Journal of Human Evolution

(The TQCC of Journal of Human Evolution is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Still no archaeological evidence that Neanderthals created Iberian cave art50
Knowledge vs. know-how? Dissecting the foundations of stone knapping skill47
A new absolute date from Swartkrans Cave for the oldest occurrences of Paranthropus robustus and Oldowan stone tools in South Africa32
The hunters or the hunters: Human and hyena prey choice divergence in the Late Pleistocene Levant30
Nature and relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis29
Eastern African environmental variation and its role in the evolution and cultural change of Homo over the last 1 million years28
Meat eating by nonhuman primates: A review and synthesis28
The revolution that still isn't: The origins of behavioral complexity in Homo sapiens28
Trophic ecology of a Late Pleistocene early modern human from tropical Southeast Asia inferred from zinc isotopes25
Interpreting the Quina and demi-Quina scrapers from Acheulo-Yabrudian Qesem Cave, Israel: Results of raw materials and functional analyses25
The emergence of the Levallois technology in the Levant: A view from the Early Middle Paleolithic site of Misliya Cave, Israel24
Bone tools from Beds II–IV, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and implications for the origins and evolution of bone technology24
Dietary evidence from Central Asian Neanderthals: A combined isotope and plant microremains approach at Chagyrskaya Cave (Altai, Russia)24
The dawn of the Middle Paleolithic in Atapuerca: the lithic assemblage of TD10.1 from Gran Dolina23
Cultural mosaics, social structure, and identity: The Acheulean threshold in Europe23
Response to White et al.’s reply: ‘Still no archaeological evidence that Neanderthals created Iberian cave art’ [J. Hum. Evol. (2020) 102640]22
Sexual dimorphism in chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and human age-specific fertility22
Reconstructing Neanderthal diet: The case for carbohydrates21
Coping with arid environments: A critical threshold for human expansion in Europe at the Marine Isotope Stage 12/11 transition? The case of the Iberian Peninsula20
Quantifying differences in hominin flaking technologies with 3D shape analysis19
Early Upper Paleolithic subsistence in the Levant: Zooarchaeology of the Ahmarian–Aurignacian sequence at Manot Cave, Israel19
A West African Middle Stone Age site dated to the beginning of MIS 5: Archaeology, chronology, and paleoenvironment of the Ravin Blanc I (eastern Senegal)19
The last glacial cycle of the southern Levant: Paleoenvironment and chronology of modern humans19
Pitted stones in the Acheulean from Olduvai Gorge Beds III and IV (Tanzania): A use-wear and 3D approach18
Personal ornaments from Hayonim and Manot caves (Israel) hint at symbolic ties between the Levantine and the European Aurignacian18
The Middle to Later Stone Age transition at Panga ya Saidi, in the tropical coastal forest of eastern Africa18
The morphological affinity of the Early Pleistocene footprints from Happisburgh, England, with other footprints of Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene age18
The Fauresmith of South Africa: A new assemblage from Canteen Kopje and significance of the technology in human and cultural evolution18
Phylogenetic analysis of Middle-Late Miocene apes18
Tracking behavioral persistence and innovations during the Middle Pleistocene in Western Europe. Shift in occupations between 700 and 450 ka at la Noira site (Centre, France)17
Statistical inference of earlier origins for the first flaked stone technologies17
Mapping Early Pleistocene environments and the availability of plant food as a potential driver of early Homo presence in the Guadix-Baza Basin (Spain)17
Biomechanics of the mandible of Macaca mulatta during the power stroke of mastication: Loading, deformation, and strain regimes and the impact of food type17
The DNH 7 skull of Australopithecus robustus from Drimolen (Main Quarry), South Africa17
A technotypological analysis of the Ahmarian and Levantine Aurignacian assemblages from Manot Cave (area C) and the interrelation with site formation processes17
Quantifying gaze conspicuousness: Are humans distinct from chimpanzees and bonobos?17
Isotopic calcium biogeochemistry of MIS 5 fossil vertebrate bones: application to the study of the dietary reconstruction of Regourdou 1 Neandertal fossil16
