Journal of Contemporary Asia

(The median citation count of Journal of Contemporary Asia is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Dynamics of Tactical Radicalisation and Public Receptiveness in Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement33
The Actual Gujarat Model: Authoritarianism, Capitalism, Hindu Nationalism and Populism in the Time of Modi20
The Strategic Logics of State Investment Funds in Asia: Beyond Financialisation18
Duterte’s Violent Populism: Mass Murder, Political Legitimacy and the “Death of Development” in the Philippines15
The Turkish Variety of State-Permeated Capitalism and Mutually Dependent State-Business Relations15
Bayspeak: Narrating China’s Greater Bay Area13
To Whom Does the City Belong? Obstacles to Right to the City for the Urban Poor in Bangladesh13
Revisiting the Wages of Burman-Ness: Contradictions of Privilege in Myanmar12
Higher Education in Indonesia: The Political Economy of Institution-Level Governance12
Sick Tiger: Social Conflict, State–Business Relations and Exclusive Growth in Thailand10
Pretending to be States: The Use of Facebook by Armed Groups in Myanmar10
The War of Terror in Praetorian Pakistan: The Emergence and Struggle of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement9
China’s Overseas NGO Law and the Future of International Civil Society9
Governing the Digital Economy: An Exploration of Blockchains with Chinese Characteristics8
Local Versus National Identity in Hong Kong, 1998–20178
Buddhist Nationalist Sermons in Myanmar: Anti-Muslim Moral Panic, Conspiracy Theories, and Socio-Cultural Legacies7
“The Food Delivered is More Valuable Than My Life”: Understanding the Platform Precarity of Online Food-Delivery Work in China7
State–Business Relations in Flux: Capturing the Structural Power of Business in South Korea’s Green Industrial Policy7
The Politics of COVID-19: The Political Logic of China’s Zero-COVID Policy7
COVID-19 and the Pathologies of Australia’s Regulatory State7
Brokered Rule: Militias, Drugs, and Borderland Governance in the Myanmar-China Borderlands7
Regime Changes, State-Business Ties and Remaining in the Middle-Income Trap: The Case of Malaysia6
Adaptive Authoritarian Resilience: Cambodian Strongman’s Quest for Legitimacy6
The Eyes and Ears of the Authoritarian Regime: Mass Reporting in China6
Is the Belt and Road Initiative 2.0 in the Making? The Case of Central Asia5
Indonesia’s New Developmental State: Interrogating Participatory Village Governance5
Hardening National Boundaries in a Globally-Connected World: Technology, Development and Nationalism in China5
Evolving State–Business Relations in an Age of Globalisation: An Introduction4
Environmentalisms in Twenty-First Century Thailand: Continuities, Discontinuities, and Emerging Trajectories4
The Two Faces of Gross National Happiness: Can Bhutan’s Nation-Building Strategy Also Be a Sustainable Alternative Development Paradigm?4
Capitalist Accumulation, Contradictions and Crisis in China, 1995–20154
Contentious Repertoires: Examining Lennon Walls in Hong Kong’s Social Unrest of 20194
The Age of Political Disincorporation: Geo-Capitalist Conflict and the Politics of Authoritarian Statism4
Hongkongers’ International Front: Diaspora Activism During and After the 2019 Anti-Extradition Protest4
A Regal Authoritarian Turn in Cambodia4
Restoring the State Back to Food Regime Theory: China’s Agribusiness and the Global Soybean Commodity Chain4
Japanese Agriculture and Capital Expansion: The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Global Food Value Chain Strategy3
China’s Staff and Worker Representative Congress System and the Management of Teachers’ Performance Pay3
Formalising and Informalising Labour in Vietnam3
Pension Systems and Labour Resistance in Post-socialist China and Vietnam: A Welfare Regime Analysis3
After Personalism: Rethinking Power Transfers in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan3
Is Indonesian Police Violence Excessive? The Dynamics of Police Shootings, 2005–20143
Classical Theory of Imperialism and Contemporary Capitalism3
