Journal of Environmental Quality

(The median citation count of Journal of Environmental Quality is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Microplastics interaction with terrestrial plants and their impacts on agriculture57
One size does not fit all: Toward regional conservation practice guidance to reduce phosphorus loss risk in the Lake Erie watershed43
The ability of selected filter materials in removing nutrients, metals, and microplastics from stormwater in biofilter structures34
Understanding methane emission from stored animal manure: A review to guide model development34
Management of phosphorus nutrient amid climate change for sustainable agriculture33
Microplastics in composts, digestates, and food wastes: A review27
Sediment phosphorus buffering in streams at baseflow: A meta‐analysis27
Biogeochemical and climate drivers of wetland phosphorus and nitrogen release: Implications for nutrient legacies and eutrophication risk26
Surface runoff and nutrient dynamics in cover crop–soybean systems in the Upper Midwest25
Nitrogen mineralization from organic fertilizers and composts: Literature survey and model fitting25
Pulp and paper mill sludges decrease soil erodibility24
Sources and priming of nitrous oxide production across a range of moisture contents in a soil with high organic matter24
How does management legacy, nitrogen addition, and nitrification inhibition affect soil organic matter priming and nitrous oxide production?24
Long‐term effects of sewage sludge–derived biochar on the accumulation and availability of trace elements in a tropical soil21
Phytostabilization of a contaminated military site using Miscanthus and soil amendments18
DATAMAN: A global database of nitrous oxide and ammonia emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land‐applied manure18
Scaling up conservation agriculture: An exploration of challenges and opportunities through a stakeholder engagement process17
Poultry manureshed management: Opportunities and challenges for a vertically integrated industry17
Ammonia and nitrous oxide emission factors for excreta deposited by livestock and land‐applied manure17
Nitrate losses and nitrous oxide emissions under contrasting tillage and cover crop management15
Environmental and human health risks associated with exposure to hazardous elements present in urban dust from Barranquilla, Colombian Caribbean14
Ammonia volatilization from composting with oxidized biochar14
Denitrifying bioreactor microbiome: Understanding pollution swapping and potential for improved performance13
CO2 and N2O emissions and microbial community structure from fields that include salt‐affected soils13
Effect of winter cover crops on soil nutrients in two row‐cropped watersheds in Indiana13
Assessing the effects of lake‐dredged sediments on soil health: Agricultural and environmental implications for northwestern Ohio13
Long‐term impacts of drain spacing, crop management, and weather on nitrate leaching to subsurface drains13
Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on pharmaceuticals in wastewater treated for beneficial reuse: Two case studies in central Pennsylvania13
Greenhouse gas fluxes from turfgrass systems: Species, growth rate, clipping management, and environmental effects13
Cover crop management practices to promote soil health and climate adaptation: Grappling with varied success from farmer and researcher observations13
Nitrogen supply and rainfall affect ammonia emissions from dairy cattle excreta and urea applied on warm‐climate pastures12
Microbial controls on net production of nitrous oxide in a denitrifying woodchip bioreactor12
Biochar application in biofiltration systems to remove nutrients, pathogens, and pharmaceutical and personal care products from wastewater12
Split‐nitrogen application with cover cropping reduces subsurface nitrate losses while maintaining corn yields12
Compositional effects of clay–fly ash geopolymers on the sorption process of lead and zinc12
Responses of leached nitrogen concentrations and soil health to winter rye cover crop under no‐till corn–soybean rotation in the northern Great Plains12
Assessing surface and subsurface transport of neonicotinoid insecticides from no‐till crop fields11
Life cycle assessment of wheat production and wheat‐based crop rotations11
Challenges and opportunities for manureshed management across U.S. dairy systems: Case studies from four regions11
Impact of oil contamination on ecological functions of peat soils from West Siberia of Russia11
