Computers & Structures

(The TQCC of Computers & Structures is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An analysis of embedded weak discontinuity approaches for the finite element modelling of heterogeneous materials80
Multiphysics Modeling of Chloride-Induced Corrosion Damage in Concrete Structures67
Higher-order models for the passive damping analysis of variable-angle-tow composite plates61
A boundary point interpolation method for acoustic problems with particular emphasis on the calculation of Cauchy principal value integrals53
Efficient distributed approach for density-based topology optimization using coarsening and h-refinement52
Multiobjective design optimization of CFRP isogrid tubes using sunflower optimization based on metamodel49
A simplified non-linear modelling strategy to generate fragility curves for old masonry buildings47
A data mining method for structure design with uncertainty in design variables47
From solid to disconnected state and back: Continuum modelling of granular flows using material point method42
Inverse differential quadrature method for structural analysis of composite plates41
Efficient neural network-aided seismic life-cycle cost optimization of steel moment frames41
An investigation into Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Subset simulation: Emphasizing uncertainty analysis41
Geometrically exact beam theory for gradient-based optimization38
Learning structural stress virtual sensors from on-board instrumentation of a commercial aircraft37
Buckling of stretched strips - reconsidered and extended37
Mass matrices for elastic continua with micro-inertia37
Comparison of three novel hybrid metaheuristic algorithms for structural optimization problems33
Analytical approach for the design and optimal allocation of shape memory alloy dampers in three-dimensional nonlinear structures32
An efficient modeling methodology of monorail train and large-scale bridge interaction based on moving element technology32
Data-driven computing for nonlinear problems of composite structures based on sub-domain search technique32
An efficient model for 3D analysis of steel frames exposed to fire32
A linearity-preserving finite volume scheme with a diamond stencil for the simulation of anisotropic and highly heterogeneous diffusion problems using tetrahedral meshes32
Editorial Board30
Towards improving the computational efficiency of the phase field model30
Development of seismic demand prediction models for bridges based on probability approach using symbolic regression method29
Selection of element-wise shell kinematics using neural networks29
The explicit β1/β2-Bathe time integration method28
A consistent dynamic stiffness matrix for flutter analysis of bridge decks28
Towards improving the 2D-MITC4 element for analysis of plane stress and strain problems27
Bayesian optimization-assisted approximate Bayesian computation and its application to identifying cyclic constitutive law of structural steels27
A worst-case approach to topology optimization for maximum stiffness under uncertain boundary displacement26
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Quadrilateral scaled boundary spectral shell elements with assumed natural strains26
Design and fabrication of artificial brain coral: Evolution principle, turbulent hydrodynamics and matter interchange26
A simple model for the twisting of I beams including web distortion – Application to members supported along a single flange25
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Uncertainty in calibration of hypoplastic model for clay attributed to limited number of laboratory tests23
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Multifidelity methods for uncertainty quantification of a nonlocal model for phase changes in materials22
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The higher-order analysis of response for linear structure under non-Gaussian stochastic excitations with known statistical moments and power spectral density22
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Lamination-based efficient treatment of weak discontinuities for non-conforming finite element meshes21
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High-order finite volume method for linear elasticity on unstructured meshes21
Thermal diffusion in discontinuous media: A hybrid peridynamics-based machine learning model20
A coupled smeared crack-plasticity model in incremental sequentially linear analysis for mixed failure modes20
A multi-scale model-order reduction strategy for vibration analysis of coupled structures with local inhomogeneities19
Optimal design of steel exoskeleton for the retrofitting of RC buildings via genetic algorithm19
Deep-SVDD-based Real-time Early Warning for Cable Structure19
Novel machine learning approach for shape-finding design of tree-like structures19
