European Journal of Social Psychology

(The H4-Index of European Journal of Social Psychology is 15. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Empirically derived guidelines for effect size interpretation in social psychology230
A power‐challenging theory of society, or a conservative mindset? Upward and downward conspiracy theories as ideologically distinct beliefs54
A social cure in the community: A mixed‐method exploration of the role of social identity in the experiences and well‐being of community volunteers52
To what extent are conspiracy theorists concerned for self versus others? A COVID‐19 test case46
Comprehensive stereotype content dictionaries using a semi‐automated method36
Advancing research into the social psychology of sexual orientations and gender identities: Current research and future directions33
Social creativity: Reviving a social identity approach to social stability27
Are COVID‐19 conspiracies a threat to public health? Psychological characteristics and health protective behaviours of believers26
When is it wrong to eat animals? The relevance of different animal traits and behaviours24
Bisexual erasure: Perceived attraction patterns of bisexual women and men24
Polarization in attitudes towards refugees and migrants in the Netherlands23
The role of comparative victim beliefs in predicting support for hostile versus prosocial intergroup outcomes23
Multinational data show that conspiracy beliefs are associated with the perception (and reality) of poor national economic performance19
Women who challenge or defend the status quo: Ingroup identities as predictors of progressive and reactionary collective action16
The relationship of environmental concern with public and private pro‐environmental behaviours: A pre‐registered meta‐analysis16
Disentangling the intergroup sensitivity effect: Defending the ingroup or enforcing general norms?15
Why do women support socio‐economic systems that favour men more? A registered test of system justification‐ and social identity‐inspired hope explanations15