Challenges in quantifying and characterizing dissolved organic carbon: Sampling, isolation, storage, and analysis11
Response of nitrous oxide emissions to individual rain events and future changes in precipitation11
DATAMAN: A global database of methane, nitrous oxide, and ammonia emission factors for livestock housing and outdoor storage of manure11
Phosphorus recovery as struvite and hydroxyapatite from the liquid fraction of municipal sewage sludge with limited magnesium addition11
Did the COVID‐19 lockdown in Delhi and Kolkata improve the ambient air quality of the two cities?10
Impact of a small hydropower plant on water quality dynamics in a diversion and natural river channel10
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and stabilizing nutrients from dairy manure using chemical coagulation10
Impact of biochar‐based slow‐release N‐fertilizers on maize growth and nitrogen recovery efficiency10
Neural network and cubist algorithms to predict fecal coliform content in treated wastewater by multi‐soil‐layering system for potential reuse10
Envisioning the manureshed: Toward comprehensive integration of modern crop and animal production10
Greenhouse gas emissions from riparian zones are related to vegetation type and environmental factors10
Biochar as a negative emission technology: A synthesis of field research on greenhouse gas emissions10
Environmental and economic trade‐offs of using composted or stockpiled manure as partial substitute for synthetic fertilizer9
Reductive dissolution of phosphorus associated with iron‐oxides during saturation in agricultural soil profiles9
Determination of bioavailable arsenic threshold and validation of modeled permissible total arsenic in paddy soil using machine learning9
Long‐term effect of poultry litter application on phosphorus balances and runoff losses9
Sodium hypochlorite as an oxidizing agent for removal of soil organic matter before microplastics analyses9
Contamination characteristics, source analysis, and ecological risk assessment of toxic metals and metalloid in agricultural soil in Yuzhong, China9
Fate and seasonality of antimicrobial resistance genes during full‐scale anaerobic digestion of cattle manure across seven livestock production facilities9
Tetracycline, sulfadimethoxine, and antibiotic resistance gene dynamics during anaerobic digestion of dairy manure9
Soil carbon response to long‐term biosolids application9
Nonpoint source arsenic contamination of soil and groundwater from legacy pesticides9
Land use and landscape position influence soil organic phosphorus speciation in a mixed land use watershed8
Comparative study on changes in Cd accumulation and ionome between rice and spinach: Impact of zinc ion activity8
The Agricultural Conservation Planning Framework Financial and Nutrient Reduction Tool: A planning tool for cost effective conservation8
Recycling nutrients in the beef supply chain through circular manuresheds: Data to assess tradeoffs8
Use of archived data to derive soil health and water quality indicators for monitoring shifts in natural resources8
Cropping management in a livestock–pasture–crop integration modifies microbial communities, activity, and soil health score8
Soil bacterial community response to rhizoma peanut incorporation into Florida pastures8
Clothianidin decomposition in Missouri wetland soils8
Spatiotemporal patterns of PFAS in water and crop tissue at a beneficial wastewater reuse site in central Pennsylvania8
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal using tile‐treatment wetlands: A 12‐year study from the midwestern United States8
Effects of Mn2+ on Cd accumulation and ionome in rice and spinach8
Lead smelting alters wheat flour heavy metal concentrations and health risks8
Organic phosphorus affects the retention of arsenite and arsenate by goethite8
Connecting soil health and water quality in agricultural landscapes8
Proactive approach to minimize lithium pollution8
Urbanization drives geographically heterogeneous freshwater salinization in the northeastern United States7
Variation in methodology obscures clarity of cropland global warming potential estimates7
Improving the effectiveness of saturated riparian buffers for removing nitrate from subsurface drainage7
Nitrate losses across 29 Iowa watersheds: Measuring long‐term trends in the context of interannual variability7
Different binding characteristics of ciprofloxacin to iron mineral surfaces: Thermodynamic evidence and site energy distribution analysis7