Royal Succession and the Politics of Religious Purification in Contemporary Thailand3
From Partnership to Rivalry: China and the USA in the Early Twenty-First Century3
Vietnamese Patterns of Corruption and Accumulation: Research Puzzles3
The (New) Projectment Economy as a Higher Stage of Development of the Chinese Market Socialist Economy3
The Vernacularisation of Human Rights Discourse in Myanmar: Rejection, Hybridisation and Strategic Avoidance3
Transnational Labour Regimes and Neo-Liberal Development in Cambodia3
East Asian Varieties of Capitalism and Socio-Economic Inequality: South Korea and Hong Kong Compared3
Insights From The 2022 South Korean Presidential Election: Polarisation, Fractured Politics, Inequality, and Constraints on Power3
Strange Bedfellows or Trusted Comrades? Digital Solidarity Building among Myanmar’s Revolutionaries2
Capital Accumulation in the “Lucky Country”: Australia from the “Sheep’s Back” to the “Quarry Economy.” Part I: The Colonial Period2
Political Resistance in the Marketplace: Consumer Activism in the Milk Tea Alliance2
Multiple Careers: Towards a Post-Work Way of Life2
Beggar Bosses on the Streets of Dhaka2
Soldier Defection as a Revolutionary Strategy in Myanmar2
The Politics of De-Privatisation: Philippine Higher Education in Transition2
Buddhist Majoritarian Nationalism in Thailand: Ideological Contestation, Narratives, and Activism2
Catching-up and Pulling Ahead: The Role of China’s Revolutions in its Quest to Escape Dependency and Achieve National Independence2
A Noble Protagonist of the Proletariat and the Peasantry: A Tribute to Bruce McFarlane2
Institutions, Chain Governance and the Predicament of Local Upgrading: A Case Study of Hangzhou’s Mobile Game Industry2
Environmental Advocacy in a Globalising China: Non-Governmental Organisation Engagement with the Green Belt and Road Initiative2
Death from Overwork in a Time of Pandemic: How Delivery Work Became a Locus of Public Debate in South Korea2
Exporting the Will to Compete in Korea’s Global Saemaul Undong2
Domestic Actors and the Limits of Chinese Infrastructure Power: Evidence from Pakistan2
The State in a Capitalist Society: Protests and State Reactions in Vietnam and Indonesia2
Capital Accumulation in the “Lucky Country”: Australia from the “Sheep’s Back” to the “Quarry Economy.” Part II: The Commonwealth Period2
Forest Conservation and Sustainability in Indonesia: A Political Economy Study of International Governance Failure.1
The Fulfilment of Election Pledges in India1
Maoism and Grassroots Religion: The Communist Revolution and the Reinvention of Religious Life in China1
A Case of Rampaging Elephants: The Politics of the Middle Classes in Small-Town Pakistan1
Litigating Equal Pay for Equal Work in Japan, 2012–20201
Provoking Civilian Disruption against Popular Protests: The Myanmar Military’s Counter-Mobilisation Strategies1
Peter Limqueco (1939–2022)1
The Politics of Knowledge and Social Cash Transfers: The Constitutive Effects of an Anti-Poverty Regime in Indonesia1
Reflections on Conducting Fieldwork under Digital Surveillance: Investigating Labour Politics in China’s Tech Industry1
What is Wrong with the Historiography on Colonialism in Malaya? Penang at the Periphery1
Labour Recruitment Systems in Global Production Networks: The Ruralisation of Labour Regimes in South India’s Garment and Textile Industries1
Thai Youth Liberation as a Politico-Economic Force: A Critique of Hierarchical Capitalism and the Authoritarian State1
Modi’s India: The Rise of Ethnic Democracy1
Skills and Training in Hierarchical Capitalism: The Rise and Fall of Vocational Training in South Korea1
Democratisation and Social Conflict in Timor-Leste: A Not So Great Transformation1
Between Theory and Praxis: Ho Chi Minh’s Parisian Networks, Intellectual Production and Evolving Thought1
The North Korea Problem: Perspectives on the Nuclear Debate, Economic Reforms and Beyond1
Is China Socialist? Theorising the Political Economy of China1
The Forging of Legitimate Authority in the Ceasefire Mixed-control Karen Areas of Myanmar1
