Journal of Public Economics

(The median citation count of Journal of Public Economics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Economic uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 pandemic569
Polarization and public health: Partisan differences in social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic503
The impact of COVID-19 on student experiences and expectations: Evidence from a survey489
Trust and compliance to public health policies in times of COVID-19469
COVID-19, lockdowns and well-being: Evidence from Google Trends403
Fear, lockdown, and diversion: Comparing drivers of pandemic economic decline 2020327
Human mobility restrictions and the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China322
Inequality in household adaptation to schooling shocks: Covid-induced online learning engagement in real time177
Early evidence of the impacts of COVID-19 on minority unemployment169
Civic capital and social distancing during the Covid-19 pandemic☆167
Prosociality predicts health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic147
Asocial capital: Civic culture and social distancing during COVID-19117
When carbon emission trading meets a regulated industry: Evidence from the electricity sector of China114
The heterogeneous and regressive consequences of COVID-19: Evidence from high quality panel data106
COVID and crime: An early empirical look105
Intimate partner violence under forced cohabitation and economic stress: Evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic97
When the great equalizer shuts down: Schools, peers, and parents in pandemic times89
“Rugged individualism” and collective (in)action during the COVID-19 pandemic84
My home is my castle – The benefits of working from home during a pandemic crisis81
Job search during the COVID-19 crisis73
Labor market concerns and support for immigration73
Revenge of the experts: Will COVID-19 renew or diminish public trust in science?69
US unemployment insurance replacement rates during the pandemic66
Economic preferences and compliance in the social stress test of the COVID-19 crisis66
Environmental regulations and international trade: A quantitative economic analysis of world pollution emissions57
Political hierarchy and regional economic development: Evidence from a spatial discontinuity in China55
What the COVID-19 school closure left in its wake: Evidence from a regression discontinuity analysis in Japan54
The short- and long-run impacts of secondary school absences52
Can gender quotas in candidate lists empower women? Evidence from a regression discontinuity design44
An evaluation of the Paycheck Protection Program using administrative payroll microdata44
Inequality of fear and self-quarantine: Is there a trade-off between GDP and public health?44
Centralization and regulatory enforcement: Evidence from personnel authority reform in China44
State and local government employment in the COVID-19 crisis42
The urban crime and heat gradient in high and low poverty areas42
Just above the exam cutoff score: Elite college admission and wages in China41
Does re-opening schools contribute to the spread of SARS-CoV-2? Evidence from staggered summer breaks in Germany40
Environmental taxes and productivity: Lessons from Canadian manufacturing39
Broadband Internet and social capital38
Electoral concerns reduce restrictive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic38
Migration, externalities, and the diffusion of COVID-19 in South Asia☆36
Digitalization to improve tax compliance: Evidence from VAT e-Invoicing in Peru36
Family and government insurance: Wage, earnings, and income risks in the Netherlands and the U.S.34
Tax evasion and tax avoidance32
Stalin and the origins of mistrust31
Inequality in socio-emotional skills: A cross-cohort comparison31
Unmasking partisanship: Polarization undermines public response to collective risk31
Real-time price indices: Inflation spike and falling product variety during the Great Lockdown31
Can access to health care mitigate the effects of temperature on mortality?30
Fatal attraction? Extended unemployment benefits, labor force exits, and mortality30
Intergenerational mobility in self-reported health status in the US30
Reducing discrimination in the field: Evidence from an awareness raising intervention targeting gender biases in student evaluations of teaching29
Do environmental markets cause environmental injustice? Evidence from California’s carbon market27
Divided we stay home: Social distancing and ethnic diversity27
Subsidizing low- and middle-income adoption of electric vehicles: Quasi-experimental evidence from California25
When the minimum wage really bites hard: The negative spillover effect on high-skilled workers24
COVID-19, college academic performance, and the flexible grading policy: A longitudinal analysis24
Time inconsistent charitable giving23
The effect of the US safety net on material hardship over two decades23