A method to rapidly build complex three-dimensional models of rock-filled concrete19
Modeling of the quasi-periodic galloping response type under combined harmonic and random excitation19
An integrated section model to enable simulating composite slabs in fire simply as modelling a flat slab19
A clustering-based partially stratified sampling for high-dimensional structural reliability assessment18
Additional overlapping finite elements – The pyramid and prism elements18
Mechanics of structure genome applied in the homogenization of masonry reinforced by FRP repointing technique18
Numerical investigation on the behaviour of Post-Tensioned Mechanically Stabilised Earth Walls (PT-MSEW)18
An improved partial differential equation filter scheme for topology optimization of additively manufactured coated structure18
Nonlinear buckling instabilities of interspersed railway tracks18
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Three-dimensional topology optimization considering overhang constraints with B-spline parameterization17
A reanalysis-based multi-fidelity (RBMF) surrogate framework for efficient structural optimization17
Neural network-aided prediction of post-cracking tensile strength of fibre-reinforced concrete17
Reliability analysis with correlated random variables based on a novel transformation, adaptive dimension-reduction and maximum entropy method17
Bayesian updating using accelerated Hamiltonian Monte Carlo with gradient-enhanced Kriging model17
Comparison of structural parameterization methods for the multidisciplinary optimization of active morphing wing sections17
Contact management in knitted metal mesh through an adaptive node placing17
Multi-objective optimum design of truss structures using differential evolution algorithms17
Parametrized multi-objective seismic optimization for precast concrete frame with a novel post-tensioned energy dissipation beam-column joint17
Dynamics of piezoelectric structures with geometric nonlinearities: A non-intrusive reduced order modelling strategy17
Ensemble technique to predict post-earthquake damage of buildings integrating tree-based models and tabular neural networks17
Delamination identification in sandwich composite structures using machine learning techniques17
Hydromechanical tensile strength modelling at particle size level for non cohesive granular materials16
Crack detection in Mindlin-Reissner plates under dynamic loads based on fusion of data and models16
Failure analysis of anisotropic materials using computational homogenised limit analysis16
A modified Lemke Algorithm for dynamic rigid plastic response of skeletal structures16
Model updating of dynamic systems with strong nonlinearities using multivalued global correlation analysis16
Applications of bond-based cohesive peridynamics method (CPDM) to simulate inelastic fracture of stiffened plates in ship hull structures16
Topology optimization of periodic beam lattices using Cosserat elasticity15
A sequential simulation strategy for response bounds analysis of structures with interval uncertainties15
Multiscale design of coated structures with periodic uniform infill for vibration suppression15
High-efficient complex eigen-solution algorithms for transcendental dynamic stiffness formulations of plate built-up structures with frequency-dependent viscoelastic models15
Machine learning-based prediction of residual drift and seismic risk assessment of steel moment-resisting frames considering soil-structure interaction15
On modeling the in vivo ventricular passive mechanical behavior from in vitro experimental properties in porcine hearts15
Deep learning-based reconstruction of missing long-term girder-end displacement data for suspension bridge health monitoring15
Analyzing material softening and strain localisation through embedded strong discontinuity approach within velocity-based beam formulation15
Frequency-dependent mass, elastic and geometric stiffness matrices of an axially loaded Timoshenko-Ehrenfest beam with applications15
Condition assessment of a concrete filled steel tube arch bridge using in-situ vibration measurements and an Improved Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm15
Topology optimization of lattice structures for target band gaps with optimum volume fraction via Bloch-Floquet theory15
Learning mechanically driven emergent behavior with message passing neural networks15
A coupled implicit MPM-FEM approach for brittle fracture and fragmentation14
A Dynamic Partitioning Method to solve the vehicle-bridge interaction problem14
Bell-shaped proportional viscous damping models with adjustable frequency bandwidth14
Optimal seismic design of multiple-rocking steel concentrically-braced frames in 3D irregular buildings14
Surrogate-based acceleration of quasi-Newton techniques for fluid-structure interaction simulations14