Agricultural soils of the Animas River watershed after the Gold King Mine spill: An elemental spatiotemporal analysis via portable X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy7
CO2 flux in a wheat‐soybean succession in subtropical Brazil: A carbon sink7
Effects of dust deposition from diamond mining on subarctic plant communities and barren‐ground caribou forage7
Impacts of low‐disturbance dairy manure incorporation on ammonia and greenhouse gas fluxes in a corn silage–winter rye cover crop system7
Urban soils research: SUITMA 107
Impacts of a large invasive mammal on water quality in riparian ecosystems7
Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the devitalized aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica: From laboratory to field conditions7
Phosphorus mobilization from intact soil monoliths flooded under simulated summer versus spring snowmelt with intermittent freeze–thaw conditions7
Opportunities to improve nitrogen use efficiency in an intensive vegetable system without compromising yield7
Evaluating coal char as an alternative to biochar for mitigating nutrient and carbon loss from manure‐amended soils: Insights from a greenhouse experiment7
Connecting soil characteristics to edge‐of‐field water quality in Ohio7
Swine manure dilution with lagoon effluent impact on odor reduction and manure digestion7
Deficit irrigation impacts on greenhouse gas emissions under drip‐fertigated maize in the Great Plains of Colorado7
Modeling the photoinactivation and transport of somatic and F‐specific coliphages at a Great Lakes beach7
Land use change and collaborative manureshed management in New Mexico7
Mitigating nitrogen pollution with under‐sown legume–grass cover crop mixtures in winter cereals7
How many microplastic particles are present in Canadian biosolids?6
Opportunities to implement manureshed management in the Iowa, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania swine industry6
Prediction of soil solution concentrations and leaching losses of cadmium in agricultural soils6
Antibiotic resistance gene dissipation in soil microcosms amended with antibiotics and swine manure6
Investigation of ICP‐MS/MS for total sulfur quantification in freshwater dissolved organic matter6
Application of the Danish pesticide load indicator to arable agriculture in the United Kingdom6
A new method for detecting micro‐fragments of biodegradable mulch films containing poly(butylene adipate‐co‐terephthalate) (PBAT) in soil6
Mechanistic modeling indicates rapid glyphosate dissipation and sorption‐driven persistence of its metabolite AMPA in soil6
Flooding‐induced inorganic phosphorus transformations in two soils, with and without gypsum amendment6
Data inaccessibility at sub‐county scale limits implementation of manuresheds6
Comparison of adsorption behaviors of selected endocrine‐disrupting compounds in soil6
Antimicrobial resistance in integrated agroecosystems: State of the science and future opportunities6
The social networks of manureshed management6
Microbial source tracking and land use associations for antibiotic resistance genes in private wells influenced by human and livestock fecal sources6
Sediment and fecal indicator bacteria loading in a mixed land use watershed: Contributions from suspended sediment and bedload transport6
Nutrient dynamics during composting of human excreta, cattle manure, and organic waste affected by biochar6
Post‐drainage stand growth and peat mineralization impair water quality from forested peatlands6
Long‐term accumulation, depth distribution, and speciation of silver nanoparticles in biosolids‐amended soils6
Effect of water sampling strategies on the uncertainty of phosphorus load estimation in subsurface drainage discharge6
Nutrient losses over time via surface runoff and subsurface drainage from an agricultural field in northern Sweden6
Representing soil health practice effects on soil properties and nutrient loss in a watershed‐scale hydrologic model6
Formation potential and source contribution of secondary organic aerosol from volatile organic compounds6
Dissolved organic matter concentration, molecular composition, and functional groups in contrasting management practices of peatlands5
Manure methane emissions over three years at a swine farm in western Canada5
Fall cover crop nitrogen uptake drives reductions in winter‐spring leaching5
The role of plant functional traits and diversity in soil carbon dynamics within riparian agroforests5
Impact of loosening and straw addition to the subsoil on crop performance and nitrogen leaching: A lysimeter study5