Do place-based tax incentives create jobs?23
How can Bill and Melinda Gates increase other people's donations to fund public goods?23
Labor market policies during an epidemic22
The Pandemic’s effect on demand for public schools, homeschooling, and private schools21
Public good provision and property tax compliance: Evidence from a natural experiment21
The global minimum tax21
The impact of the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation on job search and vacancy creation20
Natural gas flaring, respiratory health, and distributional effects20
Noise pollution and violent crime☆20
When guidance changes: Government stances and public beliefs19
Do EITC expansions pay for themselves? Effects on tax revenue and government transfers19
Long-run pollution exposure and mortality: Evidence from the Acid Rain Program19
Thinking outside the box: The cross-border effect of tax cuts on R&D18
Whether, when and how to extend unemployment benefits: Theory and application to COVID-1918
Home prices, fertility, and early-life health outcomes18
The effect of economic conditions on the disability insurance program: Evidence from the great recession18
Aging and public financing costs: Evidence from U.S. municipal bond markets18
Sharing the pie: An analysis of undernutrition and individual consumption in Bangladesh17
Does higher Institutional Quality improve the Appropriateness of Healthcare Provision?17
Politics and the distribution of federal funds: Evidence from federal legislation in response to COVID-1917
Earnings shocks and stabilization during COVID-1917
Is four less than five? Effects of four-day school weeks on student achievement in Oregon17
The power of the IUD: Effects of expanding access to contraception through Title X clinics17
What motivates non-democratic leadership: Evidence from COVID-19 reopenings in China17
A dynamic model of fiscal decentralization and public debt accumulation16
The effect of highly publicized police killings on policing: Evidence from large U.S. cities16
A simple dynamic climate cooperation model16
Drug firms’ payments and physicians’ prescribing behavior in Medicare Part D16
Sources of inertia in the individual health insurance market16
Escaping the exchange of information: Tax evasion via citizenship-by-investment16
Cash on the table? Imperfect take-up of tax incentives and firm investment behavior16
The anatomy of behavioral responses to social assistance when informal employment is high16
Fiscal multipliers in advanced and developing countries: Evidence from military spending15
Moral hazard in electoral teams: List rank and campaign effort15
Projecting unemployment durations: A factor-flows simulation approach with application to the COVID-19 recession15
Home bias in humanitarian aid: The role of regional favoritism in the allocation of international disaster relief15
Gender and lawmaking in times of quotas15
Disguised pollution: Industrial activities in the dark15
Real responses to anti-tax avoidance: Evidence from the UK Worldwide Debt Cap15
The Social Value of Health Insurance: Results from Ghana15
School district revenue shocks, resource allocations, and student achievement: Evidence from the universe of U.S. wind energy installations15
Surviving a mass shooting15
Who benefits from tax incentives? The heterogeneous wage incidence of a tax credit15
ICT, collaboration, and innovation: Evidence from BITNET15
The heterogeneous price of a vote: Evidence from multiparty systems, 1993–201715
Missing markets: Evidence on agricultural groundwater demand from volumetric pricing15
Small business tax compliance under third-party reporting14
Tax filing and take-up: Experimental evidence on tax preparation outreach and benefit claiming14
Anti-corruption campaign, political connections, and court bias: Evidence from Chinese corporate lawsuits14
False alarm? Estimating the marginal value of health signals14
Optimal tax systems with endogenous behavioral biases14
Diversity and team performance in a Kenyan organization☆14
Pass-through, welfare, and incidence under imperfect competition14
The salary taboo privacy norms and the diffusion of information14
The macroeconomic effects of a carbon tax to meet the U.S. Paris agreement target: The role of firm creation and technology adoption13
Infrastructure maintenance and rural economic activity: Evidence from India13
Pension incentives and labor supply: Evidence from the introduction of universal old-age assistance in the UK13
Partisan spatial sorting in the United States: A theoretical and empirical overview13
Knowledge spillovers, peer effects, and telecommuting: Evidence from the U.S. Patent Office13
Optimal taxes on capital in the OLG model with uninsurable idiosyncratic income risk12
More opportunity, more cooperation? The behavioral effects of birthright citizenship on immigrant youth12
Benefit duration, job search behavior and re-employment12