Data-driven prediction of critical flutter velocity of long-span suspension bridges using a probabilistic machine learning approach14
On efficient seismic fragility assessment using sequential Bayesian inference and truncation scheme: A case study of shear wall structure14
A two-step framework for stochastic dynamic analysis of uncertain vehicle-bridge system subjected to random track irregularity14
A unified material interpolation for topology optimization of multi-materials14
Corrigendum to “Asymptotically accurate and locking-free finite element implementation of first order shear deformation theory for plates” [Comput. Struct. 298 (2024) 107387]13
Topology optimization for infinite fatigue life of cyclic symmetric structures subjected to non-proportional loading13
An improved dog-leg method for form-finding of tensegrity structures13
Hysteresis modeling of timber-based structural systems using a combined data and model-driven approach13
A simultaneous shape and topology optimization approach of shell structures based on isogeometric analysis and density distribution field13
Fragment prediction of reinforced concrete wall under close-in explosion using Fragment Graph Network (FGN)13
A novel strategy for generating mesoscale asphalt concrete model with controllable aggregate morphology and packing structure13
An accurate method for dispersion characteristics of surface waves in layered anisotropic semi-infinite spaces13
An efficient method for estimating building dynamic response due to train operations in tunnel considering transmission path from source to receiver13
An implicit gradient-enhanced microplane damage material model in the coupled implicit MPM-FEM12
Bridge roughness scanned by Dual-Wheeled 3D test vehicle and processed by augmented Kalman filter: Theory and application12
A GPU-Accelerated automated multilevel substructuring method for modal analysis of structures12
Adaptive isogeometric topology optimization of shell structures based on PHT-splines12
A parallel geometric contact algorithm for thin shell finite elements in explicit time integration12
A novel modular origami strategy: Achieving adjustable Poisson’s ratio and tunable distinctive mechanical properties for versatile applications12
Multi-population competition genetic algorithm for assessing long-span cable-supported bridge girder’s maximum deflections and rotation angles under live loads: A direct optimization task solution12
P2PE: A finite element formulation for panel-to-panel cross-laminated timber connections11
Non-uniform discretization bond-based peridynamics with constant horizon and a novel volume correction for the cracking behaviors11
Bending behavior of strain hardening cementitious composites based on the combined fiber-interface constitutive model11
An analytical approach to the sensitivity analysis of semi-recursive ODE formulations for multibody dynamics11
Extended formulation of macro-element based modelling – Application to single-lap bonded joints11
Efficient approaches for modeling and simulating the mechanical behavior of concrete using lattice discrete particle models11
Predicting shear failure in reinforced concrete members using a three-dimensional peridynamic framework11
A massless boundary component mode synthesis method for elastodynamic contact problems11
Topology optimization of truss structures under failure probability using the Bernstein approximation11
A novel surrogate-based crack identification method for cantilever beam based on the change of natural frequencies11
Optimizing compressive load capacity for differing tensegrity geometries11
Three-dimensional meso-scale modeling of asphalt concrete11
A framework to automate the design of digitally-fabricated timber plate structures11
Computational modelling of historic masonry railroad arch bridges11
The microlayer model: A novel analytical homogenisation scheme for materials with rigid particles and deformable matrix - applied to simulate concrete11
Shape function-based multi-objective optimizations of seismic design of buildings with elastoplastic and self-centering components11
A wavelet-based denoising method for pipeline dent assessments11
Investigating the bending and buckling behaviors of composite porous beams reinforced with carbon nanotubes and graphene platelets using a TRPIM path following mesh-free approach11
Passive infrared thermography for subsurface delamination detection in concrete infrastructure: Inference on minimum requirements11
An integrated-hull design assisted by artificial intelligence-aided design method11
A multi-scale attention neural network for sensor location selection and nonlinear structural seismic response prediction11
An efficient localized Trefftz-based collocation scheme for heat conduction analysis in two kinds of heterogeneous materials under temperature loading11
