Canadian Journal of Forest Research

(The H4-Index of Canadian Journal of Forest Research is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Fifty years of wildland fire science in Canada50
Evolution, history, and use of stem taper equations: a review of their development, application, and implementation41
National mapping and estimation of forest area by dominant tree species using Sentinel-2 data40
From comprehensive field inventories to remotely sensed wall-to-wall stand attribute data — a brief history of management inventories in the Nordic countries37
Pan-European sustainable forest management indicators for assessing Climate-Smart Forestry in Europe36
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)-based canopy height modeling under leaf-on and leaf-off conditions for determining tree height and crown diameter (case study: Hyrcanian mixed forest)35
Building on the last “new” thing: exploring the compatibility of ecological and adaptation silviculture34
Natural recovery of skid trails: a review34
Tree establishment and growth drive treeline advance and change treeline form on Pikes Peak (Colorado) in response to recent anthropogenic warming34
A new generation of sensors and monitoring tools to support climate-smart forestry practices31
The development and implementation of a human-caused wildland fire occurrence prediction system for the province of Ontario, Canada29
Trends in wildfire burn severity across Canada, 1985 to 201527
Trends in studies of edge influence on vegetation at human-created and natural forest edges across time and space27
Exposure of the Canadian wildland–human interface and population to wildland fire, under current and future climate conditions26
Citizen views on wood as a construction material: results from seven European countries25
Mixedwood silviculture in North America: the science and art of managing for complex, multi-species temperate forests23
Mitigating post-fire regeneration failure in boreal landscapes with reforestation and variable retention harvesting: At what cost?22
Post-fire early successional vegetation buffers surface microclimate and increases survival of planted conifer seedlings in the southwestern United States22
Spatial optimization of ground-based primary extraction routes using the BestWay decision support system22
Profitability of continuous-cover forestry in Norway spruce dominated peatland forest and the role of water table22
Considering regeneration failure in the context of changing climate and disturbance regimes in western North America22
Reinforcement learning in optimizing forest management21