Freshwater Biology

(The H4-Index of Freshwater Biology is 20. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Cyanobacterial blooms in oligotrophic lakes: Shifting the high‐nutrient paradigm89
Meta‐analyses of environmental DNA downstream transport and deposition in relation to hydrogeography in riverine environments43
Riparian forests can mitigate warming and ecological degradation of agricultural headwater streams42
Dispersal of aquatic and terrestrial organisms by waterbirds: A review of current knowledge and future priorities42
Microplastic evacuation in fish is particle size‐dependent41
Drying in newly intermittent rivers leads to higher variability of invertebrate communities35
The role of internal feedbacks in shifting deep lake mixing regimes under a warming climate30
Cave amphipods reveal co‐variation between morphology and trophic niche in a low‐productivity environment28
Temporal changes in the relative abundance of anadromous Arctic charr, brown trout, and Atlantic salmon in northern Europe: Do they reflect changing climates?26
Record‐setting algal bloom in polymictic Lake Balaton (Hungary): A synergistic impact of climate change and (mis)management26
Anthropogenic litter is a novel habitat for aquatic macroinvertebrates in urban rivers24
Quantifying the ecological impacts of alien aquatic macrophytes: A global meta‐analysis of effects on fish, macroinvertebrate and macrophyte assemblages24
Spatial distribution of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) across seasonal thermal cycles in a large lake24
Spatial and temporal variation in Arctic freshwater chemistry—Reflecting climate‐induced landscape alterations and a changing template for biodiversity22
Tackling inconsistencies among freshwater invertebrate trait databases: harmonising across continents and aggregating taxonomic resolution22
Investigating the effects of anthropogenic stressors on lake biota using sedimentary DNA22
Habitats and seasons differentiate the assembly of bacterial communities along a trophic gradient of freshwater lakes21
Temperature and spatial connectivity drive patterns in freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity across the Arctic21
Shallow lakes at risk: Nutrient enrichment enhances top‐down control of macrophytes by invasive herbivorous snails21
Zooplankton β diversity dynamics and metacommunity structure depend on spatial and temporal scales in a Neotropical floodplain21
First circumpolar assessment of Arctic freshwater phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity: Spatial patterns and environmental factors20
Non‐native freshwater snails: a global synthesis of invasion status, mechanisms of introduction, and interactions with natural enemies20
Going with the flow: Spatio‐temporal drift patterns of larval fish in a large alpine river20