The Social Origins of Capital: Trajectories of Accumulation at the Rural–Urban Interface in Pakistani Punjab1
Active Defense: China’s Military Strategy Since 19491
Perfect Pretext: Populist Authoritarian Seizure of Pandemic Emergency Powers in India and the Philippines1
A Prize for the Village Ruling Class: “Village Funds” and Class Dynamics in Rural Indonesia1
Double Poverty: Class, Employment Type, Gender and Time Poor Precarious Workers in the South Korean Service Economy1
Bruce McFarlane (1936–2022)1
Beijing’s Changing Hong Kong Policy: The Rise and Fall of Pragmatism1
Rescuing Marx from a Ship of Fools1
“A Road With No End”: Making the South Pacific a Permanent Labour Reserve1
Labour and Electoral Politics in Cambodia1
Populism in Taiwan: Rethinking the Neo-liberalism–Populism Nexus1
A Stage in Rio De Janeiro? Ho Chi Minh’s Maritime Journeying and Latin America Networks1
Preventing Communal Violence in Myanmar: Power and Legitimacy in Local Conflict Prevention1
Reclaiming the Future: Waiting, Resistance, and Expectations in Myanmar’s Post-Coup University Boycotts1
Weapon of Resistance or Tool of Control? Chinese Labour Law in a Post-Strike Era1
Capital Taxation in Japan and South Korea (1990s–2010s):Similar Outcomes, Different Trajectories1
Closed Loop, Open Borders: Wealth Inequality and Uneven and Combined Development In India1
International Aid Partnerships Amidst Myanmar’s Revolution: Solidarity or Self-Preservation and Compliance?1
Thailand’s 2020–2021 Pro-Democracy Protests: Diversity, Conflict, and Solidarity1
Politics Through Precarity: Tech Workers’ Unions in India During the Covid-19 Pandemic1
Exploring Biographical Ties among Party and State Leaders in China: A Social Network Analysis1
The “Peculiarities” Of Modernisation In Korea: Revisiting The Debate On “Colonial Modernisation” Vs. “Colonial Plunder”0
Highways to the End of the World. Roads, Roadmen and Power in South Asia Highways to the End of the World: Roads, Roadmen and Power in South Asia 0
The Parcelled State: A Political and Historical Framework for the Current Intra-State Crisis in Turkey0
East–West Reflections on Demonization: North Korea Now, China Next?0
Chinese NGOs “Going Out”: Depoliticisation and Diplomatisation0
The Journal of Contemporary Asia Prize 20220
Agents of Disorder: Inside China’s Cultural Revolution0
“Living With” Revolution: The Everyday Experiences of Myanmar’s Generation Z Revolutionaries0
Redesigning, Subverting, Rolling Back: How East Asia’s Conservatives Rebuilt Legitimacy0
Buried Histories: The Anticommunist Massacres of 1965–1966 in Indonesia.0
Democracy and Nationalism in Southeast Asia: From Secessionist Mobilization to Conflict Resolution0
Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism . By Kohei Saito. Cambridge: Cambridge 0
Beyond Federalism? Inclusion, Citizenship, and Minorities Without Territory in Myanmar’s Spring Revolution0
Memories of Tiananmen: Politics and Processes of Collective Remembering in Hong Kong, 1989–20190
The United States, Southeast Asia, and Historical Memory0
Coed Revolution: The Female Student in the Japanese New Left0
The Capital Order. How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism. The Capital Order. How Economists Invented Austerity and Paved the Way to Fascism . By0
High Modernism and Populism in Post-War Japan: Tanaka Kakuei’s Plan for Remodelling the Japanese Archipelago0
Civil Society and the State in Democratic East Asia: Between Entanglement and Contention in Post High Growth.0
Vegetarianism, Meat and Modernity in India. Vegetarianism, Meat and Modernity in India. By Johan Fischer. London: Routledge, 2023.0
Politics from Below Essays on Subalternity and Resistance in India Politics from Below Essays on Subalternity and Resistance in India . By Alf Gunvald Nilsen. Abingdon: 0
China’s Outward Investment under “Hierarchical Steering” and “Grassroots Internationalisation”0
Fishers, Monks and Cadres: Navigating State, Religion and the South China Sea in Central Vietnam0