Coal use, air pollution, and student performance12
Firm mobility and jurisdictions’ tax rate choices: Evidence from immobile firm entry12
My (running) mate, the mayor: Political ties and access to public sector jobs in Ecuador12
The effects of introducing withholding and third-party reporting on tax collections: Evidence from the U.S. state personal income tax12
A social norm nudge to save more: A field experiment at a retail bank12
Bureaucrats under Populism12
How much to save? Decision costs and retirement plan participation11
Fuel economy and the price of gasoline: Evidence from fueling-level micro data11
Do people demand fact-checked news? Evidence from U.S. Democrats11
Quid pro quo? Government-firm relationships in China11
Building trust in the state with information: Evidence from urban Punjab11
The informational value of environmental taxes11
Disentangling retirement and savings responses11
Hysteresis from employer subsidies11
Political differences in air pollution abatement under the Clean Air Act11
Legislating during war: Conflict and politics in Colombia10
Political manipulation of urban land markets: Evidence from China10
The incidence of extreme economic stress: Evidence from utility disconnections10
Designed to fail: Effects of the default option and information complexity on student loan repayment10
The place-based effects of police stations on crime: Evidence from station closures10
Brains or beauty? Causal evidence on the returns to education and attractiveness in the online dating market10
Syringe exchange programs and harm reduction: New evidence in the wake of the opioid epidemic10
Inheritance taxation and wealth effects on the labor supply of heirs10
Ordinal rank and the structure of ability peer effects10
The impacts of Covid-19 absences on workers9
Preference heterogeneity and school segregation9
What determines school segregation? The crucial role of neighborhood factors9
A more comprehensive estimate of the value of water quality9
Relabeling, retirement and regret9
Intergroup contact and nation building: Evidence from military service in Spain9
Attribution bias in major decisions: Evidence from the United States Military Academy9
VAT compliance, trade, and institutions9
Women’s representation in politics: The effect of electoral systems9
Offshore tax evasion and wealth inequality: Evidence from a tax amnesty in the Netherlands9
Public childcare benefits children and mothers: Evidence from a nationwide experiment in a developing country9
The dynamics of linking permit markets9
Optimal income taxation with labor supply responses at two margins: When is an Earned Income Tax Credit optimal?9
Home or away? Profit shifting with territorial taxation9
Suing the government under weak rule of law: Evidence from administrative litigation reform in China9
The effect of reduced student loan borrowing on academic performance and default: Evidence from a loan counseling experiment9
Online shopping can redistribute local tax revenue from urban to rural America9
More birds than stones – A framework for second-best energy and climate policy adjustments9
Overclaimed refunds, undeclared sales, and invoice mills: Nature and extent of noncompliance in a value-added tax9
Speed limit enforcement and road safety9
Changes in household diet: Determinants and predictability9
The minimum wage, informal pay, and tax enforcement9
Can payroll tax cuts help firms during recessions?8
Who pays for and who benefits from minimum wage increases? Evidence from Israeli tax data on business owners and workers8
Can judiciaries constrain executive power? Evidence from judicial reforms8
Are consumers attentive to local energy costs? Evidence from the appliance market8
Counting on my vote not counting: Expressive voting in committees8
Simulated power analyses for observational studies: An application to the Affordable Care Act Medicaid expansion8
Investment differences between public and private firms: Evidence from U.S. tax returns8
Limits to third-party reporting: Evidence from a randomized field experiment in Norway8
Minorities’ strategic response to discrimination: Experimental evidence8
Too family friendly? The consequences of parent part-time working rights8
Test scores and educational opportunities: Panel evidence from five low- and middle-income countries8
The $100 million nudge: Increasing tax compliance of firms using a natural field experiment8
The response to dynamic incentives in insurance contracts with a deductible: Evidence from a differences-in-regression-discontinuities design8
Supply-side health policy: The impact of scope-of-practice laws on mortality8
Reference points and redistributive preferences: Experimental evidence7
The welfare effects of extending unemployment benefits: Evidence from re-employment and unemployment transfers7
The effect of changes in alcohol tax differentials on alcohol consumption7