Pathogen and heavy metal contamination in urban agroecosystems of northern Ghana: Influence of biochar application and wastewater irrigation5
Comparative growth characteristics and interspecific competitive interaction of two cyanobacteria, Phormidium autumnale and Nostoc sp.5
P‐FLUX: A phosphorus budget dataset spanning diverse agricultural production systems in the United States and Canada5
Fenton oxidation of biochar improves retention of cattle slurry nitrogen5
Enhanced immobilization of Cr(VI) by a Fe0–microorganisms composite system: Benchmark and pot experiments5
Catch crop planting and residue incorporation to reduce nitrogen leaching in intensive vegetable greenhouse field5
Poorly drained depressions can be hotspots of nutrient leaching from agricultural soils5
Comparison of microbial communities in replicated woodchip bioreactors5
Phosphorus sources, forms, and abundance as a function of streamflow and field conditions in a Maumee River tributary, 2016–20195
Phosphorus retention within a relic agricultural ditch in a constructed wetland5
The impact of rainfall distribution methods on streamflow throughout multiple elevations in the Rocky Mountains using the APEX model—Price River watershed, Utah5
Phosphorus release from intact soil monoliths of manure‐amended fields under simulated snowmelt flooding5
Alfalfa in rotation with annual crops reduced nitrate leaching potential5
Short‐term effects of selected organic fertilizer sources on carbon dioxide fluxes and soil quality5
Ammonia emissions and dispersion from broiler production5
Changes in nitrogen and phosphorus within a decade in waters along a major canal and estuary in South Florida5
Quantifying the effects of anaerobic soil disinfestation and other biological soil management strategies on nitrous oxide emissions from raised bed plasticulture tomato production5
Effects of rubber plantations on soil physicochemical properties on Hainan Island, China5
The interaction between types of cover crop residue and digestate application methods affects ammonia volatilization during maize cropping season5
Maintaining intensive agriculture overlying aquifers using the threshold nitrate root‐uptake phenomenon5
Potential human inhalation exposure to soil contaminants in urban gardens on brownfields sites: A breath of fresh air?5
Succession patterns of the bacterial community in poultry litter after bird removal and sodium bisulfate application4
Mycorrhizal stress alleviation in Senecio bonariensis Hook & Arn growing in urban polluted soils4
Changes in microbial communities in soil treated with organic or conventional N sources4
Testing the plastic‐wrapped composting system to dispose of swine mortalities during an animal disease outbreak4
Multidrug‐resistant Escherichia coli isolated from cleaned and disinfected poultry houses prior to day‐old chick placement4
Neonicotinoid pesticide and nitrate mixture removal and persistence in floating treatment wetlands4
Mobility of arsenic and vanadium in waterlogged calcareous soils due to addition of zeolite and manganese oxide amendments4
Estimating dissolved phosphorus losses from legacy sources in pastures: The limits of soil tests and small‐scale rainfall simulators4
Machine‐learning model to delineate sub‐surface agricultural drainage from satellite imagery4
Evaluating water quality benefits of manureshed management in the Susquehanna River Basin4
Seasonal and temporal factors leading to urea‐nitrogen accumulation in surface waters of agricultural drainage ditches4
Uncertainty in phosphorus fluxes and budgets across the US long‐term agroecosystem research network4
Effects of 3‐nitrooxypropanol manure fertilizer on soil health and hydraulic properties4
Agronomic and economic implications of cover crop and phosphorus fertilizer management practices for water quality improvement4
Prairie strips’ effect on transport of antimicrobial resistance indicators in poultry litter4
Potential areas of crop residue burning contributing to hazardous air pollution in Delhi during the post‐monsoon season4
Global distribution of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in mineral topsoils4
The seasonality of nitrate and phosphorus leaching from manure and chemical fertilizer added to a chernozemic soil in Canada4
Impact of nitrogen fertilizer timing on nitrate loss and crop production in northwest Iowa4
Greenhouse gas emissions and C costs of N release associated with cover crop decomposition are plant specific and depend on soil moisture: A microcosm study4