Subsistence behavior during the Initial Upper Paleolithic in Europe: Site use, dietary practice, and carnivore exploitation at Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria)16
New record of Neosaimiri (Cebidae, Platyrrhini) from the late Middle Miocene of Peruvian Amazonia16
The pectoral girdle of StW 573 (‘Little Foot’) and its implications for shoulder evolution in the Hominina16
Adolescent and young adult male chimpanzees form affiliative, yet aggressive, relationships with females16
Unique foot posture in Neanderthals reflects their body mass and high mechanical stress16
Philopatry at the frontier: A demographically driven scenario for the evolution of multilevel societies in baboons (Papio)16
Mitogenomics of macaques (Macaca) across Wallace's Line in the context of modern human dispersals16
Olduvai's oldest Oldowan15
Patterns of urinary cortisol levels during ontogeny appear population specific rather than species specific in wild chimpanzees and bonobos15
Zoogeographic significance of Dmanisi large mammal assemblage15
Evolution of cranial capacity revisited: A view from the late Middle Pleistocene cranium from Xujiayao, China15
Initial Upper Paleolithic bone technology and personal ornaments at Bacho Kiro Cave (Bulgaria)15
Bayesian luminescence dating at Ghār-e Boof, Iran, provides a new chronology for Middle and Upper Paleolithic in the southern Zagros15
The Dmanisi Equus: Systematics, biogeography, and paleoecology15
Before the Acheulean: The emergence of bifacial shaping at Kokiselei 6 (1.8 Ma), West Turkana, Kenya14
Early anthropogenic use of hematite on Aurignacian ivory personal ornaments from Hohle Fels and Vogelherd caves, Germany14
A late Neanderthal tooth from northeastern Italy14
Ecological perspectives on technological diversity at Kanjera South14
Zhoukoudian Upper Cave personal ornaments and ochre: Rediscovery and reevaluation14
How did modern morphology evolve in the human mandible? The relationship between static adult allometry and mandibular variability in Homo sapiens14
Could woodworking have driven lithic tool selection?14
Climatic and environmental conditions in the Western Galilee, during Late Middle and Upper Paleolithic periods, based on speleothems from Manot Cave, Israel14
Paleoecology, biochronology, and paleobiogeography of Eurasian Rhinocerotidae during the Early Pleistocene: The contribution of the fossil material from Dmanisi (Georgia, Southern Caucasus)14
Genetic correlations in the rhesus macaque dentition13
Modern human teeth unearthed from below the ∼128,000-year-old level at Punung, Java: A case highlighting the problem of recent intrusion in cave sediments13
Mechanics of heel-strike plantigrady in African apes13
Variability in energy expenditure is much greater in males than females13
Further analyses of the structural organization of Homo luzonensis teeth: Evolutionary implications13
The Marine Isotope Stage 3 landscape around Manot Cave (Israel) and the food habits of anatomically modern humans: New insights from the anthracological record and stable carbon isotope analysis of wi13
Baboon biogeography, divergence, and evolution: Morphological and paleoecological perspectives13
Adaptations for bipedal walking: Musculoskeletal structure and three-dimensional joint mechanics of humans and bipedal chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)12
The Middle Pleistocene hominin mandible from Payre (Ardèche, France)12
Sexual dimorphism of the enamel and dentine dimensions of the permanent canines of the Middle Pleistocene hominins from Sima de los Huesos (Burgos, Spain)12
Complexity and sophistication of Early Middle Paleolithic flint tools revealed through use-wear analysis of tools from Misliya Cave, Mount Carmel, Israel12
Morphological description and evolutionary significance of 300 ka hominin facial bones from Hualongdong, China12
The Pan social brain: An evolutionary history of neurochemical receptor genes and their potential impact on sociocognitive differences12
Evolution of Homo in the Middle and Late Pleistocene12
Multi-isotope zooarchaeological investigations at Abri du Maras: The paleoecological and paleoenvironmental context of Neanderthal subsistence strategies in the Rhône Valley during MIS 312
Early Pleistocene hominin teeth from Meipu, southern China12
Connections between the Levant and the Balkans in the late Middle Pleistocene: Archaeological findings from Velika and Mala Balanica Caves (Serbia)12
