work overload6
Mentoring and coping self-efficacy as predictors of affective occupational commitment for women in STEM6
Linking leader-member exchange and work–nonwork balance: the mediating role of thriving at work and the moderating role of gender6
How do high-performance work systems affect innovation performance? The organizational learning perspective6
Health services in Australia and the impact of antiquated rostering practices on medical scientists: a case for HR analytics and evidenced-based human resource management6
Leaders' trait signaling effect on followers' psychological contract dynamics6
A sustainable career for interim managers: the role of career communities6
Linking organisational values and sustainability: the role of AMO practices6
AMO model for neuro-inclusive remote workplace6
Work-from-home (WFH): the constraints–coping–effectiveness framework6
A balanced perspective on the affordance of a gamified HRM system for employees' creative performance6
A VUCA-ready workforce: exploring employee competencies and learning and development implications6
Yesterday's workers in Tomorrow's world6
Linking proactivity to work–family enrichment: a moderated mediation model6
Flourishing-at-work and turnover intentions: does trust in management moderate the relationship?6
The Great Resignation in the UK – reality, fake news or something in between?6
Attraction and retention of employees in an Australian regional SME: the importance of place and scale in human resource management6
Editorial: The experience of work and experiential workers: mainline and critical perspectives on employee experience6
Full of energy – The relationship between supervisor developmental feedback and task performance: a conservation of resources perspective6
How does AI-enabled HR analytics influence employee resilience: job crafting as a mediator and HRM system strength as a moderator6
Sharing in the gig economy: from equitable work relations to exploitative HRM6
Authoritarian and benevolent leadership: the role of follower homophily, power distance orientation and employability6
Curvilinear effects of work engagement on job outcomes6
A moderated mediation model of counterproductive work behaviour, organisational justice, organisational embeddedness and psychological ownership6
“It's the work climate that keeps me here”: the interplay between the HRM process and emergent factors in the construction of employee experiences6
Making sense of a mess: “doing” resilience in the vortex of a crisis6
A review of work–life programs and organizational outcomes6
Does motivation matter? How leader behaviors influence employee vigor at work6
Extending the research frontiers of employee mental health through contextualisation: China as an example with implications for human resource management research and practice5
Perceived HRM practices and organizational citizenship behaviours: a case study of a Chinese high-tech organization5
Exploitative leadership and counterproductive work behavior: a discrete emotions approach5
Growth mindsets increase flexible work arrangement attractiveness: a policy-capturing study5
Career identity and organizational identification among professionals with on-demand work5
Benevolent leadership and organizational citizenship behaviors in a higher education context: a moderated mediation model5
Serving for thriving: a moderated mediation analysis of the relationship between servant leadership and thriving at work5
The impact of role overload on job crafting from the perspective of construal level theory5
High-involvement work practices, employee trust and engagement: the mediating role of perceived organisational politics5
A multilevel model of abusive supervision climate5
Transformational leadership, idiosyncratic deals and employee outcomes5
The quality of working life from a person-centred perspective: linking job crafting, work environment types and work engagement5
Trickle-down effect of moral leadership on unethical employee behavior: a cross-level moderated mediation model5
How and when inclusive leadership enhances team proactivity: the roles of collective thriving and team power distance5
Inclusive leadership and knowledge sharing in Japanese workplaces: the role of diversity in the biological sex of workplace personnel5
It’s my luck: impostor fears, the context, gender and achievement-related traits5
Understanding the development of a common social identity between expatriates and host country nationals5
Improving performance through leaders' forgiveness: the mediating role of radical innovation5
Impact of internal corporate social responsibility: a parallel mediation analysis5
Does it pay to be bad? An investigation of dark triad traits and job performance in India5
Evasive (knowledge) hiding and task performance: the moderating role of accumulative job resources5
Self-initiated expatriation and older women: composing a further life5
A new, established approach to managing misbehavior: system justification theory5
Transforming self-perceived self-employability and entrepreneurship among mothers through mobile digital sharing economy platforms: an exploratory case study5
What if employees with intrinsic work values are given autonomy in worker co-operatives? Integration of the job demands–resources model and supplies–values fit theory4
The machine/human agentic impact on practices in learning and development: a study across MSME, NGO and MNC organizations4
Employment expectations: examining the effect of psychological contract fulfillment on bridge employees' personal and work attitudes4
Retention intention: does having a proactive personality matter?4
Navigating dual-careers: the challenge for professional couples4
Workplace ostracism: a qualitative enquiry4
Drivers of intrapreneurship: an affective events theory viewpoint4
Bots for mental health: the boundaries of human and technology agencies for enabling mental well-being within organizations4
Expatriates' salary expectations, age, experience and country image4
Leading Machiavellians on the road to better organizational behavior4
Homophily: functional bias to the talent identification process?4
The instrumental role of employee voice in achieving promotability: social influence perspective4
From Great Resignation to Great Re-Negotiation on space and time for more holistic individuals and organizations4
Should I stay or should I go? Skilled immigrants' perceived brain-waste and social embeddedness4
Expatriates' adjustment and performance in risky environments: the role of organizational support and rewards, risk propensity and resilience4
AI and the metaverse in the workplace: DEI opportunities and challenges4
Insecurity and turnover as robots take charge: impact of neuroticism and change-related uncertainty4
You’re so good-looking and wise, my powerful leaders! When deference becomes flattery in employee–authority relations4
Imposter phenomenon and employee mental health: what role do organizations play?4
Training under an extreme context: the role of organizational support and adaptability on the motivation transfer and performance after training4
Disentangling the elements of PsyCap as drivers for work, organization and social engagement in knowledge-intensive work4
Decent work among rural-urban migrant workers in China: evidence and challenges4
Guest editorial4
Perceived overqualification, work-related boredom, and intention to leave: examining the moderating role of high-performance work systems4
Work arrangement “yo-yo”: forced flexibility from the office to home and back again4
Family incivility, work alienation beliefs and submissive behaviors among Pakistani employees: the mitigating role of ego resilience4
Collectively crafting the sales job: linking charismatic leadership to sales teams’ performance4
Who will pay for customers' fault? Workplace cheating behavior, interpersonal conflict and traditionality4
Expatriates' dual commitment: a serial multiple mediation model of workplace friendships and adjustment4
Perceived HPWP, presence of creative coworkers and employee innovative performance4
Time for life? The spillover effect of strain-based family-to-work conflict on early retirement intentions and the role of HR practice flexibility4
Involved fathering: how new dads are redefining fatherhood4