Split fertilizer nitrogen application with a cereal rye cover crop reduces tile nitrate loads in a corn–soybean rotation4
Streambank erosion and phosphorus loading to surface waters: Knowns, unknowns, and implications for nutrient loss reduction research and policy4
Challenges in linking soil health to edge‐of‐field water quality across the Great Lakes basin4
Applying the nutrient transfer continuum framework to phosphorus and nitrogen losses from livestock farmyards to watercourses4
Dissipation and effect of glyphosate during composting of organic wastes4
On‐farm screw press and rotary drum treatment of dairy manure‐associated antibiotic residues and resistance3
Tillage and manure effects on runoff nitrogen and phosphorus losses from frozen soils3
Variability in fluvial suspended and streambed sediment phosphorus fractions among small agricultural streams3
A short history of the phosphorus index and Andrew Sharpley's contributions from inception through development and implementation3
Influence of climate, topography, and soil type on soil extractable phosphorus in croplands of northern glacial‐derived landscapes3
Resolving new and old phosphorus source contributions to subsurface tile drainage with weighted regressions on discharge and season3
Soil properties limiting vegetation establishment along roadsides3
Characterization of nutrient runoff from perennial and annual forages following broiler litter application3
Enhancing dissolved inorganic phosphorous capture by gypsum‐incorporated biochar: Synergic performance and mechanisms3
Storm sampling to assess inclement weather impacts on water quality in a karst watershed: Sinking Creek, Watauga watershed, East Tennessee3
Field‐scale evaluation of struvite phosphorus and nitrogen leaching relative to monoammonium phosphate3
Response of three native grass species on dry tailings reclamation substrate amended with petroleum coke3
Delineation of groundwater quality locations suitable for target end‐use purposes through deep neural network models3
Stormwater drives seasonal geochemical processes beneath an infiltration basin3
River metabolic fingerprints and regimes reveal ecosystem responses to enhanced wastewater treatment3
Soil nutrients and plant uptake parameters as related to greenhouse gas emissions3
Soil organic carbon dynamics shift by incorporating wheat straw in paddy soil in China3
Variation in hydrogen sulfide emissions from a U.S. Midwest anaerobic dairy lagoon3
Soil organic matter can delay—but not eliminate—leaching of neonicotinoid insecticides3
A real‐time light‐scattering technique for tailings solids measurement3
Natural organic matter under human‐influenced environments: Implications for future environmental quality research3
The Clean Water Act and biosolids: A 45‐year chronological review of biosolids land application research in Colorado3
Effects of whole‐orchard recycling on nitrate leaching potential in almond production systems3
A critical evaluation of soil salinization, waterlogging, and agricultural productive capacity in Hohokam irrigation of the Phoenix Basin, Arizona, USA3
Modeling the sorption of Ni(II) and Zn(II) by Mn oxide–coated sand: Equilibrium and kinetic approaches3
Local variability in snow concentrations of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants as a source of large uncertainty in interpreting spatial patterns at all scales3
Biochar addition reduces non‐CO2 greenhouse gas emissions during composting of human excreta and cattle manure3
Evaluating mercury concentrations in edible plant and fungi species in the Canadian Arctic environment3
Application timing optimization of lignite‐derived humic substances for three agricultural plant species and soil fertility3
Slope stability of streambanks at saturated riparian buffer sites3
Accumulation and health implications of metals in topsoil of an urban riparian zone adjacent to different functional areas in a subtropical city3
A comparison of soil Staphylococcus aureus and fecal indicator bacteria concentrations across land uses in a Hawaiian watershed3
The effect of biogas ebullition on ammonia emissions from animal manure–processing lagoons3
Heteroaggregation of virions and microplastics reduces the number of active bacteriophages in aqueous environments3
Assessment of lime‐conditioned dairy manure fine solids captured using dissolved air flotation for fertilization in horticulture3
In situ stabilization of arsenic and lead in contaminated soil using iron‐rich water treatment residuals3