Probabilistic neural networks that predict compressive strength of high strength concrete in mass placements using thermal history10
Automatic calibration of a discrete element model of a masonry arch by swarm intelligence methods10
A damage-informed neural network framework for structural damage identification10
An efficient strategy to implement local porosity constraints in the multiscale design of solids with parameterized biomimetic microstructures10
Worst-case compliance for independently constrained uncertain loads10
Nonlinear model order reduction of resonant piezoelectric micro-actuators: An invariant manifold approach10
bROM: An extension of beam theory through model order reduction9
Genetic algorithm using probabilistic-based natural selections and dynamic mutation ranges in optimizing precast beams9
Zooming method for FEA using a neural network9
A novel framework for set-based steel connection design automation9
A finite element for nonlinear three-dimensional Kirchhoff rods9
A discontinuous Galerkin method based isogeometric analysis framework for flexoelectricity in micro-architected dielectric solids9
Quantitative assessment of the effect of in-situ stresses on blast-induced damage to rock9
An immersed edge-based smoothed finite element method with the stabilized pressure gradient projection for fluid–structure interaction9
Scalable mesh partitioning for multibody-3D finite element based rotary-wing structures9
Dual reciprocity boundary element method: Methodology and applications in structural engineering9
Analytical solution of forced vibration of rectangular plates with part through surface crack based on wave propagation method9
A displacement-based finite element formulation for solving elastic wave problems in coupled fluid-solid media on a GPU9
Coupling physics-informed neural networks and constitutive relation error concept to solve a parameter identification problem9
Adaptive enriched geometry independent field approximation for 2D time-harmonic acoustics9
On distribution-based global sensitivity analysis by polynomial chaos expansion9
Time integration scheme for nonlinear structural dynamics, FAM, including structural vibration control9
Wheel-rail dynamic interaction induced by tread spalling integrating with pre-fatigue damage of materials9
StructGNN: An efficient graph neural network framework for static structural analysis9
Development of quadratic enhanced assumed strain elements for three-dimensional linear elasticity8
Editorial Board8
Application of wavelet transforms to the simulation of corrosion fields on buried pipelines8
Real-time prediction of key monitoring physical parameters for early warning of fire-induced building collapse8
Substitution approach for decoupled two-scale analysis of materially nonlinear composite plates8
Monolithic and partitioned approaches to determine static deformation of membrane structures due to ponding8
Editorial Board8
An approach for the concurrent homogenization-based microstructure type and topology optimization problem8
Optimization of under-deck cable-stayed concrete bridges8
A method for finding distinct solutions of geometrically nonlinear structures8
Efficient approximate and exact reanalysis methods for 0–1 topology modification8
Topology optimization of compliant mechanisms including links, supports and material distribution8
Development of deep learning-based joint elements for thin-walled beam structures8
A single–region Finite Volume framework for modeling discontinuous magnetic field distributions8
Topology optimization for reducing stress shielding in cancellous bone scaffold8
A likelihood-free approach towards Bayesian modeling of degradation growths using mixed-effects regression8
Strongly coupled partitioned iterative method for the structure–piezoelectric–circuit interaction using hierarchical decomposition8
Programmatic model updating of damaged structures using modified SERR method8
Numerical analysis of large masonry structures: bridging meso and macro scales via artificial neural networks8
A conic programming approach to the wrinkling of pneumatic membranes using convex potentials8
A numerical method to determine the displacement spectrum of micro-plates in viscous fluids8
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High-order cell-centered finite volume method for solid dynamics on unstructured meshes8
Modeling and characterization of viscoelastic origami structures using a temperature variation-based model8
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Vector-based damage-driven computational homogenization with localized gradient enhanced boundary conditions for multi-scale modelling of quasi-brittle materials8
Coupled axial-flexural buckling of shear deformable columns using an exact stiffness matrix8
Geometric deep learning for statics-aware grid shells8