A primate model for the origin of flake technology12
Chipping and wear patterns in extant primate and fossil hominin molars: ‘Functional’ cusps are associated with extensive wear but low levels of fracture12
Hominin diversity in East Asia during the Middle Pleistocene: A premolar endostructural perspective12
Calcaneal shape variation in humans, nonhuman primates, and early hominins11
Predictive modelling in paleoenvironmental reconstruction: The micromammals of Manot Cave, Israel11
Shivering in the Pleistocene. Human adaptations to cold exposure in Western Europe from MIS 14 to MIS 1111
Two Late Pleistocene human femora from Trinil, Indonesia: Implications for body size and behavior in Southeast Asia11
Muscle recruitment and stone tool use ergonomics across three million years of Palaeolithic technological transitions11
Macaca ulna from new excavations at the Notarchirico Acheulean site (Middle Pleistocene, Venosa, southern Italy)11
The taxonomic attribution of African hominin postcrania from the Miocene through the Pleistocene: Associations and assumptions11
Machine learning, bootstrapping, null models, and why we are still not 100% sure which bone surface modifications were made by crocodiles11
A view of the Lower to Middle Paleolithic boundary from Northern France, far from the Near East?11
Preliminary observations on the Levantine Aurignacian sequence of Manot Cave: Cultural affiliations and regional perspectives11
Mesopithecus pentelicus from Zhaotong, China, the easternmost representative of a widespread Miocene cercopithecoid species11
Dental topographic change with macrowear and dietary inference in Homunculus patagonicus11
Inner morphological and metric characterization of the molar remains from the Montmaurin-La Niche mandible: The Neanderthal signal11
Seasonality and Oldowan behavioral variability in East Africa11
A comparative study of the Early Pleistocene carnivore guild from Dmanisi (Georgia)10
Great apes and humans evolved from a long-backed ancestor10
Early Upper Paleolithic human foot bones from Manot Cave, Israel10
Effects of hybridization on pelvic morphology: A macaque model10
Foot anatomy, walking energetics, and the evolution of human bipedalism10
A revised AMS and tephra chronology for the Late Middle to Early Upper Paleolithic occupations of Ortvale Klde, Republic of Georgia10
Domestic spaces as crucibles of Paleolithic culture: An archaeological perspective10
Relative abundance of grazing and browsing herbivores is not a direct reflection of vegetation structure: Implications for hominin paleoenvironmental reconstruction10
Estimating the population variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation: Sample size and accuracy10
Three-dimensional geometric morphometrics of thorax-pelvis covariation and its potential for predicting the thorax morphology: A case study on Kebara 2 Neandertal10
Acheulean variability in Western Europe: The case of Menez-Dregan I (Plouhinec, Finistère, France)9
New macaque fossil remains from Morocco9
Mosaic habitats at Woranso-Mille (Ethiopia) during the Pliocene and implications for Australopithecus paleoecology and taxonomic diversity9
Early evidence for bear exploitation during MIS 9 from the site of Schöningen 12 (Germany)9
The brain of Homo habilis: Three decades of paleoneurology9
Hominin locomotion and evolution in the Late Miocene to Late Pliocene9
Evolutionary trend in dental size in fossil orangutans from the Pleistocene of Chongzuo, Guangxi, southern China9
Morphological and morphometric analyses of a late Middle Pleistocene hominin mandible from Hualongdong, China9
Dating the last Middle Palaeolithic of the Crimean Peninsula: New hydroxyproline AMS dates from the site of Kabazi II9
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) grouping patterns in an open and dry savanna landscape, Issa Valley, western Tanzania9
A detailed analysis of the spatial distribution of Schöningen 13II-4 ‘Spear Horizon’ faunal remains9
Karst terrain in the western upper Galilee, Israel: Speleogenesis, hydrogeology and human preference of Manot Cave9
Oldest colobine calcaneus from East Asia (Zhaotong, Yunnan, China)9
Systematics of Miocene apes: State of the art of a neverending controversy9
The dental remains from the Early Upper Paleolithic of Manot Cave, Israel9
Early Neanderthals in contact: The Chibanian (Middle Pleistocene) hominin dentition from Velika Balanica Cave, Southern Serbia9