Localized Bargaining: The Political Economy of China’s High-Speed Railway Program0
Love and Death of King Ananda Mahidol of Thailand0
Precarious Asia: Global Capitalism and Work in Japan, South Korea, and Indonesia0
Labor and Politics in Indonesia0
In the Name of the Nation: India and its Northeast.0
Making the China Data Valley – The National Integrated Big Data Centre System and Local Governance0
The Journal of Contemporary Asia Prize 20230
Unsettled Frontiers: Market Formation in the Cambodia-Vietnam Borderlands0
Painting Myanmar’s Transition0
Protests in Macao Under Chinese Sovereignty: Against the State or for the State?0
Projectland: Life in a Lao Socialist Model Village0
The Road to Electoral Authoritarianism: Tracing Three Phases of State-Society Contention in Post-Colonial Hong Kong, 2003–20200
The Origins of Collaborative Governance in South Korea: An Analysis of the First Ten Years after Democratisation0
On His Majesty’s Service: Why is the Thai Foreign Ministry Royalist?0
Chinese Urbanism: Critical Perspectives0
Redeveloping China’s Villages in the Twenty-First Century: The Dilemmas of Policy ImplementationRedeveloping China’s Villages in the Twenty-First Century: The Dilemmas of Policy Implementation. By Lio0
Citizenship in a Caste Polity: Religion, Identity and Belonging in Goa.0
Zombie Apocalypse and the Crisis of Global Capitalism: Class, Precarious Work, and Environment0
The Prison and the Revolution in Myanmar: Exploring Prison Protests During a Revolutionary Situation0
Marx’s Literary Style Marx’s Literary Style . By Ludovico Silva. London: Verso, 2023.0
Drums of War, Drums of Development. The Formation of a Pacific Ruling Class and Industrial Transformation in East and Southeast Asia, 1945–19800
Ruling Party or Ruling Class? Reading Thomas Heberer and Gunter Schubert Weapons of the Rich: Strategic Action of Private Entrepreneurs in Contemporary China0
Gujarat Under Modi: Laboratory of Today’s IndiaGujarat Under Modi: Laboratory of Today’s India. By Christophe Jaffrelot. London: Hurst & Company, 2024.0
Still the “Opium of the Masses”? Religion and Labour Struggles in Indonesia0
Environmental Movements and Politics of the Asian Anthropocene.0
Searching for New Political Spaces: Negotiating Citizenship and Transnational Identities on Mongolia’s Mining Frontier0
The Japanese Economy0
Revolution and Recognition in Post-War Asia: Restoring Missing Links in the Establishment of Indonesia–People’s Republic of China Relations, 1949–19500
Shifting Dynamics of Contention in the Digital Age: Mobile Communication and Politics in China.0
The Political Economy of Minimum Wage Policies in South Korea and Taiwan: Decision-Making under Strong versus Weak Partisanship0
States, Civilisations and the Reset of World Order.0
“Technocratic Socialism”: The Political Thought of Lee Kuan Yew and Devan Nair (1954–1976)0
The Struggle for Hegemony in Pakistan: Fear, Desire and Revolutionary Horizons0
Lost Opportunity: Local Councils and Grassroots Democracy Reforms after the Anti-Extradition Movement in Hong Kong0
The Cost of Belonging. An Ethnography on Solidarity and Mobility in Beijing’s Koreatown0
Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World. Our Lives in Their Portfolios: Why Asset Managers Own the World. By Brett Christophers. London: Verso, 20
The Cultural Political Economy of Knowledge in Neo-Liberal Indonesia0
Ethnic Domination under Liberal Democracy in Sri Lanka0
“This Bra Protects me Better than the Military”: Bodies and Protests in the Myanmar Spring Revolution0
Indo-Burma Frontier and the Making of the Chin Hills: Empire and Resistance0
A Soldier King. Monarchy and Military in the Thailand of Rama X.0
Uneasy Military Encounters: The Imperial Politics of Counterinsurgency in Southern Thailand.0
Contentious Acts in Controlled Spaces: A Protest Event Analysis of Singaporean Demonstrations0
Entrepreneurial Women in a Saturated Marketplace: How Gendered Power Shapes Experiences of Debt in Rural Cambodia0
Intimation of Revolution: Global Sixties and the Making of Bangladesh Intimation of Revolution: Global Sixties and the Making of Bangladesh . Subho Basu. Cambridge: Camb0