An agronomic‐economic approach to connect manure nutrients back to grain‐producing regions2
Long‐term sulfamethazine leaching simulation in two different soils using the MACRO model2
Improving crop growing conditions with water treatment residual and compost co‐amendments: Soil–water dynamics2
Kinetics of nitrous oxide mass transfer from porewater into root aerenchyma of wetland plants2
Vegetative buffer strips show limited effectiveness for reducing antibiotic transport in surface runoff2
Hydrogen sulfide emissions from a midwestern manure slurry storage basin2
Pig slurry organic matter transformation and methanogenesis at ambient storage temperatures2
Examining sources and pathways of phosphorus transfer in a ditch‐drained field2
Nitrogen dynamics and nitrogen‐to‐phosphorus stoichiometry in cold region agricultural streams2
Emissions of hydrogen sulfide from a western open‐lot dairy2
Escherichia coli runoff from sheep and dairy cow grazed pasture: A plot scale simulation2
Fate of 14C‐MSMA in a soil column study simulating herbicide use environments2
Factors affecting the placement of agricultural best management practices in the agricultural conservation planning framework (ACPF) toolbox in the mid‐Atlantic region2
X‐ray radiation monitor for measuring solids content in fluid fine tailings2
Influence of post‐application irrigation and mowing timing on fungicide fate on a United States Golf Association golf course putting green2
Effect of alfalfa on subsurface (tile) nitrogen and phosphorus loss in Ohio, USA2
Saturated buffer design flow and performance in Illinois2
The microbiology of rebuilding soils with water treatment residual co‐amendments: Risks and benefits2
The longevity of fencing out livestock as a method of decreasing contaminant concentrations in a headwater stream2
Establishing three warm‐season turfgrasses with tailored water: II. Root development, nitrate accumulation in plant tissue and soil, and relationship with leaching2
Phosphorus adsorption on iron‐coated sand under reducing conditions2
Combined impact of land cover, precipitation, and catchment area on discharge and phosphorus in the Mississippi basin's subcatchments2
Multiyear methane and nitrous oxide emissions in different irrigation management under long‐term continuous rice rotation in Arkansas2
Encouragement from the right source: Evaluating the impact of the 4R Nutrient Stewardship Certification Program in the Ohio Western Lake Erie Basin2
A review of the development and implementation of the critical source area concept: A reflection of Andrew Sharpley's role in improving water quality2
Using nutrient transport data to characterize and identify the presence of surface inlets in regions with subsurface drainage2
Nitrogen and phosphorus removal in a bioretention cell experiment receiving agricultural runoff from a dairy farm production area during third and fourth years of operation2
Decomposition of poultry litter organic matter co‐applied with industrial and agricultural products/by‐products2
Cadmium retention and microbial response in volcanic soils along gradients of soil age and climate on the Galápagos Islands2
Natural sources and controlling factors of urea–nitrogen concentrations in agricultural drainage ditches2
Evaluating novel biodegradable polymer matrix fertilizers for nitrogen‐efficient agriculture2
Nutrient and toxic elements in soils and plants across 10 urban community gardens: Comparing pXRF and ICP‐based soil measurements2
Modeling the kinetics of manure‐borne fecal indicator removal in runoff2
Diurnal variation in methane emission from a rice paddy due to ebullition2
Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis for predicted soil test phosphorus using the Annual Phosphorus Loss Estimator model2
Quantification of geogenic carbon in anthropogenic alluvial coal soils of the Susquehanna River2
Potential of biochar for hydrocarbon degradation of crude oil–contaminated soils2
Distribution of livestock sectors in Canada: Implications for manureshed management2
Copper induces nitrification by ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria and archaea in pastoral soils2
Alum reduced phosphorus release from flooded soils under cold spring weather conditions2
Factors controlling shallow subsurface dissolved reactive phosphorus concentration and loss kinetics from poorly drained saturated grassland soils2
Assessment of salt tolerance in phytodesalination candidates: Two varieties of FimbristylisF. ferruginea and F. tenuicula1
Enhancing the Soil Health–Watershed Health Nexus: Introduction1