Journal of Human Evolution

(The H4-Index of Journal of Human Evolution is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
The revolution that still isn't: The origins of behavioral complexity in Homo sapiens38
Nature and relationships of Sahelanthropus tchadensis33
The hunters or the hunters: Human and hyena prey choice divergence in the Late Pleistocene Levant33
A new absolute date from Swartkrans Cave for the oldest occurrences of Paranthropus robustus and Oldowan stone tools in South Africa33
Eastern African environmental variation and its role in the evolution and cultural change of Homo over the last 1 million years30
Meat eating by nonhuman primates: A review and synthesis30
Trophic ecology of a Late Pleistocene early modern human from tropical Southeast Asia inferred from zinc isotopes27
Bone tools from Beds II–IV, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, and implications for the origins and evolution of bone technology27
Dietary evidence from Central Asian Neanderthals: A combined isotope and plant microremains approach at Chagyrskaya Cave (Altai, Russia)25
Cultural mosaics, social structure, and identity: The Acheulean threshold in Europe25
Reconstructing Neanderthal diet: The case for carbohydrates22
A West African Middle Stone Age site dated to the beginning of MIS 5: Archaeology, chronology, and paleoenvironment of the Ravin Blanc I (eastern Senegal)20
Phylogenetic analysis of Middle-Late Miocene apes20
The Middle to Later Stone Age transition at Panga ya Saidi, in the tropical coastal forest of eastern Africa20
Coping with arid environments: A critical threshold for human expansion in Europe at the Marine Isotope Stage 12/11 transition? The case of the Iberian Peninsula20
The last glacial cycle of the southern Levant: Paleoenvironment and chronology of modern humans20
Early Upper Paleolithic subsistence in the Levant: Zooarchaeology of the Ahmarian–Aurignacian sequence at Manot Cave, Israel19
The Fauresmith of South Africa: A new assemblage from Canteen Kopje and significance of the technology in human and cultural evolution19
Quantifying differences in hominin flaking technologies with 3D shape analysis19
Tracking behavioral persistence and innovations during the Middle Pleistocene in Western Europe. Shift in occupations between 700 and 450 ka at la Noira site (Centre, France)19