Journal of Contemporary Asia Prize 20210
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Thailand0
Ideological Contestation and Gender Policy Reforms in Post- Reformasi Indonesia0
L’Asie du Sud-Est 2022: bilan, enjeux et perspectives [Southeast Asia 2022: assessment, challenges and perspectives]. L’Asie du Sud-Est 2022: bilan, enjeux et perspectives [South0
Kraisak Choonhavan (1947–2020)0
Pacific Islands Guestworkers in Australia. The New Blackbirds? Pacific Islands Guestworkers in Australia. The New Blackbirds? B0
Revolution or Order? Buddhist Responses to the 2021 Military Coup in Myanmar0
The Right to be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi The Right to be Counted: The Urban Poor and the Politics of Resettlement in Delhi . San0
The Question of Socialism in China: An Introduction0
Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy . By Quin0
The Journal of Contemporary Asia Prize 20240
Gender Politics and the Pursuit of Competitiveness in Malaysia. Women on Board0
Rights Refused. Grassroots Activism and State Violence in Myanmar Rights Refused. Grassroots Activism and State Violence in Myanmar . Elliott Prasse-Freeman. Stanford: S0
Climate Breakdown in Pakistan: (Post) Colonial Capitalism on the Global Periphery0
Is There an Indian Precariat? Evidence from the Auto Manufacturing Industry0
The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections: The Crisis of Hegemony and Changing Global Orders The China-led Belt and Road Initiative and its Reflections: The Crisis of H0
Disaster, Societal Responses, and State Legitimacy in Crisis in Vietnam0
Handbook on China and Globalization0
Compressed Development: Time and Timing in Economic Development0
Threats or Opportunities? Chinese “Proto-Elite” Perceptions of their Regional Neighbours0
Using Labour to Characterise Forms of Agriculture: A Thai Family Rubber Farming Case Study0
Coup, King, Crisis: A Critical Interregnum in Thailand0
Nehru: The Debates that Defined India0
Epidemic Politics in Contemporary Vietnam: Public Health and the State Epidemic Politics in Contemporary Vietnam: Public Health and the State . Martha Lincoln. London: B0
Probing Arts and Emergent Forms of Life Probing Arts and Emergent Forms of Life . By Michael M.J. Fischer. Durham: Duke University Press, 2023.0
Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea0
Future Forward: The Rise and Fall of a Thai Political Party0
Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition . Yi-Lin Chiang. Princeton: Pri0
Twin Movement: State, Market and the Non-Elite Middle Class in Post-Reform India0
Gambling on Development: Why Some Countries Win and Others Lose0
Traffic, Money, and Political Consent: Explaining the Growth of Commercial Cyber-Nationalism in China0
Infiltrating Society. The Thai Military’s Internal Security Affairs0
Political Impotence of the Neo-Liberal Ideologues: The Continuing Primacy of Customary Land Tenure in Papua New Guinea0
Amnesia. A History of Democratic Idealism in Modern Thailand Amnesia. A History of Democratic Idealism in Modern Thailand . By Arjun Subrahmanyan. Albany: State U0
Brewing the Global Shift: Variegated Capitalism, Firm Strategies, and the Restructuring of the Southeast Asian Beer Industry0
The Ethics of Staying: Social Movements and Land Rights Politics in Pakistan0
Simultaneous Identities: Language, Education, and the Nepali Nation0
The Politics of Hindutva: Indian Democracy at the Crossroads0
The New Experts: Populism, Technocracy and Politics of Expertise in Contemporary India0
Help (Not) Wanted: Immigration Politics in Japan0
From the “Lost Decades” to the Organic Crisis of Post-1990s Japan0
The Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Politics and Uneven Development under Hyperglobalisation0
Cultivating Democracy: Politics and Citizenship in Agrarian India0
North Korea and the Geopolitics of Development0
Local State Autonomy and Economic Transformation: A Comparative Study of Two Chinese Cities0
Dissident Labour Activism in Vietnam0