What determines where opportunity knocks? Political affiliation in the selection of Opportunity Zones7
Information, switching costs, and consumer choice: Evidence from two randomised field experiments in Swedish primary health care7
Optimal ownership of public goods under asymmetric information7
Behavioral responses to inheritance and gift taxation: Evidence from Germany7
Children’s patience and school-track choices several years later: Linking experimental and field data7
Lost boys? Secondary education and crime7
Guns and violence: The enduring impact of crack cocaine markets on young black males7
Complementarities in behavioral interventions: Evidence from a field experiment on resource conservation7
Ministers Engage in Favoritism Too7
Mean markets or kind commerce?7
Optimal tax policy and endogenous growth through innovation7
Reexamining the evidence on gun ownership and homicide using proxy measures of ownership7
Taxation, accountability, and cash transfers: Breaking the resource curse7
Does weak enforcement deter tax progressivity?7
Community monitoring and crime: Evidence from Chicago's Safe Passage Program7
Misaligned incentives and the scale of incarceration in the United States7
Spot price biases in non-linear health insurance contracts7
Intergenerational spillover effects of language training for refugees7
The effects of corporate taxes on small firms7
The labor market effects of Mexican repatriations: Longitudinal evidence from the 1930s6
Journal-based replication of experiments: An application to “Being Chosen to Lead”6
A quantitative evaluation of universal basic income6
The effect of debt collection laws on access to credit6
The quality of the estimators of the ETI6
Performance pay, productivity, and strategic opt-out: Evidence from a community health center6
How do government transfer payments affect retail prices and welfare? Evidence from SNAP6
School quality and the return to schooling in Britain: New evidence from a large-scale compulsory schooling reform6
The economics of religious communities6
Government spending multipliers in (un)certain times6
Crowd-out in school-based health interventions: Evidence from India’s midday meals program6
The effects of physician retirement on patient outcomes: Anticipation and disruption6
Provider turf wars and Medicare payment rules6
Large learning gains in pockets of extreme poverty: Experimental evidence from Guinea Bissau6
Wealthy Americans and redistribution: The role of fairness preferences6
The fundamental determinants of protest participation: Evidence from Hong Kong’s antiauthoritarian movement6
Tradable immigration quotas revisited6
The effects of middle school remediation on postsecondary success: Regression discontinuity evidence from Florida6
Technological change, campaign spending and polarization6
The medicaid windfall: Medicaid expansions and the target efficiency of hospital safety-net subsidies6
Gender, beliefs, and coordination with externalities6
Immigrant inventors and local income taxes: Evidence from Swiss municipalities5
Housing liquidity and long-term care insurance demand: A quantitative evaluation5
Assessing knowledge or classroom behavior? Evidence of teachers’ grading bias5
Demand-side determinants of public spending allocations: Voter trust, risk and time preferences5
The long-term health and economic consequences of improved property rights5
The long-term spillover effects of changes in the return to schooling5
Statutory incidence and sales tax compliance: Evidence from Wayfair5
Efficient policy interventions in an epidemic5
One step ahead of the law: The net effect of anticipation and implementation of Colombia’s illegal crops substitution program5
State responses to federal matching grants: The case of medicaid5
A note on optimal taxation, status consumption, and unemployment5
Social norms, sanctions, and conditional entry in markets with externalities: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment5
Certain effects of random taxes5
Motivating teams: Private feedback and public recognition at work5
Centralized School choice with unequal outside options5
Pareto-improving minimum corporate taxation5
Occupy government: Democracy and the dynamics of personnel decisions and public finances5
Judicial subversion: The effects of political power on court outcomes5
Do social media ads matter for political behavior? A field experiment5
Understanding the elasticity of taxable income: A tale of two approaches5
International college students’ impact on the US skilled labor supply5
Labor market institutions and the incidence of payroll taxation5
Carbon taxes and footprint leakage: Spoilsport effects5
Moving to density: Half a century of housing costs and wage premia from Queens to King Salmon5
Optimal intergenerational transfers: Public education and pensions5
The political economy of public sector absence5
Decentralizing corruption: Irrigation reform in Pakistan5